Apes unit 2

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Based on the graph above, which of the following years postdisturbance had the greatest species richness?


Smaller-beaked finches are better suited for eating grasses and small seeds. Larger-beaked finches are better suited for cracking larger seeds and nuts. In 1977 a drought took place and the vegetation of the island was affected by the lack of rain. Which of the following was the number of finches in the population with a beak size of 10.2 mm in 1978?


Based on the graph above, which of the following years postdisturbance did sweetgum experience the greatest biomass?


Smaller-beaked finches are better suited for eating grasses and small seeds. Larger-beaked finches are better suited for cracking larger seeds and nuts. In 1977 a drought took place and the vegetation of the island was affected by the lack of rain. Which of the following was the average beak size of finches on the island of Daphne Major in 1976?


Soil organisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, impact the rate of succession in ecosystems. Mycorrhizal fungi have a mutualistic relationship with various species of plants and increase the plant growth and survival. Sand dunes often lack mycorrhizal fungi, and a researcher wanted to determine the effect of adding mycorrhizal species to sand on disturbed beaches on grass growth. The researcher set up various mycorrhizal communities at disturbed beaches in different locations on the east coast of the United States. Identify the dependent variable in the study.

the growth of grass

What is a good example of an organism with high levels of biodiversity.

A population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors.

The ability to smell is critical for salmon. They depend on scent to avoid predators, sniff out prey, and find their way home at the end of their lives .... Research from the University of Washington and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Fisheries' Northwest Fisheries Science Center shows this ... sense of smell might be in trouble as carbon emissions continue to be absorbed by our ocean. ... The research team set up tanks of salt water with three different pH levels: today's current average Puget Sound pH, the predicted average 50 years from now, and the predicted average 100 years in the future. They exposed juvenile coho salmon to these three different pH levels for two weeks. After two weeks, the team ran a series of ... tests to see whether the fishes' sense of smell was affected. Fish were placed in a holding tank and exposed to the smell of salmon-skin extract, which indicates a predator attack and usually prompts the fish to hide or swim away. Fish that were in water with current CO2 levels responded normally to the offending odor, but the fish from tanks with higher CO2 levels didn't seem to mind or detect the smell. ... While this study looked specifically at how an

Acidic water affects the salmon's ability to sense danger from attacking predators by their sense of smell.

Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph?

After the volcanic eruption, pioneer species colonized the area and the ecosystem began to undergo succession.

Which of the following is an example of an ecosystem that provides ecosystem services including protection from hurricane storm surges?

An intact coastal wetland

Which of the following explanations is best supported by the data shown in the map above?

Animals migrate seasonally to mate and to find food in different habitats.

Dead gharials began washing up on the banks of India's Chambal River in December 2007. By mid-January, the dead reptiles—some the length of two tall men, lined up end to end—numbered in the dozens. By March, more than 110 of the skinny-snouted creatures had been found dead, most along a 30-kilometer (18-mile) stretch of river. Among the largest crocodilians in the world, gharials have long, heavy bodies and relatively small heads with bulging eyes and skinny snouts. Although their rows of pointy teeth look menacing, they are specialized for catching and holding onto fish, and pose little danger to people. The relatively healthy breeding population on the Chambal is precisely why the massive 2008 die-off here caused such alarm. The Chambal contains nearly 80 percent of all the gharials left on Earth. It is the only population large enough to be stable. Speculation ensued among researchers and government officials about what caused the die-off. Early theories focused on widespread pollution. Based on a variety of clues, however, [researchers suspect] illegal or accidental dumping of the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac that was once commonly used on livestock but was banned

Anthropogenic disruptions to Earth's resources can have sudden and severe negative consequences to the health of native species, specifically those whose populations are already threatened.

An island off the coast of Africa contains a larger percentage of specialist species than generalist species. Which of the following describes the most immediate effect if an invasive generalist species is introduced to the island?

As competition for resources increases, the population size of the island's specialist species will decrease.

Which of the following best describes the trends in atmospheric CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature over the past 800,000 years?

Atmospheric CO2 concentration and Antarctic temperature are directly correlated over the past 800,000 years.

Which statement is best supported by the data in the graph?

Finches with larger beaks were more likely to survive in 1980 because they were able to feed primarily on seeds and nuts during the drought.

In the 1970s, the amount of industrial pollution decreased and the trees began to return to their preindustrial appearance. Which of the following graphs best demonstrates the change in the frequencies of light-colored moths and dark-colored moths in the population from 1950 to 2000? The dark-colored moths are represented with a solid line and the light-colored moths are represented with a dashed line.

Black moths decrease white moths increase

Based on the information above, which ecosystem most likely experienced a recent population bottleneck?

Ecosystem A, because its low genetic diversity could have resulted from an event that reduced the variation in the gene pool.

Based on the information above, which ecosystem would most likely recover the fastest from a natural disruption?

Ecosystem B

how environmental stressors, such as wildfires, can affect biodiversity in an ecosystem?

Ecosystems with more species diversity are more likely to recover after a disturbance than ecosystems with low species diversity.

Explain one adaptation that helps grasses succeed in grasslands, rather than forests.

Grasses have unique physical structures/anatomy to survive fires.

Based on the information above, which of the following best describes Ecosystem C?

Its low habitat diversity indicates that Ecosystem C most likely has a low number of specialist species and few species that utilize large territories.

Pioneer species are important in ecological succession.

Lichen, fungi, moss

In a rapidly changing climate, the decline of animal populations is a very real concern. An international team of researchers reported new evidence of reef fish adjusting to global warming conditions at the genetic level. [R]esearchers . . . have found that reef fish can inherit from their parents the genetic tools to adjust to ocean warming. "When parents are exposed to an increase in water temperature, we found that their offspring improved their performance in these otherwise stressful conditions by selectively modifying their epigenome." Epigenetic change refers to chemical modifications in the DNA that signals genes to be switched on or off. A range of factors, including disease, famine, or in the case of this research, heat stress, can stimulate these subtle changes. In this study, when both parent and offspring experienced the same elevated water temperatures, responsive changes . . . were observed that enhanced the next generation's ability to cope with the new, warmer temperatures. "We reared spiny chromis damselfish . . . for two generations under three different water temperatures, up to 3 degrees Celsius warmer than current-day ocean temperatures. The next generation appeared

Observed adjustments in the ecological tolerance of a species of reef fish is a result of epigenetic changes.

Based on the data shown in the graph, when would the species richness of the ecosystem have been the lowest?

One to four years after the volcanic eruption

Which of the following ecosystem services are categorized as regulating?

Pollination, decomposition, and water purification

Based on the data shown in the graph, which of the following events occurred after the glacial retreat?

Primary Succession

Based on the data shown in the graph, which of the following best describes how ecologists could determine when this ecosystem is approaching a climax community?

Record the number and type of producers present every year after the eruption

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following islands would most likely have the highest number of species living on it?

The closest and largest.

Which of the following economic consequences to a provisioning ecosystem service will most likely result from increased global warming?

The collapse of local fisheries, because of the damage to coral reefs from ocean acidification

Which of the following best describes the pattern in the atmospheric CO2 concentration data over the past 200,000 years?

The concentration of CO2 fluctuated between 150ppm and 250ppm until recently, when the concentration rose exponentially.

Which of the following statements correctly describes the trends seen in the data?

The lowest sea level occurred during the Paleogene period.

The image shows two different islands and the relative distance to the nearest mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following best predicts the effect of the introduction of an invasive species on Easter Island compared to Madagascar? (Easter island is further away from mainland than Madagascar)

The native species on Madagascar are more likely to survive because the island is larger and provides a greater diversity of habitats and resources.

Based on the data in the graph, which of the following best describes the change in the population of moths as a result of industrialization?

The percentage of dark colored moths increased in the population and the percentage of light-colored moths decreased in the population.

Soil organisms, such as mycorrhizal fungi, impact the rate of succession in ecosystems. Mycorrhizal fungi have a mutualistic relationship with various species of plants and increase the plant growth and survival. Sand dunes often lack mycorrhizal fungi, and a researcher wanted to determine the effect of adding mycorrhizal species to sand on disturbed beaches on grass growth. The researcher set up various mycorrhizal communities at disturbed beaches in different locations on the east coast of the United States. Identify the independent variable in the study.

The presence or absence of mycorrhizal fungi

Which of the following best describes the change in Antarctic temperature from about 440,000 years ago to about 340,000 years ago?

The temperature increases by about 12°C and then decreases by about 12°⁢C.

Smaller-beaked finches are better suited for eating grasses and small seeds. Larger-beaked finches are better suited for cracking larger seeds and nuts. In 1977 a drought took place and the vegetation of the island was affected by the lack of rain. Which of the following statements best explains the changes in the size and composition of the population of finches after the drought?

The total number of finches in the population decreased, and the larger-beaked finches were more successful in the drier environment.

Based on the graph above, which of the following tree species would be the predominant species found during the intermediate stage of succession?

Tulip poplar

Identify the oldest stage of succession shown in the figure above.


Describe the role of pioneer species in early succession.

increases the biodiversity of the area

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