APES - Unit 3

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Which of the following examples illustrates the community with the highest biodiversity? From top to bottom, communities A-D Give an example in number of species and individuals


Which of the following identifies the two factors thought to be the most harmful to biodiversity? Acid deposition and increased use of fertilizers for agriculture Depletion of the ozone layer and oil drilling Destruction of habitat and invasion by nonnative species Changes in climate and proliferation of endemic species Global warming and decline in fisheries

Destruction of habitat and invasion by nonnative species

Which of the following can be used to assess the biological diversity of an area? * Genetic variation within each species and number of species present Minimum population area and minimum viable population size Ratio of r-strategists to K-strategists and life expectancy of K-strategists Number of individuals under fifteen years old and number of individuals over sixty-five years old Population size of each species and area occupied by each population

Genetic variation within each species and number of species present

Which of the following is true of communities near the equator? There is greater species evenness because of the decreased available ecological niches Stable climate favors generalists who thrive in those conditions Greater solar energy and humidity allow for greater GPP for high species richness Diverse habitats cause greater species richness but decreased evenness

Greater solar energy and humidity allow for greater GPP for high species richness

The graph above shows how seed production in a plant species varied with population density in an unfragmented habitat (site A) and in a fragmented habitat (site B). Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the data? * (Diagram) There is no relationship between seed production and habitat fragmentation. Seed production is higher in dense populations. Seed production is lower in dense populations. Habitat fragmentation has more effect on seed production than does population density. Pollinators are either less abundant or less effective in small populations.

Habitat fragmentation has more effect on seed production than does population density.

Which of the following is most likely to be the direct result of lack of genetic diversity in a food crop such as corn? * Decreased kernel size Decreased potential yield Decreased dependence on chemical fertilizers Increased susceptibility on plant disease Increased resistance to pests

Increased susceptibility on plant disease

The data in the graph reflect threats identified in species recovery plans. Based on the data in the graph, altering human activity in which of the following areas will most benefit plant species? * Habitat loss and degradation Introduction of invasive species Pollution Climate and natural disasters

Introduction of invasive species

Five islands, A, B, C, D, and E, differ only in distance from the mainland, area, and species diversity. Which island would be predicted to have the highest species diversity? * Island A: 50 km from the mainland, with an area of 100 hectares Island B: 50 km from the mainland, with an area of 1,000,000 hectares Island C: 500 km from the mainland, with an area of 100 hectares Island D: 1,000 km from the mainland, with an area of 100 hectares Island E: 1,000 km from the mainland, with an area of 1,000,000 hectares

Island B: 50 km from the mainland, with an area of 1,000,000 hectares

Which of the following bans the transport of illegally captured animals across state lines? * Endangered Species Act Lacey Act UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Wilderness Act none of the above

Lacey Act

Describe one ecosystem service provided by communities like the ones shown above. * -- forests

One ecosystem service provided by communites like the ones shown above would be air purificaiton. Because the communities have many trees the trees help to take in carbon heavy gas and in turn produce and release oxygen into the atmosphere; helping to purify the air.

Which of the following best describes a disadvantage of creating a series of protected habitats in an effort to maintain biodiversity in an area? * Threatened or endangered animal populations can grow in size until the populations cannot be supported by the habitat. Populations within the protected habitats become too genetically diverse, leading to speciation. Climate change can lead to habitat loss because of changes in temperature and precipitation in an area. Protected habitats often separate species inside the habitat from other populations of the same species living outside the habitat.

Protected habitats often separate species inside the habitat from other populations of the same species living outside the habitat.

The Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event was caused when an asteroid impacted Earth approximately 66 million years ago, near what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The indirect effects of the impact affected the entire globe. The event resulted in the extinction of nearly 75 percent of all plant and animal species on Earth, including the majority of dinosaur species. Which of the following likely best describes why most of these species went extinct? * Direct effects from the impact Loss of competitors Increase in genetic diversity in most species Rapid climate and habitat change

Rapid climate and habitat change

Which of the following would be categorized as a cultural ecosystem service of forests? * Recreation and scenic areas for tourism Timber and landscape materials Mushroom and plant harvests Soil stabilization and air purification

Recreation and scenic areas for tourism

Which of the following would be the most likely explanation for the changes shown in Scenario 3? * (Diagram) Native species were replanted in the areas, which led to fewer niches. Roads and electric power lines subdivided the landscape into smaller pieces and decreased the amount of available habitat. The increased edge-to-interior ratio resulted in habitat fragmentation and the formation of smaller, more manageable parcels of land. Habitat corridors were built to allow individuals between populations to mate, which helped to prevent inbreeding and reduce the genetic diversity often found in isolated populations.

Roads and electric power lines subdivided the landscape into smaller pieces and decreased the amount of available habitat.

Silver carp were introduced in the southeastern United States in the 1970s from their native habitat of China to control algal blooms that were occurring at aquaculture facilities and sewage lagoons. Silver carp escaped from captivity shortly after their introduction and are currently found as far north as North Dakota and Minnesota. Which of the following describes an unintended, negative consequence of the introduction of silver carp into the United States? * Silver carp decreased the amount of algae and aquatic vegetation in ponds and lagoons in the southern United States. Silver carp populations in the United States are likely to become endangered as a result of limited prey resources in the new environment. Silver carp became a keystone species and created more biodiversity in lakes and rivers in the southeastern United States. Silver carp became an invasive species in the United States because their numbers were not being controlled by natural predators.

Silver carp became an invasive species in the United States because their numbers were not being controlled by natural predators.

For which of the following reasons do small isolated islands have a greater rate of species extinction than larger, less isolated islands? * Small isolated islands are more likely to receive more migrating species. Small isolated islands provide opportunities for a greater diversity of species. Because of their size, small isolated islands accumulate more species by chance. Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources. Because they have fewer available niches, small isolated islands are targeted and colonized by species.

Small isolated islands have a lower availability of resources.

Which of the following would most likely have the greatest positive impact on the quality of the natural environment worldwide? * Discovery of new reserves of fossil fuel in coastal areas Increased agricultural production on marginal desert lands Increased life expectancy in more developed nations Increased reliance on food from ocean ecosystems Stabilization or reduction of the size of the human population

Stabilization or reduction of the size of the human population

The spotted lanternfly is a herbivorous insect that is native to Asia and feeds on over 70 species of plants. The feeding behavior of the spotted lanternfly damages plants, and the nymph and adult lanternflies secrete sticky residues that exacerbate the damage to native plant species by promoting mold growth. The spotted lanternfly reproduces once during its lifetime by laying between 30 and 50 eggs, and the eggs hatch after a short amount of time. The range of the spotted lanternfly is increasing because the insects are transported to new environments by the movements of animals and people, and it is now found in many parts of the United States. Which of the following best describes the spotted lanternfly in the United States? * The spotted lanternfly is a K -selected and invasive species. The spotted lanternfly is a K -selected and endangered species. The spotted lanternfly is an r -selected and invasive species. The spotted lanternfly is an r -selected and endangered species.

The spotted lanternfly is an r -selected and invasive species.

Which of the following is a measure of the biodiversity of an ecosystem? * The total number of individuals of a single animal species The density of individuals in a hectare The total number of different plant species The soil depth at which burrowing insects are located

The total number of different plant species

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following is the most likely reason that an island in the ocean that is 5 kilometers from a continent would have a higher number of species than one that is 15 kilometers from a continent? * There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 kilometers than can travel 15 kilometers. Islands that are closer to continents always have a wider range of habitats than more distant islands do. There are smaller populations of each species on islands that are at greater distances from continents. Islands that are closer to continents always have more ecological niches than more distant islands do.

There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 kilometers than can travel 15 kilometers.

Brown marmorated stink bugs are native to China and Japan. They were identified in Pennsylvania for the first time in 1998 and have since spread across North America, feeding on agricultural crops.Which of the following characteristics of the brown marmorated stink bug has led to them being an invasive species in North America? * They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions. They reach maturity slowly. They are often eaten by native wasps and birds. They have only a few surviving offspring each year.

They are tolerant of a wide range of environmental conditions.

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true EXCEPT: * They may compete with native species for food. They may prey on native species. They are generally introduced by human activity. They may be plant or animal species. They tend to have low reproductive rates.

They tend to have low reproductive rates.

A large forested area is fragmented into small forest tracts separated by agricultural areas. This change will most likely lead to * a decrease in the gene flow within species of the original forest a decrease in the amount of edge habitat a more stable regional climate an improvement in the dispersal mechanisms of forest species an increase in the population of top carnivores

a decrease in the gene flow within species of the original forest

Characteristics that tend to increase the risk of a species becoming endangered include which of the following? * Having a very limited distribution Being a specialist at the end of a long food chain Having a small population size Being a specialist and having a small population size. All of the above

all of the above

Some conservation organizations raise money to pay countries not to sell resources that could be exploited by other nations. This is an example of * debt-for-nature swap conservation concession community-based conservation ecotourism

conservation concession

Which of the following is not an advantage of wildlife corridors? * increases access to mates which can decrease expression of lethal recessive alleles increases access to food and resources increases genetic diversity by widening the gene pool decreases inbreeding depression by preventing gene flow

depression by preventing gene flow

The consumption of mosquitoes by bats and the control of flooding provided by tropical forests in mountainous areas of Central America are examples of * adaptive radiation ecosystem services evolution by natural selection ecological equilibrium positive feedback loops

ecosystem services

Monitoring population sizes can prevent ______, which is a _____ feedback loop. * minimum viable populations; negative inbreeding depression; negative extinction vortex; positive genetic diversity; positive

extinction vortex; positive

The data in the graph reflect threats identified in species recovery plans.Local legislation was passed to protect animal species prone to extinction. The legislation included criminalizing poaching, setting limits on number of fish people can catch, and protecting habitats. Which of the following threats shown in the graph will most likely decrease the most as a result of the legislation? * (Diagram) Habitat loss and degradation Pollution Overharvesting Climate and natural disasters


Small populations of animals, such as those typically found on islands, are prone to extinction because * they contain a high degree of genetic variability they tend to have more predators their habitats are more stable they are more vulnerable to unpredictable events they are usually generalist species

they are more vulnerable to unpredictable events

Approximately how many more mammal species become extinct in the period 1901-2000 than became extinct in the period 1801-1900? * (Diagram) 30 50 60 90 140


A one-hectare pond is sampled in early September. The sample yields 1 small catfish as well as 17 benthic invertebrates that represent 10 species.If the pond is resampled a year later, which of the following would best indicate that the pond had been adversely affected by adjacent development? * An uncommon species has become more numerous. An increase in low-tolerance species has occurred. A decrease in high-tolerance species has occurred. Phylogenetic diversity has increased. A decrease in species richness.

A decrease in species richness.

Which of the following statements about levels of biodiversity is correct? * Genetic biodiversity is a measure of the total number of genes in a community. A narrow distribution of habitats leads to an increase in species diversity. Global hotspots are areas where species diversity is thriving due to habitat restoration. A population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors.

A population with high genetic biodiversity is better able to respond to environmental stressors.

Highly specialized species tend to evolve on islands because of the environmental conditions and resource availability. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following would most likely experience the greatest decline of specialist species if an invasive species emigrated from the mainland? * A small island a far distance from the mainland A small island in close proximity to the mainland A large island a far distance from the mainland A large island in close proximity to the mainland

A small island a far distance from the mainland

Which of the following correctly identifies the type of habitat change(s) shown within each potential scenario in the diagram? (Diagram) Scenario 1 experienced habitat fragmentation, while Scenarios 2 and 3 experienced habitat loss only. Scenarios 1 and 2 experienced habitat loss, while Scenarios 3 experienced habitat fragmentation only. All scenarios experienced habitat loss, but only Scenario 3 experienced habitat fragmentation. All scenarios experienced habitat fragmentation, but only Scenario 2 experienced habitat loss.

All scenarios experienced habitat loss, but only Scenario 3 experienced habitat fragmentation.

Many organisms, such as honeybees and livestock, have been domesticated for economic reasons. Which of the following best describes an unintended consequence of this practice? * As humans tamed wild organisms to amplify desired traits, genetic diversity decreased in the organisms' populations. Domestication increases the ability of wild organisms to breed in captivity and produce offspring with desired traits. As plants became domesticated, humans began to settle in one region because they did not have to hunt animals and gather plants for food. Animals that are unpredictable in nature and highly dangerous to humans are tamed only in rare instances.

As humans tamed wild organisms to amplify desired traits, genetic diversity decreased in the organisms' populations.

In a pond ecosystem, a researcher pulls out the following organisms: B-B-B-A-A-C-C-A-A-A-A-A. Calculate the sequential comparison index (SCI). * 0.25 0.33 0.4 0.5 0.67


n general, which of the following is the best long-term method of preventing extinctions? * Breeding endangered species in captivity Protecting the habitats of endangered species Paying people not to kill endangered species Providing food to endangered species in the wild Removing predators from areas that contain endangered species

Protecting the habitats of endangered species

A 163 square-kilometer ( km2 ) small island is found 2,000km from the mainland. A second, larger, 230,000km2 island is found 1,000km from the mainland. Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following statements is most likely true about the small island when compared with the large island? * The rate of immigration is lower for the small island than for the large island. The small island has niches that are more like the mainland than the large island. The small island has more available resources than the large island. The rate of species extinction is lower on the small island than on the large island.

The rate of immigration is lower for the small island than for the large island.

Which of the following best describes an advantage of constructing habitat corridors? Corridors connect habitats separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations. Corridors prevent invasive species from traveling between protected habitats. Corridors provide a safe passage for vehicles and allow humans to travel within wildlife preserves. Corridors increase the amount of protected area that is not affected by humans.

Corridors connect habitats separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations.

The CITES treaty has been helpful in protecting endangered animals and plants by * listing all species that can be hunted, traded, and used commercially listing those species and products whose international trade is controlled funding projects for breeding endangered plants and animals preventing the hunting of whales and dolphins specifying prices for certain plant and animal products

listing those species and products whose international trade is controlled

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