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As the babyboom generation is aging, what problems are surfacing? (select all that apply)

-The younger generation will not be able to produce enough to sustain the babyboomers in retirement. -Social Security will not be able to fund all of their retirements.

There are many arguments in support of the devleopment of wind farms as a source of energy, but htere are also many arguments against it. Which of the following is a common argument against the delveopment of wind farms?

Wind can be inconsistent, varying daily, seasonally, and in different locations

Which of the following statements best describes a secondary forest?

a woodland area that has regrown after a major disturbance such as a fire

This is an important precursor to acid rain.

sulfur dioxide

Express this number in scientific notation: 305,000


The country with a population about three times that of the United States is


Which of the following countries has the largest ecological footprint?

The United States of America

Why do industralized countries have lower infant mortality rates than developing nations? (select all that apply)

-Industralized nations educate their populations about ways to prevent disease. -Developing countries have trouble immunizing infants. -Industralized societies have better access to medicine and doctors.

Which of the following human activities affect the atmospheric phase of the sulfur cycle? (select all that apply)

-Using smelting to convert sulfur compounds of metallic minerals into free metals such as copper, lead, and zinc. -Burning sulfur-containing coal and oil to produce electric power. -Refining sulfur-containing petroleum to make gasoline, heating oil, and other useful products.

Which of the following are valid examples of run-off in the hydrologic cycle? (select all that apply)

-Water infiltrates into the soil after a downpour. -Snow melts and runs off of a mountain top.

Which of the following are negative results of deforestation?

-global warming -decrease in biodiversity -increased erosion -flooding

Atmospheric oxygen (select all that apply)

-is a product of photosynthesis. -is used in respiration.

he number of species on the planet at any time is a result of the interaction between what two processes?

-speciation -extinction

How long will it take the population of Fremont Center to double to 400,000?

20 years

If a population is growing at a rate of 5% annually, approximately how long will it take that population to double?

14 years

During what time period did the annual growth rate of the population of the world reach its peak of 2%?


Solve the following. Be sure to express your answer in scientific notation.(4.2x10^-2)(2.4x10^3)/(4.500x10^8)


Express this number in scientific notation: 0.49100


The current world pupulation is closest to which of the following numbers?

5 billion

Solve the following. Be sure to express your answer in scientific notation.(7.0 x 10-5) + (5.0 x 10-3)


If the population of a region is growing at a rate of 1% annually, approximately how long will it take that population to double?

70 years

Which of the following most accurately represents the composition of our atmosphere?

78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen

Express this number in decimal notation: 8.32 x 10^5


In 2011, the population growth rate of the world is the highest in which area?


Which continent has the highest rates of undernourished population?


Which of the following is most likely to result from destruction of wetlantds surrounding a river?

An increased frequency of flooding of the river valley

Which continent was the most densely populated in 2009?


Refer to the lettered points of the curves plotted on this graph. The curves show two possible patterns of change in population size over time for a certain species of small mammal in an ecosystem. Which letter represents the population growing at a decreasing rate?


In this process, materials that are not biodegradable are passed from one organism to another in the foodchain. The concentration of the material increases.


This element is essential to life and can be found in DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.


How does the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the net increase in atmospheric carbon?

Carbon that has been sequestered underground is added to the carbon cycling between the atmosphere and the biosphere.

Name one way countries have introduced population policies that reduce population growth.

China had the one child policy in place, which to this day still shows its effects.

List two factors that affect population sustainability.

Disease and the availability of natural resources both affect population sustainability. If there is disease the population may not be able to sustain as well as if there is no natural resources available then the population cannot maintain itself.

This diagram illustrates how the number of individuals in a population changed with time as a result of external stresses and resource limitations. Which lettered portion of the curve most likely corresponds to the carry capacity of the ecosystem?


Which of the following is a process that indirectlyremoves carbon from Earth's atmosphere?

Formation of carbonate deposits

Which of the following describes the direction of the flow of energy in a food chain?

From prey to predator

Read the article posted on the New York Times. Then compose an abstract using the Abstract Rubric that has been attached. Melting Greenland Weighs Perils Against Potential Article as a PDF can be found HERE.

Greenland is in great peril due to the yearly global warming, as it has driven away its crustacean population. Greenland, a country which relies on fishing, is facing large suicide rates as the people are losing their jobs in the fishing industry. However, mining could be Greenland's salvation as Greenland has been speculated to be sitting on very precious ores. This change could result in economic success for Greenland and a spread of its culture, given its isolation, but this change may be hard for the community to face Keywords: 1) Greenland2) loss of biodiversity3) global warming4) melting ice caps5)suicide rates6) fishing7) narsaq8) ore9) Mining10) Denmark

Which of the following examples would NOT be considered an adaptive trait?

High water requirements of plants in the desert.

Describe ONE way in which humans have disrupted the natural cycling of carbon.

Humans have dug up fossil fuels which were underground and did not originally add to the carbon cycle, but once they burn these fuels it adds to the atmospheric carbon through combustion. This process is unnatural and because it was undergoround, it adds more carbon to the cycle than can be cycled thorugh naturally.

Which of the following is true about dead material that does not decay? I. It does not decay because it exists in an anaerobic or highly acidic environment. II. It may accumulate to form fossil fuels. III. It contributes to landfills.

I and II only.

Elements that cycle in the environment and that also have a gaseous phase at some point in their cycle include which of the following? I. Sulfur II. Phosphorus III. Carbon

I and III only

The rate of population growth starts to slow down at which point?

The beginning of phase III

Environmental awareness has had what effect on the production of recovered sulfur around the world?

Incorrect answer: It has probably led to more efforts towards burning less fossil fuels which contain sulfur and opting for more sustainable energy sources. It could also have possibly lead to new form of smelting that dont use sulfur compounds. It has also had an effect on the refining of petroleum which is used for heating, gas and a plethora of other products.

Which of the following is most likely the primary cause of high death rates in phase I?

Infant and childhood mortality

Which of the following is an example of the ecosystem approach to maintaining biodiversity?

Map an ecosystem and develop an inventory of the species and the role they play in the ecosystem.

China's one-child policy has been successful in reducing population growth but has had negative consequences as well. All of the following are potential problems with the declining population due to this policy EXCEPT

More people entering the military

Road construction, logging, and mining are banned in which of the following federal lands?

National wilderness preservation areas

Which of the following is true about the roles of both parasites and predators in ecosystems?

Parasites and predators elimate the weak and sick, leaving the strongest to reproduce.

Which region of the United States was the least densely populated in 2009?

North central United States

Global fossil fuel use has shifted in recent decades. Which statement accurately reflects this shift?

Oil has overtaken coal as the most widely used fossil fuel.

Fragmenting one large park or preserve into many small parks with human habitation in between them is most likely to lead to which of the following?

Reduction in species diversity

Scientists are trying to predict population growth in a fictional country called Peopliria. List two issues that affect population growth that the scientists should consider in their study.

Scientists should consider the infant mortality in the country. This is because if there is a high infant mortality it will mean a high birth rate but also high death rates so the population rates would be low. Availability of birth control would also effect population growth because if there is birth control readily available then the populatio growth will start to stabalize.

Which of the following would most likely have the greatest positive impact on the quality of the natural environment worldwide?

Stabilization of reduction of the size of the human population.

Which of the following statements is true about the carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle can operate without the help of decomposers.

Which of the following is most likely to occur in a forested region that has been recently clear-cut?

The concentration of nitrates in streams running through the region will increase.

How does the current rate of extinction compare to the backgroud extinction rate?

The current extinction rate is signficantly higher than the background extinction rate.

Which of the following is true?

The higher the species richness, the more the sustainability.

Which of the following is a true statement about the total fertility of a society?

The total fertility of a society decreases as the society progresses through the demographic transition.

Biodiversity is a vital part of the natural captial that sustains all life.


Ecosystems usually overlap one another to varying degrees.


Define keystone species, and discuss the wolf as a keystone species.

Waiting for grade A keystone species is a species which is crucial in an ecosytem's survival and would collapse without the presence of the species. Wolves are a keystone species becaue they help to serve as a predator. For example, if rabbits were on of the wolves preys, but there were no wolves in the ecosystem, it could result in an overpopulation of rabbits which would effectively exhaust the ecosystem of all of the plants which the rabbit eats (because they would reproduce quickly without the presence of wolves). Therefore the wolves serve to control the populations of its preys and ensure that the environment is not depleted of its resources.

Explain the similarities and the changes in vegetation observed with increasing elevation and increasing latitude.

Waiting for grade As you increase in elevation and in latitude, the temperature begins to drop. Mountaintops and northern latitudes tend to have colder temperatures than their opposites. However, the difference between the two is that vegetation is more likley to be observed in higher elevations than it is in higher latitudes. Mountains tops are more likely to have plants such as trees, ferns and shrubs, whereas if you were to go to the North pole you would be less likely to find any type of vegetation there.

What is the most abundant greenhouse gas in the atmosphere?

Water vapor

Which of the following contributes nitrogen directly to atmospheric nitrogen? (select all that apply)

denitrifying bacteria

The American whopping crane and the California condor are tow of North America's largest birds. Although both are rare and endangered, they are protected, and large preserves are available for them. The two species, however, seem to be responding differently to these conservation efforts. In 1937, the whooping crane population was reduced to 14 individuals. It has since recovered; currently more than 200 birds live and beed in the wild. In the preservation of endangered species, the whooping crane is a success story. On the other hand, the California condor population declined so that no birds remained in the wild between 1987 and 1992. Condors were reintroduced in the wild after 1992 and approximately 50 condors currently live in the wild in California and Arizona. However, the recovery program cannot yet be considered a success. Clearly mark your responses to each question below. (a). identify and describe TWO major causes for the original decline of these species. (You may describe one cause for each species or two caused for one species). (b) Describe TWO measures that have been taken to protect these species. (Specify which of the species benefited from each measure.) (c). Describe TWO important characteristics of an endangered species that would cause it to be slow to recovery. (d). Make one economic or ecological argument for protecting the condor, the whopping crane, or another endangered species that you identify and make one economic or ecological argument against protecting it.

a) The American whopping crane experienced an original decline due to hunting. The California condor faces its original decline due to habitat loss that resulted from the urbanization that occurs in California. b) The Endangered Species Act has been passed in order to help protect all endangered animals from the possibility of extinction. Public education on endangered species has also become more readily available to the public so that these species can be protected. Both of these species have benefitted from these efforts made, but the American whopping crane has had more success than the California condor due to the state of California (as well as the fact that California is susceptible to fires and this has caused a lot of habitat loss so to this day it is something which they face). c) Having very specific and strict dietrary or feeding requirements would make for a difficulty in recovery. If the species had a complicated breeding process, it could also cause issues in recovery because it is crucial for a species to recover to be able to reproduce a lot and quickly. d) The American whooping crane should be protected because every species has some contribution to its ecosytem. It could possibily be a ketstone species and therefore the elimination of it could collapse the ecosytem. However, economically, the goods harvested from the American whooping crane are very beneficial to the economy and have a high value.

The cultural carrying capacity of the Earth

depends on the standard of living one wishes to maintain.

Species evolve by developing ___ that give them a great likelihood of survival and therefore reproduction.


If a population of grass dwelling grasshoppers become more and more green over successive generations the population is said to be __________.


Which of the following serves as the most common reason for deforestation?


Which group of vertbrates comprises the highest number of endangered species?


The ozone layer is

an important filter of UV radiation.

All of the following are ways in which humans are contributing to extirpation and extinction of organsisms EXCEPT through:

creating wildlife refuges

Biomass is a renewable fuel and burns cleaner than fossil fuels, but one of the downsides of using biomass is the

creation of a monoculture on cropland that could be used for food production

The land on a 100-acre farm is equally suited for grazing cattle and grwoing corn. Of the following ways of distributing land use, which would produce the greatest number of calories for human consuption?


In a human population undergoing the demographic transition, which of the following generally decreases first?

death rate

The main global contributing factors to greenhouse-gas emissions are

electricity production and transportation

Which of the following is NOT a reason why conservation is important?

genetically modified crops

Which of the following is the major cause for diminishing wildlife?

habitat destruction

Which of the following is most likely to be the direct result of lack of genetic diversity in a food crop such as corn?

increased susceptibility to plant disease

Species that play a pivotal role in the habitat are known as

keystone species

Which of the following summarizes the current trends of global population?

low birth rates, low mortality, and long life expectancy

Biological evolution by natural selection is when genes____, individuals ________, and populations _______.

mutate, are selected; evolve

In _______________both species benefit from the interaction.


Which of the following pollutants is NOT an example of bioaccumulation?ich of the following pollutants is NOT an example of bioaccumulation?


The basic ingredients of plant fertilizer are

nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

If a species is endemic to an area, it is:

only found in one location on the planet

Although the use of DDT was banned in the United States in 1972, a test of the body tissue of an average US resident today would most likely reveal the presence of DDT because

other countries that export produce to the United States still use DDT.

Which of the following is NOT considered a source for biofuel?


Two major processes involved in the carbon cycle are

photosynthesis and respiration

The major biological source of dissolved oxygen in the ocean comes from

photosynthesis by phytoplankton

Coevolution is often observed between ___ and ___

predators, prey

Which of the following is not an example of a cause for the decline of amphibians?

prolonged rainy periods

Which type of molecule contains nitrogen?


Evolution occurs in part because ___________ exerts a strong influence over which individuals have offspring.

the environment

Invasive species are able to survive and thrive in new environments because of all of the following EXCEPT:

the increased risk of predation

An ecological niche includes all of the following except:

the place where the species lives

Transpiration is

the release of water vapor from plants into the atmosphere.

What is the main source of energy for Earth's organisms?

the sun

A certain fictional country called Industria is tracking its population data. In 1855, the first year vital statistics were reported for the country, the population was 1.6 million, with a crude birth rate of 43 per 1,000. In 1875 the population began to grow very rapidly as the birth rate remained at its 1855 level, while the crude death rate dropped dramatically to 20 per 1,000. Population growth continued to increase in the small country into the late 1800s, even though birth rates began to decline slowly. In 1895 the crude birth rate had dropped to 37, and the death rate to 12 per 1,000. In that year (1895) a complete census revealed that the population of Industria had grown to 2.5 million. By 1950 population growth gradually began to decline as the death rate remained at its 1895 level, while the birth rate continued to decline to 22 per 1,000. In 1977 vital statistics revealed that the death rate was 10 per 1,000 and that population growth had slowed even more to an annual rate of 0.4%. By 1990 Industria had reduced its birth rate to that of its now constant, low death rate, and the population transition was complete. Indicate two factors that might have accounted for the rapid decline in the death rate in Industria between 1855 and 1895. HINT- You might find it helpful to sketch out a graph of the crude birth rate data and crude death rate data.

tween 1855 and 1895, Industria entered the second phase of the DTM. This phase is characterized by high birth rates, dropping death rates and increasing total populations. Changes that lead to the dropping death rates can be attributed to improved healthcare upon entering phase 2, because infant mortality was high in the previous phase so the improved healthcare helps decrease infant mortality. Decline in death rates can also be attributed to a bettered education and better sanitation practices, because these result to disease prevention.

Phosphorus is often a limiting factor in many ecosystems. Why is this true?

under many conditions, phosphorus forms stable insoluble compunds

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