APHG CH 14 Quiz

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13) The United States has relatively large proven reserves of A) coal. B) petroleum. C) natural gas. D) tar sandstone. E) all of the above


14) China has relatively large proven reserves of A) coal. B) petroleum. C) natural gas. D) tar sandstone. E) all of the above


37) Which of the following is a hazardous waste? A) heavy metals B) PCB oils C) cyanides D) strong solvents E) all the above


6) Fossil fuels are A) finite resources. B) unevenly distributed around the world. C) plants and animals buried millions of years ago. D) A and C E) all of the above


20) During the Industrial Revolution MDCs converted from A) animate power to inanimate power. B) biomass to inanimate power. C) hydro and biomass to animate power. D) animate power to renewable power. E) none of the above


24) A discharge constitutes pollution if the level is A) greater than the environmental capacity. B) less than the environmental capacity. C) recycled. D) thrown away. E) a nonproduct output.


26) The combination of sulfur oxide with oxygen and water produces A) acid deposition. B) chlorofluorocarbon. C) greenhouse effects. D) photochemical smog. E) ammonia.


3) Which group consumes one-fourth of the world's energy, while only making up one-twentieth of Earth's population? A) North Americans B) Chinese C) Indians D) Europeans E) Russians


31) The source of air pollution most responsible for damaging trees in Ontario, Canada, and Germany's Black Forest is A) acid deposition. B) chlorofluorocarbon. C) the greenhouse effect. D) photochemical smog. E) the anaerobic process.


35) The disappearance of the Aral Sea is attributed to A) the diversion of water for irrigation. B) natural variations in rainfall and temperature. C) human-induced variations in rainfall and temperature from global climate change. D) increased runoff from the sea.


36) Polluted water threatens the survival of aquatic plants and animals in part by A) enriching the water with excessive levels of nutrients. B) raising the water's level of biochemical oxygen. C) reducing the concentration of algae. D) anaerobic fermentation. E) all of the above


4) Prior to the Industrial Revolution, humans relied mostly on what kind of power? A) animate B) inanimate C) nonrenewable D) proven E) articulated


45) The leading forms of renewable energy used in the world today are A) biomass and hydropower. B) biomass and solar. C) hydropower and wind. D) solar and wind. E) nuclear and biomass.


5) Before the Industrial Revolution, the most important source of fuel was A) biomass. B) coal. C) natural gas. D) petroleum. E) alcohol.


50) Conservation is A) the sustainable use and management of natural resources. B) maintenance of resources in their present condition. C) invention and diffusion of new agricultural practices. D) breeding programs to rebuild endangered species. E) maintaining wild environment


10) The amount of energy in fields not yet identified but thought to exist is a A) nonrenewable energy. B) potential reserve. C) proven reserve. D) resource. E) future commodity.


12) Saudi Arabia has relatively large proven reserves of A) coal. B) petroleum. C) natural gas. D) tar sandstone. E) all of the above


22) Which of the following is a renewable energy source? A) coal B) geothermal C) fusion D) A and B E) B and C


15) The most dramatic example of a country that consumes more energy than it produces is A) China. B) Japan. C) Saudi Arabia. D) the United Kingdom. E) Australia.


16) To protest the United States's support for Israel in its 1973 war against Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, during the winter of 1973-74, OPEC members A) raised the price of petroleum. B) refused to sell petroleum to the United States. C) nationalized American-owned petroleum companies. D) shut down American-owned refineries. E) all of the above


18) Greater dependence on coal is likely to occur by A) reducing levels of air pollution. B) expanding use of electricity. C) having fewer mining accidents. D) reducing levels of soil erosion problems. E) subsidizing solar power construction.


33) A gas threatening Earth's ozone layer is A) sulfur dioxides. B) chlorofluorocarbons. C) the greenhouse effect. D) photochemical smog. E) nitrous oxide.


44) Solar energy is more expensive than other forms of energy for most consumers primarily because A) consumers can't count on generating enough solar energy on cloudy days. B) installation costs or manufacturing costs are high. C) silicon is a scarce element. D) solar energy is dangerous to use. E) distribution is difficult.


51) Preservation is A) the sustainable use and management of natural resources. B) maintenance of resources in their present condition. C) invention and diffusion of new agricultural practices. D) breeding programs to rebuild endangered species. E) recycling natural resources.


53) The United Nations sustainable development concept links all but which of the following? A) environmental protection B) maximum yield on investment C) economic growth D) social equity E) limiting use of renewable resources to rates that do not reduce future supply


58) To avoid depleting resources, future generations will need to increase their use of A) sanitary landfills. B) sustainable development. C) wildlife preservation. D) green revolution. E) genetic engineering.


7) The most common energy source for home heat and hot water is A) coal. B) natural gas. C) petroleum. D) solar. E) heating oil


9) Most nonrenewable energy sources are A) replaced continually. B) formed very slowly. C) never replenished. D) a potential reserve. E) proven reserves.


1) Energy is defined as A) the rate at which work is performed. B) coal, oil, and petroleum. C) the capacity to do work. D) a useful substance in the physical environment. E) the rate of nuclear fusion.


11) Unconventional sources of oil like shales and tar sandstone are A) large, easily accessible deposits. B) less uniformly distributed. C) accessible by damaging the environment. D) controlled by local governments. E) all of the above


19) North Americans are less dependent than Europeans on nuclear energy primarily because of A) depletion of petroleum reserves. B) lack of storage facilities for nuclear waste. C) more abundant coal reserves. D) reaction to the Chernobyl accident. E) more abundant hydroelectric power.


2) A substance in the physical environment that has value to human beings is A) energy. B) a reserve. C) a resource. D) power. E) a mineral.


25) Air pollution is A) a form of photochemical smog. B) gaseous sulfur and phosphorus. C) a concentration of a trace substance at a level greater than occurs in average air. D) a concentration of a trace substance at a level greater than one percent. E) concentrated in tropical regions.


29) The increase in Earth's temperature caused by carbon dioxide trapping radiation is A) thermal feedback. B) isothermic depletion. C) the greenhouse effect. D) photochemical smog. E) the anaerobic process.


34) Steel and chemical industries are major water polluters primarily because they A) are major users of municipal sewage systems. B) release runoffs of pesticides. C) generate large amounts of wastewater. D) require small amounts of water in the manufacturing process. E) generate superheated steam.


40) Elaborate safety measures must be taken to store nuclear waste primarily because the waste is A) convertible into a nuclear weapon. B) expensive. C) radioactive. D) scarce. E) hard to contain gases.


43) A greenhouse is a good example of a building heated by A) active solar energy. B) fusion. C) passive solar energy. D) photovoltaic cells. E) green plants.


8) The global energy issue derives in part from the fact that fossil fuels A) are distributed uniformly across Earth. B) are renewable energy sources. C) were formed in the far distant past. D) have an infinite supply. E) are too easily contaminated.


21) MDCs A) generally consume more fuel than they produce, which causes the need for energy import. B) have historically possessed a disproportionately high percentage of the world's fossil fuel reserves. C) generally produce more fuel than they consume, which allows for energy export. D) A and B E) B and C


23) Mexico City's air pollution problem is caused by A) surrounding mountains that trap polluted air. B) the burning of fossil fuel from roughly 8 million vehicles and 50,000 factories. C) a lack of oxygen at high altitude that results in less efficient burning of fossil fuels. D) all of the above E) none of the above


27) A condition in which sunlight causes hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides to react in the atmosphere produces A) acid deposition. B) chlorofluorocarbon. C) greenhouse effect. D) photochemical smog. E) ammonia.


28) The way of life on small island nations like Tuvalu are threatened from global warming because A) they are comprised of coral that only lives in a narrow range of temperatures. B) water levels are rising high enough to cover large portions of the island that are at or just above sea level. C) local-scale air pollution caused by the burning of fossil fuels on the islands produces photochemical smog. D) A and B


32) The most significant source of air pollution caused by automobiles is A) acid deposition. B) chlorofluorocarbon. C) greenhouse effect. D) photochemical smog. E) the anaerobic process.


48) An alternative to reducing discharges into the environment is A) changing the mix of inputs increasing the product to waste ratio. B) using the waste in the same production process. C) using the waste in a different production process. D) using the environment more efficiently. E) regenerating fossil fuels.


17) Which of the following is a nonmetallic mineral used for fertilizer? A) phosphorus B) sulfur C) potassium D) calcium E) all the above


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