APHG Chapter 14 Study Guide

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A growth boundary is associated with A) Smart Growth Programs. B) utility networks. C) Urban Density Reduction programs. D) emergency medical services. E) Captive Growth Programs.


A legal form of segregation in U.S. cities is achieved through A) blockbusting. B) redlining. C) zoning. D) greenbelts. E) busin


According to Homer Hoyt's sector model, once a district with high-class housing is established, the most expensive new housing is built A) on the outer edge of the suburban area, farther out from the center.. B) on the inner edge of that district, closer to the center. C) in the skyscrapers of the CBD. D) in old industrial buildings and retail shops. E) on the outer edge of that district, farther out form the center.


According to the Galactic Edge model and the Urban Realms model, _____ is the focus of the model? A. urban sprawl B. smart growth C. greenbelts D. urban morphology E. urban renewal


According to the concentric zone model, a city develops in a series of A) corridors. B) nodes. C) rings. D) sectors. E) quadrants.


According to the rank-size rule, if the largest city in a country has a population of 10 million, the next largest will have a population of (AP) A. 9 million B. 8 million C. 7.5 million D. 5 million E. 3.5 million


According to the sector model of North American city structure, members of the low-income groups tend to live in which of the following places. (AP) A. The inner city only B. Peripheral temporary settlements C. Linear residential areas radiating from the center city outward D. Evenly dispersed throughout the urban area E. The suburbs and rural areas only


According to the sector model, if family X has an income of $100,000 and family Y has an income of $40,000 but family Z has an income of $115,000 A) families Y and Z are likely to live in the same sector of the city. B) families X and Z are likely to live in the same sector of the city. C) families X and Y are likely to live in the same sector of the city. D) families X, Y, and Z are likely to live in the same sector of the city. E) none of these families are likely to live in the same sector of the city


According to the sector model, the best housing is located in A) renovated inner-city neighborhoods. B) an outer ring surrounding the city. C) nodes near universities and parks. D) a corridor from downtown to the edge of the city. E) gated communities


All of the following were crucial to the emergence of the first cities EXCEPT? (AP) A. An agricultural surplus B. A stratified social system C. Labor specialization D. A system for food storage and distribution E. Separation of the ruling system and the religious system


An urban center that is disproportionately larger than the second largest city in a country and that dominates the country's social, political, and economic activities can be best classified as (AP) A. megalopolis B. a conurbation C. a primate city D. an edge city E. a network city


As a result of high land costs, the American CBD is characterized by A) less intensive land use. B) the construction of skyscrapers. C) suburban sprawl. D) a high threshold and range. E) the reuse of existing buildings.


British cities are surrounded by open space known as A) greenbelts. B) public housing. C) sprawl. D) squatter settlements. E) suburbs.


CBDs in Europe A) follow the concentric ring model. B) contain only government services. C) have higher numbers of residents and more day-to-day consumer services. D) have a limited variety of land uses. E) only house educational facilities and government offices.


Compared to the United States, poor families in European cities are more likely to be A) clustered in inner-city neighborhoods. B) dispersed throughout the city. C) clustered in suburbs. D) distributed uniformly in the city. E) living along major boulevards.


Compared to the private automobile, public transportation offers more A) energy efficiency and less pollution. B) flexibility and energy efficiency. C) pollution and extensive transportation networks. D) privacy and less congestion of roads. E) range and threshold.


Edge cities emerged as a consequence of A) highway construction. B) suburbanization. C) gentrification. D) remanufacturing. E) census classification.


Edge cities typically grow on the borders of large urban areas at points near A. electrical and nuclear power plants B. schools and universities C. sports and recreation complexes D. major roads and airports E. navigable waterways


European CBDs are similar to those in North America because they both contain A) retail and office activities. B) extensive residential areas. C) large numbers of skyscrapers. D) structures inherited from medieval times. E) ancient Roman structures.


Gated communities best represent A) a zoning ordinance. B) redlining. C) gerrymandering. D) segregation based on social class. E) a country club.


In a simplified model of a city, the zone where retail and office activities are clustered is the A) central business district. B) central commerce zone. C) urbanized downtown area. D) metropolitan statistical area. E) hub.

metropolitan statistical area

In the U.S, a central city of at least 50,000 population + the counties and adjacent to the city and hinterlands connected to the central city


In the United States, which of the following definitions of a city covers the largest functional area? A) central business district B) central city C) urbanized area D) metropolitan statistical area E) regional government federation


In the development of urban land, which of the following is typically built on the most accessible sites? (AP) A. Single-family housing B. Farm markets C. Retail complexes D. Industrial parks E. High-rise apartment buildings


Multiple nuclei models are closely associated with contemporary cities in which geographical region? A) Southwest Asia B) North Africa C) Central Asia D) Sub Sahara Africa E) Southeast Asia


People in the United States are attracted to suburbs in part because suburbs are characterized by A) heavy traffic. B) lower opportunity for home ownership. C) private land surrounding the house. D) row houses and apartments. E) closer proximity to cultural institutions.


Population in census tracts rarely exceeds A) 500. B) 1,000. C) 2,500. D) 5,000. E) 50,000.

urban renewal

Programs by U.S. government from 1950s - 1980s to clear blighted areas of cities by buying land from private citizens and businesses then relocating them so new infrastructure and development can be accomplished


Retail activities which tend to concentrate in the CBD include those which have A) no threshold. B) no range. C) services for office workers. D) a need for rapid transportation. E) a need for large amounts of horizontal space.


Shopping malls, planned communities, and in many cases a popular landscape are representative of what geographic factor? A. Suburbs B. Office parks C. Industrial parks D. Positive situation factors E. Tenements


Social area analysis attempts to explain A) the changing location of retail and office activities in North American cities. B) the development of squatter settlements in developing countries. C) the distribution of different types of people in an urban area. D) which of the three models of urban structure is the most accurate in the United States. E) regions ideal for social services.


The Burgess or concentric zone model provided a way for urban residents to gradually move up economically and socially allowing them A. to migrate progressively away from the working-class zone B. to migrate progressively away from the residential zone C. to migrate progressively away from the commuter zone D. to migrate progressively away from the transitional zone E. to migrate progressively away from the central business district


The Spine and Disamenity zones are most closely associated with a(n) A) Apartheid city. B) Southeast Asian city. C) French Colonial city. D) Latin American city. E) Muslim city.


The Tokyo-Yokohama-Kawasaki region is the world's largest A. example of the sector model B. megalopolis, C. minor city. D. agglomeration E. deglomeration


The areas on the periphery of cities in less developed countries are sometimes known as A) barriadas, favelas bidonvilles, bastees, or kampongs. B) young city and old city zones. C) public housing, barmiadelas, fonelongas, or kuhpinongs. D) the zone in transition, suburbs, or public zone. E) suburbs, barmiadelas, fonelongas, or kuhpinongs.


The laws enacted in 1573 that specifically outlined how colonial Spanish cities were to be constructed were called the A) Bills of the Americas. B) Laws of the Indies. C) American Indian Laws. D) Colonial Center Laws. E) Laws of the Real Corona.


The multiple nuclei model A) involves four linked CBDs. B) includes nodes such as a port, a university, airport, and a park. C) includes a nucleus in the CBD which is connected to a nucleus in the suburbs. D) links a seaport, an airport, and a railway station. E) disregards the use of nodes.


The multiple-nuclei model of city structure tends to be most applicable to (AP) A. Small cities B. traditional cities C. Latin American cities D. newer, faster growing cities E. cities with homogeneous land use


The number of functions in a central place is dependent on all of the following EXCEPT the (AP) A. population of the central place B. population of the market place C. total number of central places in the urban system D. distance to a place of similar function E. size of the market place


The process that includes subdividing a house from single-family owner occupancy to multiple occupancy is A) blockbusting. B) filtering. C) gentrification. D) redlining. E) urban blight.


The simplest form of the gravity model looks at the interaction between A. two towns B. two megacities C. a city and its suburban areas D. a network of three towns E. a city and its hinterland


The strongest criticism of suburbs argued that historically A) low-income people and minorities are unable to live in some areas because of the high cost of the housing, the unfriendliness (or discrimination) of established residents, and fears that property values would decline if minorities were allowed to buy property there. B) low-income people and minorities are able to live in some areas because of the low cost of the housing, the friendliness of established residents, and the myth that property values would decline if minorities were allowed to buy property there. C) legal devices, such as requiring several small houses to sit on a large lot of land amid several different apartments, prevented low-income families from living in many suburbs. D) low-income people and minorities are unable to live in some areas because of the high cost of the private schools there, the unfriendliness of African American and Hispanic minorities there, and the fear that property values would not change if other minorities were allowed to buy property there. E) they encouraged the buying and selling of too many automobiles


The underground CBD is characterized by A) communication networks, subway trains, and pedestrian passages. B) high threshold retail services. C) public services such as municipal offices. D) high-end boutique shops serving downtown workers. E) chain restaurants


Today, the greatest number of urban dwellers is found in (AP) A. North America B. South America C. Africa D. Europe E. Asia


U.S. inner cities face fiscal problems because A) federal and state funds are available. B) low-income people are concentrated there. C) middle-class families are attracted there. D) redlining is no longer legal. E) blockbusting has strengthened ethnic neighborhoods.


What aspect of the design of Brasilia, Canberra, and Washington, DC, was different from the design of most other urban centers? A. They were designed as show places to reflect the power and wealth of their respective countries. B. Their design was based largely on transportation systems to allow for efficient movement of raw materials and finished products. C. They were planned around a major river to allow ease of movement of foodstuffs from the hinterland of the city. D. They were positioned near the center of their respective countries to help protect them from attack. E. They were designed to utilize the hydro-power potential of the nearby rivers to attract manufacturing firms


What is the biggest downside of gentrification? A. Older neighborhoods are revitalized. B. Newer neighborhoods are added farther out, creating urban sprawl. C. Property taxes are increased, forcing people out of their homes. D. New transportation systems in older neighborhoods mean the razing of older homes. E. The crime rate increases substantially.


When the models of urban structure developed in Chicago are applied to São Paulo, one conclusion is that A) both cities are located near large lakes. B) São Paulo doesn't have high income neighborhoods. C) the models don't work in São Paulo. D) the poorest people are located in different areas. E) physical geography has not influenced the distribution of social classes in São Paulo.


Which of the following cities would be classified as a first-order (alpha ++) world city? A. Shanghai B. Madrid C. London D. Los Angeles E. Buenos Aries


Which of the following groups would most likely engage in the gentrification of an older residential neighborhood? (AP) A. University students on limited incomes B. Double-income households without children C. People above age sixty-five on limited incomes D. Double-income households with children E. Recent immigrants on limited incomes


Which of the following is a correct statement about the major cities of the world? (AP) A. Most are located on rivers and seacoasts. B. Most are found in areas that are not very suitable for agriculture. C. Most primate cities are located in the US and western Europe D. They are concentrated between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn. E. The world's fastest growing cities are found in areas with the highest standard of living.


Which of the following is a true statement about classic models of city structure? (AP) A. The concentric zone model does not have a transitional area. B. The sector model is highly influenced by transportation patterns. C. The central business district has the most dominant position in the multiple nuclei model. D. The multiple nuclei model and the sector model are similar in that they both have only one core. E. The interaction between the central city and the suburbs is greatest in the urban realm model.


Which of the following is the best example of a footloose industry? (AP) A. Wine making B. Steel C. Furniture D. Call centers E. Tuna canning


Which of the following is the name for refusing to give loans to people living in its specific areas of the city? A. Blockbusting B. White flight C. Segregation D. Ghettoization E. Redlining


Which of the following is unique among Latin American countries in that its capital represents the concept of a forward capital? (AP) A. Argentina B. Brazil C. Chile D. Mexico E. Peru


Which of the following is useful for describing a settlement node whose primary function is to provide support for the population in its hinterland? (AP) A. Von Thunen's model of land use B. Concentric zone model C. Core-periphery model D. Rostow's model of economic development E. Christaller's model of central place


Which of the following most closely describes the leading trend in retailing in the United States during the 1950s, 1970s, and 1990s? (AP) 1950s 1970s 1990s A. Downtown business district Shopping malls "Big Box" superstore B. Downtown business district "Big box" superstore Shopping malls C. Shopping malls Downtown business district "Big box" superstore D. "Big box" superstore Downtown business district Shopping malls E. "Big box" superstore Shopping mall Downtown business districts


Which of the following refers to the size and functional complexity of cities? (AP) A. Multiplier Effect B. Urban hierarchy C. Basic-non-basic industries D. Threshold ratio E. The (Hoyt) Sector model


Which of the following regions had the smallest percentage of people living in urban areas at the end of the twentieth century? (AP) A. Australia B. South Asia C. North America D. Europe E. South America


Which of the following traits fits the definition of an Islamic city? A. Twisted streets to maximize shade. B. Areas devoted to Western development. C. Squatter areas within the central business districts. D. Three separate, defined central business districts. E. Global cities without population problems due to religious values.


Which of the following types of urban land use is most common on the periphery of cities in Latin America? (AP) A. A plaza surrounded by a central business district B. Parks and recreation areas C. Upper-class residential developments D. Residential squatter settlements E. Rail transportation corridors


Which statement would be best fit a European city? A. European cities have large areas of squatter settlements. B. European cities have their skyscrapers located in suburbs. C. European cities have few forms of public transportation. D. European cities have heavy pollution problems. E. European cities have the poor living closest to their central business district.


a group in society prevented from material benefits due to a variety of social and economic characteristics


a ring of land maintained as a park, agriculture, or other open space to limit urban sprawl in both Great Britain and Canada

census tract

an area delineated by U.S. government for which statistics are published for neighborhoods

council government

city government style used in many US metropolitan areas and smaller towns/cities.

public housing

housing owned by the US government; it is rented to residents for 30% of the families incomes.

zoning ordinance

laws that limits the permitted uses of land and maximum density of development in a community

smart growth

legislation and regulations to limit suburban sprawl and preserve farmland

social area analysis

statistical study used to identify where people of similar living standards, ethnic backgrounds, and life style within an urban area

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