aPHR Study Guide - Functional Area 2: Recruitment and Selection

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American With Disabilities Act (1990)

- Protects qualified individuals with disabilities - Requires employers to make accommodations for the disabled Act prohibits discrimination of people with disabilities in employment, transportation, public accommodation, communications and governmental activities

The Civil Rights Act of 1991

- Reaction to series of Supreme Court Decisions in the late 1980s that limited the legal remedies available to victims of intentional workplace discrimination - Title VII was amended most recently to advance 4 goals - Extended Title VII protections to foreign locations owned by American businesses - allowed for Jury trial and sliding scale for damages a plaintiff could seek

Assessment Center

- sometimes hand-on evaluations are conducted at an assessment center (for government jobs or large corporation) where they have a series of tests that aim to measure the candidates capacity to fulfill different components of the job - may evaluate candidates using: interviews, testing, in-basket tests, role playing exercises, group discussions

After an employer chooses to not hire an applicant based on information obtained in a consumer report,

- the applicant should be given notice of the decision - information about the consumer reporting agency that generated the report, and a statement that the agency did not make the adverse decision - the credit score determined and information about how to understand it - information about the applicants right to get a free report from the agency within 60 days - a notice that the applicants also have the right to dispute the information contained in the report

Economists argument for offshoring

-free trade benefits all countries economies -allowing other nations to "sell" us low cost labor is the same thing as allowing them to sell us low-cost wheat

If an employer chooses not to hire an applicant based on information obtained in a consumer report

-they must provide a copy of the report and a summary of the persons rights before actually taking such adverse action (applicant has 5 days to respond and address inconsistencies and errors)

Ways of testing reliability

1. Alternate-forms reliability 2. Inter-rater reliability 3. test-retest reliability 4. split-halves reliability

Ways organization can examine their workforce to check for instances of unintended discrimination

1. Cohort Analysis 2. Availability Analysis 3. Impact Ratio Analysis

Documentation to establish IDENTITY

1. Drivers License 2. Federal, state or local ID containing a photograph or identifying information (like name, date of birth, physical description, address) 3. school ID with photograph 4. Voter's registration card 5. Military card or draft record 6. Military dependent card 7. U.S. Coast Guard merchant mariner card 8. Native American tribal document For employees under 18: school record, hospital record, or day-care school record

Other USERRA Legal requirements

1. Escalator cause: employees promptly be reinstated to positions they would have earned had they stayed on the job 2. employees accrue benefits and seniority as if they were always on the job 3. Vesting and pension accrual are treated as if there was no gap in employment (employees have up to three times the length of their leave (up to a maximum of 5 years) to make up any required pension contributions 4. Employees who return to work after a leave of 30-181 days cannot be fired without cause for 6 months.. employees who return to work after a leave of 181 days or more cannot be fired without cause for one year

Disparate Treatment examples

1. Frames For You, Inc. manufactures and sells picture frames. On their job application, they ask if the applicant has ever been convicted of a crime. If an applicant answers "yes," then they are automatically not considered for a position. 2. When both Patricia and Harold skip work one day, they both expect it to go unnoticed. When they arrive at work the next day, Harold goes unpunished, but Patricia is fired on the spot. Both employees have the same attendance record, but Harold is male, and Patricia is female.

Appropriate interview questions

1. If you are hired, can you provide proof that you are authorized to work in the United States? 2. Are you able to perform the functions that are essential to the job with reasonable accommodations? 3. This job requires that employers are able to work during the evenings. Are you able to do so?

Internal Recruiting steps

1. Job should be posted within the organization (through job posting or job bidding)

ATS offer the following functionality

1. LIST job opening to the organization's site and online job search engines 2. GATHER, STANDARDIZE, ANALYZE, AND COMPARE applicant information 3. data STORAGE 4. LINK to background-screening providers for further verification 5. COMBINE with the organizations HRIS 6. CREATE reports for reviews and government reporting

Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act applies to

1. Military Veterans who served more than 180 days and were honorably discharged, as long as their service took place between August 5th, 1964 and March 7th, 1975 2. Those who have disabilities rated at 10% or more 3. Those who served on active duty during a war or a military campaign for which a campaign badge has been authorized

Hands on tests as a method of evaluating potential employees

1. Skills tests: typing, software coding, operating machinery, etc. 2. Driving test 3. Try-out: where an applicant is paid to perform the job for a period of time 4. Review of previous work samples (writing, graphic design, or creative jobs) 5. Short-term consulting arrangement to evaluate "fit" and performance 6. In-basket exercises where applicants sort memos and other documents to make decisions about which items require priority

Establishes Authorization to work in the US

1. Social security account number card 2. Birth certificate issues by the department of state 3. original or certified copy of a birth certificate from state, county, or municipal authority with an official seal 4. Native American Tribal Document 5. U.S. citizen ID card 6. Identification Card For Use of Resident in the US 7. Authorization issues by department of Homeland Security

Documents that establish identity AND authorization to work

1. U.S. Passport 2. U.S. Passport Card 3. Permanent Resident Card 4. Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551) 5. Foreign passport with temporary I-551 stamp or printed notation 6. Employment Authorization Document with photograph (I-766) 7. Foreign passport with Form I-94 or I-94A 8. Passport from the Federal States of Micronesia or the Marshall Islands with form I-94 or form I-94A

3 key elements of affirmative action plans

1. Utilization Analysis 2. Development of Goals and Timetables 3. Development of Action Steps

Questions to ask when striving for department and supervisor cohesion in onboarding process

1. When does onboarding start/end? 2. How should new employees feel after their first day? 3. What should new employees know about the organization's culture and atmosphere? 4. What is HR's role in the process? Supervisors? Co-workers? 5. What objectives should new employees be attaining 6. How will feedback be obtained and measured?

Disparate Impact examples

1. When the CEO of Global Tires announces his retirement, the board of directors is tasked with finding his replacement. While there are several women with the same or more experience and knowledge as the male candidates, none of them is considered for the role because they have not been with the company for more than ten years. 2. For a job in a retail clothing store, all staff are referred to as "stylists" and are trained to dress and sell clothing and accessories to the clients. Upon close inspection, all of the white stylists are placed in the front of the store and work closely with clients while the Hispanic and African-American stylists are in the back of the store and rarely interact with clients.

Inappropriate interview questions

1. Where were you born? 2. Are you disabled? 3. What is your marital status? 4. Are you religious, and if you are, would you be able to work on Sundays?

Fields that are especially apt for gig work

1. art and design 2. computer and information technology 3. construction 4. media and communication 5. transportation

Methods of evaluating a prospective employees

1. background and record checks 2. consumer reports 3. paper/pencil tests 4. medical tests 5. hands-on tests 6. confirmation of employment eligibility 7. polygraph tests

Employment value proposition can be effected by factors such as

1. compensation 2. benefits 3. work culture 4. job responsibilities 5. training and growth opportunities

The UGESP requires that employment tests meet several validity requirements:

1. content validity 2. criterion validity 3. construct validity

Process of selecting employees

1. develop job description 2. solicit candidates 3. screen candidates 4. interview candidates 5. select candidate

4 goals of the Amended Civil Rights Act (1991)

1. establish specific legal remedies for victims of intentional discrimination (jury trial, punitive damages) 2. Define and write into law the concept of disparate impact 3. Establish guidelines and procedures for disparate impact cases 4. provide MORE and STRONGER protections for victims of workplace discrimination

Examples of paper/pencil test

1. general aptitude or intelligence test 2. integrity test 3. personality type test 4. language-fluency test 5. test of knowledge specific to the job

Interview types

1. group interview 2. panel interview 3. behavioral interview 4. hypothetical interview 5. patterned interview 6. directive interviews 7. non directive interviews 8. semi-structured interviews 9. stress interviews

Candidates may be screened according to

1. information on an application 2. letter of recommendation 3. results of test that are administered to test skills necessary to execute the job

These organizations are required to develop affirmative action plans

1. organizations with more than 50 employees 2. THAT receive federal contracts of $50k or more 3. THAT are members of the federal banking system OR that sell, issue, or redeem US Savings bonds

Medical tests as a method of evaluating potential employees

1. physical examination 2. drug testing have to be careful that they don't arbitrarily screen out applicants with disabilities

Companies committed to affirmative action policies

1. seek to recruit traditionally underrepresented groups 2. alter managerial and supervisory attitudes 3. remove discriminatory barriers 4. set goals and timetables for increased diversity

Someone is qualified for unemployment IF

1. they have the relevant skills and qualifications 2. are within the immediate labor area 3. are in the geographic area from which employees could reasonably be recruited or willing to commute to the business

Protected Classes

A group protected by law from discrimination on the basis of a shared characteristic such as race, sex, ago & disability

What is the difference between a reference check and a background check?

A reference check involves people who are familiar with the applicant's work performance, while a background check involves non-employment sources.

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978)

A set of rules that states that all procedures used for staffing decisions must be valid and relevant to job performance

Which of the following is NOT an HR metric?

A: Cost per hire - YES B: Turnover rate - YES C: Training per employee - YES D: Gross-profit margin - NO

Which of the following is NOT part of a job description?

A: Title - IS A PART B: Terms of employment - IS A PART C: Reporting relationship - IS A PART D: Required experience - IS NOT A PART

Hiring quotas

ARE NOT allowed under EEO laws Nor is affirmative action meant to give any preference to unqualified candidates

Which metric might HR professionals look at to see if an organization's performance and reward systems are having a positive effect on employee retention?

Absentee Rate

Family and Medical Leave Act (1993)

Allows most employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave for family or medical reasons each year Applies to companies with 50+ employees


Also known as executive search firms work to connect executives and professionals with potential employers charge fees of around 30-40% of the salary for the executive or professional that will eventually be connected to fill the job position

Labor activists argument against offshoring

American companies benefitting from the legal protections and political support of the US should not be allowed to avoid the costs of wages, job safety, and environmental laws by "sending American jobs overseas"

Two types utilization analysis

Any difference rule: 20% of workers available to perform a job are women, then 20% of the workers at a particular organization must be women 80% rule: If the actual number of employees who are members of a protected class IS LESS THAN 80% OF THE proportionate number of available employees, then that group is underutilized. ex: women make up 20% of the workforce - company with 100 employees must have at least 16 women

Why is it important that applicant testing be subjected to validation?

Because validation shows whether there is a correlation between test performance and job performance.

Skills Inventory

Catalog of skills and experience that existing employees have useful when internally recruiting time-consuming but can save valuable time when job needs change

Glass ceiling - Societal structural barriers

Caused by deficits of educational opportunities available to individuals in protected classes, as well as widespread biases

The legal requirement that samples collected for drug testing be carefully tracked and documented is referred to as:

Chain of custody Employees may sometimes be terminated for failing drug or alcohol tests. To protect the reliability of those tests, a log must be kept of each person who was responsible for the sample from the time it is collected from the employee until it is tested at the appropriate facility.

Impact Ratio Analysis

Determines whether an organization's employment of members of a protected class is reflective of how represented those individuals are in the larger labor force If the percentage is very low or high, it might indicate that an organization may be discriminating against such employees In addition to availability analysis, the Impact Ratio Analysis are required by the OFCCP for employees who are federal contractor or subcontractors

Glass ceiling - governmental barriers

EEO legislation not enforced properly Information related to unequal opportunities is not always collected or disseminated effectively

Documents that establish than an employee is authorized to work in the US

Either 1 document that established both identity and authorization to work in the US OR 1 document that establishes identity AND 1 document that establishes authorization to work

Glass Ceiling Act

Established a commission which identified three barriers to women and minorities from getting into senior management positions. These are: Societal Barriers, Internal Structer Barriers, and Governmental Barriers.

Griggs v. Duke Power

Established that discrimination and occur unintentionally, but that the employer is still responsible for that discrimination aka established the legal standing of discriminatory impact (aka adverse impact)

Which of the following provides whistleblower protection to workers in certain circumstances?

Fair Claims Act

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Federal agency created to enforce the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids discrimination on the basis of race, creed, national origin, religion, or sex in hiring, promotion, or firing.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Federal law that outlaws major forms of discrimination in the US Ended -unequal voter registration requirements -segregation in schools, the workplace, and other facilities that serve the general public Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits EMPLOYMENT discrimination based on race, religion, national origin or sex

Utilization Analysis

First step of an affirmative action plan Compares an organizations workforce to the available labor supply in terms of gender, race, and ethnic composition

Non-immigrant visas

For people who are only visiting the U.S. and wish to maintain permanent residence elsewhere

Immigrant Visas

For people who want to permanently live inside the US

The Vietnam Era Veteran's Readjustment Assistance Act

Forbids employment discrimination against Vietnam-era veterans and disabled veterans, and requires that federal contractors provide them with affirmative action in employment - Originally applied to federal contractors with contracts with more than $25,000 a year, but was subsequently increased to $100,000 a year

Executive Orders

Formal declarations of federal government policy issued by the President of the United States Has the force of law but may be overturned by the federal courts or by a subsequent president

I9 Form

Formally known as the Employment Eligibility Verification Form A citizen and immigration services form used to verify that a new employee is legally authorized to accept employment in the United States Must be signed by employee and employer

H-2B Visas

Granted to temporary workers who may be skilled or unskilled

Albemarle Paper v. Moody (1975)

Had impact on EEO because some of the employment tests had significant flaws 1. tests not used consistently 2. criteria tested not relevant to entry-level positions 3. relied on rankings of supervisors 4. validity was based on the performance of white employees with experience at the organization Court ruling that items used to validate employment requirements must be job-related (and not based solely on supervisor rankings)

Which HR metric expresses how well workers in the organization are generating revenues, given the amount they are paid in compensation and benefits?

Human Capital ROI

Confirmation of employment eligibility as a method of evaluating potential employees

I-9 forms must be completed within three days of the start of employment or before work begins if the job is less than 3 days long - can be stored as hard copies or in digital format

Different types of visas

Immigrant Visas Non-immigrant visas

Selection Ratio

Indicates the number of applicants hired for a position relative to the number of applicants -important value to track in the recruitment process -useful to evaluate recruiting strategies ex: # of new hires is high relative to the number of applicants = not enough applicants were recruited

Disparate treatment discrimination

Individuals in similar situations are treated differently based on the individuals race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability status

Job posting

Internal announcement that a specific position is available should include 1. job description 2. salary information 3. steps interested employees should take to apply

Third step in the recruitment and selection process

Interviews: must be fair and balanced interviewers must be aware of common biases including the halo effect and stereotyping

Reassigning duties and revising the job description are steps in what process?

Job redesign

Immigration Reform and Control Act (1986)

Last comprehensive reform of immigration laws 1. can't base hiring on nationality and citizenship as long as they are legal 2. illegal to hire people who aren't legal 3. verify that employee is legal with an I9

Screening interviews

Less detailed and intensive most of the time over the phone

Building an organizations team through hiring individual players is a responsibility often shared by

Line managers AND the Human Resources function

Availability Analysis

Looks at the number of individuals who are members of protected classes (minorities, women, people with disabilities) who are qualified for unemployment Availability analysis are required by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), (an agency of the U.S. Department of Labor) for employees who are federal contractor or subcontractors

Drawbacks of eSelection

May exclude interesting candidates that could be trained or developed for a job

Equal Pay Act (1963)

Men & Womens in the same workplace must be given equal pay for equal work Job content (not title) determines if they are substantially equal ALL forms of pay are covered, including: salary, overtime, bonuses, stock options, profit sharing, bonus plans and benefits

Disparate Impact

Occurs when an apparently neutral employment practice disproportionately excludes a protected group from employment opportunities ex: height requirement for being a police officer (seen as unlawful and can result in a prima facia case where a company must prove it had legal cause for not hiring an applicant) Disparate Impact exists if the selection rate of a protected class is less than 4/5 or 80% of that of the majority group) 100 men and less than 80 women are hired, disparate impact exists

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

One of the first federal statues to address the issue of workplace discrimination against people with disabilities. Only applied to federal agencies and contractors with federal contracts of more than $10,000 per year People can file complaints with the Department of Labor, through the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP)

Interview questions that involve more than a simple yes-or-no answer.

Open-ended questions

Executive Order 11246

President Lyndon Johnson in 1965 effectively established the principle of affirmative action as a part of federal employment law 1. Forbade employment discrimination by federal contractors with contracts worth more than $10,000 a year 2. requires these employees to take affirmative action to make sure that applicants are employed and treated without regard to their race, creed, color or national origin 3. required contractors with 50+ employees, or contracts more than 50k a year, to file written affirmative action plans with the OFCCP

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (1967)

Prohibits employers (20+ workers) from discriminating against employees or job candidates on the basis of age (40+ yrs). Also illegal to terminate from a job (40+ years) based on age. Forbids discrimination when it comes to ANY aspect of employment: hiring, firing, pay, job assignments, promotions, layoffs, training, fringe benefits, and any other terms of employment

Pregnancy Discrimination Act (1978)

Prohibits workplace discrimination on the basis of pregnancy - in different areas of employment such as: hiring, firing, seniority rights, job security, and receipt of fringe benefits Enacted as an amendment to Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964

What is a downside of using questionnaires in job analysis?

Questionnaires allow workers a chance to misrepresent what they do on the job.

Affirmative Action under VEVRAA

Requirement that contractors list all job openings - the the exception of high-level management, short-term temporary, and job that will be filled internally - with state employment agencies. Those states are required to give Vietnam-era veterans priority when providing referrals for those openings

Employee Polygraph Act (1988)

Restricts use of polygraph tests by employers on employees (generally not allowed, including during hiring) exceptions: 1. as part of an ongoing investigation within an organization to identify the source of economic loss if the employee is a reasonable suspect in that investigation 2. employees involved in natural security or defense, prospective employees who will have access to armored car services, and potential employees who would be working with pharmaceutical products

Which business metric measures the amount of money an organization makes as compared to the average investment of each of the company's shareholders?

Return on Equity

Development of Goals and Timetables for Affirmative Action Plans

Second step in an affirmative action plan Goals may indicate the PROTECTED classes that are UNDERUTILIZED and a SENSE of how many new hires from protected classes would be needed to achieve a fair representation of the labor force (however using specific and inflexible quotas is illegal)

Four-fifths rule

Suggests that disparate impact exists if a selection criterion results in a selection rate for a protected class that is less than four-fifths (80 percent) of that for the majority group

All of the following are true of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act EXCEPT:

THIS IS NOT TRUE: Employees applying to jobs where they will handle expensive equipment may be given a polygraph test during the hiring process In general, the Employee Polygraph Protection Act prohibits employers from using polygraph tests on employees during the hiring process in all but a few circumstances (when the employee will be working in security or defense, will have access to armored vehicles, or will be working with pharmaceutical products).

F-1 Visa

Temporary visas granted to students who are studying in the US. Students must be enrolled full-time to remain eligible for this visa.

Job Area Acceptance Range (JAAR)

The OFCCP expects federal contractors and subcontractors to be within plus or minus 20 percent of the percentage of employees available in the workforce


The use of the internet to expedite the selection process through the filtering of resumes, online evaluations, and online interviews -can administer online evaluations to get a better sense of the applicant ability and personal traits, can include online interviewing

Development of Actions Steps in an Affirmative Action Plan

Third step Develop actions to achieve goals Common steps: 1. improve communication of job availabilities to underrepresented groups 2. recruitment at schools that are largely made up of some protected class 3. participating in programs that are meant to improve employment opportunities for underrepresented groups 4. identifying and removing inappropriate barriers to employment 5. preferential hiring

Halo effect

Type of interviewer bias occurs when a manager judges an applicant only on one trait, such as physical appearance, and allows that trait to influence their judgement of other unrelated traits, such as responsibility

Cohort Analysis

Used to determine whether discrimination has occured Has a person/group been treated the same or differently than other people/groups in SIMILAR situations? Cohort: people with similar positions and roles

The first element in an affirmative action program

Utilization Analysis

Screening tests that are administered must be

VALID, meaning that there is a clear correspondence between performance on the test and performance on the job

Alternate-forms reliability

Way of testing for the reliability of a measuring instrument - use a different measuring instrument and then compare results - if the results are highly correlated, that indicates that the measuring tool being tested is reliable

Geographical comparison

Way to review potential disparate impact Geographicical comparison in which org compares characteristics of a pool of applicants such as race, sex or religion to the same characteristics of the current employes if some group of individuals is underrepresented compared to pool of applicants, disparate impact might be occuring

Bona Fida Occupational Qualifications

When a characteristic like race, sex or other personal characteristics legitimately affects a person's ability to perform the job: CAN be used as a legal requirement for selection

Defamation charges in reference checks

When contacted for references, managers and HR professionals should provide complete factual information about an employee's time at an organization, but should refrain from making any recommendations regarding whether the employee should or should not be hired

Disparate Impact

When the CEO of Global Tires announces his retirement, the board of directors is tasked with finding his replacement. While there are several women with the same or more experience and knowledge as the male candidates, none of them is considered for the role because they have not been with the company for more than ten years.

External recruiting is done using

a combination of 1. media sources 2. job boards and job fairs 3. community sites 4. social media platforms

Negligent hiring

a legal claim that can be made against an employer by an employee if he/she is harmed damaged by another employee for reasons the employer could have anticipated had a proper background check been conducted

Example of predictive validity

a pre-employment test would have predictive validity if the results of the test were similar to the results of performance appraisals conducted one year after the employee was hired

Core competency

a specific function that a firm regards as central to its success and that is something difficult for competitors to imitate (popularized by management experts C.K. Prahalad and Gary Hamel)

Predictive Validity

a type of criterion validity a test has predictive validity if: the results of the test correspond with results from some similar criterion sampled at a later point


a type of interviewer bias when a manager judges an interviewer based on membership in some group whose alleged characteristics the applicant may or may not share

A test is valid if it

accurately measures what it's supposed to measure

Headhunters can help companies avoid

accusations of poaching talent from rival organizations, as they work as independent agencies "matchmaking" professional connections

hypothetical interview

also called situational interviews asking applicants how they would respond to imagined situations in the future

directive interview

also called structured interviews rigid, involve interviewer asking a pre-established set of questions

behavioral interview

also called targeted-selection interviews candidates asked to explain how they responded to problems or events in the past past behaviors --> determine how employees would respond to similar situation in the future -- should relate to critical aspects of the job

Panel interview

also known as board interview when several interviewers observe a candidate at once -all interviewers may ask questions or one person may take the lead

Employee Requisition

an official authorization to fill a specific job response to managers formal request to fill a position includes job description and job specification

recruiting happens AFTER

an organizations HRM planning and job analysis have been completed 1. HRM planning and job analysis --> 2. recruitment process 3. selection process 4. hiring and orientation

Concurrent validity

another type of criterion validity a test has concurrent validity if the outcomes of the test are consistent with the outcomes of other measurements conducted at the same time

Job Application blanks

application blanks: specific information in the same format, managers receive same information, typically for lower level positions, blanks can be weighted (cutting down subjective bias) 1. identify correlations between job performance and questions that can be asked on the application 2. determine cut-off scores (to be rejected or considered) ex: assign weighted values to different years of work experience

Affirmative Action

attempt to redress discrimination and achieve diversity by increasing the representation of women and minorities in the workplace policies and initiatives are meant to address past and current discrimination against women, racial ethnic minorities, people with disabilities, and most military veterans.

semi-structured interview

balance between directive and non-directive approaches interviewer prepares some key questions but remains flexible in responding to areas that suggest further exploration

Requiring all chauffeurs to pass an advanced driving test is a permissible hiring practice because, for chauffeurs, being a good driver is a _______________

bona fida occupational qualification

The Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP) requires that all employment test that are given to applicants be

both reliable and valid

patterned interview

break the issues covered in an interview into topics different applicants could be asked different particular questions, but the topics would be the same

Second step in the recruitment and selection process

candidates are recruited and screened -organizations have been relying on eHRM for this process

Investigate consumer reports

collecting information about the applicants character by speaking with his or her neighbors, friends and associates - applicant must provide permission - applicants can request (submitted in writing) that all obtained information is disclosed,


company establishes a foreign subsidiary and shifts work from higher paid Americans to lower paid foreign workers -used when an outsourced function was deemed too central to a company's core business put in the hands of a contractor

talent wars

competition for employees with great talent and potential after the top talent we can attract to organization war continues after you have hired someone - top talent is constantly being approached, need to attract AND retain top talent

Which of the following requires that employment exams test skills that are relevant to the job that is being applied for?

content validity

how to attract and retain top talent

create environment in which people can be successful - environment where people can fully exploit the talent that they have - reward people for this as well - allow people to make all the contributions that they want and reward them for it -

Employment branding

creating a cohesive and well advertised image so that people outside of the company have a positive image of it and believe it a good place to work

All of the following would be considered reasonable accommodations to make job requirements possible for disabled employees EXCEPT:

creating a new position that the employee is able to fill The law protects qualified employees with disabilities and requires employers to make accommodations for the disabled. Creating a new position would not be considered a reasonable accommodation.

common records that employers check

credit check criminal record check, for security guards, for those charged with caring for children, and other selected jobs motor vehicle record check - if driving will be a part of the employees job

Which type of test validity focuses on whether particular test measurements correspond to other specific measurements or particular traits?


Glass ceiling - internal barriers

deficiencies of MANAGEMENT and of ORGANIZATIONAL culture ex: managers may not effectively recruit member of underrepresented classes organizational cultures systematically exclude members of protected classes from participating in activities that lead to professional advancement ex: women and minorities excluded from things like training and mentoring, or implicitly made to feel unwelcome or ignored

EEOC conducts audits of organizations to

determine what barriers women and minorities face within particular organizations

Job candidate testing or checking must be

directly relevant to the duties and responsibilities the new employee will be given (also known at criterion-related validity) equitably administered to all job applicants Anything else can be ruled as being discriminatory against certain groups of people

Pretentious University is looking for a new dean for its film school. It requires that all applicants must have at least been nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director; the resulting pool of candidates is overwhelmingly white and male. This is an example of _________________

disparate impact

Jack is asked on a job application whether he has ever smoked marijuana. He replies affirmatively, and the hiring manager refuses to consider him for the position. This is an example of ______________.

disparate treatment

McDonnell-Douglas Corp. v. Green established the judicial concept of:

disparate treatment This trial established the McDonnell-Douglas test, which is used as the basis for establishing a prima facie case of disparate impact discrimination.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

efficiently organize and maintain records for applicants throughout the recruiting process 1. resume database facilitates later selection 2. can be stand alone or part of a HRIS (allowing for smooth transitions from applicant to employee) 3. can be developed internally, purchased from a third-party, or can use cloud storage online

Example of concurrent validity

employee completed two different pre-employment tests and performed similarly on both, then those tests have concurrent validity

phased retirement takes place

employees nearing retirement lessen their job responsibilities and scheduled hours to make a progressive transition before their formal retirement

According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act

employers must get permission from applicants before obtaining a consumer report -applicants should be given a disclosure form informing them of the consumer report check that is on a piece of paper separate from any other information -applicants who agree to the background check must sign the disclosure form

USERRA requires

employers provide a leave of absence for up to five years for employees in the National Guard or who are called to active duty in time of war or national emergency employers also must provide leave for boot camp, annual training, weekend duty, and other legitimate military obligations

eRecruitment and eSelection

enable HR professionals to recruit, screen, and select job applicants through the internet and specialize software programs, bypassing traditional methods such as recruiting agencies and print materials embraced because of their cost effectiveness (maximize efficiency and exposure while minimizing staff-time dedicated to recruitment and selection)

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994

enacted to protect the rights of military reservists who are called to duty in the armed forces. prohibits employers from discriminating based on past, current, or future military obligations. applies to all employers, regardless of size covers regular employees, but not temporary workers.

McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green

established that complainants face the initial burden of proof when bringing charges of discrimination against an employer Complainants must establish: 1. that they are members of a protected class 2. that he or she was qualified for the job 3. that he or she was rejected despite those qualifications 4. that the position remained open for new applications after that rejection

An onboarding plan should be developed to

facilitate new employees UNDERSTANDING of an organizations PROCEDURES facilitate FAMILIARIZATION with the organizations CULTURE and WORK ENVIRONMENT

Negligent referral

failing to inform an employer about an employees history within an organization could result in negligent referral

errors that can occur in a personal interview

first impression error similarity error non-relevancy incomplete or inaccurate assessment of the nature of the job

Criterion Validity

focuses on whether test measurements correspond to other specific measurements or particular traits two types of criterion validity 1. predictive validity 2. concurrent validity

Resumes are used

for professional positions allows the candidate to decide what information they want to include and how they want to present it

Argument for affirmative action: NECESSARY TO BREAK THE CYCLE that keeps minorities and women locked into low-paying, low-prestige jobs

for: minorities are stuck in a lower socioeconomic status, affirmative action would help close the gap of racial inequality - non discrimination alone isn't enough against: affirmative action breeds resentment which doesn't help get rid of racism, some racial minorities resent being advanced in life due to their race/sex and not merit, downplaying merit doesn't help economy

Argument for Affirmative Action: Affirmative Action is necessary for fair competition (DISCRIMINATION -> POOR EDUCATION --> UNFAIR)

for: upbringing of minorities has been negatively affected by discrimination resulting in poor education and more difficult environment - they struggle with self esteem. Affirmative action keeps white men from having the competitive edge against: there are plenty of white people with disadvantaged upbringings - shouldn't be the burden of an employer to figure out who has come from the most disadvantaged background - priority to hire should be based on MERIT

Argument for Affirmative Action: COMPENSATORY JUSTICE demands affirmative action plans

for: we have an obligation to compensate for these wrongs due to the historical discrimination and persecution. affirmative action is just one method of compensation. against: discrimination crimes were committed by past people, not present, so present people shouldn't have to pay for them. compensation wouldn't be helping the people who actually deserve it because the current people haven't experienced discrimination. current people should be judged on merit, like everyone else.

H-1B Visa

granted to temporary workers in specialized occupations

gig economy

growing and booming, more people working internationally and globally

A try-out period, during which an applicant is paid to perform the job for a period of time, is an example of ________________.

hand-on testing

Test-retest reliability

how likely it is that a test-taker would duplicate his/her performance at some other point in time -important to consider how much time should elapse b/w tests -not enough time: subjects may duplicate answers by relying on memory -too much time: relevant changes may occur that make difference in retest performance expected

Example of when a polygraph test may be legally permissible

if a construction company were to have an expensive piece of equipment stolen during a night shift, and an employee had access to the property during the time of the theft, then it may be legally permissible to administer a polygraph test to the employee to explore her innocence or guilt

Which of the following is true regarding the EEOC and the timeliness of complaints?

in most cases, complaints must be filed within 180 days of the alleged incident

Construct Validity

in order to have construct validity, a test must measure what it claims to measure an employment exam has construct validity if performance on the exam does predict job success

Drawbacks of eRecruitment

in person can better evaluate applicant competence and maturity - hard to gauge how applicants would fit into work culture - applicants may not be impressive on paper but can be a perfect fit, vice versa


integration of electronic, digital, and internet-related technologies into the HR process


involves hiring friends and family members can bias decision makers in favor of or against particular candidates employers subject to EEO regulations can get in trouble for this

EO 13087

issued by President Bill Clinton in 1998 made it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation

EO 13152

issued by President Clinton in 2000 made it unlawful to discriminate on the basis of parental status

EO 13279

issued by President George W. Bush in 2002 exempted federal contractors who are religious or community organizations from the requirements of EO 11246

EO 11375

issued by President Johnson in 1967, added "sex" to the list of protected classes covered by EO 11246.

EO 11478

issued by President Richard Nixon in 1969 covered the federal civilian workforce, including most positions in the federal Civil Service; the U.S. Postal Service; and civilian employees of the armed forces forbade discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, handicap, and—for employees over the age of 40—age.

A reasonable adjustment to a job, which makes it possible for an individual with a disability to perform the job, is known as a ______________.

job accomodation

The recruitment and selection process BEGINS WITH

job analysis

If one of the partners of a job sharing arrangement is fired or quits

job partners should agree on returning to a full-time position - if not they should agree to resign and be replaced by a full-time employee

non-directive interview

less formal than directive interviews candidate is allowed to guide the conversation interviewer asks only broad and open ended questions pro: can provide a great deal of insight into a candidates character con: difficult to evaluate candidates consistently because each interview covers different issues and topics

In the late 1990's companies began using outsourcing to take advantage of

lower overseas labor rates -- for large, labor-intensive functions ex: customer service, technical support, and computer programming

recruiting is also


Reference checks

may involve 1. collecting letters of recommendation from people who know applicant in professional capacity (can make it difficult to compare applicants because different issues/questions are addressed) 2. interviewing recommenders over the phone (more consistent b/c same questions can be asked)


narrower than onboarding corporate driven without a department component components are generally routine - getting new employees on the payroll, printing employee IDs, signing up for benefits, providing necessary personal information usually briefs new employees about the company's: culture, products, and services

Paper/Pencil test as a method of evaluating potential employees

now many of them are computerized employees have to make sure the tests are valid and relevant

Orientation vs. onboarding

orientation: generally only needs a day or two and consists of filling out documents and other usual duties onboarding: a thorough process comprising of supervisors and other employees that can last up to a year - employers must strive for department and supervisor cohesion before initiating an onboarding procedure

How are patterned interviews different than other interview types?

patterned interviews involve asking all applicants questions from specific areas, although the questions themselves may vary


paying an outside company to perform some specialized business function that is not within the main companies core competencies ex: security, food service, payroll processing advantages: better quality, lower costs, doesn't have to manage something that isn't in it's primary business

Which job design approach seeks to reduce stress and boredom in an effort to avoid errors or accidents?


Alternative staffing practices

phased retirement job sharing seasonal employees gig economy temp to hire internships co-ops

stress interview

places candidates in anxiety inducing situations to see how they react most useful when interviewing candidates who will regularly encounter stressful situations while on the job

Voluntary resignation in a job sharing arrangement does not qualify for

position discontinuation and staff transition benefits

Recruitment will be more difficult when

position requires specialized knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) because competition for those employees will be great

Pros of eHRM

pro: recruitment and selection is faster and less expensive con: undesirable consequences of over-reliance on technology - face-to-face interactions might reveal characteristics of a potential candidate that might be lost in the eHRM process

Consumer reports as a method of evaluating potential employees

provide info about an applicants credit information can be provided by agencies like: Equifax and Experian

Affirmative Action presumption

race or gender-conscious measures are necessary to overcome discriminatory practices

Equal Employment Opportunity

refers to legislation and policies that require all employees to be treated equally regardless of race, national origin, age, religion, or sex.

What part of a job description describes the chain of command in which the worker will operate?

reporting relationship

Employer requirements under USERRA

required to provide same benefits that they provide to any other employee on a leave of absence not required to pay employees during military absence

Content validity

requires that a job exam actually test for skills that are RELEVANT to the job for which the candidate is applying

Job application: test or work sample

second step, used to determine if the applicant has the necessary skills work sample is similar to a test because it takes a portion of the job and asks candidate to perform it

Group interview

several applicants interview at the same time allows interviewers to observe how interviewees interact with each other - provides information on how well interviewees interact with other people

Split-halves reliability

single test is divided in half (if there is a reason to think that both halves test similar skills, one would expect the performance on both halves to be similar) if performance varies significantly, then one would assume that the two halves measure different things

what do I want to determine from interviews as much as I can?

skills, experience, what they bring to the job what is this person's attitude? why do they want the job? why do they think it's a good job for her/him to be in? can this person work well with the other people in our group? can we anticipate problems with this person? does this person have the potential to advance within our organization?

A test is reliable if

someone would get roughly the same score if they took the test multiple times the test should provide consistent measurements that don't change significantly over time

Job sharing

splitting a full-time job in between two individuals -share the duties of one position -both have responsibility for the success of the total job -proportional salary and PTO -can be split any way: evenly, 60/40, etc. but schedules can overlap

Which method of job analysis provides the most accurate measure of the skills and competencies needed to perform a particular job?

structured questionnaire

Arguments against affirmative action: affirmative action VIOLATES THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUALITY

support: affirmative action ends up treating people unequally, which is basically hypocritical counter: if this world could naturally foster colorblind equality, then no action would be needed

Argument against affirmative action: INJURES white men and INFRINGES ON THEIR RIGHTS

support: hinder and limit career opportunities for white men, violates rights of white men to be treated as individuals counter: race and sex are often relevant to employment decisions, white men's interests need to be balanced agains societies interests of promoting affirmative action programs

Argument against affirmative action: nondiscrimination will achieve our social goals, stronger affirmative action is not necessary

support: plenty of non-discriminatory steps that employers can do without resorting to affirmative action - since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employees and job candidates have WON discrimination cases counter: affirmative action works, ex: judge ordered that more blacks be employed, but nothing happened. another example: judge imposed a hiring quota and percentage of blacks employed increased

Credit score for black and hispanic people

tend to be lower than whites and asians

The qualified privilege doctrine

the communication of factual and relevant information is protected from defamation lawsuits under the qualified privilege doctrine

In job sharing arrangements, responsibility for the proper functioning of the arrangement usually falls on

the job sharers instead of the supervisor

even if we need to hire someone NOW, we should always consider

the person's potential


the process of assimilating a new employee with an organization and it's culture provides a new hire with the resources necessary to: be a fruitful member of the organization should be a calculated method that lasts anywhere from a month to a whole year research shows that how employees manage the beginning of an employees life cycle is vital to ensuring high retention


the process of choosing from the pool of candidates for a job with an eye toward hiring the most qualified applicant


the process of seeking and attracting candidates for given vacancies in an organization


the use of the internet in posting an organization's job openings and requirements on third-party job websites as well as it's own -much broader and deeper pool of applicants

Goal of employment branding

to demonstrate to a job candidate that the company has more to offer or a greater employee value proposition than it's competitors

Recruitment will be easier when

unemployment is high and there are many applicants from qualified candidates SELECTION, here, will be harder

McDonald-Douglas Test

used as the basis for establishing a prima facie case of disparate impact discrimination 1. was the applicant a member of a protected class? qualified for the job? turned down? did company continue to seek other applicants with the same qualifications? if yes to all, rejected applicant can establish prima facie case of disparate impact discrimination

Job interviews are used

useful for assessing applicants motivation and interpersonal skills chance for applicant to determine if job is an appropriate fit for them should ask open-ended questions

Job application tests must be validated for

validation - to ensure there is a a demonstrable correlation between how employee performs on a test and how he/she would perform at the job for which the test is used as a selection tool

problems attracting top talent because

we can't reward it when we can't reward it we won't let it show itself our job is to create and environment on the opportunity and reward side to bring in and retain top talent

staffing practices depends on

what your organizational structure and business model requires

Fill time

when someone leaves, the amount of time that the position is empty before it is filled by a new hire or an existing employee moves in -can help an organization determine if it is working as effectively or efficiently as possible -important value to track during the recruitment process

Inter-rater reliability

when the measurement involves having people make judgements of content occurs in context or interviews and performance evaluations sometimes called conspect reliability the degree to which people agree with one another

Systemic Discrimination

when there are a pattern and practice of treating employees in an unfair way rather than singular, isolated incidences of unfair treatment may occur during: hiring, training, and promoting these cases are priorities by the EEOC

Skill variety, task identity, and autonomy are types of________________.

worker motivation

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