APHUG Chp. 2

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Detecting Population patterns Which of the following is an accurate inference from the information on the map above?

A. There is a high of concentration of population in and around Northeastern metropolitan areas

Which of the following population pyramids displays a typical college town

A. a

The Total Fertility Rates (TFR) and Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) of countries are usually positively correlated. Why?

A. because women will want to have more children if their infants are dying

US Population Distribution On the map above, which of the following regions is home to the smallest percentage of Native Americans per total population by county?

A. northeast

According to the World Bank, Italy's Crude Birth Rate is 9 per 1,000 and its Crude Death Rate is 10 per 1,000. The Natural Increase Rate is -1%. Yet its annual population growth is 1.2%. What accounts for the difference between the two figures?

A. positive net migration

Applying population density Which of the following locations has the highest population density?

A. the periphery zone of squatter settlements in Latin American cities

Which of the following is an antinatalist policy most likely to be adopted by a South Asian government today?

B Government mandating family planning programs in rural areas.

Using the table to find doubling time, what is the correct order of countries from shortest doubling time to longest?

B. Country C, Country B, Country A, Country D, Country E

Based on the image above, what happens to a country in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model?

B. Crude Death Rates drop significantly, as Crude Birth rates lag

Countries with Similar Arithmetic and Physiological densities According to the chart above, which country has very high physiological density and more moderate or low arithmetic density?

B. Egypt

Urban or rural? The image above is a graph that shows the split between the world's population living in areas, and those living in areas. As you might imagine, there are wide variations by country and region. rural urban Which of the following groupings contains countries where the majority of the population lives in urban areas?

C. France, Argentina, New Zealand

It is estimated that in the year 2013, immigrants came to the United States in the largest numbers from which of the following regions?

C. latin american

Which of the following explains the changes in the death rate in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model?

D. Improvements in medical care, water supply, and sanitation

Population distribution of the Sahel According to the image above, ______________ factors best explain why few people live in the Sahel region of Africa.

D. physical

Which of the following waves of immigration to the United States was caused in large part by an agricultural disaster?

D. the mass migration of Irish to the US in 1846-1850

To go through an epidemiological transition, a country would most likely experience changes in its ____________.

a. health care

Which of the following variables plays the most significant role in bringing down total fertility rates in the developing and least developed world?

b. Improving female literacy rates and access to education

Which government resource is most likely needed as countries enter stage 3 of the Demographic Transition Model?

b. employment

Which of the following is an example of a policy that is intended to increase birth rates?

b. families are given monetary aid for child care

A country that struggles with low fertility is most likely to enact which of the following policies?

b. pro natalist policies

The image above is of a squatter settlement in Manila, Philippines, where approximately 20 million people live. It is one of the fastest growing slums in Asia. The arrow pointing to the dangerous installation of electric wires in the photograph shows how population distribution affects the need for ________________________.

b. urban services

Applying Agricultural Density to More Developed Countries Why would a country with a low agricultural density be considered more developed?

D. The country's farmers have capital (tractors and combines) and do not need as many farm workers

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the migration pattern of a country in stage 4 of demographic transition?

a. high international immigration and intraregional migration from large cities areas to suburbs

Which of the following countries most likely puts the greatest strain on its natural resources and environment

a. india

Which of the following represents the maximum number of people an area can support with its environmental and natural resources?

b. carrying capacity

It is generally agreed that the gender imbalance between men and women in China has been caused by

e. decades of antinatalist policy to limit population levels

If Country A has a birth rate of 20 per 1000 and a death rate of 8 per 1000 the rate of natural increase would be

b. 1.2

Which of the following is an example of pro natalist policy

b. Government incentives such as tax break for child care

According to the "epidemiologic transition model", the United States is currently in which of the following epidemiological stages?

b. age of degenerative and man made diseases

Which of the following could contribute to population growth in Less Developed Countries (LDCs)? A Public health and sanitation are improving B New farming techniques have increased the food supply C New technologies make the workforce more efficient D Crude Birth Rates continue to exceed Crude Death Rates E All of the above

e. all of the above

True or false: Child Mortality Rate is defined as a death during the first 10 years of life

False, it's the first five

In many American cities, public transportation and emergency services will need to be improved over the next 25 years due to which demographic trend?

a. the aging baby boomer population

According to the One Child Policy in China, if a family has more than one child then

a. the family is required to pay a fine to the government

According to stage 2 of the Epidemiological Transition Model, death rates are likely to be caused by

b. pandemics

Population Distribution in North America According to data shown in the Population Density Map of North America, what generalization can be best supported about the distribution of people in Canada, United States, and Mexico?

b. with a few exceptions the Canadian population is concentrated near the border with the United States

Calculations of a farmer What density model does one need to calculate how many farmers there are for every kilometer of arable land?

c. agricultural density

Density of farmers Which of the following would be helpful to a geographer trying to determine the number of farmers in an area?

c. agricultural density

Which of the above population pyramids reflects a country that has the largest workforce supporting its elderly population

c. c

In 1971, Abdel Omran created an Epidemiological Transition model to explain how population growth rates changed at various stages of development in the 20th century as a result of medical innovations. According to the model, in Stage 2, death rates drop as more families gain access to clean water, sanitation utilities, and medicines like penicillin, which decrease death by preventable diseases such as syphilis. Which of the following are MOST instrumental in getting a country to Stage 2 in the Epidemiological Transition Model?

c. economic growth

Population growth and decline are influenced by many different factors. It is generally agreed that the current trend in slow or zero population growth in the developed countries of the core is caused in part by ...

c. high cost of living

Italy's population pyramid shows a large number of people in their economically productive years. What is a problem Italy will face in the future based on its pyramid?

c. italy will have a high elderly dependency ratio

Ethnic Composition of Little Tokyo, LA According to the 2005-2009 Community Service Survey, the racial and ethnic composition of Los Angeles, California is as follows: White (41.3%), Latino/Hispanic (29.4%), Asian (10.7%) and African-American (9.8%). However, in Little Tokyo, Asians comprise 48% of the population, followed by Whites (18%), African Americans (18%), and Latinos (16%). This difference demonstrates why it is important for geographers to study the ____________ of population distributions.

c. scale

Based on what you know about demographics and the stages of the demographic transition model, which country most likely hosts an aging population?

d. france

A population pyramid can be used to predict markets for goods and services. Based on Portugal's population pyramid, which type of service will be demanded in 30 years?

d. healthcare

Countries with aging populations face many social and economic challenges. Which of the following is NOT one of those challenges?

d. high infant mortality rates

When countries in Asia transition from Less Developed Countries (LDCs) to More Developed Countries (MDCs), how does this impact gender roles?

d. it has requires about traditional family structure and the protections it can afford women

Which of the following would not be associated with an antinatalist population policy?

d. reducing the distribution and availability of contraceptives

People are not distributed evenly across Earth's surface. Two-thirds of the world's populations is clustered in four major regions including all of the following EXCEPT

d. south america

Which of the following regions is the most populated region in the world

e. east asia

According to the population pyramid above, which one of the following statements is not correct

e. there are an even number of dependents and economically productive citizens

Above are population pyramids for Angola and Zambia. The pyramids of both countries have a similar structure. What is the main cause that results in the shape of these pyramids?

A. both countries have similar birth and death rates

Based on the chart provided, which country experienced the highest Natural Rate of Increase in 2014?

B. Guinea

Determining type of density "Mongolia has a population density of 4 people per square mile." Without any other information, which type of density is being given?

B. crude population density

Which of the following countries in Africa is most populated?

B. nigeria

Population Distribution Factors Which of the following statements accurately describes how various factors affect population density?

C. population density is dependent on the development of transportation systems

Which of the following best describes a country in Stage 1 of the Demographic Transition model

D. A rate of natural increase that is either at or slightly above 0

Facts about the Florida Panther: In Cherokee "panther" means "lord of the forest." The panther can leap more than 15 feet. The panther can run 35 mph. As of 2011 only 100-120 Florida Panthers remained in the United States. Urban sprawl has shrunk the range of the Florida Panther to approximately one-tenth its original size. To evaluate the impact that people have on the Florida Panthers, a human geographer would most likely ____________.

D. Compare the changes in population density with the decline of Florida panthers

Governments around the world can have a significant influence upon population growth by either encouraging or discouraging citizens to have children. Which of the following countries influences population growth through pro-natalist policies?

E. Japan

According to the epidemiological transition model, which country would be most susceptible to cholera disease?

E. chad

The graph above shows three different lines representing growth over time. As you will see, the green line rises much more rapidly than the others by the end, and is representative of how the population of the world has grown over the last 1000 years. This type of growth is...

a. exponential

American Population Clusters Which of the following statements is best supported by the above map of the US?

b. the majority of the country's major population clusters are in close proximity to bodies of water

The rate of natural increase is

c. crude birth rate-crude death rate per 1000

The indigenous Kuna population live on the Caribbean beaches of Panama. According to the US National Library of Medicine, since 1970 "The Kuna gradually enlarged their island landmass to adjust for their growing population by building coral walls out into the water and then filling in the enclosed areas with corals, sea-grass, and sand.. live coral cover declined 79%, and at the same time, the Kuna population increased by 62%... In addition to direct loss of coral reef, consequences include coastal erosion and a local increase in sea level." The Kuna people demonstrate how ____________ impact(s) ____________, and vice versa.

c. population growth, the environment

In order to support a prosperous society, places need roads, buildings, power and sewage systems, running water, etc. These are all examples of ________________.

e. infrastructure

What stage of the demographic transition model is the US in?


Country X has a rate of natural increase of 2.5%. If the RNI is expected to remain the same, the population of Country X would be expected to double in ____________ years.

D. 28

Country A has a birth rate of 10 per 1,000 and a death rate of 8 per 1,000. What is the doubling time for Country A?

D. Three and a half years

Bangladesh's total fertility rate has steadily declined in 21st-century primary due to which factors?

D. family planning

Which population pyramid depicts a country in Stage 2 of the Demographic Transition Model?

E. e

During what time period did Taiwan have a high youth dependency ratio

a. 1980

The US Census Bureau calculates that by 2100, the US population could range from 283 million to 1.2 billion. Why are the projections so different?

d. population projections assume that birth and death rates and flows of migrations remain constant

A rural county has four towns. Town A has a population density of 150 people per square mile. Town B has a population density of 250 people per square mile. Town C has a population density of 50 people per square mile. Town D has a population density of 15 people per square mile. Why are towns A and B more likely to have medical services than towns C and D?

a. towns a and b have larger population densities, this means they have more people to demand medical care

What region of the US has the highest infant mortality rate?


Which of the following explains the changes in the birth rate in stages 4 and 5 of the Demographic Transition Model? A Family planning. B Good health. C The improving status of women. D Later marriages. E All of the above.

E. All of the above

Population distribution Which of the following geographic concepts is best represented by the image above?

E. Ecumene

Presently about 40% of the world's population lives within 100 kilometers of the coast, and the percentage has been increasing. What global phenomenon should raise the most concern for human safety in the wake of this trend?

a. climate change

Which country is closest to experiencing zero/negative population growth?

a. Greece

Human and physical factors of population distribution Which conclusion BEST illustrates the impact of both human and physical factors on population distributions

a. As humans produce more CO2, climates change, ice-caps melt, ocean temperatures increase, and sea levels rise. Knowing this, the government of Bangladesh encourages citizens to migrate northward.

Which of the following countries have had an anti-natalist population policy?

a. China

China vs. Monaco: Population Density China has a population of over a billion, Monaco has a population just over 37,000. Why does Monaco have a higher crude population density?

a. Monaco has less land area than China

Forced sterilization, infanticide, state-sponsored contraceptives, and tax incentives for small families are all examples of ______________.

a. anti natalism

Above are two population pyramids for Brazil. The top one is from 1970, the bottom one is from 2017. Which of the following statements explain a decrease in ages 0-5 in 2017 population pyramid?

b. an improvement in child and infant mortality rates

Where People live in china The image above is a map showing population density in China. The darkest areas have the highest population density and the lightest areas the lowest. What physical feature most likely explains the high population density in Southeastern China?

b. the ocean

Agricultural density vs crude population density Agricultural density differs from crude population density in that

c. Agricultural density measures the amount of farmers per unit of arable area, crude population density measures the number of people per unit of area

According to the Demographic Transition Model, which country would be considered to be experiencing stage 5?

c. Italy

Based on this map which country most likely had the highest fertility rates in 2007-2008

d. ethiopia

Youthful Populations in Africa Which of the following would explain the youthful population in sub saharan Africa? a. lack of available birth control b. many children enter the workforce after elementary school c. lack of female education d. low life expectancy e. all of the above

e. all of the above

doubling time is

the time required for a population to double if the present growth rate remains constant

India claims to have a "demographic dividend." What does it mean demographically and how is it a dividend?

D. It is characterized demographically by a population pyramid that is broad at the base. India has spun it as an labor force advantage in attracting economic development.

Below is a profile of a sample country. The Natural Increase Rate = 0.2. Women have equal economic opportunities as men. Couples decide to get married later in life and have fewer children. The dependency ratio for citizens above 65-years-old is high and increasing. The country described in the profile above is in which stage of the Demographic Transition Model?

D. Stage 4

At one time, the Aral Sea was the fourth largest sea in the world. Starting in the 1930s an irrigation project was built to divert water from two main rivers that flowed into the sea: the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. With less water flowing into the Aral Sea, it began to shrink. Fishing villages that were once on the shores of the Aral Sea ended up being miles from the sea. Which best describes the reason that desertification presents an environmental problem around the Aral Sea?

D. as the Aral sea shrinks there are clouds of chemicals and sand that blow from the exposed sea bed

Which statement offers the most plausible prediction of the effect that the recent proliferation of various expressions of the Divine Feminine (as the embodiment of the feminine qualities inherant in a holistic view of God) will have on recent trends in reproductive fertility rates in the populations of the countries where these views are being introduced?

E None of the above could be confidently offered as the answer because a multiple of factors go into the decision to give birth to more humans. Those who follow the re-enchantment of the Divine Feminine would object to the reductionism of the question and the other answer choices.

Drawing conclusions using different types of density The United States has a crude density of and a physiologic density of . Comparatively, Mongolia has a crude density of and a physiologic density of . 34/km 380/km 2/km 413/km What conclusion can be drawn based on the information above?

E. Mongolia has less arable land than the US per km

According to the data chart, at current growth rates, which country will double its population in 18 years

E. Niger

Which theorist was most likely the inspiration behind the belief that pandemics are a good thing because they limit population growth?

E. Thomas Malthus

Fertility rates in which of the following countries dropped significantly in the last two decades of the twentieth century due to government policy?

a. china

Applying agricultural density Which of the following regions has the lowest agricultural density?

a. commercial farming in the United States

During the 20th century, 90% of population growth took place in countries classified as less developed (LDCs) by the United Nations. It is projected that by 2050 world population will reach 9 billion, mostly due to the exponential growth in LDCs. To accommodate this population growth, governments in LDCs are planning ways to provide housing, clean water, sanitation services, etc. especially in the slums and squatter settlements on the outside of cities in LDCs where most of this growth occurs. When doing this, governments are investing in ____________.

a. infrastructure

In the United States, every 10 years, state-level politicians use census data to redraw Congressional districts within their states. Their goal is to draw boundaries so that each district has a similar distribution of population, to guarantee equal representation in government. This process is called

a. redistricting

In his book "Real Country: Music and Language in Working Class Culture," anthropologist Austin Fox explores why American country music is popular in places like Zimbabwe, Thailand, and South Africa. Fox might detect more complex cultural patterns by adjusting the ________________________ of his research, not just to examine the number of listeners in each country overall but also the number of listeners within specific cities and regions inside each country.

a. scale

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