APR Module 1: Body Orientation
foot region
--Location: Lower limb (distal end) -Description: Subdivision of lower limb Subdivisions include: ankle, heel, dorsum, sole, metatarsal, and digits (toes) Anatomical and functional subdivisions: hindfoot (talus and calcaneus), midfoot (navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms), and forefoot (metatarsals and phalanges of toes) Includes skin, muscles, tendons, nerves, and vessels around tarsal bones, metatarsals, and phalanges of toes
-Away from the midline of the body (e.g., the lungs are lateral to the heart) -Opposite of medial
-Away from the surface of the body (e.g., in kidney, the medulla is deep to the cortex) -Opposite of superficial
-Closer to trunk or origin of a structure (e.g., the elbow is proximal to the wrist) -Opposite of distal
-Description: Downward or below (e.g., the diaphragm is inferior to the heart) Opposite of superior -Comment: In humans, synonymous with caudal (toward the tail)
-Description: Toward the front of the body (e.g., the sternum is anterior to the heart) Opposite of posterior -Comment: Ventral, sometimes used synonymously with anterior, relates to the belly
-Farther from trunk or origin of a structure (e.g., the wrist is distal to the elbow) -Opposite of proximal
abdominal cavity
-Location: Abdominal region -Description: Bounded by abdominal walls, thoracic diaphragm (superior), and pelvic brim (inferior) Major organs include: stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and ureters, suprarenal glands, aorta, inferior vena cava, and lumbar nerve plexus
epigastric region
-Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) -Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Upper median region (flanked by right and left hypochondriac regions) Contents include suprarenal glands and parts of stomach, large intestine, liver and gallbladder, and pancreas
deltopectoral triangle
-Location: Anterior shoulder -Description: Narrow, triangular groove bordered by clavicle, deltoid, and pectoralis major muscles
ankle region
-Location: Foot -Description: Subdivision of foot Skin, muscles and tendons, nerves, and vessels around distal ends of tibia and fibula, and talus
digits of foot
-Location: Foot (distal end) -Description: Distal subdivision of foot Includes: great (digit 1 or hallux), second (digit 2), third (digit 3), fourth (digit 4), and fifth or little (digit 5) toes Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels around phalanges of toes
dorsum of foot
-Location: Foot (dorsal) -Description: Dorsal aspect of foot (i.e., directed superiorly in anatomical position) Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels on dorsal aspect of foot
carpal region
-Location: Hand -Description: Proximal subdivision of hand Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around carpal bones and distal ends of radius and ulna
digits of hand
-Location: Hand (distal end) -Description: Distal subdivision of hand Includes: thumb (digit 1 or pollex), and index (digit 2), middle (digit 3), ring (digit 4), and little (digit 5) fingers Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels around phalanges of fingers
dorsum of hand
-Location: Hand (proximal) -Description: Subdivision of hand Subdivisions include: carpal and metacarpal regions, and digits Skin, muscles and tendons, nerves, and vessels on posterior aspect of carpal bones, metacarpals, and phalanges
facial region
-Location: Head (anterior inferior part) -Description: Region of face, including: eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and chin
frontal region
-Location: Head (anterior superior part of cranial region) -Description: Region of forehead Related to frontal bone
auricular region
-Location: Head (lateral cranial region) -Description: Region of external ear
buccal region
-Location: Head (lateral face) -Description: Region of cheek
cranial region
-Location: Head (superior part) -Description: Region of cranial cavity (i.e., surrounding brain)
popliteal fossa
-Location: Knee region (posterior) -Description: Subdivision of posterior knee region Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels associated with diamond-shaped region on posterior aspect of knee region Bounded by biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosus, gastrocnemius, skin and popliteal fascia (roof), and posterior capsule of knee joint (floor) Important structures include: small saphenous vein, popliteal artery and vein, tibial and common fibular nerves, posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh, and popliteal lymph nodes
anterior leg region
-Location: Leg (anterior) -Description: Subdivision of leg Includes anterior and lateral muscular compartments Anterior border of shaft of tibia (shin) is subcutaneous Skin, muscles, tendons, nerves, and vessels anterior to intermuscular septum of leg and interosseous membrane of leg
femoral region
-Location: Lower limb (proximal) -Description: Subdivision of lower limb Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels around femur
anterior cervical region
-Location: Neck Anterior to sternocleidomastoid region -Description: Anterior subdivision of neck Anterior boundary: midline of neck Posterior boundary: anterior edge of sternocleidomastoid Superior boundary: inferior edge of mandible Apex: jugular notch Roof: subcutaneous tissue (with platysma muscle) and investing layer of deep cervical fascia Floor: pharynx, larynx, and thyroid gland
pectoral region
-Location: Thoracic region (anterior) -Description: Subdividion of thoracic region over pectoralis major muscle
-Location: Trunk (posterior) Between neck region and tip of coccyx -Description: Formed by skin and subcutaneous tissue, muscles, vertebral column (inferior to cervical region), ribs (thoracic region), and spinal cord and meninges
abdominopelvic region
-Location: Trunk, inferior to thoracic region -Description: Topographic (surface) subdivision of trunk
cubital region
-Location: Upper limb Anterior and posterior aspects of elbow -Description: Subdivision of upper limb Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around distal end of humerus and proximal ends of radius and ulna Includes cubital fossa, a shallow triangular depression on anterior aspect of elbow Important structures related to cubital fossa include: median cubital vein, brachial artery and its primary branches (e.g., radial and ulnar arteries), median and radial nerves, and biceps brachii tendon
antebrachial region
-Location: Upper limb (distal) Between elbow and wrist joints -Description: Subdivision of upper limb Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around radius and ulna
deltoid region
-Location: Upper limb (proximal end) -Description: Subdivision of upper limb over deltoid muscle Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around glenohumeral joint
brachial region
-Location: Upper limb (proximal) Between glenohumeral (shoulder) and elbow joints -Description: Subdivision of upper limb Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around humerus
-Toward the back of the body or relating to the back (e.g., the heart is posterior to the sternum) Opposite of anterior -Comment: Dorsal, sometimes used synonymously with posterior, relates to the back (L. dorsum = back of the body)
-Toward the midline of the body (e.g., the heart is medial to the lungs) -Opposite of lateral
sagittal plane
A plane that passes from front to back through the body, dividing it into right and left portions
midsagittal plane
A plane that passes from front to back through the midline of the body, dividing it into right and left equal halves (median plane; same as sagittal)
transverse plane
A plane that passes perpendicular to the long axis of the body, dividing it into superior and inferior portions (horizontal/cross-section)
coronal plane
A plane that passes side-to-side through the body, dividing it into anterior and posterior portions (also called frontal plane)
oblique plane
A slanted plane (i.e., not horizontal or vertical) that passes through the body
Action: Dome of diaphragm flattens during inspiration Contraction increases vertical dimension of thoracic cavity Comment: Primary muscle of respiration Contraction (flattening) decreases intrathoracic pressure and increases intra-abdominal pressure
anatomical position
An individual in anatomical position is standing erect with arms at sides, palms facing forward with fingers pointing downward, feet parallel to each other and flat on the floor, and eyes directed forward
Description: Upward or above (e.g., the heart is superior to the diaphragm) Opposite of inferior Comment: Cranial, sometimes used synonymously with superior, relates to the head (L. cranium = head of the body)
perineal region
Location: -Between proximal thighs, from coccyx to pubic symphysis Inferior to pelvic diaphragm Description: -Subdivision of trunk -Forms diamond-shaped area when thighs abducted -Anterior boundary: mons pubis -Lateral boundary: medial surface of thigh -Posterior boundary: gluteal folds and superior end of intergluteal (natal) cleft -subdivided into anal and urogenital triangles -Contents of anal triangle: anus -Contents of urogenital triangle: clitoris, external urethral and vaginal orifices (female); penis, scrotum and its contents (male)
parotid region
Location: -Head (lateral) -Inferior to auricular region Description: -Part of facial region related to parotid salivary gland and ramus of mandible
pelvic cavity
Location: -Pelvic region Description: -Bounded by pelvic inlet (superiorly) and pelvic outlet (inferiorly) -Major organs include: urinary bladder, loops of small intestine, inferior part of sigmoid colon, rectum, and reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina in female; prostate and seminal glands in male) -Continuous superiorly with abdominal cavity
left flank region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Left lateral region Contents include parts of small and large intestines, and left kidney
left inguinal region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Left lower lateral region Contents include parts of small and large intestines
left hypochondriac region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Left upper lateral region Contents include spleen and parts of stomach, large intestine, pancreas (tail), and left kidney
pubic region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Lower median region (flanked by right and left inguinal regions) Contents include urinary bladder (when distended), and parts of small and large intestines
umbilical region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Median region (flanked by right and left flank regions) Contents include parts of small and large intestines
right flank region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Right lateral region Contents include parts of small and large intestine, and right kidney
right inguinal region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Right lower lateral region Contents include parts of small and large intestine (including cecum and vermiform appendix)
right hypochondriac region
Location: Abdominal wall (anterior) Description: One of nine regions of abdominal cavity Right upper lateral region Contents include parts of large intestine, liver and gallbladder, and right kidney
triangle of ausculation
Location: Back Description: Small, triangular gap between trapezius and latissimus dorsi muscles and inferior part of medial scapular border Floor of triangle formed by rhomboid major muscle and thoracolumbar fascia
lumbar region
Location: Back (inferior) Description: Subdivision of back Includes lumbar vertebrae and attached muscles
sacral region
Location: Back (inferior) Description: Subdivision of back Includes sacrum and attached muscles
scapular region
Location: Back (superolateral) Description: Subdivision of back over scapula Comment: Scapula also known as "shoulder blade"
Location: Between head (superiorly) and thorax and shoulders (inferiorly) Description: Connects head with upper limb and trunk Skeleton formed by cervical vertebrae Contains larynx and trachea, cervical part of spinal cord, parts pharynx and esophagus, and thyroid and parathyroid glands Subdivided into anterior cervical, lateral cervical, posterior cervical, and sternocleidomastoid regions
sole of foot
Location: Foot (inferior) Description: Plantar surface of foot (i.e., directed inferiorly in anatomical position) Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels on sole of foot
heel region
Location: Foot (proximal) Description: Subdivision of foot Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels around hindfoot (talus and calcaneus)
palmar region
Location: Hand (proximal) Description: Subdivision of hand Subdivisions include: carpal and metacarpal regions, and thenar and hypothenar regions Skin, muscles and tendons, nerves, and vessels on anterior aspect of carpal bones and metacarpals
oral region
Location: Head (anterior inferior facial region) Description: Region of mouth
mental region
Location: Head (anterior inferior part of facial region) Description: Region of chin Related to anterior aspect of mandible
nasal region
Location: Head (anterior) Description: Part of facial region that includes nose
orbital region
Location: Head (anterior) Description: Region of eye Related to the orbits, the bony cavity that contain the eyes and accessory structures
parietal region
Location: Head (lateral superior) Description: Part of cranial cavity related to parietal bone
zygomatic region
Location: Head (lateral) Inferior to orbital region Superior to buccal region Description: Part of cranial region related to zygomatic bone
temporal region
Location: Head (lateral) Superior to zygomatic arch and auricular region Description: Part of cranial region related to temporal bone
occipital region
Location: Head (posterior) Description: Part of cranial cavity related to occipital bone
left lower quadrant
Location: Left of midline, inferior to transverse plane through umbilicus Description: Lower left lateral area of abdominopelvic cavity Contents include parts of small intestine, large intestine, urinary bladder (when distended), and left uterine tube and ovary
left upper quadrant
Location: Left of midline, superior to transverse plane through umbilicus Description: Upper left lateral area of abdominopelvic cavity Contents include spleen, left kidney and suprarenal gland, and parts of liver, stomach, pancreas, and small and large intestines
posterior leg region
Location: Leg (posterior) Description: Subdivision of leg Includes posterior muscular compartment Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels posterior to posterior intermuscular septum of leg and interosseous membrane of leg
lower limb
Location: Limb that, in anatomical position, extends inferiorly from trunk Description: Subdivisions: gluteal region (buttock), femoral region (thigh), leg, and foot (including ankle)
upper limb
Location: Limb that, in anatomical position, is suspended from the shoulder and lies along lateral aspect of trunk and superior aspect of lower limb Description: Consists of deltoid, brachial (arm), antebrachial (forearm), and hand regions
hip region
Location: Lower limb (lateral proximal) Description: Lateral subdivision of lower limb from iliac crest ("waist") to proximal thigh Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels around ilium, ischium, and proximal end of femur (especially head, neck, and greater trochanter)
knee region
Location: Lower limb (middle) Description: Subdivision of lower limb Skin, muscles, nerves, and vessels around knee joint Includes popliteal fossa on posterior aspect
gluteal region
Location: Lower limb (proximal end) Description: Subdivision of lower limb Skin, muscle tendons, nerves, and vessels associated with posterior aspect of hip joint
sternocleidomastoid region
Location: Neck Between anterior and lateral cervical regions Description: Subdivision of neck related to sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle SCM divides anterior and lateral cervical regions
lateral cervical region
Location: Neck Between posterior cervical and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) regions Description: Lateral subdivision of neck Anterior boundary: posterior edge of SCM Posterior boundary: anterior edge of trapezius Inferior boundary: middle third of clavicle Apex: superior nuchal line at junction of SCM and trapezius Roof: subcutaneous tissue (with platysma muscle) and investing layer of deep cervical fascia Floor: cervical muscles covered by prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia
posterior cervical region
Location: Neck (posterior aspect) Description: Subdivision of neck Deep to trapezius Contents include: greater occipital n., occipital a., and suboccipital muscles
vertebral region
Location: Posterior cervical and back regions (midline) Description: Subdivision of neck and back over vertebral column Includes cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae
right lower quadrant
Location: Right of midline, inferior to transverse plane through umbilicus Description: Lower right lateral area of abdominopelvic cavity Contents include parts of small intestine, large intestine (including cecum and vermiform appendix), urinary bladder (when distended), and right uterine tube and ovary
right upper quadrant
Location: Right of midline, superior to transverse plane through umbilicus Description: Upper right lateral area of abdominopelvic cavity Contents include right kidney and suprarenal gland, gallbladder, and parts of liver, stomach, pancreas, and small and large intestines
cranial cavity
Location: Skull Description: Space in skull that contains brain, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Formed by frontal, occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid bones, parietal, and temporal bones
thoracic region
Location: Superior part of trunk Between neck and abdomen Description: Topographic (surface) subdivision of trunk
Location: Superior to neck region Description: Skeleton includes skull and associated bones (hyoid and auditory ossicles) Soft tissues and bones form cranial cavity, oral cavity, nasal cavities and paranasal sinuses, orbits, and ears Contains brain and organs of special sense (vision, hearing and equilibrium, smell, and taste)
presternal region
Location: Thoracic region (anterior midline) Description: Subdivision of thoracic region over sternum
axillary region
Location: Thoracic region (inferior to shoulder joint) Between upper arm and lateral thoracic wall Description: Subdivision of thoracic region that includes axilla Axilla is a pyramidal space Anterior boundary: pectoralis muscles and clavipectoral fascia Posterior boundary: scapula and subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus dorsi muscles Medial boundary: serratus anterior and upper lateral thoracic wall (ribs 1-4 and intercostal muscles) Lateral boundary: humerus (intertubercular sulcus) Base: skin, subcutaneous tissue, and axillary (deep) fascia Apex: passage between neck and upper limb (cervicoaxillary canal) formed by rib 1, clavicle, and superior border of scapula Contents of axilla: axillary artery, vein, and lymph nodes; infraclavicular part of brachial plexus; and areolar tissue
pulmonary cavity
Location: Thorax Description: Bilateral subdivision of thoracic cavity (separated by mediastinum) Contain lungs and plurae Lined by parietal pleura
thoracic cavity
Location: Thorax Description: Cavity of the chest Bounded by sternum, ribs and costal cartilages, intercostal muscles, thoracic vertebrae, and diaphragm Three subdivisions: a central mediastinum (contains heart and thoracic parts of great vessels, trachea, esophagus, and thymus) and bilateral pulmonary cavities (contains lungs and plurae)
Parietal pleura
Location: Thorax Description: Thin, serous membrane Lines pulmonary cavity Fused to internal walls of thoracic cavity and lateral surface of mediastinum Continuous with visceral pleura at root of lung Regions include mediastinal, cervical, diaphragmatic, and costal Comment: Pleural cavity created by narrow space between parietal and visceral layers of pleura Thorax has three subdivisions: mediastinum and right and left pulmonary cavities Costal and peripheral diaphragmatic pleura innervated by intercostal nerves
Parietal layer of serous pericardium
Location: Thorax (mediastinum) Description: Thin, serous membrane fused to inner surface of fibrous pericardium Outer limit of pericardial cavity Continuous with visceral layer of serous pericardium
Pericardial cavity
Location: Thorax, around heart Description: Potential space between parietal and visceral layers of serous pericardium Comment: Visceral layer of serous pericardium is on surface of heart; parietal layer fused to inner aspect of fibrous pericardium
abdominopelvic cavity
Location: Trunk, between thoracic and pelvic diaphragms Description: Continuous cavity formed by abdominal and pelvic cavities Major abdominal organs include: stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, kidneys and ureters, suprarenal glands, aorta, inferior vena cava, and lumbar nerve plexus Major pelvic organs include: urinary bladder, loops of small intestine, inferior part of sigmoid colon, rectum, and reproductive organs (ovaries, uterus, vagina in female; prostate and seminal glands in male)
hand region
Location: Upper limb (distal end) Description: Subdivision of upper limb Subdivisions include: carpal (wrist), palmar, dorsum, and digits (fingers) Includes skin, muscles, tendons, nerves, and vessels around carpal bones, metacarpals, and phalanges of fingers
vertebral canal
Location: Vertebral column Description: Canal formed by combined vertebral foramina
Mediastinum Location: Thoracic cavity Description: Middle region of thorax Lies between sternum and thoracic vertebral bodies Separates right and left pulmonary cavities Divided into superior and inferior parts Inferior mediastinum subdivided into middle, posterior, and anterior parts
Position of the body when lying face down
Position of the body when lying face up
Toward the surface of the body (e.g., in kidney, the cortex is superficial to the medulla) Opposite of deep