APUSH 23-27 Unit Test

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The Klu Klux Klan of the 1920s was based mainly on

"100 percent Americanism"

Jane Addams called the impulse to found settlement houses

"Christian humanitarianism"

According to the discussion in Howard Zinn's chapter, 'War is the Health of the State," the leaflets distributed by Charles Schenck believed the Conscription Act violated which amendment?

13th Amendment

Which amendment gave women the right to vote?


The "yellow peril" was:

A racially charged description of Japan

Alfred Thayer Mahan

Argued that sea power was essential to national greatness

The Zimmermann telegram

Asked for help from Mexico in the case of war between Germany and the United States

As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States

Became a world power

The term "yellow journalism" arose from the:

Circulation war between two New York newspapers

In the midterm elections of 1918

Democrats lost control of both houses of Congress

Eugene V. Debs was arrested for violating the Espionage Act because which group was part of his audience in Ohio?

Draft-age youths

The Roaring Twenties was dubbed "the Jazz Age" by

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Which of the following is NOT associated with the Harlem Renaissance?

Gertrude Stein

Which of the following is NOT true of the "American plan" concept of employment?

It promised a more democratic work environment than most other shops

One of the following pairs consist of two countries that were NOT members of the Triple Entente.

Italy and Austria-Hungary

As a result of the Scope trial

John Scopes was found guilty of teaching evolution

The first major victory for American forces in the Spanish-American War was at

Manila Bay

When news of the European war first reached the United States

Most high government officials were pro-British

Queen Liliuokalani

Opposed the Americanization of Hawaii

The United States acquired all of the following as a result of the Spanish-American War EXCEPT


When Americans led an overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy in the early 1890s

President Cleveland refused to annex Hawaii to the United States

During the coal strike

President Theodore Roosevelt won support for his use of the "big stick" against big business

The Open Door policy

Proposed that foreign powers keep the China trade open to all nations on an equal basis

For violating the Espionage Act, Socialist leader Eugene Debs

Received a ten-year prison term

All of these innovations changed warfare during World War I EXCEPT

Required veterans' pensions to be paid by their home country

Which of the following statements regarding coal is NOT true?

Roosevelt once bellowed that "the Constitution is more important than coal!"

The Red Scare of 1919-1920 was directed against

Socialists and Communists

The subject of "Wealth against Commonwealth" was

Standard Oil

The Roosevelt Corollary

Stated that the United States could intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere countries to forestall the intervention of other powers

Which of the following was NOT part of Warren Harding's presidency?

Supporting progressive legislation

The issue that provoked an open break between Taft and Roosevelt was

Taft's anti-trust suit against United States Steel

The Open Door policy was rooted in the self-interest of American businessmen and their desire to exploit Chinese markets, but it also

Tapped the deep-seated sympathies of those who opposed imperialism

What liberated the Philippines from Japanese occupation?

The Jones Act

Which of the following is the best interpretation from this "Puck" cartoon?

The Spanish government's misrule has produced anarchy in Cuba.

President Roosevelt sent troops to support Panamanian rebels in the fight against Colombia so that

The United States could build a canal in Panama at a lower price

Which of the following was NOT a cause of the Depression?

The gold standard caused a tightening of the currency supplies worldwide

All of the following were put forward as reasons for the United States annexing the Philippines EXCEPT:

The large oil and coal deposits in the Philippines

Who said, "Speak softly, and carry a big stick?"

Theodore Roosevelt

Who was the president when the United States acquired the right to build a canal across Panama?

Theodore Roosevelt

Why were Sacco and Vanzetti tried, found guilty, and later executed according to Howard Zinn?

They were anarchists and foreigners

Wilson's Fourteen Points endorsed all the following EXCEPT

U.S. colonies in Africa and Asia

The treaty ending the Spanish-American War

Was opposed by most Democrats and Populists

The battleship Maine

Was the source of a battle cry in the Spanish-American war

The publisher of the New York Journal was

William Randolph Hearst

Contrary to his party's tradition, President Taft called for

a lower tariff

Hoover's early efforts to end the Depression included

asking businessmen to maintain wages and avoid layoffs, in order to keep purchasing power strong

The Seventeenth Amendment

authorized the popular election of U.S. senators

The federal Emergency Relief Act

avoided a direct dole to individuals

The election of 1912 brought about all of the following EXCEPT:

brought the same man to the White House in nonconsecutive terms

The Scopes trial

concerned state law that prohibited the teaching of evolution in public schools

Under the Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917-1918

criticism of government leaders or war policies became a crime

The theories of relativity and quantum physics led people to

deny the relevance of absolute values in society at large

The novels of Ernest Hemingway

depicted the cult of athletic masculinity and a desperate search for life

The culture of modernism was characterized by

developments in science that challenged perceptions of certainty

What was the major cause of the St. Louis riot in 1917?

employment in a defense factory

In his first term as president, Wilson did all of the following EXCEPT

failed to reorganize the banking system

The immigration quota laws passed in the 1920's

favored immigrants from northern and western Europe

In the 1920s, farm pirces

fell sharply

The National Child Labor Committee pushed:

for laws banning the widespread employment of young children

In negotiating with the Big Four over many postwar territorial issues, President Wilson

had to compromise his principle of national self-determination

President Wilson's secretary of state resigned in 1915 because: Ref: American neutrality strained

he thought Wilson's note to Germany denouncing the sinking of the Lusitania would draw America closer to war

Charles Lindbergh became immensely popular in the 1920s due to

his solo flight across the Atlantic

The 1919 police strike in Boston

inadvertently launched a presidential career

The biggest scandal of the Harding administration

involved leasing government-owned oil deposits to private companies

Despite the fact that the Great War generated many changes in female employment, these changes were

limited and brief

In the presidential election of 1916, the Republicans

lost by a small margin

The tariff policy of the early 1920s

made it hard for other nations to sell to the United States

In the progressive period

many groups—blacks, the poor, the unorganized—had little influence

In his 1920 campaign for president, Warren Harding said the country needed a return to


The southern literary renaissance came about because

of the conflict between southern traditions and modern commercialism

The Federal Highways Act

passed in 1916

The congressional resolution for American entry into World War I

passed overwhelmingly

Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom platform

proposed vigorous anti-trust action to break up corporate concentration

Coolidge's administration was marked by


Which of the following best describes the method used by most progressives to solve the problem of economic power and its abuses?

regulate big business

The German delegation at Versailles objected most bitterly to

reparations for the entire war

The 1924 immigration law

set strict yearly limits on the number of immigrants allowed into the country

The Federal Reserve Act did all of the following EXCEPT:

shifted the U.S. Treasury back to the gold standard

A major factor in Woodrow Wilson's victory in the 1912 presidential campaign was the fact that

the Republican party had split in two

After Congress' declaration of war, which group called it, "a crime against the people of the United States?"

the Socialist Party

Part of the reason for the stock market crash was

the buying of great amounts of stock on margin

As a result of the Bolshevik Revolition in Russia

the country concluded a separate peace with Germany

Progressives supported all of the following as measures to democratize government EXCEPT

the poll tax

Harding's administration is most remembered for

the scandals that plagued it

The Gastonia strike of 1929 resulted in

the violet crushing of the strike by the National Guard

Of all of the causes of the stock market crash of October 1929, the greatest culprit was

the weak foundation of the 1920s economy

Congress established the Bureau of Corporations

to monitor the activities of interstate corporations

What gave World War I its lasting character?

trench warfare

n the case of Schenck v. United States, the Supreme Court

upheld the conviction of a man who had circulated pamphlets against the draft

In the area of conservation, Theodore Roosevelt

used the Forest Reserve Act to withdraw over 170 million acres of timberland from logging

In the case of Lochner v. New York, the Supreme Court

voided a state-legislated ten-hour day because it violated workers' "liberty of contract"

William Howard Taft

was Roosevelt's choice as his successor

President Wilson's response to the sinking of the Lusitania

was a series of notes demanding that Germany stop such actions and pay reparations

The Universal Negro Improvement Association

was led by Marcus Garvey

Some 8,000 American troops landed in Russia in 1918

when Russia signed a separate peace treaty with Germany

As president, Taft

withdrew more public lands in four years than Roosevelt had in nearly eight

President Taft's domestic policies generated a storm of controversy

within his own party

Carrie Chapman Catt was best known for her achievements promoting

women's suffrage

At the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in 1911

workers died as a result of a fire

Frederick W. Taylor

wrote "The Principles of Scientific Management"

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