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Post-World War II American workers made spectacular gains in productivity owing to a. the passage of the Taft-Hartley Law. b. new tools in the factories. c. the continued growth of unions. d. the destruction of Europe's industrial machine. e. their rising education levels.


President Harry Truman relieved General Douglas MacArthur from command of United Nations troops in Korea when a. MacArthur continued to lose crucial battles. b. MacArthur crossed the 38th parallel and entered North Korea. c. the Chinese entered the Korean War after MacArthur said they would not. d. MacArthur began to take issue publicly with presidential policies. e. MacArthur began to mock Truman for being only a captain in the army.


Match each 1948 presidential candidate below with his political party. A. J. Strom Thurmond 1. Progressive B. Henry Wallace 2. Democratic C. Harry S Truman 3. States' Rights D. Thomas E. Dewey 4. Republican a. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4 b. A-4, B-2, C-1, D-3 c. A-3, B-1, C-2, D-4 d. A-1, B-4, C-3, D-2 e. A-2, B-3, C-4, D-1


Match each postwar American program below with its primary purpose. A. Point Four 1. assist communist-threatened Greeceand Turkey B. NATO 2. promote economic recovery of Europe C. Truman Doctrine 3. aid underdeveloped nations of Latin D. Marshall Plan America, Asia, and Africa 4. resist Soviet military threat a. A-4, B-1, C-3, D-2 b. A-2, B-3, C-1, D-4 c. A-1, B-2, C-4, D-3 d. A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2 e. A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1


The feminist revolt of the 1960s was sparked by a. the continued exclusion of most women from the workplace. b. growing domination of the service sector of the economy, where most women were employed, by the industrial and manufacturing sectors. c. Congress's failure to pass the Equal Rights Amendment. d. a clash between the demands of the traditional role of women as wives and mothers and the realities of employment. e. dismay at the image of women in advertising.


The origins of the Cold War lay in a fundamental disagreement between the United States and the Soviet Union over postwar arrangements in a. North Africa. b. East Asia. c. the Middle East. d. the Third World. e. Eastern Europe.


The refusal of FHA administrators to grant home loans to blacks resulted in a. the growth of savings and loan institutions exclusively for blacks. b. driving many blacks into public housing. c. the development of exclusively black suburbs. d. a decline in black migration to the cities. e. all of the above.


NSC-68 called for a. the invasion of North Korea by United Nations troops. b. a blockade of the China coast and bombing of Manchuria. c. a program of spying on the Soviet Union. d. the reorganization of the Defense Department. e. a massive increase in military spending.


The Taft-Hartley Act delivered a major blow to labor by a. outlawing strikes by public employees. b. creating a serious inflationary spiral. c. banning labor's political action committees. d. outlawing the "closed" (all-union) shops. e. forbidding union organizers to enter workplaces.


The growth of organized labor in the post-WWII era was slowed by all of the following EXCEPT a. the Taft-Hartley Act. b. the rapidly growing number of service-sector workers. c. the failure of Operation Dixie. d. the reduced number of women in the work force. e. the growing number of part-time workers.


When the Soviet Union denied the United States, Britain, and France access to Berlin in 1948, President Truman responded by a. asking the United Nations to intervene. b. denying the Soviets access to West Germany. c. declaring that an "iron curtain" had descended across Central Europe. d. organizing a gigantic airlift of supplies to Berlin. e. sending an armed convoy to Berlin.


All of the following encouraged many Americans to move to the suburbs except a. development of fuel-efficient automobiles. b. home-loan guarantees from the Federal Housing Authority and the Veterans' Administration. c. government-built highways. d. tax deductions for interest payments on home mortgages. e. "white flight" from racial change.


Americans feared that the end of World War II would bring mainly a. renewed racial tensions. b. a return of the Depression. c. a staggering round of deflation. d. a resurgent Nazi Germany. e. a new war with the Soviet Union.


In an effort to forestall an economic downturn, the Truman administration did all of the following except a. create the President's Council of Economic Advisers. b. sell war factories and other government installations to private businesses at very low prices. c. pass the Employment Act, which made it government policy to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. d. pass the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, known as the GI Bill of Rights. e. continue wartime wage and price controls.


The Marshall Plan finally passed Congress largely because it was perceived there as a. anticommunist. b. generous. c. inexpensive. d. unprecedented. e. economically beneficial to the United States.


The baby-boom generation will create a major problem in the future by a. producing an even larger generation of children than itself. b. placing an enormous strain on the Social Security system. c. creating a housing shortage. d. causing immigration restrictions to be imposed upon many deserving people. e. overbuilding the number of schools.


The continued growth of the suburbs led to a. increased school integration. b. better entertainment opportunities in the cities. c. an increase in urban poverty. d. a decrease in urban crime. e. more efficient transportation.


The earliest and most serious failure of the United Nations involved its inability to a. preserve peace in places such as Iran. b. command widespread support in the United States. c. control atomic energy, especially the manufacture of weapons. d. prevent the Soviet Union from exercising its veto power in the Security Council. e. establish a Jewish homeland in Israel.


One sign of the stress that the immediate growth of post-World War II geographic mobility placed on American families was the a. redistribution of income. b. popularity of advice books on child-rearing. c. increasing reliance on television as a "baby sitter." d. increased number of long-distance telephone calls. e. dramatic rise in divorces.


The United States believed that it was desirable to have the Soviet Union participate in the projected invasion of Japan because a. the communists would be so busy in Asia that they could commit no mischief in Europe. b. without Soviet help, the Japanese could not be defeated. c. Soviet help could reduce the number of American casualties. d. Roosevelt believed that Stalin could help to control the communists in China. e. the Soviets could help control the Chinese communists.


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