APUSH Chapter 10

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George Washington summoned the militia of several states. An army of about how much was sent to Pennsylvania for the whiskey rebellion?


How many envoys reached Paris in early 1800?


All but ___ percent of the people lived east of the appalchain mountains. The trans-appalachain overflow was concentrated chiefly in ____________, ____________, ____________ all of which were welcomed as states within 14 years

5; Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio

Americas population was still about _____ percent rural


Because of the exhaustion George Washington faced, he retired after his second term. What tradition does this create for future American presidents?

A two term tradition

To Jefferson, what was the favored branch of the economy and formed the foundation of his political thought? Jeffersonian republicans insisted that there should be no special privileges for who? Most of his followers came from where?

Agriculture. The special classes, particularly manufacturers. Agricultural south and southwest

Who was the key figure in the new government? He regarded himself as kinda a prime minister in Washington's cabinet and on occasion he thrust his hands into the affairs of other departments

Alexander Hamilton

What did the two and half years of hostilities between France and U.S. Consist of?

American privateers and men of war of the new navy captured over eighty armed vessels, and some hundred Yankee merchant ships were lost to the enemy

By preserving a strong central government while specifying protections for minority and individual liberties, Madison's amendments partially swung the federalist pendulum in an __________________ direction


When did Washington take the oath of office?

April 30, 1789

How were primitive semblances of political parties beginning to emerge?

As Jeffersons and Madison's antagonism to Hamilton stiffened, and as the newspapers of the day spread their political message, and Hamilton's, among the people, it emerged

What term means the transfer of debt from one party to another; federal government assumed states' Revolutionary War debts in 1790 crucial for Hamilton's plan to have wealthy Americans provide support for national administration in order to strengthen the central government


What happened in 1794, when a new army under the general "Mad Anthony" Wayne routed the Miamis at the ________ of _________ __________, the British refused to shelter the fleeing Indians?

Battle of fallen timbers

What other two alien laws struck heavily at undesirable immigrants?

Because war with France seemed imminent, the president was empowered to deport dangerous foreigners in time of peace and to deport or imprison them in time of hostilities

What was adopted by the necessary states in 1791, the first ten amendments to the constitution. Some of the most precious American principles were: freedom of religion, speech and the press; the right to bear arms and to be tried by a jury; and the right to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances; prohibits cruel and unusual punishments and arbitrary government seizure of private property?

Bill of Rights

Drawing up what headed the list of imperatives facing the new government?

Bill of rights

How was America affected by the French Revolution?

Britain was sucked into the conflict. It spread to the new world. Thus was repeated the familiar story of every major European war, beginning in 1688, that involved a watery duel for control of the Atlantic Ocean

Persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as official advisers


President Washington, in a last desperate gamble to avert war, decided to send who to London in 1794?

Chief Justice John Jay

Who was a representative of the French Republic that landed in Charleston South Carolina? He took advantage of the Franco American alliance. He foolishly came to believe that the neutrality proclamation did not reflect the true wishes of the American people, and he consequently took on an activity not authorized by the French- including the recruitment of armies to invade Spanish Florida and Louisiana, as well as British Canada. He ended up being replaced.

Citizen Edmond Genet

Both Jefferson and Madison stressed what? It was a popular theory among English political philosophers in the 17th and 18th centuries. As applied to America by the jeffersonians, this concept meant that the 13 sovereign states, in creating the federal government, had entered into a "compact," or contract, regarding its jurisdiction. The national government was consequently the agent or creation of the states. The individual states were the final judges of whether their agent had broken the "compact" by overstepping the authority originally granted

Compact theory

Who was an outspoken Jeffersonian editor and was brought to trial? He was a victim of a harmless partisan, who should have been spared the notoriety of martyrdom. He gained fame by spitting in the face of a federalist

Congressman Matthew Lyon

What was the name given to the memorable treaty signed in Paris? France agreed to annul the 22 year old marriage on (in)convenience, but as a kind of alimony the U.S. Agreed to pay the damage claims of American shippers.

Convention of 1800

Who had recently seized dictatorial power, nicknamed "little corporal?" He was eager to free his hands of the American squabble so that he might continue to redraw the map of Europe and perhaps create a new world empire in Louisiana

Corsican Napoleon Bonaparte

What undermined the unity of the revolutionary era?

Domestic politics and foreign policy

Amendments to the constitution could be proposed in which two ways?

Either by a new constitutional convention requested by two thirds of the states or by a two thirds vote of both houses of congress

Hamilton sought additional internal revenue and in 1791 secured from congress what tax that taxed goods produced domestically, notably whiskey?

Excise tax

What did Washington construct that ended up in newspapers upon retiring? It was addressed to the nation in 1796, he advised the avoidance of "permanent alliances" but he favored "temporary alliances" for "extrodinary emergencies"

Farewell Address

The Supreme Court, dominated by who, was of no mind to declare this federalist law unconstitutional?


Who scored the most sweeping victory of their entire history in the congressional elections of 1798-1799?


What did British agents openly sell to the Indians of the Miami confederacy, an alliance of 8 Indian nations who terrorized Americans invading their lands?

Firearms and firewater

Why does john Adams deserve immense credit?

For his belated push for peace. He avoided the hazards of war and smoothed the path for a peaceful purchase of Louisiana

Why did many antifederalists criticize the Constitution drafted at Philadelphia?

For its failure to provide guarantees of individual rights such as freedom of religion and trial by jury

What was another sharp distinction between Hamilton and Jefferson?

Foreign policy.for Hamilton, foreign trade, especially with Britain, was a key cog in Hamilton's fiscal machinery, and friendship with Britain was thus indispensable. How wanted to build a strong national state and expand Americas commercial interests. Jeffersonian republicans were pro French. His priorities were to protect and strengthen democracy at home, especially the frontier regions beyond the Appalachians

What happened when the troops reached the hills of western Pennsylvania?

Found no insurrection. The "whiskey boys" we're overawed, depressed, or captured

What means that the federal government would pay off its debts at face value, plus accumulated interest

Funding at Par

Who established the cabinet?

George Washington

Who was unanimously drafted as president by the electoral college? He was the only presidential nominee ever to be honored by unanimity

George Washington 1789

Who signed the bank measure into law, and who were the most enthusiastic supporters and who were the strongest opposing forces of the bank?

George Washington; the most enthusiastic came from the commercial and financial centers of the north, and the strongest opposing forces came from the agricultural south

Adams was hated by who? He resigned from the treasury in 1795 and now headed the war faction of the Federalist Party, known as the "high federalists"


Which two leaders were rivals and defined the archetypal conflict in American history, with different theories on society, politics, and diplomacy?

Hamilton and Jefferson

Where was the money to come from to pay interest on this huge debt and run the government?

Hamilton's first answer was customs duties, derived from a tariff. Tariff revenues depended on a vigorous foreign trade

How did Jefferson feel about the bank?

He argued against it. He was convinced that all powers not specifically granted to the central government were reserved to the states. He concluded that the states, not the congress, had the power to charter banks

Why did France not want war and what did Talleyrand let be known?

He realized that to fight the U.S. Would just add another foe to his roster, and with British sending supplies to the us he knew they were driven closer. He let it be known that if America sent a new minister he would be received with proper respect

Why did Jefferson and Washington believe they should stay apart from the war?

He reasoned that of America could avoid the broiled of Europe for a generation or so, it would be populous enough and powerful enough to assert its maritime rights with strength and success. Strategic patience.

What was largely the anti federalist (Democratic Republicans, Republicans) territory?


Why wasn't Alexander Hamilton chosen to be the next president?

His financial policies made him very unpopular

On the sea frontier, the British were eager to starve the French West Indies and expected the United States to defend them. What did commanders of the Royal Navy do to America?

Ignoring Americas rights as a neutral, they struck savagely. They seized about 300 American merchant ships in the West Indies, impressed scores of seamen into service on British vessels, and threw hundreds of others into foul dungeons

When did the French Revolution enter an ominous phase?

In 1792, when France declared war on Austria. News reached America that the French citizen armies had hurled back the invading foreigners and France declared itself a republic

How did the French feel about jays treaty and the new president?

Infuriated by the treaty, the felt it was an initial step with an alliance with Britain and said the pact was a violation of the Franco American treaty of 1778; they began to seize American merchant vessels. The Paris regime refused to receive the new president and threatened him with arrest

How did the trio feel about the go-betweens concessions?

Intolerable. They knew the bribes were standard diplomatic devices in Europe, but they refused to pay that much for mere talk. Negotiations quickly broke out and John Marshall, on reaching New York in 1798, was hailed as a conquering hero

How was the Franco American alliance of 1778 applied to this revolution?

It bound the United States to help the French defend their West Indies against future foes

What was the French Revolution?

It was a historic, global revolution that sent tremors through much of the western world and beyond

Did the Congress pass the first tariff law, imposing a low tariff of about 8 percent on the value of dutiable imports?

It was speedily passed by congress in 1789. The measure was also designed to erect a low protective wall around infant industries

Why did Adams feel as if a war would be useful?

It would bring new plaudits to the Federalist Party, but he and other founding fathers knew it wasn't a good idea

Fearing that a new convention might unravel the narrow federalist victory in the ratification struggle, who determined to draft the amendments himself?

James Madison

When Washington's first assembled the administration in 1793, Hamilton's domestic policies had already stimulated the formations for which two political camps?

Jeffersonian democratic- republicans and Hamiltonian federalists

How did the views of jeffersonians and federalists differ on the British's actions?

Jeffersonians wanted to fight against George III and cut off all the supplies to its oppressor in a nationwide embargo, but the federalists resisted all demands for drastic action. Hamilton's high hopes for economic development depended on trade with Britain

What act organized the Supreme Court, with a chief justice and five associates, as well as federal district and circuit courts, and established the office of attorney general?

Judiciary Act of 1789

What created by Jefferson concluded that the federal regime had exceeded its constitutional powers and that with regard to the alien and sedition acts, "nullification"- a refusal to accept them- was the "Rightful remedy." These series of resolutions was approved by the Kentucky legislature in 1798 and 1799

Kentucky resolutions

Federalists had capitalized on the anti French frenzy to drive through congress in 1798 a sheaf of _____________ designed to muffle or minimize their Jeffersonian foes


What practice was adopted by the Supreme Court in 1803?

Many federalists argued that the people, not the states, had made the original compact, and that it was up to the Supreme Court, not the states, to nullify unconstitutional legislation passed by congress

Who made up the majority of federalist support? They believed that government should support private enterprise but not interfere with it.

Merchants, manufacturers, and shippers along the Atlantic seaboard

What was created by the congress in 1791 and was chartered for 20 years. Located in Philadelphia, it was to have a capital of $10 million, one fifth of it owned by the federal government. Stock was thrown open to public sale?

National Bank of 1791-1811

What did Washington issue in 1793 shortly after the outbreak between France and Britain? This document not only proclaimed the governments official neutrality in the widening conflict but also sternly warned American citizens to be impartial toward both armed camps. Proved to be a major prop in the spreading isolationist tradition.

Neutrality proclamation

Washington had a long journey from Mount Vernon to which city (the temporary capital)?

New York City

Who became the first Chief Justice of the United States?

New Yorker John Jay, Madison's collaborator on "The Federalist" papers and one of the young republics most seasoned diplomats

Was the whiskey rebellion huge?

No, killed little, but the consequences were huge. George Washington's government, now strengthened, commanded a new respect

Why did many states ratify the federal constitution?

On the understanding that it would soon be amended to include such guarantees

Why was an organized opposition beginning to build?

Out of resentment against Hamilton's revenue raising and centralizing policies. Many Americans, dubious about the new constitution in the first place, might never have approved it if they had foreseen how the states were going to be overshadowed by federal colossus

What was granted by Spain because of their fear that Anglo Alliance would occur with the United States and Britain? With this treaty, Spain granted the Americans virtually anything they demanded, including free navigation of the Mississippi, the right of deposit(warehouse rights) at New Orleans, and the large disputed territory of western Florida

Pinckney's Treaty of 1795

The first of these laws designed by the federalists were aimed at who?

Pro Jeffersonian aliens

What was started because of the French Revolution? The guillotine was set up, the king was beheaded in 1793, the church was attacked

Reign of terror

At first, which three full fledged department heads served under the president?

Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton, and Secretary of War Henry Knox

Which act created by the federalists was a direct slap at two freedoms guaranteed in the constitution by the bill of rights freedom of the press and freedom of speech. The law provided that anyone who impeded the policies of the government or falsely defamed its officials, including the president, would be liable to heavy fine and imprisonment

Sedition act

How could the emergence of a landless class of voters be avoided?

Slavery. A system of black slave labor in the south ensured that white yeoman farmers could remain independent landowners

Why did the federalists intentionally write the law to expire in 1801?

So it could not be used against them If they lost the next elections

The mouth of the Mississippi, the life-giving outlet for the loyal people of the western waters (Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio), lay in the hands of the unfriendly _________.


How did states feel about Hamilton's strategy?

States with heavy debts, like Massachusetts, welcomed it. But, states with small debts, like Virginia, were not so welcoming. Virginia did not want the states debts assumed, but it did want the forthcoming federal district (now district of Colombia) to be located on the Potomac River

How were the first stages of the French Revolution?

Surprisingly peaceful, involving a successful attempt to impose constitutional shackles on Louis XVI. Only a few ultra conservative federalists- fearing change, reform, and "leveling principles"- were hostile to the "despicable mobocracy." The more ardent jeffersonians were overjoyed

What was Britain able to negotiate with Jay

The British promised to evacuate the chain of posts on US soil. Britain consented to pay damages for recent seizures of American ships. British stopped short of pledging anything about future maritime seizures and impressments or supplying arms to the Indians. They forced jay to give ground by binding the United States to pay the debts still owed to British merchants

How was America more useful to France as a reliable neutral provider than as a blockaded partner in arms?

The French West Indies needed Yankee foodstuffs. If the Americans entered alongside the French, the British fleets would have blockaded the American coast and cut off essential supplies

What did jeffersonians believe and demand?

The best government was the one that governed the least. The bulk of power should be retained by the states. Central authority (necessary evil) was to be kept at a minimum through a strict interpretation of the constitution. The national debt (saw as a curse) was to be paid off

Name some of George Washington's contributions

The central government was now solidly established. The west was expanding. The merchant marine was plowing in the seas. Washington kept the nation out of overseas entanglements and foreign wars

The new levy of seven cents a gallon was borne chiefly by who?

The distillers who lived in the backcountry, where the wretched roads forced the farmer to reduce and liquify bulky bushels of grain to horseback proportions

Describe the uses for the bank proposed by Hamilton

The government would be the major stockholder and in which the federal treasury would deposit its surplus monies. The central government not only would have a convenient strongbox, but federal funds would stimulate business by remaining in circulation. The bank would also print urgently needed paper money and this provide and stable and sound national currency

What happened when Adams three men reached Paris in 1797?

The hoped to meet with Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister. Instead, they were secretly approached by 3 go betweens (x,y,z) the French spokesman, among other concessions, demanded a loan of 32 million florins, plus a bribe of $250,000 for the privilege of talking to Talleyrand

Jefferson became a master political organizer through his ability to lead people rather than drive them. His strongest appeal was to who?

The middle class and the underprivileged- the "dirt" farmers, the laborers, the artisans, and the small shopkeepers

What kind of war preparations took place in the U.S.?

The navy department was created; the three ship navy was expanded; the United States marine corps was reestablished; a new army of 10,000 men was authorized

What traditionally plays an invaluable role of the balance wheel on the machinery of government, ensuring that politics never drifts too far out of kilter with the wishes of people?

The party out of power- the "loyal opposition"

What did the new law violate?

The traditional American policy of open door hospitality and speedy assimilation

Why were jeffersonians upset by the negotiations made by Britain and jay?

The treaty seemed like an abject surrender to Britain, as well as a betrayal of the Jeffersonian south. Southern planters would have to pay the major share of the pre-revolutionary debts, while rich federalist shippers were collecting damages for recent British seizures

What was one of Americas worst defeats in the history on the frontier in 1790 and 1791?

The war chief of the Miami's and his Braves defeated armies led by generals Josiah Harmar and Arthur St. Clair, killing hundreds of soldiers

Alien laws and sedition acts

These consist of four laws passed by the Federalist Congress and signed by President Adams in 1798: the Naturalization Act, which increased the waiting period for an immigrant to become a citizen from 5 to 14 years; the Alien Act, which empowered the president to arrest and deport dangerous aliens; the Alien Enemy Act, which allowed for the arrest and deportation of citizens of countries at was with the US; and the Sedition Act, which made it illegal to publish defamatory statements about the federal government or its officials. The first 3 were enacted in response to the XYZ Affair, and were aimed at French and Irish immigrants, who were considered subversives. The Sedition Act was an attempt to stifle Democratic-Republican opposition, although only 25 people were ever arrested, and only 10 convicted, under the law. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which initiated the concept of "nullification" of federal laws were written in response to the Acts.

How did views of Jeffersonian democratic republicans and the views of Washington and Hamilton differ?

These jeffersonians were eager to enter the war with France; they felt as if they owed France for their freedom, but Washington and Hamilton thought the war should be avoided

Who ran alongside john Adams and what did he become?

Thomas Jefferson, Vice President

Why did the federalist congress erect a barrier?

To discourage the "dregs" of Europe; most European immigrants were scorned by the aristocratic Federalist Party. Federalists raised the residence requirements for aliens who desired to become citizens from 5 to 14 years

Why did Virginia want the forthcoming federal district to be located on the Potomac River? How did Virginias plan settle with Hamilton?

To gain in commerce and prestige. Hamilton persuaded Jefferson to line up enough votes for assumption. In return, Virginia would have the federal district on the Potomac

What was Hamilton's plan to correct the economic vacations that crippled the articles of the confederation?

To shape the fiscal policies of the administration in such a way as to favor the wealthier groups. They in turn, would gratefully lend the government monetary and political support

What was signed in August 1795, the confederacy gave up tracts of the old northwest, including Indiana and Ohio. In exchange the Indians received a lump-sum payment of $20,000, an annual unity of $9,000, the right to hunt the lands they had ceded, and most important, what they hoped was recognition of their sovereign status.

Treaty of Grenville

What did Adams do instead of go to war?

Tried to reach an agreement with France by sending a commission of three men, including John Marshall the future Chief Justice

Hamilton's unique contribution was to make a debt-originally a liability- an asset for vitalizing the financial system as well as the government itself


The London government was reluctant to abandon the fur trade in the Great Lakes region and also hoped to build up an Indian buffer state to contain the Americans?


Who was elected president next?

Vice President John Adams

What were brilliant formulations of the extreme states' rights view regarding the union? They were later used by southerners to support nullification- and ultimately succession. Yet neither Jefferson or Madison, as the founding fathers of the Union, had any intention of breaking it up; they were groping for ways to preserve it. Their resolutions were basically campaign documents designed to crystallize opposition to Federalist Party and to unseat it in the upcoming presidential election of 1800

Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

Virginian James Madison constructed what, it was a similar but less extreme statement than Jeffersons Kentucky resolutions? Was adopted by the legislature of Virginia in 1798

Virginia resolution

How did Adams unexpectedly explode a bombshell in 1799?

When he submitted to the senate the name of a new minister to France.

What flowed so freely on the frontier in the form of distilled liquor that it was used for money?


What flared up in southern western Pennsylvania in 1794, which sharply challenged the new national government. It was regarded not as a tax on a frivolous luxury but as a burden on an economic necessity and medium of exchange

Whiskey rebellion

The youthful financiers first objective was to bolster the national credit. Why did he urge the congress to fund the entire national debt at par?

Without public confidence in the government, Hamilton could not secure the funds.

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