APUSH Chapter 18,19 Textbook Questions

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Beginning in 1898, the American war in the Philippines A) lasted for years and resulted in thousands of American deaths. B) saw close to 10,000 Filipinos die in the conflict. C) was led by General George Pershing. D) saw the United States withdraw its military and negotiate a diplomatic end to the conflict. E) went much more smoothly than the recent Spanish-American War.

A) lasted for years and resulted in thousands of American deaths.

Between 1890 and 1910, incomes in the United States A) rose for almost all Americans. B) declined for most unskilled workers. C) remained the same for most Americans. D) increased for white Americans, but decreased for most other ethnic groups. E) grew more unequal, while the middle class shrunk.

A) rose for almost all Americans.

By the 1890s, the largest number of immigrants to the United States came from A) southern and eastern Europe. B) Mexico and Central America. C) Great Britain and Germany. D) China and Japan. E) Ireland and Italy.

A) southern and eastern Europe.

Criticisms within the United States regarding American colonialism included all the following major arguments EXCEPT that A) the financial costs of administering colonies would require burdensome taxes. B) imperialism was immoral and contrary to the nation's commitment to human freedom. C) foreign obligations and entangling alliances would threaten American liberties. D) the nation's population would be "polluted" by "inferior" races. E) imperialism would mean a flood of cheap laborers and unwelcome competition.

A) the financial costs of administering colonies would require burdensome taxes.

The Spanish-American War revealed to American military planners A) the need to improve glaring deficiencies in the army. B) that they should never fight another war in the malaria-infested Caribbean. C) the necessity of maintaining a military draft. D) that National Guard troops were less reliable than federal troops. E) the need to desegregate the armed forces.

A) the need to improve glaring deficiencies in the army.

The Farmers' Alliances A) were far more widespread than the Grange movement. B) were created to replace Grange associations. C) had more effective and better-managed cooperatives than the Grange movement. D) sought a closer working relationship with banks than had the Grange movement. E) shunned the political system, emphasizing instead education and organization.

A) were far more widespread than the Grange movement.

In the 1896 presidential election, William Jennings Bryan ran on which party's ticket? A) Farmers' Alliance. B) Democrats. C) Populists. D) Republicans. E) Grangers.

B) Democrats.

In the campaign of 1896, William McKinley A) alienated Protestants by reaching out to Catholics. B) campaigned largely from his house. C) was significantly outspent by his opponent. D) appealed to the interests of urban industrial workers. E) embarked on an unprecedented public-speaking tour.

B) campaigned largely from his house.

Arguments used by Social Darwinists in the United States to justify expansionism A) included the belief that weak nations should be left room to develop. B) contended that all nations were engaged in a constant struggle to survive. C) were created and first promoted by Charles Darwin himself. D) differed sharply from arguments used for domestic economic affairs. E) suggested that harmony among "races" depended on open markets and free trade.

B) contended that all nations were engaged in a constant struggle to survive.

During the late nineteenth century, college education for American women A) did not exist. B) had expanded significantly. C) offered no coeducational opportunities. D) allowed women to be schooled only by male faculty. E) had no real effect on the marrying age of nineteenth-century women.

B) had expanded significantly.

In 1894, the Immigration Restriction League A) sought a ban on all immigration to the United States for fifteen years. B) proposed screening immigrants to allow only the "desirable" ones to enter. C) sought a ban on immigrants from Europe, but not Asia. D) called for the establishment of a tax on all immigrants. E) pushed strongly for the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act.

B) proposed screening immigrants to allow only the "desirable" ones to enter.

According to the terms of the 1901 Platt Amendment, A) Cuba could only form treaties with nations that were allied with the United States. B) the United States had the right to intervene in Cuba to protect life and property. C) Cuba was to be made a demilitarized region. D) the U.S. Congress had to approve each member of the Cuban legislature. E) Cuba was to be granted full political independence.

B) the United States had the right to intervene in Cuba to protect life and property.

The Panic of 1893 A) grew out of a political scandal in the Cleveland administration. B) triggered the nation's most severe depression up to that point. C) began with a drought in the Midwest. D) was blamed largely on Populist politics. E) grew out of the Cleveland administration's attempts at monetary reform.

B) triggered the nation's most severe depression up to that point.

The congressional law of 1873 that officially discontinued silver coinage A) was passed to benefit international trade merchants. B) was passed over the strong objections of farmers. C) became known to critics as the "Crime of '73." D) was hotly debated at the time. E) was passed because the value of silver had fallen to an all-time low.

C) became known to critics as the "Crime of '73."

In the late nineteenth century, many immigrants to the United States A) were already experienced as urban-dwelling, industrial workers. B) found the transition to their new country to be fairly easy. C) formed close-knit ethnic communities within cities. D) totally cut their links to their native countries. E) read English-language newspapers and frequented chain stores.

C) formed close-knit ethnic communities within cities.

Tenement buildings in urban America were A) first constructed in Chicago in the 1880s. B) intended to be occupied as single-family dwellings. C) initially praised as an improvement in housing for the poor. D) subsidized by city governments. E) considered luxury housing by most urban residents.

C) initially praised as an improvement in housing for the poor.

The Treaty of Paris concluding the Spanish-American War A) required Spain to pay the United States $20 million for its military costs. B) was quickly ratified by the United States Senate. C) transferred the Philippines and Puerto Rico to the United States. D) was rejected by Spain and was never implemented. E) rejected most of the terms of the earlier armistice.

C) transferred the Philippines and Puerto Rico to the United States.

The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 A) was strongly opposed by congressional Republicans. B) signified that the era of trusts was ending. C) was indifferently enforced and weakened by the courts. D) was strengthened by the courts over the next decade. E) mirrored legislation passed earlier in New Jersey and Delaware.

C) was indifferently enforced and weakened by the courts.

What statement regarding the national Grange movement is FALSE? A) At their peak, Grange supporters controlled the legislatures of most Midwest states. B) It attempted to teach new scientific farming techniques to its members. C) It sought to regulate the power and practices of railroads and warehouses. D) It was greatly strengthened by the end of the economic depression in the late 1870s. E) The political inexperience of many Grange leaders hurt the movement.

D) It was greatly strengthened by the end of the economic depression in the late 1870s.

In the 1890s, Florence Kelley and the National Consumers League sought to A) encourage immigrants to become greater consumers. B) improve the safety and quality of consumer products. C) protect family businesses from the competition of corporate retailers. D) force retailers and manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for women workers. E) All these answers are correct.

D) force retailers and manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for women workers.

In the late nineteenth century, immigrants in the United States A) were generally better educated than immigrants who arrived a generation before. B) took up semi-skilled craft jobs. C) avoided ports like Ellis Island for fear they would be denied entry. D) generally lacked the capital to buy farmland. E) settled overwhelmingly in the relatively empty Northwest.

D) generally lacked the capital to buy farmland.

In the 1890s, Jacob Riis A) favored stopping immigration as a way to improve urban American cities. B) crusaded to expose political corruption in major American cities. C) documented the stories of wealthy Americans who came from humble origins. D) reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements. E) pushed for the creation of mass transit systems and outlying suburbs in America's cities.

D) reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements.

The "city beautiful" movement in the United States was inspired, in part, by A) the economic depression of 1893. B) None of these answers is correct. C) both the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago, and the new technology of skyscrapers. D) the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago. E) the new technology of skyscrapers.

D) the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

In the late nineteenth century, political "machines" in cities owed their existence to A) the rapid growth of urban America. B) the influx of millions of immigrants. C) disillusionment with heavy-handed and powerful city governments. D) the rapid growth of urban America and the influx of millions of immigrants. E) the influx of millions of immigrants and disillusionment with powerful city governments.

D) the rapid growth of urban America and the influx of millions of immigrants.

Charles Darwin's theories of evolution met initial resistance from A) theologians. B) scientists. C) educators. D) both theologians and educators. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

In the late nineteenth century, the assimilation of immigrants was encouraged by A) the sale of American products. B) public education. C) church leaders. D) religious reform. E) All these answers are correct.

E) All these answers are correct.

By 1890, populations in the biggest urban areas A) increased mainly as a result of longer life expectancy. B) experienced massive growth even where there was little immigration. C) rose as the number of children born into urban families doubled. D) soared as the rates of infant mortality and disease significantly declined. E) consisted mostly of foreign-born immigrants and their children.

E) consisted mostly of foreign-born immigrants and their children.

The election of 1892 A) saw Populism do well at the local level but fail to elect anyone to Congress. B) exposed the declining political power of farmers. C) saw the Republicans sweep into dominant power. D) saw few Populist-backed candidates get elected. E) saw the debut of the People's Party.

E) saw the debut of the People's Party.

Throughout the late nineteenth century, the federal government A) developed a prominent role in international relations. B) shrank in size in terms of employees and budget expenditures. C) had no meaningful responsibilities. D) funded large public-works projects to alleviate unemployment. E) was relatively inactive.

E) was relatively inactive.

To many middle-class Americans, the major labor upheavals of the late nineteenth century A) were evidence that the inequalities of capitalism needed to be addressed. B) drew little interest outside of large urban cities. C) were clear indications of the excessive power of monopolies. D) suggested that a Labor Party, if founded, might eventually capture the presidency. E) were dangerous signs of social instability.

E) were dangerous signs of social instability.

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