APUSH- fast track to a 5: ch 7-9

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A primary cause of the panic of 1837 was (A) considerable overseas competition (B) a depression in Europe that soon spread to the US (C) rampant financial speculation (D) the hard money policy adopted by the Bank of the US (E) the enormous financial cost to the gov't to implement major reform programs


In the Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court...? (A) avoided controversy by ruling that Dred Scott had no right to sue in Federal Court (B) ruled that the Kansas-Nebraska Act was unconstitutional (C) rules that Congress could not prohibit slavery in the territories because slaves were private property (D) ruled that slaves could sue in federal court only if their masters allowed them to do so (E) ruled that a slave that had been transported to a free state or territory was a free citizen of the US


Popular Sovereignty was the idea that...? (A) the gov't of each new territory should be elected by the people (B) the American public should vote on whether to admit states with or without slavery (C) it was for the citizens of a territory to decide if their territory would enter the Union as a slave state or a free state (D) the US should assume popular control of the territory acquired from Mexico (E) slavery should be prohibited from any territory acquired by the United States


The Tenure Office Act (1867) was instrumental in...? (A) removing Union troops from the South, thereby ending Reconstruction (B) placing term limits on the executive branch (C) the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson (D) the rise of southern redeemers (E) destroying racist organizations such as the Knights of Cameli and the KKK


The original purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau was to...? (A) generate support among Southern whites to attempt to end federal military occupation (B) organize blacks as sharecroppers (C) provide freed blacks with food, clothing, and educational opportunities (D) register blacks to vote (E) enroll poor whites and blacks in trade unions


Which of the following is FALSE regarding the Second Great Awakening? (A) It promoted individualism (B) It was not experienced by southerners (C) It placed reason over faith (D) It challenged the Enlightenment's reliance on reason (E) IT came about in response to the perception that piety was declining


Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding the North in the antebellum period? (A) Its industrial development was greater than the other two regions (B) The textile industry was important to several of the states in this region (C) the planter class was dominant in most of the states in the region (D) Northerners favored a high protective tariff (E) Much of the nation;s banking industry was located in the North.


William Lloyd Garrison is most associated with which of the following reform movements? (A) prison reform (B) reforming mental health facilities (C) abolition of slavery (D) opposition to Jackson's policies towards Native Americans (E) urban reform


Hiram Revels...? (A) was the leader of the radical Republicans in the House of Representatives (B) was head of the Freedmen's Bureau (C) was involved in a scandal which seriously damaged the Grant administration (D) was the first black American elected to Congress (E) was instrumental in organizing the KKK


In American Slavery as IT is (1839), Theodore Weld articulated the view that...? (A) abolitionists were to blame for fanning the flames of sectional discord (B) nullification was a constitutional obligation needed to sustain the institution of slavery (C) American slavery could be reformed by placing a time limit on how long one could legally be a slave (D) slavery was an immoral institution that brought misery to millions of people (E) slavery was as productive as capitalism in terms of output


In response to the passage of the 1824 tariff, referred to by opponents as the Tariff of Abominations...? (A) South Carolina seceded from the Union (B) Every southern state refused to abide by it; consequently, it was repealed (C) New Englanders stated it was detrimental to their business interests (D) John C Calhoun wrote the South Carolina Exposition in order to articulate the right of nullification (E) the Bank of the US released millions of dollars to so-called pet banks


The Fourteenth Ammendment to the Constitution...? (A) abolished slavery (B) gave to the federal government supreme authority over the states (C) gave black males the right to vote (D) defined citizenship rights (E) gave to women the right to vote


The Specie Circular...? (A) sought to address the problems associated with the Panic of 1819 (B) was a primary factor in the development of the New Market (C) was nullified by the South Carolina legislature (D) was an attempt by Jackson to remedy the problems associated with the destruction of the bank (E) was used by the Charles River Bridge Co. to raise funds to build a bridge over the Charles River in Massachusetts


The leader of South Carolina's opposition to the Tariff of Abominations was...? (A) Martin Van Buren (B) Henry Clay (C) William Lloyd Garrison (D) John C. Calhoun (E) John Marshall


The spoils system...? (A) was condemned by Jackson and his supporters for Being undemocratic (B) prevented women, Native Americans, and blacks from voting (C) was a derisive term used by opponents of the Tariff of 1828 (D) is a term that is synonymous with rotation in office (E) was a corrupt bargain made by the opponents of Jackson that prevented him from winning the presidency in 1824


Which of the following was a major achievement in the settling and development of the west during the Civil War? (A) Northwest Ordinance (B) Missouri Compromise (C) Wilmot Provisio (D) Homestead Act (E) Clayton-Bulwer Treaty


Andrew Johnson was impeached because...? (A) Southerners were opposed toto his radical Reconstruction policy (B) he failed to enforce federal law in combating the KKK (C) he was involved in the assassination of President Lincoln (D) his administration was involved in a number of corrupt activities (E) he was an obstacle to the radical Republicans' Reconstruction plan


In the Supreme Court case "Ex parte Milligen," the court ruled that...? (A) the Fourteenth Ammendment was unconstitutional (B) freedmen were entitled to possess the land they worked as slaves (C) Southern states were constitutionally required to ratify the Thirteenth Ammendment as a prerequisite for readmission to the Union (D) the U.S. military could not legally occupy a state that had been readmitted to the Union (E) citizens could not be tried by amilitary court if a civilian court was in session


Jackson's Maysville Road veto was an opportunity for him to (A) challenge federal infrastructural development (B) attack opponents of his policy to relocate Native Americans (C) disregard John Marshall's ruling on contracts (D) advocate for the construction of a National Road (E) undermine financial support for the Bank of the United States


One of the most enduring legacies if the Reconstruction era was the passage of the Fifteenth Ammendment, which...? (A) granted voting rights to all male American citizens regardless of race or color (B) made the appointmentt of cabinet members as a duty of the legislative branch of government (C) prevents the government from suspending the writ of habeas corpus during peacetime (D) abolished the institution of chattel slavery (E) gave female citizens the right to vote


The Compromise of 1850...? (A) allowed California to enter as a free state (B) allowed Kansas to enter as a slave state (C) ended the Fugitive slave law (D) gave all the land taken from Mexico to Texas (E) banned slavery in Washington D.C.


The Emancipation Proclamation...? (A) abolished slavery in all states that were in open rebellion (B) abolished slavery in the Border States (C) ended the slave trade but not slavery (D) was ruled unconstitutional by the Taney Supreme Court (E) allowed for popular sovereignty in those states that willingly returned to the Union


The Seneca Falls Convention is associated with which of the following reform movements? (A) women's rights (B) abolition (C) education reform (D) opposition to Jackson;s policies towards the Native Americans (E) urban reform


The origins of the Age of Reform can be found in all of the following EXCEPT...? (A) the defeat of the South and slavery in the Civil War (B) the democratic influences of the American Revolution (C) the Jefferson Democratic-Republicans (D) the antifederalists of the 1780's and 1790's (E) the profound social and economic changes and conditions of the early nineteenth century


The so-called corrupt bargain of the 124 presidential election was a factor in the election of...? (A) John Quincy Adams (B) Andrew Jackson (C) Henry Clay (D) John C. Calhoun (E) Abraham Lincoln


To reduce radica tensions that erupted following the end of the Civil War, Congress passed the Reconstruction Act (1867), which...? (A) divided the South into five military districts (B) suspended the writ of habeas corpus (C) denied citizenship rights to those eho joined racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan (D) granted to former Confederate states financial assistance to rebuild their economies (E) compelled all former Confederate states to ratify the Thirteenth Ammendment


Which of the following did NOT attempt to disenfranchise black voters? (A) Force Act (B) gerrymandering (C) literacy test (D) grandfather clause (E) poll tax


Which state entered the Union as a result of the Compromise of 1850? (A) California (B) Texas (C) New Hampshire (D) Missouri (E) Maine


"Scalawag" was the insulting label given to...? (A) Southern blacks who had fought for the Confederacy (B) Southern whites who cooperated with the reconstruction efforts of the U.S. government (C) white Northerners who violently opposed the reconstruction policies of the U.S. government (D) Northerners who went South after the war to participate in the reconstruction in the South (E) members of racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan who fought violently against racial integration


Carpetbaggers were...? (A) Southerners who supported radical Republican governments in the South (B) Northeners such as teachers and ministers who traveled South after the war to aid the freedmen (C) former Confederate political leaders who regained their political seats in Congress when Reconstruction ended (D) freed blacks who fled the South after being emancipated (E) Southern governments that refused to accept the Thirteenth Amendment


In the election of 1860...? (A) most southerners refused to vote in protest against Lincoln's candidacy (B) the Republicans gained control of the executive branch for the first time (C) the tariff was the most controversial issue (D) the vast majority of southerners voted for the compromise candidate, John Bell (E) the majority of citizens living in the three sections voted for the Republican candidate


Jim Crow laws...? (A) were ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court immediately following the end of war (B) were designed to subordinate blacks (C) allowed for the integration of all public facilities (D) were passed by the radical Republicans (E) were designed to address the abuses of racist organizations such as the KKK and the Knights of the White Camellia


The Anti-Masonic Party...? (A) strongly supported the protective tariff as essential in protecting the nation's industries (B) embraced those who sought to promote religious and moral reforms in gov't and society (C) nominated Andrew Jackson because he was a strong opponent of the Masons (D) was the only third party in US history to win a presidential election (E) was potent in the Southern states, but less so in other regions of the country


The turning point of the American Civil War occurred at the battle of...? (A) First Bull Run (B) Gettysburg (C) Monitor and Merrimac (D) Antietam (E) Second Bull Run


Which confederate State broke apart when one of its regions seceded from the Union to form a new State? (A) Missouri (B) Virginia (C) Tennessee (D) Arkansas (E) Kansas


In the compromise that was reached by Republicans and Democrats over the impasse in the presidential election between Hayes and Tilden,...? (A) Tilden was given the presidency in return for selecting Republicans for every cabinet position in his administration (B) The radical Republicans agreed to disband if Hayes was given the presidency (C) Southerners generally voted for a third-party candidate (D) Hayes was given the presidency if the South agreed to ratify the Fifteenth Ammendment (E) Hayes was given the presidency in return for the removal of federal troops from the South


In the election of 1876...? (A) the Republicans swept the South (B) the contested election was decided by the Supreme Court (C) Tilden recieved more electoral votes but fewer popular votes than Hayes (D) most white Southerners refused to vote (E) Republicans claimed that blacks had been denied the right to vote in several Southern states


Jackson was embroiled in a controversy with Nicholas Biddle over the (A) construction of the Maysville Road (B) construction of the Charles River Bridge (C) resettlement of Native Americans (D) abolition of Slavery (E) Band of the United States


Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction, developed in 1863, allowed for a state to be rreadmitted once...? (A) fifty percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the Union (B) the state legislature ratified the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Ammendments (C) ten percent of its voters repudiated the contract theory (D) it paid for war damages caused by the Confederate army (E) it abolished slavery


The "kitchen cabinet"...? (A) was the name given to Jackson's political opponents (B) was a derisive term for men who advocated for women's rights (C) was a term used to attack critics of Jackson's position on the Bank (D) were those who settled on land for which they no longer held a lease (E) was the nickname of Jackson's unofficial advisors


The Crittenden Proposal...? (A) forbade slavery west of the Mississippi River (B) would have granted the Southern states their independence if they abolished slavery (C) would have lowered the protective tariff in return for abolishing the Fugitive Slave Act (D) ended the slave trade but not slavery in Washington DC (E) would have guaranteed slaveholders the right to own slaves south of the 36 30' line


The Morrill Tariff Act of 1861 (A) Is the lowest protective tariff in US history (B) was warmly embraced by the South as a compromise of goodwill by the north (C) ultimately led to the most devastating depression in US history until the financial collapse in the Great Depression (D) was vetoed by Pres. Lincoln as damaging to the American industries (E) raised tariff rates to levels est. by the Walker Tariff in 1845


The two major political parties in the 1840's, the Whigs and the Democrats, found common ground in their...? (A) opposition to the institution of slavery (B) support for a high protective tariff (C) support for a federally funded internal improvements (D) support for a strong central got't and limited powers to the states (E) historical roots in Jeffersonian republicanism


Which of the following is NOT associated with the North during the war? (A) continued industrialization (B) the Morrill tariff of 1861 (C) the Homestead Act of 1862 (D) the use of blacks in the Union military (E) the ratification of the 15th amendment guaranteeing voting rights to male U citizens


Which of the following is consistent with the contract theory? (A) South Carolina Exposition (B) the political views of John C Calhoun (C) the states, not the federal gov't, are supreme (D) the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (E) the decisions handed down by the Marshall Court


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