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Repealing the Missouri Compromise

Compromise made in Kansas Nebraska act served to increase sectional tensions by

white southern slave owner

George fitzough was most likely a

those who believed in the idea of discovery and realization of self

Group that would most likely be sympathetic to Grimkes concerns expressed in his letter

Women were expected to teach children the virtues of being a citizen of a republic

IN what way did the revolution change the expected role of women?

stressed the happiness of slaves

In arguing for the continuation of slavery, southerners...

natural fulfillment of progress by the Us

In the 1840s manifesto destiny was considered by expansionist to be

south Carolinas protest of tariffs

Nullification would haunt the nation later over which issue

The strengthening of the federal gov

Result of many Supreme Court decisions made under Chief Justice John Marshall between 1801 and 1835

Power of Judicial Review

Resulted from the Supreme Court case Marbury vs. Madison

us was beginning to fragment due to differences of opinion by 1840s

The 2 above excerpts serve as evidence of which of the following

The strength of the federal government

The above proclamation by George Washington showed the

limit the power of the federal gov

The amendments proposed by the Hartford convention were intended to

end of Mexican war

At the time that George fitzugh wrote this what recent event Was exacerbating the issue of slavery

realization of the widening wealth gap between landowners and former indentured servants seeking land

A fundamental grievance of bacons was his

the authority of ministers was challenged

A major change occcurring in religion during this time period is

Controversy regarding support for the revolutionary government of France

The concerns expressed by Washington were a response to the

proslavery groups agreeing slaves can't be citizens

The decision by the Supreme Court in Deed Scott v sanford supported ..

A strict racial hierarchy dominated by europeans

The diversity of race in the British colonies led to

They were the uncivilized group compared to European standards

The dominant European perception of Native populations during the period was

British gov attempt to assert greater control over the North American colonies

The excerpts were written in response to the

Regional development in the new south for growing cash crops, particularly short staple cotton

The gov removal policies in the 1830s in relation to the tribal lands shown in the above map were most directlydue to

spread Christianity to others by example

The idea presented in the passage is that those on the voyage were there to...

The ideas of enlightenment

The ideas about government expressed by Paine and Jefferson most consistent with which of the following?

the belief in tyranny

The ideas expressed by Jefferson are most consistent with which of the following

a reduction on the number of indentured servants

The movement of slaves from Africa to the British colonies expanded in the mid 1600s due to

the southern colonies dependency on cash crops

The need for cheap labor in the colonies was created by

A national constitution

The new code of laws Abigail Adams spoke of eventually led to the adoption of

a decrease in the number of indentured servants coming to the American colonies from england

The people in the above diagram were often sent to the new colonies because..

the expansion of Protestant evangelism

The preaching described in the excerpt is an example of which of the following developments in the 1700s?

The relatively limited powers of the articles of Confederation

The principles expressed by Paine and Jefferson best account for which of the following features of the US during the American revolution

a distrust of former indentured servants

The rebellion that ensued following Bacons statement led to

nomadic movement of people seeking resources

The region inhabited by the Cheyenne, the crow, and the blackfeetpeoples would be characteristics of what?

gradually restricted until slavery was both a permenatn and hereditary condition

The rights of Africans in the British southern colonies were

Chesapeake region

The slaves represented by the graph most typically settled in which of the following regions of America?

break the will of all southerners to continue the war effort

The strategy used by shermann referred in the excerpt was intended to

economically successful farming communities

The tribes represented the above map had established societies on their tribal lands by the 1830s, which can best be characterized as

commander in chief

Under what authority did George Washington issue the above proclamation

greater independence and diversity of thought

WHitefields open air preaching contributed most directly to which of the following trends

various forms of transportation including rail, stage, and covered wagons

Western progression was led by

Mexican American war

What event cause Thoreau to write his famous piece of work

the particular group wasn't taken into consideration when important docs were drafted

What was taneys justification for excluding rights of citizenship in a particular group

The leaders wished to increase unity among the pilgrims by establishing a form of self government

What was the most likely motivation to create the Mayflower Compact?

oppression of western Virginian farmers by the governor and the plantation elite

What was the underlying issue from the statements above

It proved that a self-governing society consisting mostly of farm familiescoulud flourish in New England

Which best explains why the Plymouth settlement was so important to American history?

Stamp act congress success and support for the non importation agreements

Which of the following actions by American colonists demonstrate the greatest continuity with the sentiments expressed in Thomas paines commen sense

federal governments purchase of Louisiana Territory

Which of the following developments most strongly contradicted the ideas expressed in Jeffersons statements

delegates from several British colonies attend the Albany congress in NY

Which of the following efforts most directly resulted from this propaganda use?


Which of the following groups most strongly opposed washingtons point of view in the address

supporters of nullification

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to apply to Calhoun

it invoked the natural rights of humankind to justify revolt

Which of the following is true of the declaration of independence?

The decrease of indentured servants partly as a result of bacons rebellion

Which of the following was a significant cause of the trend from 1701-1770 shown in the graph

the rise of major nativist movements caused by immigration into newly aquired territories

Which of the following was most likely influenced by the trend in the mid 19th centruy

development of the first political party system in American Politics

Which of the following was the most direct result of the ideas expressed in the quotes above

French ambition in North America threatened britishclonial security

Which statement best demonstrates an accurate historical context for this cartoon?

Communities tied to permanent villages subsisting with mixed agriculture, hunting, and foraging

Which would be an accurate description of IRoquious prior to the arrival of Europeans?

John Lockes

Whose concepts did Jefferson draw upon as he drafted the Declaration of Independence?

puritans who were migrating to north america

Winthrops sermon was direct at what specific group. of people?

division of men and women into separate spheres of activity and influence

Writings such as Grimkes sought to challenge this ideal of the 19th century....

controversy over allowing or forbidding slavery in newly acquired territories

direct effect of the trend in the mid 19th century shown in the image above

Supreme Court decisions in early 19th century

most supportive of ideas expressed by hamilton

Why would George Washington not have the power to make this proclamation under the previous gov

there was no executive branch under the previous government

some of them had adopted to white American ways

which of the following was an argument offered by some Americans against removal of the tribes shown in the above map...

most people don't have the capacity to successfully participate

According to Calhoun what was the problem with democracy

Manifest Destiny

According to Calhoun, which period of time being described is classified as a dangerous concept

A drastic decrease in native populations

According to de LAs cases what was the result of European interactions with native people?

between fall of Atlanta and end of war

As evidence from the entry, this event occured

to make Spanish monarchs away of the substation and mistreatment of native people

BArtolomoe de Las Casas intent was...

competition for choice land between European settlers and native Americans

Bacons rebellion was situated in the context of what broader tension of Chesapeak Virginian in the 1600s?

these individuals are considered property

Based on the dred vs Scott excerpt above what can be concluded about the political status of individuals not considered free persons

Stono rebellion

Best example of resistance to the institution pictured above was

embracing ideals from the movement, women became increasingly involved in reform effects outside of the home, but faced social restrictions

Best explains how ideals from the enlightenment and the Second great awakening most directly led to the rise of the women right movements

all people could be saved if they confessed and god accepted their gracce

One of the themes of the time period depicted in the Edwards quote is the belief that

explain why the colonies had revolted

One purpose of the declaration of independence was to

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

President Madison was himself involved in expressing the ideas of nullification with

the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

Prior to calhouns speech the idea of states rights was expressed to

New colleges were founded to educate young men for the ministry

This period of religious revivals had which effect on education?

increased tensions between the New England colonists and the native population

This speech, led in part, to what?

condemnation of mercantilist restraint of the American economy

Thomas Paine conveys a familiar concern for many American colonists in his

was directly affecting their lives

Too many southern women, such as Chestnutt, the war by this point

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