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Which actions are examples of President Theodore Roosevelt carrying out his Big Stick policy? - The United States fought the Spanish-American War. - The United States entered World War I. - The Great White Fleet sailed around the world. - The Transcontinental Railroad improved communications - The United States sent troops to Caribbean countries - The Panama Canal increased global trade.

- The Panama Canal increased global trade. - The United States sent troops to Caribbean countries - The Great White Fleet sailed around the world.

1. Nazi forces are not seeking mere modifications in colonial maps or in minor European boundaries... 2. We have just now engaged in a great debate... 3. This decision is the end of any attempts at appeasement in our land; the end of urging us to get along with dictators; the end of compromise with tyranny and the forces of oppression And the urgency is now. 4. We believe firmly that when our production output is in full swing, the democracies of the world will be able to prove that dictatorships cannot win. 5. But, now, the time element is of supreme importance. Every plane, every other instrument of war, old and new, every instrument that we can spare now, we will send overseas because that is the common sense of strategy. Which two phrases from President Roosevelt's address reveal a turning away from US isolationism during World War II?

3. This decision is the end of any attempts at appeasement in our land; the end of urging us to get along with dictators; the end of compromise with tyranny and the forces of oppression 5. But, now, the time element is of supreme importance. Every plane, every other instrument of war, old and new, every instrument that we can spare now, we will send overseas because that is the common sense of strategy.

We received a call upon arrival the bus operator said he had a colored female sitting in the white section of the bus, and would not move back. We [the two police officer·s] also saw her. The bus operator signed a warrant for her... Rosa Parks... was charged with chapter 6 section 11 of the Montgomery City Code. Why was there a boycott after this act of civil disobedience AND how did the boycott affect the Civil Rights Movement?

A: The NAACP used Parks' arrest to encourage a bus boycott in order to bring attention to the segregation of Montgomery public transportation. B: • Her actions sparked further protests in other regions. • Her actions sparked support from other regions. • She galvanized other activists. • She inspired other activists.

How did the federal government attempt to assimilate Indians in the late 19 century?

American Indian children were sent to boarding schools. American Indian tribal lands were divided into individual plots

Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion of Kuwait in 1990. > The UN Security Council ordered Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. > Iraq formally annexed Kuwait. > ?? Which statement correctly replaces the question mark in this diagram?

An allied coalation fought against Iraq in the Persian Gulf War.

*Global Industrial Robot Sales increase from 2006-2018* Which effect is the result of the information shown in the graph?

An increase in production efficiency

Effects of the Great Depression on Local Governments: - Decreased property values - Decreased revenue for services - Increased demand for public relief How did the state work to to lessen the effects of the Great Depression shown in this diagram?

By accepting federal money for relief programs but maintaing control over the administration of the programs.

How did rock and roll musicians like Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, and Elvis Presley influence American culture in the 1950s?

By bringing music with African American roots to mainstream audiences.

Post World War I agricultural overproduction > Decline in crop prices > Increased competition from European farmers > Enactment of Smoot-Hawley Tariff. How did this trend contribute to the Great Depression?

By causing drops in profits and employment.

The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom brought together the nation's most prominent civil rights leaders, along with tens of thousands of marches, to press the United States government for equality. The culmination of this event was the influential and most memorable speech on Dr. Kings career. How did the federal government respond to the 1963 march described in this excerpt?

By passing legislation prohibiting discrimination in public places.

At the turn of the 20th century, many US cities were run by collections of self-serving political machines. These organizations controlled access to political power by rigging votes, buying peoples loyalty and their ballots. What was one additional way that urban political machines "controlled access to political power"?

By securing jobs and contracts for supporters

The true distinction between a republic and a democracy was also called attention to on a former occasion. It is that in a democracy, the people meet and excersize the government in person; in republic, they assemble and administer it by their representative and agents. A democracy consequently, will be confined to a small spot. A republic may be extended over a large region. Based on the excerpt, which idea is important to the success of a constitutional republic?

Citizens electing capable individuals to make laws.

The list highlights some facts from a US Supreme Court case during the 1960's. Mapp v. Ohio(1961) - Police officers forcibly entered a house without a warrant. - Officers arrested house owner Dollree Mapp for having illegal photographs. - Mapp appealed to the Supreme Court, saying that her constitutional liberties had been violated. - The Supreme Court decided in favor of Mapp. Based on the facts of this case and your knowledge of constitutional rights, which outcome resulted from this US Supreme Court decision?

Constitutional protections against unlawful searches and seizures were expanded.

The entire West Coast was deemed a military area and was divided into military zones. Executive Order 9066 authorized military commanders to exclude civilians from military areas. Although the language of the order did not specify any ethnic group, Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt .. . proceeded to announce curfews that included only Japanese Americans. Next, he encouraged voluntary evacuation by Japanese Americans from a limited number of areas... On March 29, 1942,... DeWitt issued Public Proclamation No. 4, which began the forced evacuation and detention of West Coast residents of Japanese-American ancestry on a 48-hour notice . . . . Because of the perception of " public danger," all Japanese within varied distances from the Pacific coast were targeted. What was one way Executive Order 9066 affected Japanese Americans AND what was one way it violated their constitutional rights?

Effects of executive order: - Many individuals were forced into Japanese internment camps. - Many individuals were forced to live in primitive and cramped conditions. - Many individuals were forced to sell most of their personal possessions. - Many individuals were forced to sell their property, including homes, businesses, and farms. - Many internees were U.S. citizens, Nisei, or s,ons or daughters of Japanese immigrants. Constitutional rights violations: - Internees were not formally charged, and as a result could not appeal their incarceration. - Internees lost their personal liberties. - The government sacrificed individual rights for perceived public safety. - The internment was racially motivated, as internment was not mandated for other enemies such as German Americans and Italian Americans. - Due process rights were ignored. - Violations of the Fourteenth Amendment: deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law

1946- Fewer than 17,000 television sets are owned by US citizens 1949- Sales of television sets reach 250,000 per month. 1960- Seventy five percent of US families have at least one television set. Which factor MOST LIKELY contributed to this growth?

Expansion of prosperity because of consumerism

• The Pullman Company makes railcars and creates a town for its workers to live in. • An economic crisis decreases Pullman Company's profits, leading to wage cuts but no decrease in workers' rents. • Pullman ignores its workers' demands, leading to a strike and national boycott of Pullman cars. • The federal government becomes involved after mail delivery is affected. Determine whether each federal government action helped private businesses or helped workers during the Pullman Strike of 1894. - Federal courts ruled against those leading the boycotts and strikes. - The federal government sent troops to Illinois in order to break the strike. - President Grover Cleveland signed an act making Labor Day a national holiiday. - Union officials were arrested and jailed for violating court orders.

Federal courts ruled against those leading the boycotts and strikes. - helped private businesses The federal government sent troops to Illinois in order to break the strike. - helped private businesses President Grover Cleveland signed an act making Labor Day a national holiiday. - helped workers Union officials were arrested and jailed for violating court orders. - helped private businesses

How did the creation of NASA influence the US economy during the 1960s?

Government investment in scientific research and development led to the establishment of new industries

The total number of people and their distribution on the landscape can affect the condition of the environment in many ways. increasing population often means increased urbanization, including conversion of forest, farm, and other lands for housing, transportation and commercial purposes. In recent years, many communities in the US have seen an increase in developed land (residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation uses) that outpaces population growth. Based on the excerpt, how might population growth affect the environment?

Habitat destruction will disrupt ecosystems

1961- Participates in the Freedom Rides movement. 1963- Represents the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee at the March on Washington. 1965- Leads a voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama 1987-2020- Member of the US House of Representatives 2011- Presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Obama Based on the timeline and your knowledge of US history, why did John Lewis receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom?

He used peaceful protests and political action to expand civil rights.

The Constitution vests in the Congress' direct responsibility in the creation of courts and judicial offices and in the formulation of rules of practice and procedure... The simple fact is that today... the personnel of the Federal Judiciary is insufficient to meet the business before them. It is obvious... that some provision must be adopted, which will operate automatically to supplement: the work of older indeer and accelerate the work of the court. Based on the excerpt and your knowledge of US history, what did President Roosevelt want Congress to do?

He wanted congress to increase the number of Supreme Court justicies from nine to fifteen.

I. The Supreme Crime Against Civilization: The Tragic Destruction of the Lusitania XV. Destroying the Priceless Monuments of Civilization XIX. Facing Death in the Trenches XXVI. How "Neutral" Waters Are Violated XXIX. The Deadly Submarine and Its Stealthy Destruction XXXI. Wholesale Slaughter by Poisonous Gases. Which chapter titles identify the MOST DIRECT reasons that the United States declared war on Germany in 1917? Select THREE correct answers.

I. The Supreme Crime Against Civilization: The Tragic Destruction of the Lusitania XXVI. How "Neutral" Waters Are Violated XXIX. The Deadly Submarine and Its Stealthy Destruction

Based on the table and your knowledge of US history, which conclusion could be made about US migration between 1960 and 2000?

Immigration law changes allowed more migration from vertain regions.

2002- AFL-CIO forms a council to revitalize US manufacturing. 2003- The AFL-CIO mobilizes workers through door-to-door campaigns. 2006- The AFLO-CIO collaborates with day laborer organizations on immigration reform issues. What goals do organizations like the AFL-CIO seek to achieve in the United States?

Improving working conditions and opportunities for union workers

Which reason has the U.S, government given for supporting Israel?

Israel was one of the few democracies in the Middle East.

Based on this leaflet, which statement describes the methods used by the women's suffrage movement?

It hoped to draw public attention to the cause through mass protests.

I work harder now than when my pay was twice as large. Less than five years ago wages were from $12 to $18 a week currency; now they are from $6 to $12, and work not as steady... During working hours the men are not allowed to speak to each other though working close together, on pain of instant discharge. Men are hired to watch and patrol the shop. In the late 1800s, which action taken by American workers was MOST successful in addressing the problems described in this excerpt?

Joining the organized labor union movement

Nader has no doubt forced Al Gore to run a different kind of campaign than he would otherwise. In past elections, Gore chose to posotion himself as a New Democrat, championing a moderate agenda that included downsizing and reinventing the government. His rhetoric has taken on a more populist tone in this campaign, emphasizing the role of the government as a check of the excesses od corporate power.

Nader's candidacy shifted the issues discussed by the major party candidate.

Which political button reflects the connection between the Vietnam War and the passage of the 26th amendment to the US Constitution?

Old enough to fight, old enough to vote!

The Nineteenth Amendment officially eliminated sex as a barrier to voting throughout the United States... And yet, the legacy of the Nineteenth Amendment... turned out to be complicated. It advanced equality between the sexes but left... inequalities of class, race, and ethnicity intact. It stimulated important policy changes but left many reform goals unachieved. It helped women above all white women, find new footings in government agencies, political parties, and elected officers... and yet left most outside the halls of power. Part A: Based on the excerpt, which effect did this amendment have on women in US society? Part B: Which statement from the excerpt BEST supports this effect?

Part A: Women continued to fight for their civil rights. Part B: "...left ... inequalities of class, race, and ethnicity intact..."

With several million unemployed workers and no widespread labor shortage as yet, it will be some time before women are employed on a large scale everywhere. The unemployed and workers temporarily displaced by the conversion of industries to war work will have first consideration in employment. Where local labor shortages exist, increased efforts must be made to induce employers and labor to adopt policies that will ensure the full utilization of female labor. Jobs must be broken down into unit skills, workers will have to be upgraded, and women will need to be trained to fill the new jobs. Part A Based on the excerpt and your knowledge of US history, how did World War II affect the workforce? Part B Which phrase from the excerpt provides evidence for the answer to Part A?

Part A: Women gained more opportunities in industry. Part B: "...to adopt policies that will ensure the full utilization of female labor..."

On January 7, 1999, US Senate convened as a court to try articles of impeachment against Democratic president Bill Clinton. It was the second time in US history that a president had been tried by the Senate. The American public was divided about President Clintons impeachment. What was one argument presented by the people who disagreed with the impeachment proceedings

Poor judgment in private behaviors did not qualify as high crimes and misdemeanors

How did levee failures affect New Orleans after Hurrican Katrina?

Rising temperatures caused widespread power outages

What policy did Govenor Orval Faubus of Arkansas most strongly support in the 1950s?

Segregation in public places and schools

Which ideas were included in the original U.S. Constitution and which were added through the Bill of Rights? - Separating governmental Powers - Allowing peaceful protests - Establishing a court system - Providing access to a trial by jury

Separating governmental Powers - Included in the Original U.S. Constitution Allowing peaceful protests - Added through the Bill of Rights Establishing a court system - Included in the Original U.S. Constitution Providing access to a trial by jury - Added through the Bill of Rights

Federal, state, and local governments worked together to involuntarily remove many US citizens of Mexican ancestry many of whom were born in the United States... Approximately 60 percent of the persons of Mexican removed to Mexico in the 1930s were US citizens, many of them children who were effectively deported to Mexico when their immigrant parents were sent there. Why did the US government take this action during the Great Depression?

Some thought people of Mexican ancestry were taking jobs from US workers.

Which situation influenced Harry S Trumans decision to use atomic weapons against Japan?

Strong resistance by the Japanese allowed that an invasion of Japan would result in a large number of US casualities.

Which position did the political action group known as the Moral Majority support in the 1980's?

Students should be allowed to pray in schools.

Some years ago; in the Negev Desert, Bedouin tents were equipped with small antennas. They were attached to battery-operated televisions, many of which were tuned to the American prime-time soap opera Dallas. It was unclear at first just what nomadic desert dwellers could have made over the backroom battles of J. R. or the plantation sweetness of Miss Ellie, even if the open plains of Texas could at times seem as arid as the surrounding desert. Which claim is BEST supported by this excerpt?

Television is an important tool for the diffusion of American culture abroad.

Based on the photograph and your knowledge of US history, how did battles such as Okinawa influence US strategy in World War II?

The United States chose to drop the atomic bomb rather than invade Japan to end the war.

Which statement describes a direct result of the Spanish American War?

The United States gained new overseas markets.

Events in the Development of the Truman Doctorine December 1944 - Civil war errupts in Greece between communists and government forces. February 21, 1947 - The British government announces a withdrawl of economics and military aid from Greece and Turkey. March 12, 1947 - President Harry Truman gives a speech to congress on the situation in Greece and Turkey Which statement describes the response of the US government during this time period?

The United States provided military and economic aid to Greece and Turkey.

Which sentence describes a result of the situation addressed by President Nixon?

The actions of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) led the US government to focus on energy conservation.

- improved water, purification systems - Improved computing systems - Improved global search and rescue systems Which statement describes how these improvements were originally developed?

The government invested funds into aerospace technology

After the 1954 Geneva Confrence, which action became a part of US foreign policy?

The gradual buildup of financial and military aid to South Vietnam

On August 19, 1934, ... [the American Liberty League] was chartered in Washington, D.C, dedicated to "teach the necessity of respect for the rights of persons and property ... and ... the duty of government to encourage and protect individual and group initiative and enterprise, to foster the right to work earn, save and aquire property, and to preserve the ownership and lawful use of property when acquired." ...Its appeal, however, was pitched on a level which placed its emphasis upon the defense of something which most Americans had very little of -property. How did the American Liberty League's mission differ from New Deal policies?

The league focused more on personal responsibility than government responsibility.

The Colonies had... so great a Variety of Religions, they were composed of so many different Nations, their Customs, Manners and Habits had so little resemblance... that to unite them in the same principles in theory and the same system of action was certainly a very difficult enterprise. The complete Accomplishment of it, in so short a time and by such simple means, was perhaps a singular example in the history of mankind. Thirteen clocks were made to strike together, a perfection of mechanism which no artist had ever before effected. How does this reflection by Adams symbolize the motto E Pluribus Unum?

The many colonies were different yet came together to form one country.

Which statement describes why the US military developed protective masks during World War I?

The masks were needed to shield soldiers from chemical weapons used in the war.

Which statement describes one way that the Bessemer process contributed to the economic development of the United States?

The mass production of steel allowed the construction of taller buildings.

Which situation motivated the repeal of the 18th amendment prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcohol?

The need to promote economic recovery during the Great Depression

Which statement BEST explains the breif popularity of Vietnam War related songs?

These songs peaked in sales as the anti war movement intensified.

Why did the progressive era reformers support the goal illustrated in this 1874 political cartoon?

They believed alcohol abuse was the underlying cause of society's problems

Which statement explains the historical significance of the Tuskegee Airmen?

They overcame racial barriers and discrimination to serve as fighter pilots.

- Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico - Grand Canyons, Arizona - Big Bend, Texas - Crater Lake, Oregon Why were parks like those on this list established?

To preserve natural resources

in 1970, students at Kent state university gathered because of US involvement in the _______ for. Ohio National Guard troops fired on the crowd and four students were shot. The incident at Kent state university, _______.

Vietnam; weakened public support to win the war

- High levels of military enlistment - Active recruitment of women into the defense industry - High levels of industrial production Which era is associated with these characteristics?

World War II

But after all this was said, we realized that the issue was whether there would be fighting in a limited area now, or on a much larger scale. Later on whether there would be some casualties now or many casualties later... Our men are fighting as valiantly as Americans have ever fought, because they know they are fighting in the same freedom in which Americans have stood ever since the beginning of the Republic. what issue was president Truman referring to in this address ?

applying containment policies is in Korea

The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 established the Office of Economic Opportunity to implement education, employment, and training programs as part of the Great Society initiative. This act provided adult education and other benefits such as ____________. One effect of this act was a ____________.

business loans; reduction in poverty rates

Haven't received the surrender of the island of Guam I formally took possession at 2:45 PM hoisting the American flag on for Santa Cruz and saluting it with 21 guns from Charleston. Know Spanish vessel of war has visited Guam do the last 18 months. How did this acquisition benefit the United States in the early 20th century?

by securing US presence in the Pacific Ocean

In which way did the trend represented in this graph result in economic growth during this time period?

people had more money to spend on consumer goods

- Cultivated new and innovative areas of martial arts - Started a production company and began acting in his own movies, including enter the Dragon - Pioneered opportunities for Asian Americans and Asian immigrants How did Bruce Lee's accomplishments help shape US culture?

they introduced more positive depictions of Asian Americans, then had historically existed

The people in line in this cartoon represent which group in US society?

wealthy business owners in the upper class of society

Which development most likely resulted from these court decisions?

widespread Enactment of segregation laws.

First, drug education- the 1990 budget has provided over a $200 million increase for· school and community prevention programs like those that have proven so successful right here. We've got to teach our children to stay away from drugs. We've got to stop illegal drug use before it even gets started . And second, drug treatment and prevention- too many people in too many cities simply aren't getting the help they need . That's not right. And that's why the '90 budget has boosted spending on drug treatment and prevention, and especially cocaine treatment, by about $375 million. And third, for those who cannot learn or will not seek help, we have a plan for them, too, because we're going to take back the streets by taking them off the street s. And that means helping your able police chief. That means punishing those who do evil. Which statements describe the effects of the policy described in the excerpt?

~ It led to an increase in arrests of citizens throughout the United States. ~ It led to backlash from citizens who believed it unfairly targeted racial minorities.

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