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What post Civil War event is most associated with Ford's Theatre?

Abraham Lincoln's assassination

Juan de Oñate's 1598 subjugation of natives who resisted Spanish rule is best illustrated by his attack against natives in


As Spanish labor demands grew, the labor source for imperial production transitioned to

African slaves.

The main purpose of the ______________ was to create a united treaty with the Iroquois and serve for the common defense against the French.

Albany Congress

The encomienda system primarily relied on labor from

American Indians.

Nonimportation is best illustrated by...

American colonists refusing to purchase goods from Britain after the Stamp Act

Which president is associated with the creation of a Kitchen Cabinet , or a collection of people supporting his political views in the presidential cabinet.

Andrew Jackson

The dissatisfaction of Virginia farmers with the colonial governor who failed to protect them against American Indian raids led to...

Bacon's Rebellion

Which of the following was NOT a direct reason for the U.S. to declare war on Britain in 1812?

British actions in the XYZ affair

What was the name of the American vessel that was fired upon by the British prior to the War of 1812 provoking calls for war from the war hawks?


Since the 15th and 16th centuries, what has been the most enduring legacy from Spanish conquest and exploration of the Americas?

Converts to Christianity

The faction of Northern Democrats who opposed the Civil War became known as the


Which of the following was NOT a cause of the financial crash of 1857?

Decline in the price of cotton overseas

Which of the following people is most associated with providing treatment for the mentally ill?

Dorothea Dix

Which of the following statements does NOT describe a result of the cotton gin?

Eli Whitney made huge profits

Which European country had the least significant presence in the Western Hemisphere during the 15th and 16th centuries?


The era is U.S. history when 1 political party dominated U.S. politics

Era of Good Feelings

Which of the following Civil War Battles occurred first?

First Battle of Bull Run

What territorial gain was made with the Adams Onis treaty?


Which land action gave the U.S. possession of the southern part of Arizona and New Mexico, west of the Rio Grande and South of the Gila River?

Gadsden Purchase

According to the preceding statement, which foreign nation received the highest level of benefit from the policy he was vetoing?

Great Britain

Of the following people, who is most associated with the War Hawks prior to the War of 1812?

Henry Clay

Based on the origin and purpose of this document, it was most likely created by which of the following reformers?

Horace Mann

Which of the following livestock introduced by the Spanish had the greatest impact on Great Plains Indian settlement patterns?


Which of the following statements best describes the ideas that caused the division between Anne Hutchinson and the Puritan church?

Hutchinson openly promoted the idea of an individual personal relationship with God without the guidance of church leaders

Earliest migrants to North America were required to adapt to which initial environmental challenge?

Ice and glaciers

Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe slavery in the North American colonies?

In Virginia, slaves worked mainly in urban areas and ports

What was the most important 15th- and 16th-century goal of Spanish conquest and exploration as revealed by the conquistadores?

Increased wealth of Spain

How does the document define popular sovereignty?

Inhabitants of territories becoming states would decide on the issue of slavery

Which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) in North America?

Intensified competition between France and Britain over colonies

Pre-Columbian Southwest Indians were most noted for which environmental transformation practice?


Which of the following statements about Uncle Tom's Cabin is the most accurate?

It motivated others to write novels refuting the book's assertions

What was the major purpose of the toleration act of 1649

It protected Catholic rights in Maryland from the influx of Protestant colonists

Which of the following statements about the Treaty of Ghent is NOT true?

It settled border disputes involving the Louisiana territory

Which of the following was NOT true of the House of Burgesses in Colonial Virginia?

It was responsible for electing the governor

Which president is most associated with the Era of Good Feelings?

James Monroe

Which of the following refers to the Southern culture of segregation that existed for almost a century after the Civil War?Jim Crow

Jim Crow

Which of the following colonists defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre?

John Adams

Which of the following statements best describes the result of the 1824 election?

John Quincy Adams won the popular vote

The founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (later known as Mormons) was...

Joseph Smith

The Marbury v Madison decision strengthened the...

Judicial Branch

Which of the following political parties based its entire platform on the issue of immigration?

Know Nothings

The belief that the United States had a special mission to expand over the entire North American continent was known as

Manifest Destiny.

Which of the following statements was NOT true of the tidewater gentry in colonial Virginia?

Many poorer farmers and former indentured servants were forced to locate in the Tidewater

In what way did the Jamestown colony and the Massachusetts Bay colony differ greatly?

Massachusetts Bay did not suffer from the same hardships as Jamestown in the first years of the colony

Which of the following Supreme Court decisions directly dealt with Native American territorial rights?

McCulloch v Maryland

Which of the following people would NOT be considered part of the 19th century transcendentalist movment?

Nathanial Hawthorne

In regard to the Emancipation Proclamation, what was a major significance of the 1864 presidential election?

Northern voters showed their approval of Lincoln's stand against slavery

The slogan "fifty-four forty or FIGHT!" dealt with which disputed U.S. border with another nation?

Oregon and Canada

Which of the following policies or actions would have been the most popular among people living in the western U.S. prior to 1812?

Pinckney's Treaty

Which 15th-century European country dominated the African slave trade?


The maize culture of the Southwest was most similar to the pre-Columbian culture of the


The Puritans believed that the freedom to practice religion should be extended to...

Puritans only

Which of the following was not a native crop from the Americas that stimulated trade and/or population in Europe?


This treaty negotiated the border between Maine & Canada

Rush Bagot Treaty

Which Revolutionary battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans influencing the French to provide additional support to the Revolutionary cause?


Which Revolutionary war battle in considered the turning point in favor of the American colonists?


A derogatory term for pro-union Southerners during the Civil War


Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton held the first U.S. convention on the rights of women at which location?

Seneca Falls, New York

Which of the following was NOT a cause of increased American settlement of the West after the Civil War?

Sharp increases in urban food prices

Which of the following events serves as an example of a citizen revolt following the American Revolution before the signing of the Constitution?

Shay's Rebellion

Which deadly epidemic most devastated Mexican natives and was the subject of numerous 15th- and 16th-century primary accounts of disease?


Border States or slave states that DID NOT secede from the Union included all of the following EXCEPT...

South Carolina

Which Old World crop introduced by the Spanish most dramatically increased demand for African slaves in the Caribbean?


The table most directly suggests which of the following developments by 1749 ?

The British established increasingly extensive trade networks to provide goods to its colonies.

Which of the following actions was a result of the Boston Tea Party?

The Coercive Acts were issued

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate concerning African Americans during the Civil War?

The Emancipation Proclamation increased African American enlistments in the North

What movement most directly influenced the writing of the Declaration of Independence?

The Enlightenment

Which of the following is true of the Great Awakening?

The First Great Awakening created a greater appreciation for the emotional experiences of faith

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Compromise of 1877?

The Force Acts were overturned

General George Cornwallis was forced to surrender at Yorktown mainly because...

The French Navy won control of the Chesapeake Bay

What became the most controversial element of the Compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Act

Which of the following documents encouraged church membership in the Massachusetts Bay colony?

The Halfway Covenant

As a result of the Pequot Wars...the colonies of New England formed a Military alliance called...

The New England Confederation

The immigrants represented in the cartoon most likely settled in which two regions of the United States?

The Northeast and Midwest

The third amendment to the U.S. constitution relates most directly to...

The Quartering Act

All of the following are examples of conflicts between colonists and Native American Tribes EXCEPT..

The Stono Uprising

Which of the following was a Union advantage over the Confederacy during the Civil War?

The Union had a better funded treasury

Which of the following best describes Deism?

The belief that God had created the world but allowed it to operate through the laws of nature

Which of the following aspects of life in the United States in the early nineteenth century most likely influenced Adams' recollection of Revolutionary events?

The development of a national culture and national identity

Which of the following terms was NOT part of the 1783 Treaty of Paris

The importation of slaves was banned

Which of the following actions best illustrates the policy of Salutary Neglect?

The lack of enforcement of the Navigation Acts prior to 1763

Which of the following statements best describes a provision of the 1867 Reconstruction Act?

The law divided the South into districts run by the Union military

The ratification of the United States Constitution despite the "resistance" described in the excerpt is best understood in the context of which of the following developments?

The mistrust of centralized authority by some Anti-Federalist politicians

Which of the following statements was NOT true of the Confederacy during the Civil War?

The number of slave uprisings increased

The concern in the petition about the effect of taxation is best understood in continuity with which of the following earlier developments?

The revolt against British imperial control of the North American colonies

The ideas expressed in the excerpt best reflect which of the following historical processes?

The transmission of Enlightenment ideals across the Atlantic

Which of the following statements best characterizes the activists who attended the Seneca Falls Convention?

They called for expanded women's rights.

Which of the following best describes women in colonial New England

They could own property and form contracts if they were widowed

Which of the following was NOT an advantage of the British during the American Revolution?

They successfully utilized loyalist support

Which of the following explains the impact that the migration described in the passage had on those who migrated?

They were able to take advantage of opportunities unavailable to them in their place of origin

Which of the following groups would most likely support the Articles of confederation?

Those who held strong anti-monarchial views

What was the immediate cause of the Mexican American War?

U.S. annexation of Texas

Bacon's rebellion is most associated with what colony?


This treaty helped settle territorial disputes with Britain over the Oregon Territory

Webster Ashburton

Brutal clashes between the forces of Grant and Lee in Virginia that would lead to Grant capturing Virginia and Lee surrendering.

Wilderness campaign

Who advocated for the immediate and uncompensated release of all slaves held in the United States?

William Lloyd Garrison

Which of the following led immediately to an undeclared naval war between the U.S. and France?

XYZ Affair

Which of the following led to an undeclared naval war between the U.S. and France?

XYZ Affair

This revolutionary battle marks the end of the Revolutionary war where General Cornwallis surrenders to American forces under the leadership of George Washington and Marquis de Lafayette.


King Philip's War could be best described as...

a conflict between Native American's and New England Settlers

Which of the following most accurately summarizes James Buchanan's legacy as president?

a strict constitutionalist, which may have limited his ability to preserve the Union

Which belief would most be associated with William Lloyd Garrison?

abolition of slavery

What was the main goal of early 19th century utopian communities?

achieving religious, social, economic and or political perfection

What was the Specie Circular

an executive order requiring that government land be paid for in Gold or Silver

During the 19th century, settlement patterns of new immigrants were mostly based on...

areas where populations of their native communities had already been established

The main purpose of the Olive Branch Petition was to...

avoid the escalation of violence between Britain and the colonies

Andrew Jackson differed from previous presidents in that he....

came from a poor family of immigrants

Spanish mineral wealth from the Americas caused a shift toward


The reason British troops were ordered to Concord in 1775 was to...

capture a store of militia weapons

The difference in slave populations depicted in the graphs most directly resulted from differences in

climate and geographic conditions for cash crop agriculture

Which of the following actions was taken by state governments in the South to improve economic conditions?

constructing railroads and businesses

The main purpose of passing the 12th amendment to the Constitution was to...

correct irregularities in presidential elections

What innovation led to an increased demand for slavery despite the fact that the slave usage had been decreasing prior.

cotton gin

Which of the following was a main goal of the educational reform movement of the early 1800's?

creating responsible new citizens

Following the Civil War, the rights of freedmen were restricted by Southern governments through...

creation of Black Codes

Which of the following policies was supported by James Madison?

creation of the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

By the 1750's, the British colonies on the North American mainland were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT

disdain for British constitutional monarchy

In terms of politics, the 1850s were noteworthy because they witnessed the

dissolution of national political parties over sectional concerns.

The main purpose of the Albany Congress of 1754 was to...

draw up a treaty with Native Americans

The purpose of the headright system was to...

encourage increased migration to the Virginia colony

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was responsible for...

establishing the procedure for creating new states

Which of the following is NOT a legacy of the Articles of Confederation?

establishment of the reservation system for Natives

Which of the following was an advantage the South had in the Civil War?

experienced military leadership

dissolution of national political parties over sectional concerns.

fifth amendment

Writs of Assistance refer to...

general search warrants

During Reconstruction, the Wade-Davis Bill stated that Southern states could re-enter the Union after..

half the voters took a loyalty pledge

Dred Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that...

he had been a resident of a state where slavery was illegal

President Johnson was impeached officially because he...

illegally removed a cabinet member from office

All of the following were major elements of the Union strategy for victory in the Civil War EXCEPT

impressing ex-slaves into the Union army.

Britain attempted to pay for the debt resulting from the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) by...

increasing taxes on goods bought and sold in the colonies

The Emancipation Proclamation had the military impact of...

increasing the number of African Americans serving in the Northern Army

The majority of colonists who migrated to Maryland and Virginia during the seventeenth century would be best described as...

indentured servants

Sextant technology revolutionized

international trade and exploration.

John Rolfe's main contribution to the Jamestown settlement was...

introducing tobacco as the colony's first stable crop

The Kansas Nebraska Act was unpopular in Northern States because...

it could increase the number of slave states

The tariff of abominations of 1828 was mainly opposed because...

it hurt the sale of Southern cotton

Sixteenth- through nineteenth-century North American Indians most resisted European beliefs about

land ownership.

What are Jim Crow laws?

laws creating segregated accommodations

The purpose of the Force Acts was primarily to...

limit the actions of the Ku Klux Klan

Sixteenth-century African slaves in the Western Hemisphere best preserved autonomy and linguistic traditions through

maroon communities in the Caribbean.

"When London Merchants Urge Repeal" (January 17, 1766) referred to "this trade", consisting of British Manufactures exported, and of the import of raw materials from America, many of them used in our manufactures, and all of them tending to lessen our dependence on neighboring states," What economic system is specifically being described?


Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Spanish exploration and conquest created a racially mixed culture known as


In 1573, the Comprehensive Orders for New Discoveries placed pacification of natives primarily in the hands of


Which of the following advantages did the colonists have during the American Revolution?

more accurate rifles

The theory that individual states do not necessarily have to carry out any federal laws with which they disagree is known as


In the case of the United States v Cruikshank, the Supreme Court found that..

only states could enforce the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871

The Free Soil Party's platform could be best described as...

opposing the expansion of slavery in Western Territories

The map above shows the U.S. immediately after the...

passage of the Missouri Compromise

The Practice of slavery was officially ended in the United States with...

passage of the Thirteenth Amendment

What group directly profited from the creation of the 1st National Bank?

people of the Northern U.S.

What groups most directly profited from the creation of the 1st National Bank?

people of the Northern United States

Encomienda labor focused most on

plantation agriculture.

The Declaration of Independence is most similar to Thomas Paine's Common Sense in that both...

primarily focused their cases for independence in grievances against the British King

During the Reconstruction Era, the fastest growing sector of the economy was...

railroad industry

Which of the following best describes Roger William's view of "liberty of conscience"?

religious freedom required a separation of church and state

Which of the following objectives best describes Andrew Jackson's policy toward Native Americans?

removal to reservations in the West

The most important factor in Andrew Jackson's successful bid for the presidency in 1828 was his

reputation as a hero of the War of 1812

Before the arrival of Europeans, Great Basin and Western Plains Indians

responded to a lack of resources by developing mobile lifestyles.

Which field was NOT traditionally open to women for employment during the early 19th century?

secretarial work

In Plessy v. Ferguson, the United States Supreme Court ruled that

separate but equal public facilities for blacks and whites were legal.

During Reconstruction, most former slaves found employment mainly as...


The Freeport Doctrine stipulated that...

slavery could be prevented by states passing laws unfriendly toward the practice

What provision is made concerning slavery in Washington D.C.?

slavery would continue but the sale of slaves would cease

The Wilmot Proviso stated that...

slavery would not be allowed in lands acquired from Mexico

The American or "Know-Nothing" Party of the 1850s

sought to limit the rights of immigrants.

The purpose of the Declaratory Act was to...

state the the British government had the authority to create laws without colonial representation

What new style of campaigning came about in the 1818 presidential election?

stronger emphasis on rallies, slogans and parades

Lincoln's primary objective for suspending the writ of habeas corpus was to...

suppress Southern sympathizers in Border states

Which of the following actions does NOT illustrate the strategy employed by Lord William Pitt of England during the French and Indian War (1756-1763)?

taking over the French forts located along both sides of the Mississippi River

An important consequence of the "tariff of abominations" (1828) is that it led to the

taxation of consumer items

Which of the following was a result of Bacon's rebellion?

tensions between backcountry farmers and the tidewater gentry were exposed

Mr. Pinkney's statement would raise which of the following concerns amongst the anti-federalists?

the "necessary and proper" clause gave the central government too much power.

John Winthrop referred to the Massachusetts Bay colony as a "city upon a hill" because..

the colony was to serve as an example of Christian virtue and charity

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts)?

the creation of colonial controlled legislatures

At the constitutional convention, the Great Compromise referred to...

the creation of the Senate and the House of Representatives

The Hudson River School art movement of the mid 19th century addressed all of the following themes except...

the depiction of pastoral settings

Which of the following best describes the overall impact of the 3/5 compromise?

the institution of slavery became officially recognized under the constitution

In northeastern North America before European contact, the Iroquois developed the tradition of

the longhouse.

Over the centuries, the most effective means of "civilizing" natives to Spanish culture was

the mission system.

Alexander Hamilton's debt plan consolidated the nation's Revolutionary war debts into one debt to be paid off by...

the national government

In return for helping Rutherford B Hayes win the presidency, the Republicans promised the Democrats that...

the occupation of the South by federal troops would be ended

Which of the following powers was vested within the Articles of confederation?

the power to declare war

The Republican Party campaign platform of 1860 called for

the restriction of slavery from the territories.

What was a common theme in the nullification theories held by Thomas Jefferson and John C Calhoun?

the right of states to strike down any federal laws as they see unconstitutional

Many Northern workers rejected the goals of the Abolitionist movement because...

they feared competition for jobs

Which of the following statements is most accurate about the southern colonies during the late seventeenth century

tobacco, rice and indigo served as the major staple crops

The role of General Friedrich Von Steuben during the American Revolution would be best described as...

training the Continental Army at Valley Forge

The quote "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestioned ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor" best illustrates which 19th century movement?


President Andrew Johnson was impeached as a result of his

violation of the Tenure of Office Act.

What was the primary strategy of the Confederacy during the early part of the Civil War?

waging a war of attrition against the North

The primary staple crops produced in the Middle Colonies included...

wheats, oats and barley

The term domestic feminism during the first half of the nineteenth century could best be defined as....

women adopting a more assertive role in the home

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