APUSH Midterm Practice Questions

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Describe the Latino Southwest as per AMSCO

After Mex war ended in 1848, Spanish-speaking landowners in Cali and SW were granted their property rights and citizenship. Hispanic culture was preserved in dominant Spanish-speaking areas such as New Mex. Terr. The border towns and the barrios of California. Mexican American found work in the sugar beet fields and mines of Colorado and building and Western RR. B4 1917 the border w/ Mex was open and few records were kept for either seasonal workers or permanent settlers.

Describe the Business of Railroads after the Civil War pertaining to its effect on the US economy.

After the Civil War RR mileage increased x5 in a 35 yr period. They created a market for goods that was national in scale and encouraged MASS PRODUCTION, MASS CONSUMPTION, and ECONOMIC SPECIALIZATION. They also promoted the coal and steel industry. American Railroad Association: divided the county into 4 time zones. Most important innovation: the creation of the modern stockholder corporation ad development of complex structures in finance, business management, and regulation of competition.

Summarize the Compromise of 1850 Per AMSCO

California claimed to. Be a free state and prez Taylor allowed them and New Mex as free states, South threatened w/ succession and my man Henry Clay came in and proposed this

List and describe the reform movements in the 1880s and 1890s as per AMSCO (awakening of reform)

Books of Social Criticism: Henry George's "Progress and Poverty" 1879 proposed one innovative solution to poverty—replacing all taxes w/ a single tax on land. Edward Bellamy's "Looking Backward, 2000-1887" 1888 envisioned a future era in which a cooperative society had eliminated poverty, greed and crime. Settlement Houses: well-educated women and men of the middle class settled into immigrant neighborhoods to learn about the problems of immigrant families 1st hand. Living and working in places called settlement houses, the young reformers hoped to relieve the effects of poverty by providing social services for ppl in the neighborhood. E.g. the Hull House in CHI. These house tag hut English, industrial arts and established neighborhood theaters and music schools Social Gospel: 1880s and 90s a # of Protestant clergy espoused the cause of social justice for the poor. Preached the importance of applying Christian principles to social problems. Leader of movement: Walter Rauschenbussch. Religion and Society: Roman Catholicism grew rapidly b/c of the increase in immigration (Letsssss go!) Cardinal James Gibbons of Baltimore inspired the devoted support of old and new immigrants by defending the Knights of Labor. For the Protestants, Dwight Moody founded the Moody Bible Institute in CHI in 1889 and helped generations of urban evangelists to adapt Christianity to city life. The Salvation Army came in from England in 1879. The Urban middle class like Mary Baker Eddy who taught that good health was the result of correct thinkin about "Father Mother God" 100,000s joined her church, the Church of Christ (Christian Science) Families in Urban Society: divorce rates increased to 1 in 12 marriages by 1900 b/c st. Leg. Expanded the grounds for divorce including cruelty and desertion. Family size also decreased (check out graph) Voting rights for women: Launched at Seneca Falls 1848. In 1890 2 pioneer feminist of the 1840s, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony of NY helped found the National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA). Wyoming was 1st to grant full suffrage to women 1869. 1900—most could vote in local election and own and control property after marriage Temperance Movement: Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) 1874 advocated total abstinence from alcohol. Leader— Frances E. Willard. The Antisaloon League 1893 became a powerful political force and by 1916 persuaded 21 states to close down all saloons and bars. Urban Reforms: grassroots efforts arose to combat corruption. teddy Roosevelt tried to clean up NYPD.

Compare and Contrast uncle Tom's Cabin and the Impending Crisis of the South

Compare: both books brought out complaints from the South. They called Uncle Tom's full of "untruths" and they responded to Impending crisis saying slavery was good for slave and master alike. Contrast: the south banned Impending Crisis and Uncle Tom's. Was a much more influential book. Impending crisis gave slavery statistics and trends as Uncle Tom's spoke of the brutal life as a slave

Summarize the Conservation Movement as Per AMSCO

Concerns over deforestation sparked this movement as paintings and photos of western landscapes helped push congress to preserve places like Yosemite Valley as a California state park in 1864. Yellowstone became first National Park in 1872. Presidents Benjamin Harrison and Grover Cleveland preserved millions of acres of national timber. Laws like the Forest Reservation Act of 1891 and the Forest Management Act of 1897 protected timberlands. The Sierra Club 1892 aimed to preserve natural areas from human interference.

Summarize Spanish Exploration and Conquest in the Americas

Conquistadores: Spanish explorers and conquerors who were responsible for expanding Spanish. Lands. ppl like Vasco Nunez de Balboa journeyed across the Isthmus of Panama. The circumnavigation of the world on one of Ferdinand Magellan ships. Hernan Cortes took over the Aztecs in Mexico ad Francisco Pizarro took over the Incas in Peru. SSpains gold supply increased 500% Encomienda system: the king of Spain gave grants of land and natives to individual Spaniard. Ascent system: required the Spanish the Spanish to pay a tax to their king on each slave they imported to the Americas

Summarize the Cattle Frontier in Western America

Cowboys: Los vaqueros Mexicans who used to raise cattle in Texas on a small scale. Eventually, by the 1860s there were about 500 million head of cattle roamed freely over Texas grassland. The construction of RR into Kansas after the CW opened up cattle markets in Texas. When the business boomed African American and Mexican cowboys received like $1 a day Joseph G. McCoy: built 1st stockyards in the region at Abilene Kansas to hold cattle for CHI. There cattle could be sold $30 to $50 a heads. Downfall: 1880s Overgrazing destroyed the grass and a winter blizzard and drought of 1885-1886 killed off 90% of the cattle. Homesteaders used barbed wire when they lived to Texas cut off open ranges too. Wealthy cattle owners started to breed cows that produced more tender beef.

Summarize McKinley's Presidency

Economy began to revive as Gold was discovered in Alaska in 1897 increasing the $ supply under the gold standard causing inflation. Farm prices rose, factory production increased and the stock market climbed. The Dingley Tariff of 1897increased the tariff to more than 46 percent and in 1900 the gold standard became the officially US currency. McKinley was well liked

Explain the improvements in technology that moved Europe toward Exploration

Gunpowder invented by Chinese and he sailing compass adopted from Arab merchants who learned about it from the Chinese. Europeans also made big time improvements in shipbuilding and map making. The printing press (1450s) made spreading knowledge easier in Europe

List and describe the two massive strikes in the last decade of the 19th century in the US

Homestead Strike: Henry Clay Frick, manager of Carnegies's Homestead Steel plant near Pitt caused a strike in 1892 by cutting wages 20%. He used weapons of LOCKOUT, PRIVATE GUARDS, and STRIKEBREAKERS to defeat the strike after 5 months. Pullman Strike: Georg Pullman, head of company that manufactured RR sleeping cars near CHI. He cut wages in 1894 and fired the leaders of the workers' who came to bargain w/ him. the workers stopped working and looked to the American RR Union (Eugene V Debs) for help, who boycotted Pullman cars. RR owners sided w/ Pullman, putting his cars on mail trains. Then they went to Pres. Cleveland persuading him to use the army to keep the mail trains running.A federal court forbid interference w/ the mail ordering RR workers to quit the boycott. They refused and Debs + friends were arrested and jailed. In case of In re Debs (1895) the SC approved the use of court injunctions against strikes.

Explain why Jackson vetoing the bank defended the common man

Nicholas Briddle, President of the National bank had a certain arrogance contributing to the suspicion that the bank abused its powers and served only the interests of the wealthy (ooof). Jackson believed this and thought the bank was unconstitutional. 1832 a recharter bill was passed by congress but it was totally knocked out by Jackson because it enriched the wealthy at the expense of the common people.

Describe the Problems and solutions in the Farming Frontier

Problems: extreme hot and cold weather (ew), plagues of grasshoppers (ew ew) and lonesome life on the plains (ew ew ew), scarcity of water, barely any wood fences, crop prices dropped, and buying new machinery, caused 2/3 of Homesteaders in Great Plains to fail in 1900. Solutions: "sodbusters" built their homes of sod bricks, Joseph Gliden invents the barbed wire fence, mail-order windmills to drill deep wells provided some water (not much). PPl tried "dry farming" and deep plowing techniques to use the moisture available. Planted Russian wheat that withstood crazy weather. Dams and irrigation saved many western farmers too.

Summarize the 1st Continental Congress as Per AMSCO

Purpose: to respond to what the delegates viewed as GB's alarming threats to their liberties The Delegates: a diverse group who's views ranged from radical to conservative. Radical faction: Patrick Henry, Sam and John Adam. Moderates: GW and John Dickinson. Conservative (wanted a mild statement of protest): John Jay, and Joseph Galloway Galloways proposal: Similar to the Albany plan of 1754 that would have reordered relations w/ Parliament and formed a union of the colonies w/in the GB empire (lost by a vote) Measures adopted: see picture

Explain the pros and Cons of the Article of Confederation

See picture

Summarize the billion-dollar Congress as per AMSCO

See picture

Ok now here's a biggy.... Summarize Segregation the New South as Per AMSCO

Redeemers: democratic politicians who came to power in the Southern states after Reconstruction . They win support of the business community and the white supremacists Discrimination and the Supreme Court: The Civil rights cases of 1883 ruled that Congress could not legislate against the racial discrimination practiced by private citizens which included RR, hotels, and other businesses used by the public. In please v. Ferguson 1896 the SC upheld a Louisiana law requiring "separate but equal accommodations" for white and black passengers on RR. These court decisions supported Jim Crow Laws in the 1870s which required segregated washrooms, drinking fountains etc. Loss of Civil Rights: Various political and legal devices were invented to prevent southern blacks from voting. E.g. literacy tests, poll taxes and political primaries for whites only. Grandfather clauses were adopted in. The south which allowed a man to vote only if his grandfather had cast ballots in elections b4 Reconstruction. African Americans were barred from serving on juries in the South. They were given stiffer penalties for crimes, Lynch mobs killed more than 1400 in the 1890s. they were even kept out of skilled trades and factory jobs. Responding to Segregation: Ida B. Wells, editor of the Memphis Free Speech, campaigned against lynching and the Jim Crow Laws. Bishop Henry Turner formed the International Migration Society in 194 to help blacks emigrate to Africa. Booker T. Washington in 1881 established an industrial. And agricultural school for African Americans in Tuskegee Alabama. In 1900 he organized the National Negro Business League which established 320 chapters across the country to support businesses owned and operated by African Americans. Booker even won the praise of Carnegie and Teddy Roosevelt. W.E.B. Du Bois in 1900 would demand to end discrimination and the granting of equal civil rights to all Americans (he disagreed with Wash)

Summarize American Indians in the West as Per AMSCO

Reservation Policy: late 1930s prez Andrew Jackson had a policy of removing eastern American Indians to the West based on the belief that lands west of the Mississippi would permanently remain "Indian country" . FAKE NEWS. Soon wagon trails spread westward and plans for a transcontinental RR were made. 1851 councils at Fort Laramie and Fort Atkinson, began to assign reservations to Plains tribes . Most tribes refused and continued to follow the buffalo Indian Wars: settlement btwn Americans and Indians on Indian land led to brutal violence. Americans were responsible for several massacres. SIOUX WAR: army column under cpt. William Fetterman was wiped by Sioux warriors leading to another round of treaties to isolate Plains Indians on smaller reservations. However gold miners refused to stay off American Indians' lands if gold was found on em. In 1871 the Indian Appropriation Act of 1871 ended recognition of tribes as independent nations by the fed. Gov't and nullified prev. Treaties. THE GHOST DANCE was the last effort to resist the US govt.. The govt campaigned to suppress this movement killing Sioux medicine man Sitting Bull. Dec. 1890 the US army killed >200 Indians of Wounded knee In Dakotas marking the end of Indian wars. Assimilationists: Helen Hunt Jackson wrote "A century of Dishonor"(1881) . Created sympathy for Indians and generated support for ending Indian culture through assimilation. Reformers advocated formal education, job training, and conversion to Christianity. Dawes Severalty Act (1887): designed to break up tribal organizations to make them become civilized and law-abiding citizens. It divided the tribal lands into plots of put to 160 acres. US citizenship was granted to those who stayed on the land for 25 yrs and adopted the habits of civilized life. 90 million acres of former reservation land was sold to white settlers by the gov't, speculators, or American Indians themselves. Changes in the 20th Century: in 1924, the fed gift granted citizenship to all American Indians.

Describe two actions performed by Andrew Jackson in regards to Government jobs

Spoils System: Jackson replaced any previous holder of office who was not a democrat with a loyal democrat. (At the national level) He rewarded them with a govt job for their party loyalty Rotation of Officeholders: Jackson limited a person to. 1 term in office and appointed some other deserving Democrat to take his place. ***both these actions showed that no man was as good as another and that ordinary Americans were capable of holding any govt office.

Evaluate the Kansas Nebraska Act and what resulted from it per AMSCO

The Kansas Nebraska Act 1854: Sen Stephen A Douglas of Illinois wanted a Railroad to promote Western settlement and increase real estate in Chicago. He needed Southern approval to have this transcontinental RR (The polar express jk is not). To get this approval he introduced this act to divide Nebraska Terr. Into Kansas and Nebraska and allow the settler to decide if they want slavery. It was passed repealing the Mizzou Compromise cus these territories were NORTH of the 36"30' line. South liked it cus they could get slavery above this line. Bleeding Kansas: Antislavery pioneers migrated to Kansas but pro-slavery ppl from Missouri came to the border (border Ruffians) specifically to make Kansas a slave state. North and Free spoilers responded w/ New England Emigrant Aid Company to bring antislavery ppl into Kansas. Fighting broke out (o dear). The Border ruffians made pro s;Avery legislation in Lecompton. And while Antislavery ppl made their own legislature in Topeka. Pro-slavery forces attacked town of Lawrence killing 2 and destroying homes. John Brown and his sons responded by attacking pro-slavery farm killing 5.

Describe the Religious conflicts in Europe during the mid 1400s

The Roman Catholic Church was threatened by Ottoman Turks of Islam and by a revolt against the popes authority Catholic victory in Spain: 8th century- Islamic invaders from North Africa (moors) rapidly conquered Spain. next several centuries-- Spanish Christian reconquered much of the land and set up a bunch of independent kingdoms. Two of the largest kingdoms (Isabella and Ferdinand) united and married in 1469. Under their leadership, the Spanish conquered the last of Moorish lands. Protestant Revolt in Northern Europe: early 1500s-certain Christians revolted against the pope in Rome. (Protestant Reformation) Conflicts btwn Protestant and Catholics caused a series of religious wars and competition to spread their own religions to other lands

Summarize the continued poverty in the New South as Per AMSCO

The south remained a largely agricultural section and the poorest region in the country. Northern investors controlled 3/4 of the southern RR and by 1900 had control of the South's steel industry as well. Industrial workers in the South (94% white) earned 1.2 of the national avg and worked longer hrs than elsewhere. 2 factors that caused poverty in the south: (1) the South's late start at industrialization and (2) a poorly educated workforce.

Summarize the Antitrust Movement

Trusts that followed Rockefeller's lead (sugar tobacco leather meat) were scrutinized in 1880s as middle class citizens feared the trusts' unchecked power and urban elites (old wealth) hated the influence of the new rich. Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 which prohibited Andy "contact, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce" It was too vaguely worded to stop trusts. SC case- US vs. E.C. Knight Co. (1895) ruled the Act to be only applied to commerce and not manufacturing.

Describe the Closing of the Frontier as per AMSCO

Turner's Frontier Thesis: My man Frederick Jackson Turner wrote an influential essay " the Significance of the Frontier in American History" (1893). He argued that 300 yrs of frontier experience shaped American cultures by promoting independence and individualism. He was now troubled cus he saw the availability of free land on the frontier as a safety valve for harmlessly releasing discontent in American Society. Now it was gone. OHHHHHH Dear

List the 10 new Western States (3 Terr.) that were added due to western settlement. Describe the negative side to these addtions

Washington, Idaho, Montana, N. Dakota, S. Dakota, Wyoming, Nebraska, Nevada, Utah, Colorado (Terr= Arizona, New Mex, Oklahoma) Negative: The buffalo were pretty much exterminated, and the environment was extremely damaged people rushed i nto the west for its natural resources.

Summarize the development of nation states

in the 15th cen. Small kingdoms were uniting into larger ones while huge empires like the Holy Roman Empire was breaking up. Nation States replaced these kingdoms , which were countries in which the majority of the ppl shared both common culture and common loyalty toward a central gov't.

Describe the Trends that can be derived from Impending Crisis of the South

trends: Population of free-slave: 2 to 1 Patents of free-slave: about 10 to 1 Value of Churches free-slave: about 3 to 1 Newspapers and periodicals free-slave: about 2 to 1 Bank Capital Free-Slave: 2 to 1 Value of exports: about 3 to 2 *** He was speaking in terms of these ratios in class

describe the causes of stalemate during the Gilded Age in America as per AMSCO

(1)the prevailing political ideology of the time, (2) campaign tactics of the 2 parties and (3) party patronage. Believe in limited Gov't: The belief of "do little" gov't combined w/ social Darwinism and lasses-fairy economics. the federal courts also interpreted gov't powers narrowly campaign strat: elections btwn 1872 and 1892 were so close that republicans and dems avoided taking strong positions on issues. Dems won 2 presidential contest in the EC but they controlled the House 8 of the 10 gen elections. Since elections were so close candidates encourage poll to get out to vote and didnt alienate voters on the issues. They also had brass bands, flags, buttons, picnics, free beer, and crowd-pleasing oratory. Republicans: in the north they kept the memories of the Civil war and the evils of the democrats alive by waving. The "bloody shirt." They received votes from African Americans and reformers. Core strength— men in business and middle -class, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, many of whom supported temperance or prohibition. Supported a pro-business economic program of high protective tariffs Democrats: after 1877 they could win every election in former Confederate states. South was mostly dem. Why in the the north, big-city political machines and immigrant voters were Democratic. Catholics, Lutheran and Jews who objected to temperance and prohibition crusades conducted by Protestant were also democrats. They were for states rights and limiting powers for the fed government following in the Jeffersonian tradition Party Patronage: neither party had an active legislative agenda so their chief goal was to catch dubs in elections, holding office and providing gov't jobs to the party faithful. Republicans who did not play the patronage game were ridiculed as the mugwumps for sitting on the fence. Check out the trends in the chart

Summarize the "nullification crisis" during the age of Jackson per AMSCO

1828, South CArolina legislature declared the increased tariff of 1828 (tariff of Abominations) to be unconstitutional. It affirmed a theory made by John C Calhoun which said each state had the right to decide whether to obey a federal law or declare it null and void (rude). South Carolina held a convention in 1832 to nullify both 1828 tariff and 1832 tariff. The came to resolution that there'd be no tariff in there state. Jackson threatens S Carolina with military action and offered compromise saying nullification and disunion would be treason. S Carolina agreed and rescinded nullification after Congress passed a new better tariff.

summarize the Caning of Senator Sumner

1856 MA Senator Charles Sumner verbally attacked the Democrats during bleeding Kansas. H gave personal charges vs South Carolina Senator Andrew Butler. In response, Butlers nephew, Congressman. Preston Brooks beat up sumner over the head w/ a cane (he never fully recovered). Brooks was only censured outraging the north and the south praised him.

Summarize the Competition and Consolidation of the RR Business Per AMSCO

1870s & 1880s RR companies overbuilt new tech and suffered from management fraud. Speculators like JAy Gould entered RR business and made millions selling off assets and watering stock (inflating value of assets and profits b4 selling stock to public). Also, the RR competed by offering rebates (discounts) and charged exorbitant freight rates to smaller customers. Also tried to increase profits by forming pools (rival companies secretly to fix rates and share traffic) Financial Panic of 1893: forced a quarter of all RR into bankruptcy. J. Pierpoint Morgan and others quickly swooped in to take control and consolidate RRs. Now that the competition was gone, they could stabilize rates and reduce debts. By 1900, 7 companies own 2/3 of all RR in the US. Attempts to regulate the RR: The Ganger Laws passed by Midwestern States 1870s were overturned by courts and the Interstate Commerce Act of 1886 was at 1st ineffective

Compare Contrast the election of 1884 with the election of the election of 1888

1884: Republicans nominated Senator James G Blaine but ppl were suspicious about his honesty and links with RR scandals etc. The reform-minded Mugwumps jumped the the democratic Grover Cleveland train. He was honest, frugal, conscientious and uncompromising Republicans questioned his private life as he fathered a child with a woman (not his wife). This was a dirty campaign as catholics in key states gave Cleveland the dub 1888: Democrats campaigned Cleveland and a lower tariff; Republicans campaigned Benjamin Harrison and a high tariff. republican received campaign finds by arguing a lower tariff would wreck business prosperity.They also attacked Cleveland;s vetoes on pension bills to bring out the veteran vote. Harrison's sweep of the north gave him the EC despite him losing the pop. Vote

Compare/Contrast the election of 1892 with the election of 1896

1892: James Weaver of Iowa, Populist candidate won more than 1 mill votes and 22 EC votes. The populist party lost badly in the south and failed to attract urban voters in the North. There was a rematch btwn Hayes and Cleveland. Cleveland caught the dub in the pop vote and EC. He won partly due to the high tax McKinley Tariff 1896: democrats nominated William Jennings Bryan at 36 yrs old, they favored the unlimited coinage of silver and have taken over the leading issue of the populist platform, causing the populists to also nominated Bryan. The Republicans nominated William McKinley of OH. Marcus Hanna was the financial power for McKinley's nomination and campaign. They promised ppl a strong and prosperous Industrial nation (high tariff and uphold gold standard). "Gold bug" (loyal to Cleveland) democrats gave republicans an early advantage as they left they're party and voted for them. Bryan countered by traveling the whole Nation covering 18000 miles w/ 600 speeches. MArk Hanna did most of the work for McKinleys campaign as he raised millions for the republican ticket and sold it to get mass media. To support McKinley. IN THE END Bryan was hurt by a rise in wheat prices which made farmers desperate and employers telling their workers that factories would shut down if Bryan was elected. McKinley won both pop vote and EC.

Describe Rockefeller and the Oil Industry Per AMSCO

4 years after Edwin Drake drilled the 1st oil well in PA, John D. Rockefeller founded a company in 1863 that took over out of the nation oil refineries. He applied the latest tech and efficient practices. He extorted rebates from RR companies and temporarily cut prices fro Standard Oil Kerosene to force rival companies to sell out (not cool). By 1881, the Standard Oil Trust had 90% of the oil refinery business. HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION: his trust consisted of various companies he and a board of trustees acquired and controlled. When Rocky retired he had $900 mill

Describe the social changes that took place after the Revolutionary War

Abolition of Aristocratic Titles: State Constitutions and laws abolished old institutions that had originated in medieval Europe. No legislature could grant titles of nobility nor could any court recognize the feudal practice of primogeniture (1st born sons right to inherit his family's property) Separation of Church and State: Many states refused to give financial support to any religious group. The Anglican Church was disestablished (lost state support) in the south. Only in 3 NE states did the Congregational Church continue to receive state support. Women: during the war some women followed their men into armed camps and worked as cooks and nurses. Some actually fought in battle either taking their husbands place (molly pitcher) or passing as a man and serving as a soldier (Deborah Sampson). They also maintained the colonial economy as they ran the family farms and businesses. However they still remained in 2nd class status. Slavery: the institution of slavery contradicted the idea of the Revolution and the idea that "all men are created equal." The Continental Congress actually prohibited the importation of enslaved ppl and most northern states ended slavery and some owners in the south voluntarily freed their slaves. However as yrs went on more and more slaveowners began to believe that slavery was essential to the economy

Summarize the Succession of the South and the measures taken (or not taken) to prevent it

After election of 1860: Once Lincoln was elected to the presidency, South Carolina voted to unanimously voted in a convention in December 1860 to seced. W/in 6 weeks Georgia, Flo Rida, Alabama, Mississippi Louisiana and Texas followed. In Feb 1861 they met in Montgomery Alabama and created The Confederate States of America and made a Constitution similar to the OG one but w/ limits on the gov't's power to impose tariffs and slavery. Crittenden Compromise: Buchanan did nothing to prevent the succession of the 7 states (comon bro seriously). So my man Senator John Crittenden of Kentucky proposed a Constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to hold slaves in ALL territories below the 36"30'. Lincoln refused to accept this compromise cus it violated his party's platform to stop extension of slavery.

Summarize America's Alliance with France and Dub (victory) in the revolutionary war

Alliance with France:The turning point for the USA came at the victory at the Battle of Saratoga NY Oct 1777. GB forces under John Burgoyne marched from Canada (fake bacon) trying to link up with other forces from the west and south.But he was attacked by HORATIO gates and Benedict Arnold forcing him to surrender. This victory convinced France to join in on the fun and team up with the US. France had actually been secretly aiding the USA as early as 1775 sending them $ and supplies. Victory: facing a larger war, GB was forced to take troops out of America (philly) and NY became the chief base of GB operations. YORKTOWN— 1781 the last major battle of the war. GW's army w/ the help of the French Navy forced the surrender of a large GB army commanded by Charle Cornwallis. TREATY OF PARIS— 1783 a treaty of peace provided that (1) GB would recognize the USA as an independent nation, (2) The Mississippi River would be the USA's western border, (3) Americans would have fishing rights off the coast of Canada, and (4) Americans would pay debts owed to GB merchants and honor Loyalist claims for property confiscated during the war.

Summarize the Restricting of Immigration as per AMSCO

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882: banned all new immigrants from China. Others from 1882: Immigration restriction on "undesirable" persons, such as paupers, criminals, convicts and those diagnosed as mentally incompetent The contract Labor Law of 1885: restricted temporary workers to protect American workers Literacy test: for immigrants was vetoed by Cleveland but passed in 1917 Groups that wanted to restrict immigration: (1) labor unions, which feared that employers would use immigrants to depress wages and break strikes, (2) a nativist society, the American Protection Association, which was openly prejudiced against Roman Catholics, and (3) social Darwinists who viewed the new immigrants as biologically inferior to English and German stocks.

Summarize Christopher Columbus as Per AMSCO. I dare you!

Chris spent 8 yrs seeking financial support for his plan to sail west to the Indies. 1492- Isabel; and Ferdinand funded 3 ships for the guy and made Columbus governor, admiral and viceroy of all the lands he would claim for Spain. Reached Canary Islands Sept 6 and landed in the Bahamas Oct 2. He found lil gold, few spices, and no simple path to China and India. Legacy: Many Spaniards viewed Columbus as a failure b/c they suspected that he had not found a valuable trade route, but a new world. His haters scoff at his calling of native Americans "indians" However he is recognized to have great navigation skills and he changed the world forever. Exchanges:The columbian exchange was a transfer of plants, animals and germs from one side of the Atlantic to the other side for the 1st time.Indians received diseases killing millions (90% mortality rate)

List and describe the governmental issues in the 1870s and 1880s in the USA as per AMSCO

Civil Service Reform: The Pendleton act of 1881 set up the Civil Service Commission and created a system by which applicants for classified fed jobs would be selected on the basis of their scores on a competitive examination. Also prohibited civil servants from making political contributions Money Question: How much should the US expand the $$ supply? Debtors and farmers and start up businesses wanted more "soft: $$ in circulation cus it would (1) enable em to borrow $ at lower interest rates and (2) pay off their loans more easily w/ inflated dollars. Bankers, creditors, investors and established businesses wanted "hard" money meaning currency backed by gold soared in gov't vaults. As population and the economy grew, the value of the dollar increased by 300% btwn 1865-1895. Greenback Party: "greenbacks" or $ not backed by gold or silver brought prices up for Northern farmers in the CW. creditors and investors and congress hated unbacked paper money as violation of natural law. Specie Resumption Act 1875 withdrew all greenback from circulation. Supports of paper $ formed the greenback party. 14 members elected to Congress in 1878 Demands for Silver $$: "the crime of 1873" when Congress stopped the coming of silver. The Bland Allison act was passed over Hayes veto 1878 which allowed only a limited coinage of btwn $2 mill and $4mill in silver each month at the standard silver-gold ratio 16-1 Tariff Issue: 1890s, tariffs provided more than 1/2 country revenue. western farmers and eastern capitalists disagreed on the question of whether tariff rates on foreign imports should be high or low. Farmers felt tariffs helped industry grow rich at the expense of rural America.

Compare/Contrast Election of 1828 and Election of 1840

Compare: Both elections brought on hardcore par-core negative campaigns. Jacksonians in 1828 accused JQA's wife of being born out of Wedlock will JQA accused JAckson's wife of committing adultery. Meanwhile, in 1840, The Whigs attacked MArtin Van Buren calling him "MArtin Van Ruin". Both elections were resulted in big victories Contrast: In 1840, the Whigs went all out handing our hard cider to voters and rolling William "Henry Harrison in a log cabin on wheels. In 1828 the Jacksonians mostly went for negative advertisements. 1828-DRs won. 1840- Whigs won

Compare/Contrast election 1824 w/ election 1828

Compare: Both elections involved harsh comments from Jacksonians as they accused Henry clay and JQA of making a corrupt "bargain" in 1824 when Clay used his influence in the house to elect JQA and Clay became Sec of St in turn. In 1828, JQA continued to be peppered as Jacksonians accused his wife of being born out of wedlock Contrast: 1824 had no outright winner and the election had to got to the House of representatives to reach a conclusion . (JQA) In fact there was only one party in this election as 4 DR candidates won. Jackson received the most pop and electoral votes but it was not enough to win. The election went to the House and JQA ended up winning. In 1828 Jackson and his fellow Jacksonianism used negative ads to take down JQA saying his wife was born out of wed lock .JQA tried to retaliate saying Jackson saying his wife committed adultery but it was not enough. Jackson received a bunch of votes for his awesomeness as a war hero and man of the western frontier.

Compare Contrast the election of 1852 with the election of 1848

Compare: The Whigs nominated Mex War heroes in both elections (48-Zachary Taylor, 52- General Winfield Scott). Also both Whigs took no position on slavery. Contrast: in 1848 The Whigs won Because the Free Soil party took votes away from the Democrats (Taylor beat Cass). Democrats won the election of 1852 as Franklin Pierce got the bread (won) as he received support from the north (being from New Hampshire) and from the South (support fugitive Slave law).

Summarize The Eastern Trunk Lines per AMSCO

Eastern Trunk Lines: dozens of local RR lines causes gauges (distance btwn tracks) and incompatible equipment. After the CW, competing RR companies turned these inefficient into trunk lines throughout the east (a major route btwn large cities; smaller branches connected trunk line to smaller towns). "Commodore" Cornelius Vanderbilt used is millions to merge local RR into the NY Central RR (NY to CHI)

Describe the enforcement and opposition the the Fugitive Slave Law

Enforcement: Tracked down runaway slaves in the north and brought them back to the South. The fugitive slaves were placed under exclusive jurisdiction of the fed govt and authorized special US commissioners to issue warrants of arrest Opposition: Captured fugitives who claimed to be free were denied the right to trial by jury and those who attempted to hide fugitives were subject to big time penalties

Compare/Contrast English, French and Dutch claims in the Americas

English: John Cabot explored Newfoundland in 1497. England I didn't follow up on Cabot's awesome adventured though. they were distracted with the monarchy in the 1500s. Sir Walter Raleigh tried to establish a settlement at Roanoke Island off the North Carolina coast in 1587 but his venture failed French: 1524 the monarchy sponsored a voyage by Giovanni da Verrazano. He hoped to find a northwest passage leading through the Americas to Asia. he explored part of N Americas eastern coast including NY harbor. Jacques Cartier also explored the St. Lawrence river. The French were also slow to develop colonies in N America b/c the monarchy was preoccupied w/ Eur wars and religious conflict. The first French settlement in America: Samuel de Champlain founded Quebec in 1608. RObert de La Salle explored the Mississippi basin and founded Louisiana. Dutch: Henry Hudson was hired to seek westward passages to Asia through N America. In 1609 he sailed up the HUDSON river. The surrounding area would be New Amsterdam (NY)

Describe the changes in Agriculture in the late 1800s

Falling prices: increased production in USA, Argentina, Russia, and Canada drove crop prices down. Caused deflation. As prices fell farmers w/ mortgages faced both high interest rates and the need to grow more to pay off old debts. (Check out chart) Rising costs: Farmers felt victimized (poor guys) Industrial Corporations were able to keep high prices on goods by roaming monopolistic trusts (jerks). "Middlemen" (wholesalers and realtors) took their cut b4 selling to farmers. RR, warehouses and elevators took what lil profit remained by charging high discriminatory rates for the shipment/storage of grain. Taxes were high for them too.

Summarize The Western Railroads Per AMSCO

Federal Land Grants: Fed gov't gave huge subsidies and grants to RR companies to build RR in the west. Homestead Act gave 170 mill public acres of land (woah). The subsidies had negative consequences (OH DEAR): the grants and cash loans promoted hasty and poor construction (led to corruption in all levels of gov't). 1880s ppl protested b/c RR companies owned 1/2 land in western states Transcontinental RR: During CW, congress authorized land grants and loans to build the 1st one to tie Cali to the Union. The Union Pacific started in Omaha and built West across Great Plains under the command of Gen. Grenville Dodge. The Central Pacific , under Charles Crocker, started in Sacramento Cal. And went East. The two RR met at Promontory Point Utah May 10, 1869 and drive down a gold spike.

Summarize the initial American losses and hardships during the Revolutionary war

First 3 yrs went badly as GW's poorly trained army barely escaped disaster in a battle for NYC in 1776 and by the end of 1777 GB had occupied both NY and Philly. GW and his troops then suffered through a severe winter in 1777-1778 at valley Forge. The patriots als had economic troubles as there was a 95% decline in trade btwn 1775-1777

List and describe the early Spanish Settlements in North America as per AMSCO

Florida: The Spanish beat Indian resistance and established a permanent settlement at St Augustine in 1565 New Mexico: Santa Fe was established as the capital and they tried to christianized the Pueblo ppl. the Pueblos drove the Spanish out and they didnt return until 1692 Texas: grew in the early 1700s as Spain attempted to resist French efforts to explore the lower Mississippi R California: Establish permanent settlements at San Diego in 1769 and San Francisco in 1776 in response to Russian exploration in Alaska. Mission for the Franscician order were established

List and describe the common features in the early State Constitutions

List of Rights: each st Constitution began with a "bill" or "declaration" listing basic rights and freedoms Separation of powers: powers of state legislatures were separated into 3 branches— (1) legislative powers to an elected two-house leg, (2) executive powers to an elected gov, and (3) judicial powers to a system of courts. Goal was to guard against tyranny if gov't Voting: extended to all white male property owners Office-Holding: usually held to a higher property qualification than the voters

Describe the conflict over status in the new territories of the US after Mexican American War

Free-Soil Movement: Many Northerners opposed the westward expansion of slaves but didnt oppose slavery in the South. wanted land only for the Whites. In 1848 they formed the free soil party (no extension. Of slavery, wanted free homesteads and internal improvements) Southern Position: Whites viewed attempts to restrict expansion. Of slavery as a violation of constitutional right to own property. Saw free spoilers and abolitionists as an attempt to destroy slavery. Popular Sovereignty: Lewis Cass (Dem Sen fro Michigan ) was all like , instead of congress determining whether to allow slavery in western Terr., have it be determined by a vote of the ppl in the Terr. (Moderate northerners and Southerners liked this idea)

Summarize Grover Cleveland's 1st Term as president

He believed in frugal and limited gov't, implemented the new civil service system and vetoed 100s of private's pension bills for those falsely claiming to have served or have been injured in the CW. He signed the Interstate commerce Act of 1887 and the Dawes Act. His administration took 81 mill acres of gov't land from cattle ranchers and the RR.

Describe the US Steel Industry in the late 19th Century

Henry Bessemer (UK) & William Kelly (US): discovered that blasting air through molten iron produced high quality steel (1850s) Andrew Carnegie: Immigrated from Scotland and worked his way from poverty to become the Superintendent off PA RR. In the 1870s he started manufacturing Steel in Pitt. And he beat out his completion w/ salesmanship and awesome tech. Strategy: VERTICAL INTEGRATION, a company would control every stage of the industrial process U.S. Steel Corporation:Carnegie sold his company in 1900 for >$400 million to JP Morgan. Morgan's United States Steel was the 1st billion-dollar company and also the largest enterprise in the world. Controlled more than 3/5 of the US steel business (oh my gravy!)

Summarize the economic progress in the New South as Per AMSCO

Henry Grady: editor of the Atlanta Constitution, spread the gospel of the New south w/ editorials that argued for Econ. Diversity and laissez-faire capitalism The growth of cities, the textile industry, and improved RR symbolized efforts of the New South. the South's rate of post war growth from 1865-1900 = or surpassed that of the rest of the country in pop, industry and RR.

I Dare you to SUMMARIZE the Articles of Confederation as per AMSCO

In philly 1776 , John Dickinson drafted the 1st US Constitution. Congress modified it to protect the powers of the individual states. ratification: was delayed by a dispute over the vast American Indian Lapland's west of the Alleghenies. Seaboard states wanted these lands to be under the jurisdiction of the central gov't. VA and NY agreed to cede to their claims and the articles were ratified in March 1781 Structure of Gov't: established a central government that consisted of just one body a congress. Each state was given a vote, w/ at least 9 votes out of 13 to pass important laws. Amending the articles required a unanimous vote. A committee of states w/ 1 representative from each state could make minor decisions when the full congress was not in session Powers: gave congress the power to wage war, make treaties, send diplomatic reps and borrow money. They couldn't regulate commerce or collect taxes

Explain the hardships of American Indians in the 1830s

Indian Removal Act 1830-forced the resettlement of many thousands of American Indians. JAckson cared mostly about the Americans who wanted to move on to Indian lands. By 1835 most complied and moved west. The Bureau of Indian Affairs was created in 1836 to assist the resettled tribes. Cherokee nation v Georgia 1831- Cherokee challenged Georgia when they passed laws to make Cherokee to migrate west. SC ruled that Cherokees were not a foreign nation w/ the right to sue in the federal Court Worcester v Georgia 1832- High court ruled that the laws of Georgia had no force w/in Cherokee NAtion Trail of Tears- 1838 US Army forced 15,000 Cherokees to leave GEorgia (4000 deaths cus of hardships on trail)

Summarize the technology and innovations in the US during the late 19th Century per AMSCO

Inventions: Samuel F.B. Morse made his super duper awesome telegraph helping out the US with Communication in 1844. After the CW, Cyrus W. Field made an improved transatlantic cable 1866 making it possible to send messages across seas in minutes. By 1900 his cables linked all continents of the world. This communication revolution internationalized markets and prices fro basic commodities. Other great inventions: typewriter (1867), telephone and Alexander graham Bell (1876), George Eastman's Kodak camera (1888), and King Gillette's safety razor and blade (1895) (the best a man can get) Edison and Westinghouse: Thomas Edison (Jonah "Thomas" Messina) was arguable the greatest investor ever! He made a machine for recording votes in 1869, and established a research lab in Menlo Park NJ 1876 (1st modern lab). Introduced the concept of mechanics and engineers working on a project as a TEAM (it makes the dream work). My man tommy also made the phonograph, improved the incandescent lamp 1878, motion picture camera, etc. Marketing Consumer Goods: R.H. Macy of NY and Marshall Field of CHI made the large department store the place to shop in urban centers while Woolworth's Five and 10 cent store brought nationwide chain stores to towns and neighborhoods. Sears, Roebuck and Montgomery Ward used the improved RR to ship rural customers products. Kellogg's (Tony the tiger) and Post became big time packaged food companies.

Describe the significance of the election of 1896

It marked the end of the stalemate and stagnation. It initiated an era of Republican dominance of the presidency and both houses of congress Populist demise: declined after 1896 and soon ceased to be a national party. Ironically much of their platform like the Graduated income tax and popular elections for senators was adopted later on. Urban Dominance: it was a big victory for big business, urban centers, conservative economics and moderate middle-class values. It was the last hope for rural. America to reclaim its former dominance in American politics. Beginning of Modern Politics: McKinley emerged as the 1st modern president, an active leader who took the US to become a major player in international affairs. Hanna created a model for how to finance campaigns in the future. Win the votes through newspapers (mass media)

summarize the Peggy Eaton Affair

Jackson sough to aid the common woman as Peggy O'Neale Eaton (wife of the sec of War) was the target of gossip by other cabinet wives. Jackson tried to force the cabinet wives to accept Peggy but most of them resigned. Even John C Calhoun his VP resigned a year later. Martin Van Buren was chosen as next VP for his loyalty during the crisis.

Summarize John Brown's Raid at Harper's Ferry

John Brown started a slave uprising in VA Oct 1859. He led a small group of ppl w/ his 4 sons and some former slaves to attack a FEDERAL ARSENAL at Harper's Ferry (Oh no you didnt). He had a crazy plan to arm VA's slaves w/ guns from the arsenal. Robert E Lee captured brown and his group. Brown and 6 of his colleagues we tried for treason, convicted and hanged by the state of VA. The South saw this as threat to take down slavery as a revolt. Some northerners saw him as a martyr.

List and describe the new political parties that were formed out of the Whig party in the mid 1850s.

Know Nothing Party: There was growing tension btwn native born Protestant Americans and immigrants Germans and Irish Catholics in the North. Nativists got so made that they formed the American "know-nothing party" they drew support away from the Whigs and had a big time opposition to Catholics and immigrants The Republican Party: founded in Wisconsin in 1854 as a reaction to the Kansas Nebraska Act. Made up of Free spoilers and antislavery Whigs and democrats. PURPOSE to stop expansion of slavery (not end it) soon became 2nd largest party in the country.

List and describe the Constitutional issues in the US from 1857-1861

Lecompton Constitution: This was the proslavry constitution from Kansas. Prez Buchanan asked Congress to admit Kansas as a slave state but Congress refused because many democrats joined the republicans in rejecting it (booyah) Dred Scott vs. Stanford (1857): Scott was a former slave from Mizzou and was taken to the free territory of Wisconsin where he lived for Two years b4 returning to Mizzou. He said that his residence on free soil made him a free citizen so he sued for his freedom in Mizzoui in 1846. The case reached the Supreme Court (see picture) Lincoln Douglas Debates: in 1858 Stephen Douglas was campaigning for re-election as Sen of Illinois. My man Abraham Lincoln was challenging him as a successful trial lawyer and former Congressman. He challenged Douglas' indifference to slavery as a moral issue. He then challenged Douglas to reconcile popular sovereignty with the Dred Scott decision (Freeport doctrine). Douglas said slavery didnt exist in a community if citizens didnt pass slave codes to maintain it. He angered Southern democrats hurting him in the long run (he did win this election however).

describe the battles of Lexington and concord and Bunker Hill as per AMSCO

Lexington and Concord: April 18, 1775 general Thomas Gage, the commander of GB troops in Boston Sen a large force to seize colonial military supplies in the town of Concord. Paul Revere and William Dawes warned the milita minute men of Lexington we took on the GB troops. the Americans were forced to retreat under heavy GB fire. The GB continued their march to Concord where they destroyed some supplies. they returned to Boston but they were ATTACKED along the way by US! 250 GB soldier were killed Bunker hill: June 17 1775 A colonial militia of MA farmers fortified Breed's hill. The GB force attacked the colonists position and managed to take the hill (1000 casualties). USA claimed victory

Explain how the Americas were divided btwn Spain and Portugal

Line of demarcation: 1493 the pope drew a vertical line granting Spain all lands to the west of it and Portugal all land to the east Treaty of Tordesillas: 1494 moved the popes line a few degrees to the west . Gave Portugal Brazil.

Describe the cultures of Central and South America

Mayas: AD 300-800 they built remarkable cities in the rain forests of the Yucatan Peninsula and southern Mex. Aztecs: From central Mex with their capital Tenochtitlan which has a pop of about 200,000. Dominated Mexico and Central America Incas: based in Peru. All 3 were highly organized societies carried on an extensive trade and created calendars that were based on accurate scientific observation. All 3 cultivated crops and had a stable food supply

Describe the cultures in North America as per AMSCO

Men made tools and hunted for game, while women gathered plants and nuts or grew crops i.e. corn, beans,and tobacco Language: English, Spanish and almost all European languages were from one family (Indo-European). While American Indian languages had more than 20 language families (almost 400 distinct languages) SW Settlements: dry region including New Mex and Arizona. ppl lied in caves under cliffs and in multistory buildings. There was drought when the euros came. NW Settlements: today Alaska to northern California. ppl lived in permanent longhouses or plank houses. Carved large totem poles, and had rich diets. Great Plains: nomadic hunters or sedentary ppl farmed and traded. Nomads survived hunting buffalo, lied in tee pees. Farming tribes hunted buffalo and lived in permanent earthen lodges often along rivers. They didnt get horses til the 17th century through trade or stealing them from Spain. MW Settlements: Woodland American Indians had rich food supply east of Mississippi supported by hunting fishing and agriculture. Many had permanent settlements. Adena Hopewell culture from Ohio made huge mounds. NE Settlements: descendants of Adena Hopewell culture spread to Ohio Valley and NY. They had hunting and farming. Farming techniques exhausted the soil quickly. famous group-- Iroquois Confederation Atlantic Seaboard Settlements: are of NJ south to Florida. Descendants of Woodland mound builders, Built timber and bark lodgings along rivers.

Summarize the 2nd Continental Congress as per AMSCO

Military Actions: adopted a Declaration of Causes and Necessities for Taking UP Arms and called on the colonies to provide troops. GW became commander in chief of the new colonial army. Benedict Arnold was ordered to go raid Quebec and an American Navy and marine corps was organized in the fall of 1775 Peace Efforts: In July 1775, the delegates voted to send an "Olive Branch petition" to King George III in which they pledged their loyalty and asked the king to intercede w/ Parliament to secure peace and protection of colonial rights. EPIC FAIL as King George rejected them and passed Parliaments Prohibitory Act which declared the colonies in rebellion Thomas Paine's Argument for Independence: January 1776 Thomas Paine's "common sense" argued in clear and forceful language for the colonies becoming independent states and breaking all political ties w/ GB monarchy The Declaration of Independence: June 7, 1776 Richard Henry Lee Of VA introduced a resolution declaring the colonies to be independent. 5 delegates including my man TJ formed a committee to write a statement supporting Lee's resolution. The congress adopted adopted Lees resolution on July 2 and Jeffersons work on July 4.

Describe how farmers fought back for their common interests and protection as per AMSCO

National Grange Movement: The national Grange of Patrons of Husbandry (1868) by Oliver H. Kelley was a social and educational org. For farmers and their fam. W/in 5 yrs Granges were in every state. They became active in economics and politics establishing cooperatives, businesses owned ad run by the farmers to save the costs charged by middlemen. they even were able to lobby some state leg. To pass laws regulating the rates charged by RR. And elevators Interstate Commerce Act (1886):The SC ruled in Wabash v Illinois (1886) that individual states could not regulate interstate commerce. COngress was all like "Oh no you didn't!" By responding the outcry from farmers and shippers by passing the 1st fed. Effort to regulate the RR. The Interstate Commerce Act of 1886 required RR rates to be "reasonable and just." It also set up the 1st fed regulatory agency, the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) which had the power to investigate and prosecute pools, rebates and other discriminatory practices. Farmers' Alliances: taught about scientific farming methods. Always had the goal of economic and political action. hence, the alliance movement had serious potential for creating an independent national political party. 1890- about 1 mill had joined Farmers' alliances. Ocala Platform: 1890- a nation org of farmers—the national Alliance— met in Ocala, Flo Rida to address the probs of rural America. The platform supported (1) direct election of US senators, (2) lower tariff rates, (3) a graduated income tax, and (4) a new banking system regulated by the fed gov't. The alliance platform a also wanted Treasury notes and silver to be used to increase the amount of money in circulation to raise inflation and crop prices. Also proved fed storage for crops and fed loans.

List and explain the attempts to organize National Unions in the late 19th century

National Labor Union: 1866 1st attempt to organize al workers in all states (skilled and unskilled) (agricultural and industrial). Wanted higher wages, 8 hr day, equal rights for women and blacks, monetary reform, and worker cooperatives. Won 8 hr day from fed gov't. Knights of Labor:2nd national labor union 1869, a secretary society in order to avoid detection from employers. Under leadership of Terence V. Powderly, they went public in 1881 open to everyone (i.e. woman and African Amer.). Wanted worker cooperatives "to make each man his own employer," abolition of child labor, and abolition of trusts and monopolies. Haymarket bombing: CHI w/ 80,000 knights was the sight of the 1st May Day labor movement in 1886. 200 Anarchists wanted the violent overthrow of all gov't. They responded to May Day's Strike for the 8 hr day w/ violence at McCormick Havester Plant. May 4th workers held a public meeting in Haymarket Square and someone threw a bomb killing 7 police officers. 8 anarchies leaders were tried and 8 were put to death (bomb thrower never discovered). Knights lost popularity and membership in the end. American Federation of Labor: The AF of L (No, not the American Football League) was founded in 1886 as an association of 25 craft unions led by Samuel Gompers. He wanted his ppl to walk out until employer agreed to negotiate. 1901——1 million members.

Summarize the expanding trade caused by exploration in the mid 1400s

New Routes: goal was to find trade route to Asia. Ppl either sailed south along West African coast or sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean. The Portuguese sponsored Prince Henry the Navigator who opened up a long sea route around South Africa's Cape of Good Hope. 1498- Portuguese Vasco da Gama was the 1st European to reach India via this route. Slave Trading: in the 15th cen the Portuguese began trading slaves from West Africa. African Resistance: 1000s of miles away from their homeland, slaves tried to run away, sabatoge work, or revolt. They maintained their culture too.

Compare and Contrast (ig just contrast) the Democrats and Whigs During the Age of Jackson

Notice the numbers in the left. He told me he would most likely ask for 3 issues supported, 1 major criticism and 1 Base of voter FOR EACH

Compare/Contrast "old" immigrants w/ the "new"

Old: 1880s. Came from northern and western Eur: the British Isles, Germany, Scandinavia. Mostly Protestant and many Irish and German Catholics. Their language was mostly English and they had a high level of literacy and occupational skills New:1890s to outbreak of WW1 in 1914, the new guys came from southern and eastern Eur: Italy, Greeks, Croats, Slovaks, Poles and Russians. Many were poor and illiterate peasants who had left autocratic countries.Mostly catholic, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox and Jewish. 255 of em be "birds of passage" young men contracted for unskilled factory, mining and construction jobs who would return back to native lands with $$ for fam.

Describe the Depression during Cleveland's 2nd term as per AMSCO

Panic of 1893: stock market crashed as a result of over speculation and dozens of RR went into bankruptcy as a result of overbuilding. Depression continued for almost 4 yrs. Cleveland dealt with it by championing the gold standard and adopting a hands off policy toward the economy Gold Reserve and tariff: Decline in silver prices cause ppl to trade their silver for gold. This caused the gold reserves to fall to a dangerously low level resulting in Cleveland repealing the Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890.(failed) Prez then had to borrow $65 mill from JP Morgan in gold to support the dollar and gold standard. WILSON-GORMAN TARIFF of 1894 (1) provided a moderate reduction of tariff rates and 92) included a 2% income tax on incomes more than $2000 Jobless on the March: the unemployed marched on Washington in 1894 ed by Jacob A Coxey of Ohio. they demanded that the fed govt spend $500 mill on public works programs to create jobs. William H Harvey wrote a little book w/ cartoons, Coin's Financial School, taught Americans that their troubles were cause by a conspiracy of rich bankers and it'd be back to normal if the govt coined silver in unlimited quantities

Compare/Contrast patriots and loyalists

Patriots: mostly from New England States and VA. Most soldiers reluctant to travel outside of their region. they would serve in local militia units for short periods. GW never had more than. 20,000 under his command at one time. African Americans originally weren't allowed to join the patriot army until GB offered enslaved ppl to join theirs. About 5000 African Americans fought as patriots. Loyalists: "Tories" almost 60,000 of em fought next to GB soldiers supplied them w/ arms and food, and joined the raiding parties that pillaged Patriot homes and farms. they tended to be wealthier and more conservative. American Indians at first tried to stay out of the war but attacks by colonists caused them to join GB who promised to limit colonial settlements westward.

Summarize Pop culture in the late 19th century as per AMSCO

Popular Press:Joseph Pulitzer's "New York World" was the first newspaper to exceed a million in circulation. He filled his paper with crime stories and disaster stories etc. William Randolph Hearst plush scandal and sensationalism to new heights. Magazines had mass circulation too. Amusements: factors that promotes the growth of leisure time activities—(1) a gradual reduction in hrs ppl worked, (2) improved transportation, (3) promotional billboards and advertising and (4)the decline of restrictive Puritan and Victorian values that discouraged "wasting time" on play. Most popular activity: drinking at the bar. You also got your theaters w/ comedies and dramas . Barnum and Bailey and the Ringling Brothers w/ their circus trains was a big attraction. The Wild West show was also popular. Spectator sports: Boxing attracted male spectators from all classes and champs like John L Sullivan became heroes. Baseball was big time and became our national pastime when prez William Howard Taft threw out the 1st pitch. Football developed as a college activity as the 1st game was played by Rutgers v Princeton in 1869. Professional was invented in 1920s and BBall came in in 1891 in Springfield MA. Amateur sports: Women did croquet and bicycling. Golf and tennis were big in athletic clubs.the very rich played polo and yachting. It was good exercise (Student ATHELE!)

Describe the changes in American Education as Per AMSCO

Public Schools: Elementary schools after 1865 still taught the 3 R's and traditional values in Mcgruffeys readers. New compulsory Education laws that required children to attend school increased enrollment (woah thanks AMSCO). Literacy rate rose to 90% of pop. By 1900. Ppl started sending kids to kindergarten. High schools were tax supported too. Higher Education: US colleges increased b/c (1) land-grant established under the federal Merrill acts of 1862 and 1890 (2)universities founded by wealthy philanthropists—-University of CHI by John D. Rockefeller and (3) the founding of new colleges for women such as Mitch Bryn <war, and Mount Holyoke. Johns Hopkins was founded 1876 Baltimore as the 1st American Institution to specialize in advanced graduate studies. Social Sciences:psychology, sociology, anthropology, and poly science. Richard T. Rly of Johnny Hopkins attacked Laissez-fairy economic thought. W.E.B. Du Bois studied. Crime in urban neighborhoods. 1st African American to receive a doctorate from Harvard. The Professions: Scientific theory and methodology also influenced the work of Doctors, educators, social workers, and lawyers.

Describe the Growth of Immigration from 1865-1900 as per AMSCO (pushes and pulls)

Pushes: the poverty of displaced farm workers driven from the land by political turmoil and the mechanization of farmwork, overcrowding and joblessness in cities as a result of population boom and religious persecution particularly Jews in East Eur. Pulls: the USA's reputation for political and religious freedom and the economic opportunities afforded by the settling of the West and the abundance of industrial jobs in US cities. The intro of large steamships made it possible for ppl to come.

Summarize the Mining Frontier in Western America

Quest for Gold and Silver: The California Gold Rush of 1848 marked the beginning of gold strikes that lasted until 1890s. Californias 1849 great gold rush set the pattern for old rushes: individual prospectors would look for traces of gold in the man streams by a method called placer mining, using shovels and washing pans. Gold stricken created boom towns like Nevadas's Virginia City. Chinese Exclusion Act: Many mining towns were foreign born w/ immigrants from Eur, Latin Amer and China. 1/3 of the western infers in the 1860s were Chinese immigrants. natives hated the competition. In California there was Miner's Tax of $20 a month on all foreign-born miners. Westerners then pushed Congress to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act 1882 which prohibited further immigration to the US by Chinese laborers. This was until 1965

Describe literature and the arts from 1865-1900 in America as per AMSCO

Realism and Naturalism: Mark Twain, the 1st great realist author, w/ his "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" 1884 revealed the greed, violence, and racism in American society. (Realism was romantic novels w/ heroes). In the 1890s a younger generation of authors came in to form naturalism. Stephan Crane in "Maggie: a Girl on the Streets" told how brutal Urban environment could destroy the lives of young ppl. jack London portrayed the conflict btwn nature and civilization in "The Call of the Wild " 1903 Painting: Some painters responded to the new emphasis on realism while others stuck to romanticism.. Winslow Homer, the foremost American painter of landscapes and watercolors often rendered scenes of nature in a matter-of-fact way. James McNeil Whistler painted "Arrangement in grey and Black" (Whistler's Mother). 'Tis influenced the idea of modern Art.Social realists painted scenes fo everyday life in poor urban neighborhoods that wouldn't be appreciated until the 1950s Architecture: 1870s Henry Hobson Richardson made designs based on medieval Romanesque style of massive stone walls and rounded arches. Louis Sullivan brought up tall steel framed office buildings. His buildings became a mall mark of the CHI SChool of Architecture. Frank Lloyd Wright developed an organic style of architecture that was in harmony w/ its natural surroundings (most fabulous in the 20th cen). Music:by 1900 most large cities had either an orchestra, an opera house or both. Smaller towns had bandstands. Jazz started to become popular with Scott Joplin's "Maple Leaf Rag" 1899. Jazz, blues and ragtime gained popularity in the 20th Century

Compare/Contrast the presidential administrations of Hayes, Garfield, and Arthur

Rutherford B. Hayes: caught dub in the election of 1876. He ended reconstruction by withdrawing the last fed troops from the South, and he attempted to re-establish honest gov;t after the corrupt Grant administration. He cut the flow of liquor in the whites house and vetoed efforts to restrict Chinese immigration James Garfield: caught a dub in 1880 as the republicans compromised on the nomination of Garfield as prez and Arthur as VP. They beat Winfield S. Hancock (war hero) in a very close pop vote. Garfield was besieged in the White House by republicans asking for 100,000 federal jobs. He chose halfbreeds for most jobs he angered Senator Conkley And his stalwarts. Garfield was then shot and killed by an angry stalwart in 1881 Chester A. Arthur: distanced himself from the stalwarts, supported a bill reforming the civil service which expanded the # of gov't employees hired based on their qualifications rather than political connection. He approved the development of a modern American navy and began to question the high protective tariff. he was denied denomination by the republicans in 1884.

List and describe the 4 main causes of CONFLICT btwn the North and South

Slavery: a growing issue in the north vs its defense and expansion in the South Constitutional disputes: over nature of the fed union and states rights Economic differences: btwn industrializing North and the agricultural South over such issues as tariffs, banking, and internal improvements Political blunders and extremism: as some historians conclude resulted in an unnecessary war

Inspirational Meme!!!! Keep Going!!!

Sorry about the 100 questions

Describe the agriculture in the New South as Per AMSCO

South's postwar economy remained b/c of mostly their cotton. Btwn 1870-1900 the # of acres in cotton more than doubled. Productivity increased causing cotton prices to drop. Per capita income in the South declined and many farmers lost their jobs. By 1900 more than 1/2 the regions wite farmers and 3/4 of the black farmers were tenants (or sharecroppers) . Most small farmers remained in a cycle of debt and poverty, By 1890, the Farmers' Southern Alliance claimed more than 1 million members. The Colored Farmers' National Alliance had about 250,000 members. Both orgs rallied behind political reforms to solve Farmers' economic problems

Compare/Contrast Spanish, French, and English policy toward Native Americans

Spanish Policy: The Spanish killed numerous ppl from the Aztec and Inca empires due to diseases and forced labor. The Spanish soldiers intermarried with natives as well as with Africans. A rigid class system developed dominated by pure-blooded Spaniards. Bartolommeo da Las Casas became an advocate for better treatment for Indians. He persuaded the king to pass the New Laws of 1542 which ended Indian slavery, halted forced Indian labor and began to end the encomienda system which kept Indians in serfdom. Conservative Spaniards got the laws repealed. The Valladolid Debate in 1550-1551 was an argument where Casas argued that the Indians were completely human and morally = to Europeans. The other side argued that Indians were less than human (no clear winner). English Policy: Unlike Spanish they settled in areas w/out large native empires that could be controlled as a workforce.Many English ppl came in as families so marriage w/ natives was rare. Initially they coexisted in MA traded and shared ideas. However the English had no respect for Indian culture calling them "savages." Indians saw their lives being threatened as the English began to take more land. French Policy: viewed Indians has potential economic and military allies. hey maintained good relations w/ tribes they encountered. French built trading posts throughout St Lawrence River, Great Lakes region and Mississippi River to control the fur trade business. the French even helped the Huron ppl fight the Iroquois.

List and describe the changes in the nature of cities from 1865-1900 as per AMSCO

Streetcar Cities: ppl lived in residences many miles from their jobs and commuted to work on horse-drawn streetcars. By 1890s, horsedrawn cars and cable cars were being replaced by electric trolleys, elevated RR, and subways which could transport ppl to urban residences even farther than the city's commercial center. Huge steel bridges also made commuting easier. Mass transportation segregated urban workers by income as the upper and middle class went to the suburbs while the lower class lived in the older sections of the city Skyscrapers: 1885 William Le Baron Jenny built the 10 story Home Insurance Co. Building in CHI the 1st skyscraper w/ a steel skeleton. By 1900 steel framed skyscrapers for offices of industry had replaced church spires as the dominant feature of American urban skylines. Ethnic Neighborhoods: To increase their profits in the older sections of cities, landlords divided up inner city housing into small windowless rooms. 4000 ppl would frame into a block (slums). Eventually, NYC passed a law for every bedroom to have a window. In their crowded quarters different immigrant groups created distinct ethnic Neighborhoods where they maintained their own language, culture, cure or temple, and social club. Residential Suburbs:5 factors prompted Americans who could afford to move into the suburbs—(1) abundant land available at low cost, (2) inexpensive transportation by rail, (3) low-cost construction methods such as the wooden, balloon frame house, (4) ethnic and racial prejudice, and (5) an American fondness for grass, privacy and detached individual houses. Frederick Law Olmsted designed Central Park in the 1860s and designed suburban communities w/ curved roads and opened spaces Private City vs. Public City: Private enterprise shaped the development of American cities and provided services such as streetcars and utilizes for a profit. Soon there was a need to fight disease, crime, and purify water. City governments had to provide street lights, sewage systems etc.

describe the Industrial Warfare due to labor conflicts in the late 19th Century

Strike tactics: see picture Great RR Strike of 1877: During an economic depression (AHHHHH) the RR co.'s cut wages in order to reduce. Costs. A strike on the Baltimore and Ohio RR spread across 11 states! And shut down 2/3 of the nations rail trackage. Rutherford B Hayes had to use Fed troops to end the labor violence, as RR workers and 500,000 other worker guys joined the strike. 100 ppl died

Summarize Laissez-Faire Capitalism and Conservative Economic Theories in the US as per AMSCO (late 19th cen.)

The "invisible hand": 1776 Adam Smith in his "The Wealth of Nations" argued that business should be regulated not by gov't but by an invisible hand of the law of supply and demand. If the gov't would keep its hand off, businesses would be motivated by their own self-interest to offer improved goods and services at low price. Social Darwinism: Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection was used by economic conservatives. Led by Eng. Philosopher Herbert Spencer , ppl argued Darwins ideas of survival of the fittest should be applied to the marketplace. Professor William graham Sumner of Yale said that helping the poor was misguided b/c it interferes w/ the laws of nature and would only weaken the evolution of the species. Gospel of Wealth: Rockefeller concluded that "God gave me my riches"... In Rev. Russell Conwell's "acres of Diamonds" he preached that everyone had a duty to become rich. Carnegie said in his article "wealth" that the wealthy must spread their riches by funding projects to benefit society (God-given responsibility)

Describe the impact of Industrialization in the US during the late 19th century

The Concentration of Wealth:1890- 10% of US pop. Controlled 90% of nations wealth. HORATIO ALGER MYTH: American ignore poor—rich gap and looked towards Carnegie and the "self-made man" approach to to grinch. Horatio Alger wrote a novel portraying a young man who ent from poverty to riches w/ hard work and lil luck. THIS IS FAKE NEWS! VERY DIFFICULT TO DO The expanding Middle Class: growth of large corp. required 1000s of white collared workers to fill highly organized administrative structures. Industrialization created jobs for middle class by creating jobs for accountants, clerical workers, and salespersons. These MC workers demanded more services (doctors etc.) Wage Earners: 1900- 2/3 of all the working Amer. Worked for wages (10hrs 6 days). Low wages were justified by David Ricardo (1772-1823), w/ his "iron law of wages" which argued that raising wages would only increase the working population and The availability of more workers would in turn cause wages to fall, thus causing a cycle of misery and starvation Working Women: 1 of every 5 in 1900 was in the labor force working for wages. Most were young and single. If family could afford it, it was believed that a woman's proper role was in the home raising children. Women worked in the factories (textile) or as secretaries, bookkeepers, typists and telephone operators. Labor Discontent: Industrial workers were often assigned just ONE step in the manufacturing of a product. Immigrants and migrants from abroad had to learn to work under the tyranny of the clock. There were dangerous working conditions. Many workers were exposed to chemicals and pollutants that were later discovered to be deadly. PPl rebelled by missing work or quitting. Switched jobs every 3 years Picture: potential trends??????

Explain the Omaha Platform as per AMSCO

The Farmers' alliance movement led to the People's or Populist party to form. Delegates from different states met in Omaha 1892 to make a platform. Politically, it demanded an increase in the power of the common voters through: 1. Direct popular election of US senators 2. The use of initiatives and referendums, procedures that allowed citizens to vote directly on proposed laws Economically: 1. Unlimited coinage of Silver increase $ supply 2. A graduated income tax 3. Public ownership of RR by the US gov't 4. Telegraph and telephone systems owned and operated by the govt 5. Loans and fed warehouses for farmers to enable them to stabilize crop prices 6. 8 hr day for industrial workers

Between 1824 and 1840, describe the factors that contributed to the spread of democracy.

Universal Male Suffrage: New western states such as Indiana, Illinois, and Mizzou joined union and allowed all white males to vote and hold office. No religion or property qualifications. Eastern states soon followed. 1824-1840 there was a sevenfold increase in voter turnout for prez Changes in Political Parties: Candidates were now nominated through a party convention as opposed to being nominated by st. Legislatures or King Caucus (closed door meeting w/ party leaders in COngress). This was more open to popular participation (more dem.). The nation became a two party system and candidates had to campaign on a national scale with large parties. Third parties also formed increasing voter turn out (Anti-Masonic Party). Finally, a larger number of st and local officials were elected to office instead of being appointed Popular campaigning: new campaign techniques arose to appeal to the interest of the ppl with BBQs parades. Also candidates would attack their opponents to appeal to the masses

Summarize the election of 1860 Per AMSCO

break up of the Democratic Party: in the 1860 Democratic election Stephen Doulas nomination in Charleston South C. was blocked by angry Southerns and supporters of Prez Buchanan. There was a deadlock which forced a second convention in Baltimore. Many delegates from slave states walked out allowing Douglas to be nominated on a platform of pop. Sovereignty and the fugitive Slave Law. Southern Democrats held their own convention in Baltimore nominating John C Breckinridge. They wanted unrestricted extension of slavery and they wanted Cuba Republican nomination of Lincoln: the republicans turned away from Senator William Seward and to a good debater in Abe Lincoln who could carry MW sts such as Illinois Indiana and Ohio. Platform: appealed strongly to the economic self interest of Northerners and Westerners. Wanted expulsion of slavery in the TERRITORIES, a protective tariff for industry, free land for homesteaders and internal improvements. IF ABE WON THE SOUTH THREATENED TO SUCEDE A 4th Political Party: The Constitutional party was formed out of former Whigs, Know-nothings, and moderate Democrats. Platform- to enforce laws and the Constitution and preserve the Union. Election Results: Douglas campaigned all over while Lincoln remained in place at home. Lincoln won every northern state (59% of electoral votes) he only won 39.8% of the popular vote.

Summarize Boss and Political Machine Politics as per AMSCO

political parties in major cities came under the control of tightly organized political machines. Each machine had a boss, the top politician who gave orders to the rank and file and doled gov't jobs to loyal supporters. Political machines often brought services to the city, including a crude form of welfare for urban newcomers. They would find jobs and apartments for new immigrants and show up at a poor family's door w/ baskets of food during hard times. Also stole millions from taxpayers in the form of graft and fraud

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