APUSH Multiple Choice 1-6

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What was the one purpose of the settlement at Plymouth Plantation?

The settlers wanted to provide lumber, furs, and fish for London merchant Thomas Weston.

During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, how did native American fare in Spain's American territories?

Their population declined as they suffered terrible epidemics.

Who were the Antinomians?

There were followers of Anne Hutchinson.

What did Deists argue?

They believed in a God who had created a perfect universe and then allowed it to operate according to natural laws.

What did the Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 have in common?

They both interfered with colonial claims to western lands.

How did colonial New England farmers alter their ecosystem?

They cleared away trees for fields and for use as fuel and building material.

What advances did the Maya make?

They developed a calendar; They used a numerical system that included a zero; They utilized a system of writing.

Which of the following characteristics of Olmec cities and Chavin de Hueantar is true?

They developed hierarchical governing systems where hereditary rulers dominated thousands of residents.

Which of the following was a feature of Paleo-Indian society?

They dwelled in bands of about fifteen to fifty people; They moved constantly, within informally defined boundaries; they used spears for hunting; They developed a cultural life that transcended their small bands.

Which of the following is a way Native Americans engaged in "genetic engineering"?

They experimented with teosinte and produced maize.

Which statement concerning those accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials is true?

They included both low-status individuals and prominent citizens.

Which statement accurately describes eighteenth-century European immigrants to the British North American colonies?

They included large numbers of Irish and Germans and declining proportions of English.

Which statement concerning the people of the Archaic era is correct?

They made relatively sharp distinctions between men's and women's roles.

Why was France able to hold onto its vast North American domain against Spanish and English expansion?

They maintained stable relations with the Native Americans.

What happened to tobacco prices around 1660?

They plunged below the breakeven point for what was needed for a family to survive

What did the English do after 1660?

They renewed efforts to expand and control colonial trade.

What did the Townshend Duties do?

They set moderate tax rates that did not price goods out of the colonial market.

Which of the following was not one of the ways that Plains Indians used buffalos?

They used them to haul wagons.

How did the Puritans want to reform the Church of England?

They wanted to purify it of Roman Catholic rituals

How was eighteenth-century settlement affected by the Native American populations?

Through the depopulation and dislocation of Native Americans, European colonial settlements were able to expand rapidly.

How were the early English efforts at settlement paid for?

Through the issuance of company stock.

Which statement concerning warfare in most Native American societies is most accurate?

Warfare was conducted more as a pastime than as a way of conquering or subduing enemies.

Which of the following facts characterized life in the Chesapeake region in the early seventeenth century?

Women had a somewhat greater status because of their scarcity.

What was mercantilism?

a government policy aimed at achieving national economic self-sufficiency.

According to Cherokee myth...

animals were revengeful while plants were friendly

At her 1637 trial, Anne Hutchinson had to defend herself against charges of


New Light preachers like Gilbert Tennent shook the foundations of the social order by sowing seeds of doubt about


What was the major difference between Separatist and non-Separatist Puritans?

whether or not a "pure" church had to be entirely free of Anglican "pollution"

According to archaeological findings, when did the first humans likely arrive in America?

13,000 B.C.

Approximately what percent of African slaves went directly to British North America?


On average how many children did colonial women have?


Which of the following statements accurately reflects one aspect of the principle of reciprocity?

A society had to maintain equilibrium and interdependence between individuals of unequal power and prestige.

Why did Ancestral Pueblo culture decline and fall?

A terrible drought severely reduced its agricultural production.

Where did the French attempt to make their first settlement in North America?

Along the St. Lawrence Valley

How did Americans oppose the Stamp Act?

Americans damaged and destroyed property

Who dissented from the Puritans and followed Roger Williams to Rhode Island?

Anne Hutchinson

Which statement best describes the demography of New England in the early seventeenth century?

Because of better diets and the slow spread of infection, New Englanders had a longer life span and raised more children to adulthood than people living in England.

What was the largest sugar producer in the 16th century?


Why was Cahokia significant?

Cahokia was a large metropolis on the Mississippi River that built its economy on river-borne trade.

Who did Spain depend on for colonization

Catholic missionaries.

Where was Mesoamerica?

Central and Southern Mexico and Central America

Which of the following was a result of the Pequot War?

Connecticut seized Pequot land and gave it to its colonists.

Which of the following was not a typical condition in eighteenth-century American cities?

Declining population because of out-migration to regions beyond the mountains where land was available.

What was the environmental impact of the rapid expansion of English settlement east of the Appalachians?


Which of the following was not a characteristic of the government in Pennsylvania under William Penn?

Discrimination against non-Quakers

How widespread was animal domestication in the New World before Christopher Columbus?

Domestication of animals was very limited.

Who limited towns to a single annual meeting each year, enforced the Navigation Acts, ans suppressed the colonial legislature in Massachusetts?

Edmund Andros

Which country had the greatest number of people emigrate in the seventeenth century?


What were the greatest killers in Virginia during the 1600s?

Epidemic diseases like typhoid fever and malaria.

Which of the following is not one of the theories about how America was originally settled?

Europeans sailed across the Atlantic in leather boats during the pre-Christian era

Which family pattern was most common among North American Indian tribes?

Extended family

Which of the following is a feature of Ancestral Pueblo culture?

Extensive complexes of attached apartments and storage rooms and partly underground structures.

Which of the following would not have been a responsibility of women in northeastern Native American tribes like the Iroquois?


Which of the following Spanish conquistadors did not explore parts of what became North America?

Francisco Pizarro

What was the primary object of Spanish explorers in the New World?


Which statement does not accurately describe George Whitefield?

He challenged the movement of Protestantism away from its roots in the teachings of Martin Luther.

Why is Samuel Adams significant to the development of revolutionary thought in America?

He encouraged Massachusetts' towns to form committees of correspondence in order to defend colonial rights.

Which of the following was not one of Benjamin Franklin's accomplishments?

He initiated a movement to encourage organized churches to resolve their theological differences.

Which of the following statements accurately describes Prince Henry the Navigator's role in encouraging Portuguese exploration?

He looked for alternative routes to Asia

Why did Charles I restore the Virginia assembly in 1639?

He needed tobacco revenues and the support of Virginia's planters.

How did Anthony Ashley Cooper accelerate settlement in Carolina?

He offered a headright of 150 acres of planters for each arriving family.

What did Governor John Winthrop of Massachusetts Bay colony advocate?

He supported distinct roles for the different classes.

How did Governor Francis Wyatt wage the Second Anglo-Powhatan War?

He used ruthless tactics like destroying food supplies and driving Indians from their homes during winter.

Who broke with the Catholic Church and persuaded Parliament to create the Church of England?

Henry VIII

At the time of Columbus's arrival in the Western Hemisphere, where were the greatest concentrations of Native Americans?

In Mexico and South America.

Which statement is not true concerning the Albany Plan of Union?h

It called for establishing the capital of the United States at Albany, New York.

Which of the following was not a provision of the Sugar Act?

It established that trials regarding alleged violations of trade regulations would be conducted in conformity with traditional English protections.

Why was John Peter Zenger's acquittal significant?

It helped to set the precedence that the jury could decide what was libel or not and established truth as a defense against a charge of libel.

Which of the following was not a long-term effect of the Great Awakening?

It led to the decline in the influence of Presbyterians, Baptists, and Methodists, and the increasing importance of Quakers, Anglicans, and Congregationalists.

How did the British government react to the colonial opposition to the Stamp Act?

It revoked the act but reaffirmed parliamentary power to legislate for the colonies in all cases.

What did conflict over the Quartering Act demonstrate?

It showed that there was strong anti-colonial sentiment in the House of Commons and that Parliament would not hesitate to defend its sovereignty.

In the 1570s, what were England's objectives in the Western Hemisphere?

It wanted to find the Northwest Passage and to harass the Spanish.

What was Poverty Point?

It was an Indian community on the lower Mississippi River that was the center of political and economic activity.

What was the Mayflower Compact?

It was an agreement reached by the first Pilgrims to constitute themselves a civil body politic.

What characterized the first generation of New England land settlement?

It was characterized by household situated in the village, with farmland placed outside the village.

Which of the following statements about Virginia is correct in the 17th century?

It was governed by an appointed royal governor and governor's council and a House of Burgesses elected by landowners.

Which of the following statements about Georgia is not correct?

It was populated by large numbers of shiftless debtors who otherwise would have had to rot in jail.

To Puritans, what was the "little commonwealth"?

It was the nuclear family.

What was European reciprocity

It was when the upper classes acted with dignity and the lower classes showed deference to their superiors.

Which of the following statements is correct? (Jacques Cartier)

Jacques Cartier explored the coats of Newfoundland, Quebec, and Nova Scotia and ascended the St. Lawrence.

Who wrote twelve 'Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania' arguing that Parliament could regulate trade but could not tax for the purpose of raising revenue?

John Dickinson

Which of the following was considered a "sea dog"?

John Smith

Which of the following was not one of the Puritan beliefs?

Membership in the church should be extended to anyone who had been baptized.

Which of the following was not a reason why few colonial Americans objected to the British navigation system after 1700?

Most American colonies were prosperous and self-sufficient and did not need commercial connections with England to pursue their internal economic development.

Which of the following was not a development of the "maritime revolution" of the fifteenth century?

New materials for constructing ships

Which of the following statements represents the conception most American colonists held of parliamentary power in the 1760s?

Parliament had limited powers of legislation that included authority to regulate imperial trade but excluded the authority to tax the colonists.

Which of the following nations led the way in exploration in the fifteenth century?


What was the typical qualification for holding office in eighteenth-century English colonies, outside of New England?

Property ownership of at least 1,000 acres.

What type of punishment did most Native American favor in child rearing?

Psychological punishment

What was the main reason the population of the British North American colonies increased in the eighteenth century?

Settlers had a high birthrate.

Which of the following statements about Britain's Queen Elizabeth I is incorrect?

She eagerly embraced Puritanism and denounced the vestiges of Catholicism in the Church of England.

Which of the following statements about the fifteenth century slave trade is correct?

Slavery already existed in West African societies and was a much harsher, less humane form of slavery than that practiced by Europeans.

Which crop changed the British West Indies from a society of independent small landowners utilizing white servant labor to a society of large plantation owners utilizing black slave labor?


What was the capital of the largest early state in Mesoamerica?


Which of the following statements does not correctly portray an aspect of the "Columbian exchange"?

The Americans sent horses and sheep to Europe.

What was one of the results of Kind George's War?

The English captured and then returned the French fort that guarded the entrance to the St. Lawrence River.

What was the main problem that crippled the Roanoke colony and hurt Jamestown in its early years?

The English settlers refused to work.

What did most eighteenth-century American intellectuals think about science?

The believed that science explained the laws of nature.

Which of the following was not one of the ways that the Glorious Revolution changed the relationship between the colonies and Great Britain?

The crown restructured the colonial government by combining separate colonies into the Dominion of New England.

Which of the following correctly suggests the conditions of landownership among farm families in well-settled areas?

The great majority of landowners could not provide their children with land when they married.

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