APUSH Pageant Questions Chapter 25

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When the churches started taking on the burning social issues of the day in the late 19th Century this was better known as what movement? (different than Carnegie's philosophy)

"Social Gospel" movement

These tenements were usually seven or eight stories high, with shallow, sunless, and ill-smelling air shafts providing minimal ventilation with several families sardined onto each floor.

"dumbbell" tenements

What American sport did James Naismith create?


What 1960s civil rights icons could Du Bois and Washington be most characterized like?

Du Bois = Malcolm X Washington = Martin Luther King

This woman will be responsible for the creation of Hull House, a settlement house in Chicago?

Jane Addams

Who were trained in "normal schools"?


What will be one of the major problems facing all of the urban growth in the early 1900s?

Waste disposal

Most historians consider this time period the greatest immigration period for the United States?

1880 - 1914

What was the major cause of the immigration spike

Amnesty granted to illegal immigrants

Who was famous for his Wild West shows in the late 1800s?

Buffalo Bill

This law created in 1873 was geared after the confiscation of obscene pictures and photos.

Comstock Laws

Which amendment to the Constitution created the first income tax in US History?

16th Amendment

Which amendment to the Constitution created the direct election of US Senators? How were they originally elected?

17th Amendment; They were elected by the State Legislatures

Which amendment to the Constitution will be created in 1919 banning the sale, transportation and consumption of alcoholic beverages?


The greatest shift from the rural to the city took place which two decades?

1900 -- 1920

During which decade was immigration to the United States the lowest in our history?

1935 - 1945

During which two decades did immigration spike the highest in the United States?

1980 - 1990

Which amendment to the Constitution will give women the right to vote in 1920?


The Chautauqua movement is best known for the education of whom?

Adult education

What did the Hatch Act of 1887 help to create?

Agricultural experiments stations in connection with the land-grant colleges

What American sport is Walter C. Camp responsible for creating?

American Football

Clara Barton created this aid agency in 1881?

American Red Cross

Who was the famous sharp-shooting woman who was part of the Wild West show Buffalo Bill?

Annie Oakley

This former slave will be responsible for the creation of the Tuskegee Institute.

Booker T. Washington

This man was responsible for the corrupt politics in NYC in the late 1800s.

Boss Tweed

What famous bridge in NY City will be dedicated in 1883, and was one of the great engineering marvels of its day?

Brooklyn Bridge

Who was the author of the On the Origin of Species published in 1859?

Charles Darwin

Place the following in chronological order: Creation of the NAACP, Creation of the Salvation Army, Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species, Wyoming Territory grants women the right to vote, Mark Twain publishes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Lillian Wald opens Henry Street Settlement.

Darwin, Wyoming, Salvation Army, Huck Finn, Lillian Wald, NAACP

This journalist-reformer wrote the socialistic novel, Looking Backward, in which the hero, falling into a hypnotic sleep, awakens in the year 2000 and looks back at the many social and economic injustices

Edward Bellamy

Which immigrant groups were considered the Old Immigrant groups in the late 19th Century?

English, Irish, and Germans

How did the Catholics and Jews try and preserve their traditional culture while in the US?

Established parochial school system and Hebrew schools. Foreign language newspapers abounded along with cultural restaurants

What profession did most of the Jewish women fall into upon arrival in the US?

Garment business

The following is a description of what time period: "The glaring contrasts that assaulted the eye in New York reminded one visitor of "a lady in ball costume, with diamonds in her ears, and her toes out at the boots."?

Gilded Age

This journalist is best known for his book Progress and Poverty which tried to solve the problem with progress and poverty?

Henry George

This settlement house in New York City like Hull House, became the center of women's activism and of social reform.

Henry Street Settlement

This popular writer created over a 100 volumes of juvenile fiction which centered on virtue, honesty, and industry which was rewarded by success, wealth, and honor.

Horatio Alger

What will be some of the consequences from the waste disposal problems

Impure water, uncollected garbage, unwashed bodies, droppings from draft animals

Which immigrant groups were considered the New Immigrant groups in the late 19th Century?

Italians, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Polish (Eastern European)

In return for their vote what did the New Immigrant groups get?

Jobs, housing, gifts of food and clothing, took care of minor scrapes with the law

Who was responsible for the settlement house in the New York City?

Lillian Wald

What Chicago architect is best known for the creation of the skyscraper?

Louis Sullivan

What will be one of the consequences from the push for women's suffrage?

Lower birth rate

By 1890 which cities in the US had populations greater than 1 million?

NY, Chicago, and Philadelphia

Which immigrant group, Old or New were considered the most skilled?


What does the cartoon on page 569 describe?

Older immigrants telling newer immigrants to stay out, not realizing that we all are LEGAL immigrants at that time.

Who created the "Greatest Show on Earth"?

Phineas T. Barnum and James A. Bailey

What did the Morrill act of 1862 create?

Provided for grants of public lands for the support of education

What happened to the shift to the city after 1970?

Really began to level off

This British born organization will move to the United States in 1879 and established a beachhead on the street corners—appealing to the down-and-outers.

Salvation Army

Name the two mail-order houses which helped to put the rural "general store" out of business.

Sear and Montgomery Ward

What staple of NYC arrived in 1886 as a gift from the people of France?

Statue of Liberty

What innovation allowed for the building of skyscrapers in most major cities?


Which author wrote The Red Badge of Courage (1895) describing the Civil War?

Stephen Crane

What was Carrie Nation famous for?

Taking her hatchet to many bars trying to get people to stop drinking alcohol

What famous book did Jack London create in 1903 describing nature?

The Call of the Wild

Which author is responsible for creating the fictional heroine Carrie Meeber in Sister Carrie (1900) which helped to boost the dazzling department stores by having her escape in one which allowed her escape her boring life?

Theodore Dreiser

This type of stage act contained coarse jokes and graceful acrobats and entertained many people from the 1880s through the 1920s.


This immigrant group came to the United States from 1975 - 1985 causing a small spike in immigration numbers?

Vietnamese (Indochina refugees)

Who called Booker T. Washington an "Uncle Tom"?

W. E. B. Du Bois; because he wanted complete equality for blacks immediately. Washington said to become educated first them challenge the establishment

Why did immigration to the United States drop off drastically between 1914 - 1920?


This famous author created the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" after the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Walt Whitman

Which region of the US was responsible for the creation of women's suffrage first? Why?

West; Women were more involved in the raising and farming in the West. More independent

The WCTU stood for what anti-alcoholic group?

Woman's Christian Temperance Union

Which US State gave women the right to vote first?


This Christian organization will become a staple for many American cities by the end of the nineteenth century?


This type of journalism is best described as exaggerated stories with some of them causing the Spanish/America War?

Yellow Journalism

Between 1870 and 1900 what percentage did the American population grow?

doubled from 40 to 80 million

What happened to the population in the American cities?


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