APUSH period 28

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(Gideon and Incorporation Doctrine) Which of the following amendments required that the individual states incorporate the protections of the Bill of Rights into state laws?

14th amendment

(ERA Periodization) Originally proposed in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment would eventually be rewritten and sent out for ratification in what time period below?


(Similar Backlash) Similar conservative backlash to the decision in the Roe v. Wade case could be found within which of the following?

Affirmative action decisions

(Causes of the great society) Which of the following was a primary cause of the Great Society Program?

Although the US was experiencing unprecedented economic growth, many Americans continued to live in poverty.

(Why were interstates built?) Federal support for the highway system above was MOST likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

Anxiety engendered by the Cold War resulted in federal support for a new state interstate system as part of a national defense plan

(Environmental Continuity) Which of the following themes in the United States history is BEST demonstrated by the excerpt above?

As America grew, new technologies altered the environment of North America.

(Vietnam War Comparison) Which of the following is the MOST significant similarity between the Korean War and the Vietnam War?

Both conflicts sought to restrict the spread of Communism

(Developments because of the War in Vietnam) Which of the following developments was MOST likely influenced by the concerns expressed above?

Burning of draft cards

(The War on Poverty) Which future political trend does the passage above MOST clearly foreshadow?

Congressional legislation support President Johnson's "Great Society" programs.

(Roe v. Wade Opinion) The red line in the opinion poll most likely would be representative of which of the following groups?


(Rationale for Vietnam) Which of the following BEST explains the rationale for American's involvement in the war in Vietnam?

Containment Policy

(Reflections on the Stonewall Riots) The ideas expressed in the image above MOST directly reflect which of the following themes in American History?

Debates about the definition and extension of democratic ideals regarding equality

(Immigration Continuity and Change, 1965) The ideas expressed in the passage above BEST represents which of the following themes in American history?

Debates about the multiethnic and multiracial nature of American society

(Continuity over Time) The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in American history?

Debates about the size and scope of the federal government's power

(Ticky Tacky Influence) The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

Disillusionment with a homogeneous American identity

(Little Boxes all the Same) Where might one find American housing developments in the 1960s, such as are described in the lyrics above?

In suburbs of "Sun Belt" cities experiencing rapid growth after World War II

(Wilderness Support) The creation of this act would most likely have been applauded by all the individuals EXCEPT

John D. Rockefeller

(Presidential Candidates and Religion) The sensitive nature of religion on America politics also appeared in the election of

John F. Kennedy

(Causes of Mass Culture) Which of the following would NOT be considered a cause of the homogenous society created in the postwar period?

Lack of world trade

(Consequences of Gideon) Which of the following future Supreme Court decisions ruled that police must inform detainees of their right to an attorney?

Miranda v. Arizona

(Religious Organizations) What group, founded by Jerry Falwell, embodied the above excerpt?

Moral Majority

(Prior Immigration) Prior to the Immigration Act of 1965, which of the following regions supplied most of the legal immigrants to America under the old immigration quota system established in the 1920s?

Northern and Western Europe

(Environmental Challenges) Along with this act, all of the following issues would have been part of public awareness during the post- World War II period EXCEPT


(Shared Sentiments to the ERA) Which group below would MOST likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

Participants in the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848

(Environmental threats) This legislation was MOST likely created to protect the environment from


(Roe v. Wade Opposition) Justice White's opinion MOST clearly reflects the beliefs of which spokeswoman of the 1970's?

Phyllis Schlafly

(Causes of the Stonewall riots) Which of the following historical developments MOST directly precipitated the conditions leading to the demonstration pictured above?

Police harassment and discrimination against the LBGT community in New York City in 1969

(Connecting Working Women to Larger Trends) The graph above is indicative of which of the following in the time period?

Profound changes in traditional American workforce

(Historical Comparison) Federal support for the system of highways shown above MOST similar to the goals of which group or faction below?

Proponents of Henry Clay's American System

(A comparison to Goldwater) Which president below MOST closely shared Barry Goldwater's views expressed in the excerpt above?

Ronald Reagan

(Reaction to the Warren Court) Which of the following presidents would exert the greatest effort to reverse the rulings of Warren Court?

Ronald Reagan

(Religion and Political Campaigns) Which president directly benefited from the support of evangelicals like Jerry Falwell?

Ronald Reagan

(Synthesis with Conservative Wave) Which of the following was MOST similar to the resurgence of conservative following the Roe v. Wade decision?

The Great Awakening's influence

(Environmental supporters) Which of the following would MOST likely have supported to passage of the act described in the excerpt?

The Sierra Club

(Supporters of the Resistance) Which of the following would NOT have been associated with members of the resistance movement seen in the image?

The Silent Majority

(Public opinion and the War in Vietnam) Which of the following events encouraged the public to adopt the attitudes expressed above?

The Tet offensive

(Challenges to the Great Society) Which of the following most limited the success of Johnson's Great Society?

The Vietnam War

(The Creation of Levittown) Which of the following factors was MOST responsible for creating the conditions depicted in the photograph

The affluence of post-war America enabled many families to move to metropolitan suburbs after the Second World War

(Mass Culture Representations) Which of the following examples BEST represents the ideas expressed by the image?

The assembly line

(Stonewall Shifts) Which recent legal development below MOST closely fulfills the demands expressed in the image above?

The legalization of same-sex marriage through federal court action

(Challenges to Mass Culture) Which of the following groups would most likely have challenged the status quo during the postwar period?


(The standard for admission) According to President Lyndon B. Johnson, the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 would

base admittance into the country on talent and family ties

(Cold War Concerns) Pressure to pass the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 can be tied to Cold War concerns that

developing nations saw US immigration policy as discriminatory and unfair

(Goldwater on Taxation) The passage above was MOST likely a response to

fears that taxation policies were creating a welfare states in America

(In Dissent of Roe v. Wade) According to Justice Byron White, the majority's position in Roe v. Wade illustrates

judicial discretion

(Similar Resistance Groups) The goals of these protesters can be related to all of the following groups EXCEPT

the know-nothing party

(A New Era in Immigration) In the aftermath of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965,

the number of Latin American, Asian, African, and Middle Eastern immigrants entering the US increased

(Reynold's Sentiments) Which of the following BEST reflects the sentiments depicted in the excerpt above?

Challenges to social conformity of the 1950s by American intellectuals and artists

(The threat to Native Americans) Which of the following policies of the US government proved to be the MOST threatening to the Native American way of life as explained in The Declaration of Indian Purpose

The Dawes Act, 1887

(Repercussions of Watergate) The memo above MOST likely resulted in what long-term repercussion below?

Declining public trust in the government

(Supporting Carson's Statements) Which group or organization below would MOST likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the testimony above at the time it was given?

Members of the Sierra Club

(Continuity with Goldwater) The ideas expressed in the passage above MOST directly reflect which of the following continuing themes in United States history?

The American identity was forged by self-reliance and rugged individualism

(Watergate and the President) The sentiments of the memorandum above clearly indicate that

there existed mitigating circumstances that would make the successful prosecution of President Nixon uncertain

(55mph) Which event was a catalyst for the ideas expressed in the passage above?

An oil embargo by Arab oil-producing nations created severe shortages of gasoline during the 1970s.

(Implications of the 1950s) Which of the following literary works was a response to the social expectations outlined in the excerpt?

Feminine Mystique

(Comparisons to the War on Poverty) The social programs of the Lyndon B. Johnson administration bear the closest resemblance to which presidential program below?

Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal.

(Expansion of Social Security) In what way Lyndon Johnson's "War on Poverty" of the 1960s mentioned above expand the Social Security program of the 1930s?

Health insurance for senior citizens was added to the promise of Social Security through Medicare and Medicaid

(Importance of Gideon) Justice Black argues that the even the poorest defendant must have the right to an attorney for which of the following reasons?

If attorneys are important for the rich and powerful, then they are equally important for the poor and powerless

(Support for Miranda) Which group would MOST likely have supported the sentiments expressed in the passage above?

Liberal Americans who favored the expansion of individual freedom

(CCOT with Counter Culture) Which of the following MOST resemble the protests of the Vietnam War?

Protests over the Mexican War by people such as Henry David Thoreau

(Historical Role of Women) Which of the following concepts most directly correlates to the role of women of 1950s?

Republican Motherhood

(Consequences of Women at Work) Which of the following was a major consequence of the trend shown in the graph above?

Social attitudes about a woman's place in society began to change

(Effects of Women in the Workforce) Which of the following MOST likely resulted from the economic changes shown in the graph above?

Social concerns about how a preponderance of working mothers would affect America's children

(Technology and the Role of Women) Which of the following technologies that proliferated during the 1950s spread the image of women as domestic caregivers?


(Environmental comparison) Which of the following movements during the postwar period would have had a similar goal of land protection as the act above?

The American Indian Movement

(AIM and the Civil Rights Movement) The American Movement (AIM) has been compared to which of the following civil rights organization of the 1960s?

The Black Panther Party (BPP)

(Federal Support for Metropolitan Suburbs) The growth and popularity of metropolitan suburbs such as Levittown(pictured above) were aided by federal support in which of the following areas?

The National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956

(Goals of the Great Society) This historical trend represented by the Great Society is most similar to which of the following?

The New Deal

(Complicating the War on Poverty) Which of the historical events below complicated the feasibility of a successful war on poverty in the United States during Lyndon B. Johnson's presidency?

The difficulty of fighting two simultaneous wars: against communism abroad and poverty at home

(Future Tense) Which of the following future political debates does the image above most clearly foreshadow?

The extension of national healthcare to all citizens regardless of age.

(Interstate Aftereffects) What process or historical development was enhanced by the highway system pictured above in the decades following 1955?

The rapid development of "motels" to meet the needs of Americans now traveling by car

(Linkage to Miranda) Which constitutional guarantee below is MOST closely linked to the document above?

The right to attorney.

(Constitutional Protections for Women) At the time the Equal Rights Amendment above was proposed in 1923, what constitutional right for women was already protected through amendment process?

The right to vote

(Roe v. Wade Opposition) Roe v. Wade's passing in 1973 was met with a tide of resistance, which rose sharply in 1985. Which of following best accounts for this new resistance?

The rise of the Conservative right and the politicization of the evangelical movement under leaders such as Jerry Falwell

(Rachel Carson's Work) The ideas expressed in the passage above MOST directly led to political controversies over

The role of the federal government in protecting the environment

(Conciliation or Recrimination) Which of the following actions of the Ford administration aligns with the attitude expressed by the quote, "the times call for conciliation rather than recrimination"?

The use of the pardon power of the presidency.

(Critics of Suburbanization) Contemporary critics of housing developments like Levittown pictured above would argue that

housing projects such as this were a threat to the individualistic identity of Americans

(Late 20th Century Immigration) The ideas expressed in the passage above MOST directly led to political controversies over

how immigration was changing was the American identity

(Healthcare Evolution) The changes represented by the image above most clearly demonstrate a continued evolution in

the responsibilities of the federal government

(Challenges to Medicaid) The ability of the federal government to fully fund Social Security programs such as Medicare(as pictured above) is now challenged by

the vast numbers of "Baby Boomers" who are now entering retirement age.

(Goals of the American Indian Movement(AIM)) Unlike numerous Civil Rights organizations that led the fight for African- American citizens in the 1960's, the American Indian Movement(AIM0 never sought

desegregation of communities

(Miranda v. Arizona) The passage above was most clearly a response to

ongoing debates about the protections of civil liberties

(Fallout from Roe v. Wade) The Roe v. Wade decision has had the long term effect of

spawning a cultural war in the US between social progressives and traditionalists.

(Resistance) The image was MOST LIKELY a response to which of the following social issues?

the Draft

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