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Which of the following political developments during the age of Jackson did the LEAST to promote democracy?

"kitchen cabinet"

In the US, tariffs have long been debated and policies often changed. Which of the following is an INCORRECT statement of US tariff policy?

1890, McKinley Tariff Reduction

The presidential election that is credited with ending the era of the ideals of Jefferson and Jackson and starting a new age of national politics dominated by big business, urban life, and middle-class values was

1896, McKinley and Bryan

Which of the following sources would be most useful in studying the development of religious freedom during the colonial period?

Act of Toleration

The Progressive Movement did little to protect the rights of

African Americans

Which of the following people had the LEAST influence on the New Deal and its efforts to find new solutions to the problems of the Great Depression?

Al Smith

"It is to be regretted that the rich and powerful too often bend the acts of government to their selfish purposes." In defending the rights of the common people during his first term, President Andrew Jackson used these words as part of a message regarding the

Bank of the US Charter veto

Of the many New Deal agencies established by President Franklin Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression, the one that does NOT exist today is the

Civil Works Administration

All of the following actions in the English colonies during the early colonial period suggest a tendency toward democracy EXCEPT

Dominion of New England

The war hawks were a group of young congressmen who called for military action against

GB in 1812

Which of the land acquisitions by the US was accompanied by the least turmoil and controversy?

Gadsden Purchase

In the 1920s and 1930s, isolationists often cited the words and warnings of

George Washington

The early foreign policy of President Franklin Roosevelt was by necessity based on pressing domestic concerns. This is reflected in his actions regarding all of the following EXCEPT

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

A significant effort to preserve Native American tribal traditions and self-rule was made by the

Indian Reorganization Act of 1934

The minority group whose economic status and civil rights were diminished during WWII were

Japanese Americans

The major philosophical influence on the American leaders for independence from GB was

John Locke's natural rights theory

All of the following were minority presidents, winning the presidency while receiving less than 50% of the total popular vote. Which president won while receiving fewer electoral and popular votes than one of his opponents?

John Quincy Adams

During the 1920s, there was a dramatic rise in the membership and influence of the

Ku Klux Klan

Which of the following was the definitive foreign policy concern of President Woodrow Wilson, over which he was unwilling to make any compromises?

League of Nations

The Black Power movement and the Black Muslims of the 1960s and 1970s found inspiration for the ideas of selfhelp, racial pride, and separatism in the words of

Marcus Garvey

Which of the following was the LEAST important in the development of slavery in America?

Mason-Dixon line

War and expansionism by the US in the 19th century took land from and caused lasting resentment in


In the 1840s President James Polk added territory and secured American borders through separate successful diplomatic negotiations with

Mexico and GB

After over 150 years, the US tradition of avoiding "entangling European alliances" was ended by participation in the

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

The 1954 Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka basically overturned the earlier decision in

Plessy v. Ferguson

Intervention by the US in Latin American affairs was specifically justified by the

Roosevelt Corollary

The origins of the women's rights movement in the US may be traced to the

Seneca Falls Convention

Which of the following decisions or actions by President Franklin Roosevelt caused the greatest controversy and opposition during his presidency?

Supreme Court reorganization plan

The independent farmer as the cornerstone of a strong nation was at the center of government policy for

Thomas Jefferson

"Small islands are not capable of protecting themselves are the proper objects for kingdoms to take under their care; but there is something very absurd in supposing a continent to be perpetually governed by an island." These words were written in the 1770s by

Thomas Paine

What are examples of legislation enacted under President Wilson's New Freedom program?

Underwood Tariff and Federal Reserve Act

The issue that caused the greatest division in American society during the 1960s and 1970s was the

Vietnam War

In Schenck v. US, the Supreme Court and Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes ruled that free speech could be limited when it represented a "clear and present danger." This ruling was made during


"We must prove to ourselves friends, and champions upon terms of equality and honor. . . . I mean the development of constitutional liberty in the world. Human rights, national integrity, and opportunity as against material interests-that, ladies and gentlemen, is the issue which we now have to face." These words, suggesting a change in American foreign policy, came from President

Woodrow Wilson

The economic issue that was LEAST important in the US between 1968 and 1980 was

a balanced federal budget

During the Civil War, the US for the first time in it's history had

a military draft

In his interpretations of the Constitution, Chief Justice John Marshall consistently stressed the importance of

a strong central government

The primary goal of President Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory was to

acquire New Orleans and gain control of the Mississippi River

At the end of the 19th century, Henry Hobson Richardson and his Romanesque style transformed American


At the start of the 20th century, the government policy toward Native Americans centered on the

assimilation into mainstream American culture

What had the most far-reaching influence on American society's development in the post-WWII period was the

baby boom

The development of higher education in colonial America was largely the result of efforts by


In the 1950s American Society was criticized for its

conformity and lost individualism

A major difference between the two periods immediately preceding the WWs was that for most Americans in 1941 there was no

desire to make the world safe for democracy

The most prominent consideration by Presidents Hoover and Roosevelt in their diplomatic policy in the 1930s was


Of the many reform movements that developed from the 1820s to the Civil War, the one with the most widespread popular support was concerned with


By the 1890s, all of the following were generally true about the South EXCEPT

education was a priority for state governments

During the Gilded Age, at the end of the 19th century, the question that received the LEAST attention from the Democratic and Republican parties was

equality for women and minorities

The post-WWII civil rights movement used all of the following tactics to achieve equality EXCEPT

establishing a third political party

During Reconstruction, the Radical Republicans would have described their primary social goal as

extending equal rights to African American freedmen and women

President Franklin Roosevelt achieved a reorganized diplomatic success with his

good-neighbor policy in Latin America

Justification for the vast differences between the rich and the poor in the late 19th century could be found in the

gospel of wealth

"During the early 19th century, the US gradually changed from agricultural to industrial." Each of the following developments supports this statement EXCEPT the

growth of the Democratic-Republican party

During the 19th century, the organization of labor unions was hampered by all of the following EXCEPT

labor-saving inventions

The economic policy that looked at colonies to provide raw materials, trade, and riches was called


Of most significance in the Benjamin West painting of the peace negotiators at the end of the Revolution is the

missing British negotiators, suggesting unresolved problems

In antebellum southern society, the people who showed the LEAST support for the institution of slavery were

mountain people

Of the following, the most important influence on the economy and society of the US between 1865 and 1914 was

national railroad network

In the first half of the 19th century, Emerson, Thoreau, and others wrote about transcendentalism, which included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT that

organized institutions were important

During the Cold War, US foreign policy was guided by all of the following concepts EXCEPT

peaceful coexistence

One of the most important actions of Congress preceding the Civil War was the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854, which resulted in

permitting popular sovereignty to decide whether slavery was to be permitted in the territories

The Cold War crisis that brought the US and the Soviet Union into direct confrontation with the threat of nuclear war was

placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba

By the end of the 1950s, many saw a growing internal threat to American Democracy. President Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell address warned about the dangers of the

power of the military-industrial complex

Reconstruction after the Civil War ended with the

presidential election of 1876

With the Revolution of 1800, the Democratic-Republicans and Thomas Jefferson gained control of the national government from the Federalists and

repealed excise and whiskey taxes

What is a correct statement about Abraham Lincoln's primary goal at the beginning of the Civil War?

restore the Union

Leading up to the Civil War, all of the following increased tensions between the North and South EXCEPT

rise of the Know-Nothing Party

What is not associated with the cultural developments of the 1920s?


During the first half of the 19th century, the fastest growing influence on the nation was


There was a direct correlation between the increase in cotton production and what from 1870 on?

slave population

When founded, the first political parties, the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, had clear positions on all of the following EXCEPT


Increased popular interest in religion in America is reflected in all of the following movements EXCEPT

social Darwinism

In the early years of the 20th century, many reform movements increased in strength and support, but one that was weakened because it was associated with violence by some of it's members was


The issue that figured most prominently in the nullification crisis during Jackson's presidency was

states' rights

In the period immediately following WWI, most Americans could agree to support

teaching the theory of evolution

The 1960 presidential election contest between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon saw for the first time that

televised debates between the candidates could influence voters

In facing their many problems at the end of the 19th century, American farmers were aided by

the Interstate Commerce Act

"Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute" was the rallying cry by Americans in response to

the XYZ Affair

The most difficult problem of the depression of the 1930s for President Franklin Roosevelt and his New Deal to correct was


The primary goal of France in supporting the American Revolution was to

weaken the British Empire

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