APUSH Test - Unit 2 People

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John Calvin

1. 1509-1564 Swiss-born, French theologian. 2. Developed the Christian theology known as Calvinism. 3. Attracted Protestant followers with his teachings. 4. Important because he made a huge impact on the fundamentals on Protestantism. 5. Got is all powerful and good; all knowing and knows who is going to hell; humans are weak and wicked.

William Pitt

1. A British leader, known as the "Great Commoner." 2. He managed to destroy New France from the inside and end the Seven Year's War between France and England.


1. A Native American daughter of Chief Powhatan 2. She helped in save John Smith from execution and paved the way for many positive English and Native relations. 3. Important because through her actions she was able to save and help the English settlers.

John Peter Zenger

1. A New York publisher/journalist who was taken to court for criticizing the governor of New York, which was called the Zenger Case. 2. He was jailed and judged by a jury and judge; and was found not guilty because the colonial judiciary allowed colonists to be critical of elected officials if the statements were deemed true. 3. Important because this case helped establish the basis of the freedom of the press and of speech in the colonies.

Anne Hutchinson

1. A Puritan woman who was very intelligent, strong-willed, talkative and disagreed with the Puritan Church in Massachusetts Bay Colony. 2. Her actions resulted in her banishment from the colony, and later took part in the formation of Rhode Island. 3. She displayed the importance of questioning authority. 4. Important because as a female she would disagree strongly with the Puritan Church.

William Penn

1. A Quaker that founded Pennsylvania. 2. His purpose was to establish a place where his people and others could live in peace and be free from persecution. 3. Important because he founded and established Pennsylvania.

Roger Williams - 1636

1. A colonist who was banished in 1636 because of his questioning between the separation of Church and State. 2. He believed that the Puritans were too powerful and was then ordered to leave the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his beliefs. 3. The Natives helped him escape and he is Important because he created Rhode Island as a safe haven for religious minorities.

King Philip's War - 1765

1. A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wampanoags, led by a chief known as King Philip, or Metacom. 2. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians.3. Important because this was the last major effort of Native Americans to end colonist expansion.

John Rolfe

1. An English settler at Jamestown (and he married Pocahontas). 2. He discovered how to successfully grow tobacco in Virginia and cure it for export, which made Virginia an economically successful colony because the Europeans wanted tobacco.

Paxton Revolt - 1764

1. An armed march of Scots-Irish men living in the Appalachian hills that wanted protection from Indian attacks. 2. Protested and questioned the way that the Quakers treated the Indians. 3. Important because this shaped the Regulatory Protests in South Carolina a few years later.

John Winthrop

1. As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop (1588-1649) was instrumental in forming the colony's government and shaping its legislative policy. 2. He envisioned the colony, centered in present-day Boston, as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness throughout the world. 3. Important because he was devoutly religious and charismatic governor for the early years of Massachusetts.

John Trumbull/Charles Peale

1. Aspiring painters in the colonies. 2. Trumbull recaptured the scenes and spirit of the Revolutionary war. 3. Peale painted over 60 portraits of Washington. 4. Important because of their artwork of New World colonial development and art.

James Wolfe

1. British general that led troops up steep cliff to capture Quebec. 2. Lead to his death and the opening of Canada. 3. Important because this major win marked the beginning of the end of French rule in America.

Thomas Dale

1. Deputy Governor of Virginia after John Smith; didn't believe in laziness, so he created daily schedule. 2. Important because he improved conditions at Jamestown and founds Henrico County. 3. Also helped with the distribution of tobacco bringing profit to Virginia.

George Whitefield

1. English clergyman and devote preacher who was known for his ability to preach to and draw large crowds. 2. He added to the Great Awakening preaching his belief in gaining salvation. 3. Important because he introduced a new, energized religious fervor to the public which resulted in the revival of the religious society.

John Wesley

1. English clergyman and founder of Methodism. 2. Movement of a group of historically related denominations of Protestant Christianity

Sir Francis Drake

1. English explorer who helped to defeat the Spanish Armada. 2. He was knighted by Elizabeth I on his ship. 3. Important because he was the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe.

Samuel de Champlain

1. French explorer in Nova Scotia who established a settlement on the site of modern Quebec (1567-1635) 2. Important because he was a played a large role in helping France settle in Canada.

Martin Luther - 1570

1. German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Chruch. 2. Started the Protestant Reformation when he nailed his "95 Theses" on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral. 3. Important because this would establish challenges to the church.

John Smith

1. Helped found and govern Jamestown. 2. His strict leadership helped the Virginia colony get through their first winter. 3. Important because he helped pave the success of Jamestown by imposing his, "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." 4. Saved from execution from Pocahontas.

King Henry VIII

1. King of England 1491-1547 2. Split with the Roman Catholic Church and declared himself head of the Church of England. 3. Important because he would help bring in the Protestant Reformation and create religious division.

Lord De La Warr

1. New governor of Jamestown who arrived in 1610. 2. Imposed a military regime in Jamestown and declaring war against the Powhatan Confederacy. 3. Important because he would make Jamestown resilient.

Sir Walter Raleigh

1. Organized an expedition that landed in Roanoke Island in 1585 that eventually failed. 2. Fell out of favor with Queen Elizabeth and beheaded for treason. 3. Responsible for introducing Potato and Tobacco to Britan and lead to popularization of smoking.

Jonathan Edwards

1. Preacher during the First Great Awakening 2. Preaching that god was angry with humanity's sinful hearts; "Sinners in the hands of angry god." 3. Important because his actions of preaching caused the colonies to enter into a period of religious revival.

Elizabeth I

1. Protestant Queen of England 1558 - 1603; 2. united Catholics and Protestants. 3. Important because English were able to enter into a Golden Age where they would prosper through their expeditions of the New World.

Jeremiads 1600s

1. Puritan preachers noticed a decline in the religious devotion of second-generation settlers. To combat this decreasing piety, they preached a type of sermon called the jeremiad. 2. The jeremiads focused on the teachings of Jeremiah, a Biblical prophet who warned of doom. 3. Important because this helped denounce societies for their sins and create a revival in religion through the Great Awakening.

Phyllis Wheatley

1. Slave girl brought to colonies. 2. Was never formally educated, yet she became one of the most influential poets of her time. 3. Important because she was the first African-female poet. Taken to England at 20; published a book of poems.

Peter Stuyvesant

1. The governor of the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam, hated by the colonists. Religiously intolerant. 2. Surrendered New Netherlands to English on Sept. 8, 1664, to change the colony to New York. 3. Important because he governed New Amsterdam until its fall.

Marquis de Montcalm

1. The leader of the French forces at Quebec. 2. The Battle of Quebec lead to his death and loss. 3. Important because commanded the French under a British attack over Quebec.

Treaty of Tordesillas - 1449

1. Treaty between Spain and Portugal that Set the Line of Demarcation which was a boundary established to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas. 2. Spain got most of land in Americas; Portugal got territories in Africa and Asia.

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