APUSH unit 1 test

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Typically, when an English woman of the fifteenth century married, she

owned property jointly with her husband.

Anne Hutchinson was banished from Massachusetts Bay for

questioning the ideas that good works led to salvation

The Native American settlement known as Cahokia was a

significant Mississippian city with more than one hundred temple mounds

On the eve of European colonization of the Americans, most Western Europeans lived in

small, relatively isolated rural communities

What made George Whitefield such a successful evangelical preacher in New England in the 1740s?

A reputation for being "almost angelical" in appearance

How were the Spanish conquistadors, Nathaniel Bacon's frontiersmen, and the Puritans were similar?

All treated the Native Americans brutally.

Which of the following colleges was founded in the mid-eighteenth century out of the religious enthusiasm spread by the Great Awakening?


Why was the print revolution that occurred in the colonies during the early eighteenth century significant?

Printing allowed for the broad transmission of new ideas

Which of the following explains why Chesapeake planters treated their slaves less harshly than West Indian planters in the eighteenth century?

Profits on sugar were considerably higher than those made through tobacco production

The political conflicts that wracked colonial Pennsylvania in the middle of the eighteenth century stemmed from which of the following sources?

Rapid immigration and population growth

Which of the following was a characteristic of the Aztec, Mayan, and Iroquois civilizations?

Reliance on agriculture

The most numerous voluntary (nonslave) emigrants to British North America in the eighteenth century came from which of the following groups?


Which of the following was a consequence of Bacon's Rebellion of the 1670s?

Slavery began to replace indentured servitude

Which of the following was true of slavery in the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Slaves created a sophisticated culture with extended kin relationships and traditions

During most of the sixteenth century, which of the following was the wealthiest nation in Europe?


For which of the following reasons did war break out between England and Spain in the late 1730s?

Spain was angry over the English settlement of Georgia

Which of the following describes the process of tribalization that occurred in America in the early eighteenth century?

Stateless peoples' adaptation to the demands imposed on them by neighboring states

Which of the following statements characterizes African states' involvement in the Atlantic slave trade?

The Asante kings used the profits of slave trading to expand their political dominion

Puritan minister Cotton Mather's response to which of the following eighteenth-century crises demonstrated that Enlightenment ideas had begun to influence him?

The Boston smallpox epidemic

What did the British policy of salutary neglect of the American colonies in the early eighteenth century mean?

The British relaxed their supervision of the colonies' internal affairs while concentrating on defense and trade policies.

Which of the following describes the character of Britain's empire in America before 1660?

The British ruled their American colonies in a haphazard and lax manner

Martin Luther advocated which of the following ideas?

The Catholic Church was corrupt and in need of reform.

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century?

The Chesapeake adopted slavery gradually and Barbados did so quickly.

Which of the following statements characterizes the impact of the War for Spanish Succession (1702-1713) in the American Southeast?

The Creek nation used the European war to expand its power into northern Florida and North Carolina

In New York during the first half of the eighteenth-century, settlement of the Hudson River Valley showed which of the following patterns?

The Dutch manorial system largely remained intact, with a few wealthy and powerful Dutch and English landlords dominating poor tenant families.

How did the Puritans justify their invasion of the Native Americans' land in the seventeenth century?

The Puritans interpreted epidemics that devastated Native American populations as a favorable sign from God.

Pontiac's uprising in Detroit in 1763 was a direct cause of which of the following events?

The Royal Proclamation of 1763

Which of the following statements characterizes the legacy of the Spanish conquest in the New World in the sixteenth century?

The Spanish government and missionaries waged a campaign to suppress indigenous cultures

What spurred slaves to organize the Stono Rebellion in South Carolina in 1739?

The Spanish governor in Florida had promised freedom to fugitive slaves

Which of the following developments fostered the flow of migrants into the Virginia colony between 1617 and 1622?

The Virginia Company began to allow individual settlers to own land

Which of the following events provoked a major crisis for Puritans in Massachusetts in the seventeenth century?

The annulment of Massachusetts' charter

Which of the following statements describes the status of European monarchs in 1450?

The authority of the monarchs was often challenged by local nobles

Which of the following describes the significance of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England and America?

The change represented a major step toward democracy in both England and the North American colonies.

Which of the following developments was an outcome of the eighteenth-century consumer revolution?

The colonies became more dependent on overseas credits and markets

Which of the following occurred as a consequence of the "tobacco revolution" in Virginia and Maryland in the late seventeenth century?

The creation of a slave-based plantation economy

What was the foundation for the prosperous Native American societies in Mexico, Peru, and the Mississippi River Valley?

The cultivation of maize

John Calvin and Calvinist theologians of the 1500s stressed which of the following ideas?

The doctrine of predestination

The transatlantic slave trade resulted in which of the following outcomes in the eighteenth century?

The emergence of polygamous marriage in many African societies

Why were the Crusades, which took place between 1096 and 1291 A.D., significant in Europe?

The expeditions exposed Europeans to Arab trade goods and their classical heritage.

What caused the Puritans' "errand into the wilderness" to become permanent?

The failure of the English Revolution

During the period between 1676 and 1750, how did the Virginia gentry try to reduce social discontent?

The gentry urged even the smallest landholders to purchase slaves and thus support the slavery system.

Which of the following statements characterizes the impact of the slave trade on Africa?

The slave trade hardened African class divisions and changed gender relations.

Which of the following was true for the Iroquois in New York during the period of imperial warfare in the early eighteenth century?

The tribe allied with France and Britain and declared their intention to remain neutral.

Which of the following describes the first ancestors of the Native American peoples?

They were migrants who came over land from northeastern Asia.

Which of the following describes the colony of Maryland, founded in 1632?

Tobacco production shaped its economy and social structures.

Why was the fifteenth-century marriage of Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand of Spain significant?

Together they completed Spain's long campaign to oust Muslims.

In the mid-1700s, how were the English colonies throughout the British Atlantic empire primarily linked?

Trade relationships promoted ties between the English colonies

Which of the following statements describes slaves' lives in the North American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Traditional musical instruments and forms persisted in most African American cultures

Which of the following was a result of the Crusades, which took place between 1096 and 1291 A.D.?

Western European merchants gained awareness of Asian trade routes

Which of the following statements best describes women's property rights in the English colonies in the eighteenth century?

When they married, women passed legal ownership of all personal property to their husbands

How did the British government respond to hostilities in America in 1754?

William Pitt and Lord Halifax persuaded Prime Minister Pelham to start a war in America against the French.

How did farmwives throughout the colonies in the eighteenth century contribute to their families?

Wives acted as helpmates to their husbands and performed both domestic and agricultural tasks.

The economic livelihood of the Virginia colony in the 1700s depended on which of the following products?


Powhatan, leader of a confederation of about two dozen tribes in Virginia,

treated the English as potential allies and attempted to integrate them into his chiefdom.

In contrast to the Spanish missionaries of the sixteenth century, the seventeenth-century French Jesuits

tried to understand the Indians' values and worldview.

When the early eighteenth-century Anglo-French wars temporarily ended with the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713, Britain had

won major territorial and commercial gains, including Newfoundland, Acadia, and the Hudson Bay region as well as access to the western Indian trade

Which of the following statements describes life in the Chesapeake region after 1660?

A wealthy, planter-merchant elite dominated the Chesapeake economy and owned almost half the land in Virginia

The main motive for King Philip II's attack on England in 1588 was to

A. eradicate Protestantism in England and Holland

The eighteenth-century Great Awakening was the impetus for which of the following phenomena?

African Americans' creation of a distinctive Protestant Christianity

Which of the following groups provided the labor for Brazil's profitable plantations in 1620?

African slaves

The term Middle Passage refers to which of the following?

African slaves' perilous trans-Atlantic journey to the Americas

Which of the following statements describes Africans in Virginia after the 1660s?

Africans found themselves more entrenched in slavery as a permanent condition.

Which of these individuals would have most likely preferred Pietism to deism in the eighteenth century?

A Scots-Irish migrant

Which of the following changes occurred in white society in the Chesapeake colonies at the same time that slavery was being forced on Africans?

A more rigid class structure with a well-defined and highly visible economic and political elite began to emerge

Which of the following statements describes the significance of the arrival of New World crops, including maize and potatoes, in Europe and Asia after the 1500s?

American crops increased agricultural yield and population growth in the Old World

Which of the following consequences of the eighteenth-century Great Awakening made it historically significant?

Americans' new freedom to challenge authority within and outside the church

Which of the following characteristics was a common feature of royal colonies throughout English America in the seventeenth century?

An elected assembly

Which of the Pueblo peoples built hundreds of miles of straight roads across the desert in the American Southwest to facilitate trade?


Which of the following features characterized most Native North Americans' spiritual views and practices?


Most of the people living in West Africa when European trade began in the early fifteenth century were


Which Europeans were represented by guilds in the fifteenth century?


Which of these religious denominations successfully converted many slaves in the mid-eighteenth-century southern colonies?


Where did the first colonists who settled South Carolina and introduced racial slavery in the 1660s come from?


Which of the following statements characterizes life for slaves in the West Indies in the 1700s?

Because the price of slaves was low and the price of sugar was high, slave owners worked their slaves to death and then replaced them with new slaves

What accounted for the uneasy relations that persisted between Powhatan's people and the Jamestown settlers for more than a decade after 1607?

Both groups' inability to reach an agreement about who would pay tribute to whom

Which of the following statements describes the early Industrial Revolution and its impact on the American colonies in the eighteenth century?

Britain's new ability to produce more and cheaper goods than ever before transformed American markets and raised most colonists' standard of living

Lord Baltimore, the proprietor of Maryland, established that colony as a haven for


People from which of the following groups modeled themselves after the English aristocracy in the first half of the eighteenth century?

Chesapeake landowners

Which of the following statements describes the relationship of typical New England women to the church in the eighteenth century?

Churches were filled primarily with women but led exclusively by men

Which of the following Renaissance-era ideologies celebrated public virtue and service to the state?

Civic humanism

Which of the following factors prevented Europeans from seeking to conquer territory in Africa in the fifteenth century

Coastal Kingdoms were too well-defended

Which of the following statements characterizes the colonial shipbuilding industry during the early eighteenth century?

Colonial-built ships eventually made up about a third of the British merchant fleet

Which of the following was an outcome of the Navigation Acts in the mid-seventeenth century?

Colonists were required to export their sugar and tobacco only to England.

Which of the following statements describes rural life in the New England colonies during the eighteenth century?

Colonists' sense of personal worth and dignity in rural New England contrasted sharply with European peasant life

Which of the following was part of William Pitt's strategy to mobilize the American colonists for the Great War for Empire in 1756?

Committing to provide a fleet of British ships and 30,000 soldiers to North America

Which of the following problems troubled both eastern migrants and western settlers in the American colonies in the mid-1700s?

Competition for land

In the sixteenth century, the Spanish crown granted encomiendas to which of the following groups?


Which of the following explorers is correctly matched with his area of exploration?

Cortés—conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico

Which of the following features characterized the Middle Atlantic colonies of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

Cultural diversity

Influenced by Enlightenment science, which of the following religious movements believed that God had created the world but allowed it to operate in accordance with the laws of nature?


Why did the number of Indians living in Mesoamerica decline from about 30 million in the fifteenth century to approximately 3 million by 1650?

Disease carried by Europeans decimated most Indian tribes who came into contact with them.

Which of the following statements accurately characterizes life in the seventeenth-century North American plantation colonies?

Disease took such a toll that most children lost at least one parent before their thirteenth birthday

As part of its mercantilist policy in the late seventeenth century, England committed which of the following actions?

Drove the Dutch from New Netherland

Which of the following eighteenth-century Pennsylvania immigrant groups quickly lost its cultural identity by practicing intermarriage with other Protestants?

Dutch Huguenots

What caused the Spanish Netherlands revolt against Spanish rule in 1566?

Dutch Protestants' desire to protect their faith

Which of the following characterized tobacco, rice, and sugar production in eighteenth-century America?

Each drove the expansion of the slave trade for a time

Which of the following statements characterizes eighteenth-century religious practice in Pennsylvania?

Each religious sect enforced moral behavior among its members

Which of the following characteristics did traditional European, Mayan, and Aztec civilizations of the fifteenth century hold in common?

Each was a hierarchal society in which authority came from above.

Which of the following statements describes the English migrants who initially settled in the Jamestown colony in the early 1600s?

Early Jamestown settlers expected to profit from gold and Indian labor

Which of the following was characteristic of both the Mississippian and Pueblo peoples?

Elaborate ceremonial and urban sites

In the mid-1700s, which industrializing nation was the dominant commercial power in the Atlantic Ocean?


The Navigation Acts of the mid-seventeenth century included which of the following stipulations?

European goods imported to the colonies had to go through English ports.

Which of the following was an outcome of New England families' efforts to maintain the freeholder ideal in the late eighteenth century?

Farmers abandoned traditional grain crops and adopted livestock agriculture instead

Which of the following statements best describes inheritance patterns in colonial New England during the mid-1700s?

Fathers had a cultural duty to provide inheritances for their children

Hostilities between French troops and Virginians led by Colonel George Washington began in 1754 at which of the following locations?

Fort Duquesne

Which of the following was a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

France lost all of her North American territory east of the Mississippi River

The group that came to be known as the Cajuns after the Great War for Empire were

French settlers expelled by the British from Nova Scotia and deported to Louisiana

Which of the following statements describes the role of money and economic exchange in eighteenth-century rural New England?

Generally, no money was exchanged between relatives and neighbors, but accounts of debts were maintained and settled every few years by cash transfers

Which of the following factors encouraged migrants to New France in the seventeenth century?

Generous terms for indentured servitude

Which of the following combinations describes wealthy Chesapeake and Southern women in the first half of the eighteenth century?

Genteel and deferential

The first phase of the Reformation in the 1500s had its greatest success in which of the following countries?


For which of the following reasons did Britain's King James II create the Dominion of New England in 1686?

He aimed to strengthen royal control of the American colonies

Why had Christopher Columbus faded from public view by the time he died in 1506?

He failed to find great treasures or kingdoms.

It stimulated further economic expansion.

His political favoritism during his governorship aroused great resentment in Virginia

Which of the following native groups capitalized on its geographic location in central New York and remained a significant political force in North America long after colonization?


Which of the following was an outcome of Elizabeth I's compromise on the Church of England in the late 1500s?

It angered English people who supported radical Protestantism

For which of the following reasons did the 1686 Dominion of New England anger American colonists?

It invalidated the Massachusetts Bay colony's original land titles

Why was the Covenant Chain between New York and the Iroquois people in the eighteenth century significant?

It served as a model for relations between the British Empire and other Native American groups.

Which of the following statements is true of the Quaker religion in the 1660s?

It taught that God imbued all men and women with an "inner light" of grace

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Columbian Exchange?

It transported livestock, crops, and diseases among Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Americas

Merchants from which of the following countries made inroads in the Arab-dominated trade routes of the Mediterranean in the twelfth century?


The European Renaissance began in 1300 in which of the following countries?


The extent of violence perpetrated by whites against slaves in any particular geographic area depended on which of the following factors?

Its racial composition

Which of the following was the outcome of the surprise Indian attack on the Virginia colony in 1622?

James I revoked the Virginia Company's charter and made it a royal colony.

Which of the following describes family life among Native Americans?

Kinship bonds were sometimes more important than nuclear families.

Which of the following was true of the English outwork textile industry that emerged around 1500?

Landless peasants in small cottages spun and wove wool into cloth

Which of the following characterized the New England freehold society of the early eighteenth century?

Many relatively equal landowning families whose livelihoods came from agriculture and trade

John Winthrop's phrase "City upon a Hill" referred to which of the following colonies?

Massachusetts Bay

Which of the following New England colonies required church membership in order to be able to vote?

Massachusetts Bay

Why did the largest landholdings in seventeenth-century New England towns usually belong to wealthier families?

Men of higher social status tended to receive the largest land grants from their towns.

By the time the Europeans arrived in the Western Hemisphere in the 1490s, most Native Americans lived in and along which of the following regions?

Mesoamerica and the western coast of South America

The Aztecs lived in which of the following present-day locales?


The rise of commerce in most of Europe in the fifteenth century shifted the balance of power by favoring which of the following groups?


Which of the following statements describes the dominant approach to settlement in North Carolina in its early years?

NOT The proprietors were successful in creating a manorial system and a large class of serf

Which of the following describes trading relationships among Native Americans in the period before European contact?

Native Americans developed expansive trade networks that spanned great distances.

What did the German immigrants known as redemptioners do on their arrival in Pennsylvania in the eighteenth century?

Negotiated the terms for a period of servitude through which they would pay for their trip

During the Great Awakening in the 1730s and 1740s, which of the following groups challenged the authority of ministers?

New Lights

Which of the following individuals created the foundation for Enlightenment thinking?

Nicolas Copernicus

Which of the following statements describes the change in English economic philosophy toward the colonies beginning in the 1650s?

No longer content with a favorable balance of trade with European countries, the English government controlled trade with the colonies.

Which of the following areas imported the smallest number of slaves in the early eighteenth century?

North America

Which of the following was characteristic of both the Massachusetts Bay and Connecticut colonies?

Ordinary farmers had more political power than most Chesapeake men.

In 1450, the majority of European men were which of the following?


Which American colony was established in the 1660s as a haven for Quakers?


The English philosopher John Locke believed which of the following ideas?

People had natural rights such as life, liberty, and property.

How did the Pietism movement of the eighteenth century differ from Puritanism?

Pietism stressed an individual's relationship with God.

Which of the following occurred in the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution of 1688?

Plymouth, Maine, and Massachusetts Bay were joined to create a new royal colony

Which of the following developments created a crisis for New England Puritan society in the eighteenth century?

Population growth made freehold land scarce

Which European nation was the first to involve itself in exploration of the Atlantic as a route to Asia and the African slave trade?


Which of the following statements describes the Portuguese connection to African slavery in the 1400s?

Portuguese traders ousted Arab merchants as the prime African slave merchants.

Which of following is the name for the European practice wherein the eldest son inherited nearly all of his father's estate?


What effect did American tobacco have in England during the early colonial period?

The English developed a huge appetite for tobacco, which stimulated the English economy and bolstered England's treasury.

The power of human reason, a world ordered by natural laws, and the progressive improvement of society are associated with which of the following movements?

The Enlightenment

How was colonization similar for the French and Spanish?

The French and Spanish aimed to Christianize the native peoples.

Which of the following eighteenth-century movements posed a significant challenge to traditional assumptions about race, gender, and class in American society?

The Great Awakening

Why were the modern-day countries of Mexico and Peru originally Spain's most significant conquests?

The Inca, Aztecs, and Mayans had great wealth, particularly in gold.

How did the Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquer the Incans by 1535?

The Incans were already weakened militarily and divided because of rival claimants to the throne.

The French and Indian War started as a result of disputed land claims regarding

The Ohio River Valley

Which of the following statements describes the religious controversy that emerged from the Great Awakening during the 1740s and 1750s?

The Old Lights prohibited traveling preachers from speaking to a congregation without its minister's permission

Which of the following statements characterizes the nature of colonial Pennsylvania during the eighteenth century?

The growing wheat trade in the mid-eighteenth century brought an influx of poor families, which increased social divisions

Which of the following factors eased the Spaniards' conquest of the Aztecs in the sixteenth century?

The internal fighting among warriors over succession to the empire's throne

Which of the following statements characterized the currency problems that plagued the American colonies in the early and mid-eighteenth century?

The lack of currency in the colonies led New England states to issue paper money, which English creditors increasingly refused to accept

The worldview of devout Puritans, such as Cotton Mather, was based on which of the following?

The notion that supernatural forces caused unusual events

Which of the following was a result of the long-practiced policy of subdividing land in New England for inheritance by the mid-1700s?

The number of children conceived before marriage rose sharply

How did South Carolina planters respond in the aftermath of the Stono Rebellion in 1739?

The planters decided to import fewer Africans

How were the Indian uprising in 1622 and Bacon's Rebellion in 1675-1676 similar?

The rebellions led to changes in the structure of the colony's government.

Why did Plymouth begin to thrive after its first year while Jamestown struggled for many years?

The religious discipline of the Plymouth settlers encouraged their stronger work ethic.

The Americans' major objection to the Navigation Acts related to which of the following stipulations?

The requirement that Americans maintain a favorable balance of trade with England

In West Africa, the Ghana Empire (800 A.D. to 1200 A.D.), the Mali Empire (1200s to the 1400s), and the fifteenth-century Songhai Empire shared which of the following characteristics?

The use of gold as the cornerstone of their power

Which of the following describes the Dutch colony of New Netherland in the seventeenth century?

The venture failed to attract many settlers.

Which of the following statements is true of Metacom's War (King Philip's War), which took place in 1675-1676?

The war was a last-ditch attempt to save Indian lands and culture in New England

Which of the following motivations drove the Spanish conquistadors who followed Columbus to the Americas in the early sixteenth century?

Their thirst for battle and riches as well as land in the conquered territory and titles of nobility

What specific purpose did the colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia serve for the British Empire in the eighteenth century?

Their wheat crops made them the breadbasket of the Atlantic world

What made the British authorities wary of declaring war against the French in North America in 1754?

They believed the American colonists were incapable of cooperating in their own defense.

What method did Chesapeake planters use in the early eighteenth century to prevent slave revolts?

They bought slaves of different ethnic backgrounds to limit their ability to organize

Which of the following statements describes the Maya peoples?

They devised a calendar system that predicted solar and lunar eclipses accurately.

Which of the following statements describes Native American peoples east of the Mississippi River?

They had no single style of political organization.

Why did the Virginia gentry fear the rise of the Baptists in the mid-eighteenth century?

They threatened to undermine the gentry's position and privilege

Which of the following was true of the Restoration Colonies of New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and the Carolinas in the 1660s?

They were created by Charles II as he expanded English power in America

On October 12, 1492, Columbus, his men, and his ships reached

an island in the Bahamas.

When they settled in the New World in 1630, the Puritans' first priority was to

create a reformed society that would model true Christianity in America

The Navigation Acts, implemented in the American colonies by Britain in the mid-seventeenth century, were originally intended to

cut the Dutch and French out of the colonial trade.

King Henry VIII started the English Reformation by

declaring himself supreme head of the new Church of England.

In North America's plantation colonies, most indentured servants

did not escape from poverty

The Hohokams, Mogollon, and Anasazi peoples who lived in present-day Arizona and New Mexico around A.D. 1000

employed irrigation to grow four or five crops a year.

By the middle of the eighteenth century, Chesapeake planters displayed their dominance through


Which of the following describes the first peoples who migrated to the Americas?

he group consisted of bands of hunter-gatherers.

For which of the following reasons was Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts Bay in 1636?

he questioned the English seizure of the native people's land

The social order in Europe around 1450 can be described as

hierarchical and authoritarian.

Two hundred thousand Spaniards from Castile migrated to America in the 1500s in order to escape

high taxes on agriculture and military service

As it gained power in Europe, Roman and medieval Catholicism contended with pre-Christian festivals and the agricultural cycle by

integrating them into Christian holy days and biblical teachings.

Why was the influx of American gold and silver into the English economy during the sixteenth century significant?

it stimulated further economic expansion

The encomiendas granted by the Spanish crown in the sixteenth century consisted of

legal control over American land and Indian labor.

By the mid-1500s, Spain's main goal in North America was to

maintain its dominance and power in the region

The 1754 Albany Congress was a significant event because it demonstrated that

neither the colonists nor the British found the other's plan acceptable

Portuguese colonists in Brazil in the sixteenth century created an industry based on which of these resources?


Which agricultural product served as the foundation for the South Atlantic System in the eighteenth century?


Which of the following diseases were introduced into Europe by Christopher Columbus's sailors after their journey to the Americas in the 1490s?


In Maryland, the aftermath of the Glorious Revolution was characterized by

the establishment of the Church of England as the official church

In eighteenth-century New England, the notion that parents would pay grown children for their past labors in exchange for the privilege of choosing the children's spouses was known as

the new marriage portion

The British colonists in eighteenth-century North America enjoyed a significant degree of autonomy over their royal governors mainly due to

their control over governors' salaries

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