APUSH Unit 2, Chapter 2-4

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Laws like that above were long-term consequences of events related to which of the following? A. Britain needed Americans to help pay the debts of the Seven Years' War as well as military expenses for defending the colonists against American Indians B. Britain needed to exert political control over the colonists in order to rebuild its imperial army after several imperialistic wars C. Britain hoped to win the allegiance of the colones from its European rivals in North America D. Britain failed to develop as many colonies around the world for commerce and taxation as its imperial rivals had

A. Britain needed Americans to help pay the debts of the Seven Years' War as well as military expenses for defending the colonists against American Indians

Which of the following developments in British-American colonial relations most immediately led to the writing of the above document? A. many American colonists sought to directly resist British political authority B. colonists loyal to the British crown fled from the rebellious America to Canada C. patriot leaders signed a formal declaration from Great Britain D. Britain fought an expensive war in North America to protect its colonial interests

A. many American colonists sought to directly resist British political authority

Based on the map's representation of a typical Puritan community, which best describes how social relations within the community might be affected in times of social stress or strain? A. mass hysteria could readily arise B. traditional gender roles would certainly be upended C. tensions over women's roles within Puritan society would decrease D. the communities would experience a decline in the influence of religion

A. mass hysteria could rise easily

The New England colonists' general idea of "civilizing" the Native American, as alluded to in the above excerpt, most directly reflects which of the following Puritan ideals? A. the the Puritans were establishing a conscientious community of holiness, which would serve as a beacon and model to others around the world B. that the puritans were establishing a community based on separation of Church and State, a model the Native American tribal societies did not follow C. that moral societies were based on strict judicial systems, and the Native Americans enforced their laws in too random a manner D. that at birth, people were predestined for either salvation or damnation

A. that the Puritans were establishing a conscientious community of holiness, which would serve as a beacon and model to others around the world

What British law most directly affected the trade depicted on the map? A. the Navigation Acts B. the Woolen Act C. the Molasses Act D. the Barbados Slave Code

A. the Navigation Acts

The economic issues reflected by the differing trends in the Chesapeake region by the last two decades most immediately point to which of the following? A. the beginnings of regionalism and sectionalism B. decreased conflict with Native Americans over land C. diversification among all colonies with some turning to high tech industry over farming D. immediate conflict between New England and Chesapeake colonies over the use of slave labor

A. the beginning of regionalism and sectionalism

The above excerpt best supports which of the following arguments regarding warfare between the Native Americans and American colonists, in general? A. the colonists' supplying arms and alcohol to Native Americans made Native Americans more destructive in warfare B. the colonists were well disciplined in their warfare, while Native American warfare became more disorganized and undisciplined C. the increased precision of firearms and the dependency of many Native Americans on alcohol made warfare less ferocious D. more truces occurred, as the colonists found they could build wealth in their trade with Native Americans

A. the colonists' supplying arms and alcohol to Native Americans made Native Americans more destructive in warfare

The above excerpt best provides evidence of which of the following deep concerns of Native Americans against the New England colonists? A. English fur traders' continuing efforts to cause drunkenness among the Native Americans to cheat them B. efforts by the New England governments to impose English law on Native Americans C. New England settlements' strategy to "divided and conquer" by pitting rival Native Americans tribes against each other D. continuing conflict between the New Englanders and the Dutch and French colonists threatening the peace and stability of relations between rival tribes

B. efforts by the New England governments to impose English law on Native Americans

Which of the following best describes the British government's reasoning for its action referenced in Washington's letter above? A. the British king was reluctant to pay American Indians for the lands the colonists wished to settle B. for reasons of military expense and preservation of trade and land speculation for itself, it wanted to control westward expansion instead of allowing the provincial colonial governments to have control C. the British government wanted to control the regional tensions between colonists of the established coastal regions of the isolated "back-country" D. the British government came to be more sympathetic to American Indian needs, upon appointment of British governors to specifically manage Indian affairs

B. for reasons of military expense and preservation of trade and land speculation for itself, it wanted to control westward expansion instead of allowing the provincial colonial governments to have control

Which of the following ideals most justified in many American colonists' view their general political response to laws such as those above? A. separation of religious affairs from political management B. rule by the people, under a republican government C. establishment of a social contract to justify rule by a single authority D. belief in the value of human reason over superstition

B. rule by the people, under a republican government

The ideas in the document most clearly show the influence of which of the following? A. the declining of monarchy as a viable system of government B. the growing autonomy of the colonists C. the increasing influence of England over all of the colonies D. the expanding importance of the Atlantic World

B. the growing autonomy of the colonists

The above map illustrates which of the following trends in the development of colonial societies? A. the Americans were increasingly dependent upon raw materials from Europe and Africa B. the northern and southern colonies were divergent in their economic development C. the escalated role of Dutch merchants in the Atlantic slave trade D. the growing neglect of the British government towards its American colones

B. the northern and southern colonies were divergent in their economic development

Which of the following best describes the British perspective in its relations with the American colonies by the latter half of the eighteenth century? A. Britain thought direct taxation was a valid source of revenue for wartime, but the American colonists believed spoils should pay for war B. Britain felt threatened, believing that the American colonists had intentions of developing an imperial government to complete globally C. Britain saw the American colonies as a typical part of its empire, and the colonists had gotten too used to provincial self-government D. Americans believed that free trade should exist among all regions of North America, but Britain wished to limit trade

C. Britain saw the American colonies as a typical part of its empire, and the colonists had gotten too used to provincial self-government

The above excerpt most directly reflects which predominant view of the Native American by the New England colonists by the mid to lat 1600s? A. Native Americans were a free people from whom much could be learned B. Native Americans had an admirable system of law C. Native Americans were crude and ungodly D. Native Americans were civilized, but incapable of abiding

C. Native Americans were crude and ungodly

Which of the following aspects of English colonization most directly led to the change in the population as reflected by the graph above? A. many English colonists initially came to the New World in a race for finding rare materials B. English mercantilism led to the creation of new markets C. some English colonists turned to labor intensive cash crop agriculture for income D. English colonists' costly hostilities with local American Indian tribes led to a decrease in the white population

C. some English colonists turned to labor-intensive cash crop agriculture for income

Which of the following developments from the British colonial era is the above excerpt most directly responding to? A. Americans embraced the ideal of expanding westward to the Pacific Ocean B. American Indians staged raids on British colonies in New England and Virginia C. the British kind barred colonists from expanding further westward D. colonists decided to wage a war for independence from the British throne

C. the British king barred colonists from expanding further westward

The difference in growth rate between the whit and black populations in the Chesapeake region in the last two decades of the 17th century can best be traced to A. a dramatic increase in indentured servitude B. political instability in England C. the growth of tobacco as a viable cash crop D. the enslavement of Native Americans

C. the growth of tobacco as a viable cash crop

What Puritan goal is represented by the town structure shown in the map? A. to allow division of property based on the English system to primogeniture B. to allow and ethnically and religiously diverse community to develop C. to create a community of like minded religious believers centered around a church meeting house D. to encourage expansion from the community center as its population increased

C. to create a community of like minded religious believers centered around a church meeting house

The map best supports which of the following regarding the system of governance in the Puritan community? A. local affairs were controlled by the English parliament B. government was secular with no religious influence C. towns enjoyed freedom and autonomy in regulating their own affairs D. participation in government was based primarily on property ownership

C. towns enjoyed freedom and autonomy in regulating their own affairs

Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the Navigation Acts? A. colonial loyalists B. New England merchants C. Southern plantation owners D. English mercantilists

D. English mercantilists

The Atlantic trade in the early 18th century most directly contributed to A. the social distinctions between the coastal and back-country settlers B. a surge of colonial independence against the British empire C. a sense of unification and economic self sufficiency within the colonies D. an increase in the southern agrarian economic cash crop system

D. an increase in the southern agrarian economic cash crop system

How was the general community structure in the southern English colonies different from that of the Puritan communities? A. plantations physically connected to cities vs. small farms plots within town communities B. large plantations shared by various family owners vs. individual farms C. large metropolitan areas vs. towns D. isolated plantations vs. town communities

D. isolated plantations vs. town communities

The above letter best demonstrates which of the following regarding American colonial relations with the British Crown by the mid 1700s? A. the colonists were eager to obtain land and resources on behalf of the British government B. the colonists wanted to reject the new taxes levied on them by the British government C. with British help, Virginians hoped to force American Indians living in their colony to resettle in the northwest territory D. the colonists had little interest in following British laws that opposed their own interests

D. the colonists had little interest in following British laws that opposed their own interests

The passage of the Navigation Act of 1696 and other similar legislation by the English Parliament most directly resulted from A. successful continuance of the English mercantilist system B. an effort to control the transatlantic slave trade C. open rebellion and disobedience by royally appointed colonial governors D. widespread, but organized, colonial resistance to English economic policies

D. widespread, but unorganized, colonial resistance to English economic policies

Which of the following best describes the effect of laws such as that above on how a broad number of American colonists' came to view themselves in relation to the British? A. they reinforced colonists' status as subjects to the authority of the monarch B. they undermined revolutionary sentiments of colonists by showing the futility of rebellion C. they lessened regional and class divisions as colonists saw themselves as united Americans D. they moved many colonists to define themselves in opposition to the British government

they moved many colonists to define themselves in opposition to the British government

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