APUSH Unit 2 Semester Exam

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The revolutionary war began with fighting in _____ then in 1777-1778 fighting was concentrated in ____ and then fighting concluded in ______.

New England the middles colonies the South

Thomas Jefferson once observed that "the best school of political liberty the world ever saw" was the

New England Town Meeting

Thomas Jefferson once observed that "the best school of political liberty the world ever saw" was

New England town meeting.

Native American (Indian) civilization was least highly developed in

North America.

What proportion of the British merchant marine fleet was American built?


The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 1760's and the 1770's over "virtual representation" concerned

Parliament ability to reflect capital interest

Colonist objected to the Stamp Act because

Parliament passed the tax, not the colonist

The argument between Great Britain and its American colonies during the 1760's and 1770's over "virtual representation" concerned

Parliament's ability to reflect colonial interests

The origins of the modern plantation system can be found in the

Portuguese slave trade

The new Republic passed a major test when

Power was peacefully transferred from the conservative Federalists to the more liberal Jeffersonians in the election of 1800.

All of the following were allies in the French and Indian War except


The Proclamation of 1763 did which of the following?

Set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to settle.

The financial means for England's first permanent colonization in America were provided

a joint-stock company

As a result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the eighteenth century

a momentous shift occurred in the balance of power between the colonies and the mother country.

When the alliance with France was formalized, the Americans were able to gain all of the following except

a negotiated peace treaty with the British.

With the British and American victory in the Seven Years' War

a new spirit of independence arose, as the French threat disappeared.

In Calvinist thought, the "conversion" was

a personal experience when God revealed an individual's heavenly destiny.

In a broad sense, America was

a revolutionary force from the day of its discovery by Europeans.

Shays's Rebellion convinced many Americans of the need for

a stronger central government

The greatest achievement of the government under the Articles of Confederation was its establishment of

a system for orderly settlement of the West

The New England family can best be described as

a very stable institution.

Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it was the

absence of a bill of rights

All of the following were actions taken by the colonists that helped them unite except

acceptance of the Navigation Laws.

The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when

all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government

The Articles of Confederation were finally approved when

all states claiming western lands surrendered them to the national government.

French aid to the colonies did all of the following except

allowed American forces to focus only on the southern theater

As originally ratified, the United States Constitution provided for

an electoral college

The American Revolution was

an example of accelerated evolution rather than outright revolution

The colonist who ultimately embraced the vision of America as an independent nation had in common all of the following characteristics except

an unwillingness to subjugate others

The colonists who ultimately embraced the vision of america as an independent nation had in common all of the following characteristics except

an unwillingness to subjugate others

The Great Compromise at the Constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

apportioning congressional representation

The Great Compromise at the constitutional Convention worked out an acceptable scheme for

apportioning congressional representation

Relations between the English colonists and the Powhatan were at first conciliatory, but remained tense, especially

as the starving colonists took to raiding Indian food supplies.

The large-state plan, put forward in the Constitutional Convention

based representation in the House and Senate on population.

By 1750, all the southern plantation colonies

based their economies on the production of staple crops for export, practiced slavery, provided tax support for the Church of England, had few large cities

A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to

be financially profitable and create a refuge for the Catholics.

As a result of the Seven Years' War, Great Britain

became the dominant power in North America

Under mercantilist doctrine, the American colonies were expected to do all of the following except

become economically self-sufficient as soon as possible

All of the following were characteristics of the original thirteen colonies except

belief they were a single people with a common destiny, who ought to break from Britain.

Pennsylvania was founded by

best advertised.

One of the enduring paradoxes of American history is that

both liberals and conservatives have championed from heritage of democratic revolution.

The Christian Crusaders were indirectly responsible for the discovery of America because they

brought back news of valuable Far Eastern spices, drugs, and silk

The Battle of Saratoga was a key victory for the Americans because it

brought the colonists much-needed aid and a formal alliance with France

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following EXCEPT

call for the abolition of the slave trade

The Declaration of Independence did all the following EXCEPT

call for the abolition of the slave trade

Thomas Paine's pamphlet, Common Sense

called for American independence and the creation of a democratic republic

The First Continental Congress

called for a complete boycott of British goods.

The most important contribution of the seagoing privateers during the revolutionary war was that they

captured hundreds of British Merchant ships

Puritan religious beliefs allowed all of the following except

challenging religious authority.

One reason that the United States avoided the frightful excuses of the French Revolution is that

cheap land was easily available and America had few landed aristocrats

All of the following were examples of colonial protest against the Stamp Act except

colonial legislators issuing a court mandate forbidding the enforcement of the act.

Colonial legislatures were often able to bend the power of the governors to their will because

colonial legislatures controlled taxes and expenditures that paid the governors' salaries.

In a republic, power

comes from the people themselves

One of the surest avenues to speedy wealth in the American colonies was

commercial ventures

he feasibility of representative government had been demonstrated in the

committees of correspondence

Change in colonial policy by the British government that helped precipitate the American Revolution involved

compelling the American colonist to shoulder of the financial cost of the empire

French motives in the New World included the desire to

compete with Spain for an empire in America.

All of the following statements are true regarding Washington's selection to head up the Continental Army except

congress strongly perceived his qualities of leadership

Passage of the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act

convinced many colonists that the British were trying to take away their historic liberty.

Under the Articles of Confederation, the relationship between the thirteen states

convinced many that a stronger central government was needed.

During a generation of peace following the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht, Britain provided its American colonies with

decades of salutary neglect.

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was a significant achievement because it

defined the process by which territories could become states

The New Light preachers of the Great Awakening

delivered intensely emotional sermons

In seeking diplomatic recognition from foreign powers during the War for Independence, the American government found it necessary to

demonstrate a determination and potential to win independence.

In the colonial wars before 1754, Americans

demonstrated an astonishing lack of unity

The Quebec Act

denied Quebec a representative assembly and trial by jury

Republican belief held that the stability of society and the authority of the government

depended on the virtue of its citizenry.

All of the following were true of England as the 17th century opened up except

desolate cities with a decreasing population.

The population in Catholic New France grew very slowly because

disease took a heavy toll on New France's inhabitants.

It was highly significant to the course of future events that

economic democracy preceded political democracy in the United States

The first Navigation Laws were designed to

eliminate Dutch shippers from the American carrying trade

Early signs of the abolitionist movement can be seen in the

emancipation of slaves

France was finally able to join in the scramble for colonies in the New World as a result of the

end of the religious wars

The British invasion of Canada in 1756 during the Seven Years' War

ended in defeat

For the Americans, the seven years' war

ended the myth of British invincibility

Some of the more advanced Native American cultures did all of the following except

engage in significant ocean voyages of discovery.

Settlers of the Connecticut River colony developed a document known as the Fundamental Orders, which

established a regime democratically controlled by "substantial" citizens.

Virtual representation meant that

every member of Parliament represented all British subjects.

Immediately after the Revolution, the New American nation's greatest strength lay in its

excellent political leadership

Immediately after the Revolution, the new American nation's greatest strength lay in its

excellent political leadership.

During the War for Independence, the principal reason the American government sought diplomatic recognition from foreign powers was to

facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations

During the Revolution, the frontier saw much fighting, which

failed to stem the tide of westward-moving pioneers.

When new towns were established in New England, all of the following were true except

families did not automatically receive land.

Many Whigs in Britain hoped for an American victory in the War for Independence because they

feared that if George III triumphed, his rule at home might become tyrannical

When William Pitt became prime minister during the Seven Years' War, he

focused his military strategy on the Quebec-Montreal area

Shay's Rebellion was provoked by

foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers

African Americans during the Revolutionary War

fought for both the Americans and the British

By about 1700, black slaves outnumbered white settlers in the English West Indies by nearly

four to one

Colonial American taverns were all of the following except

frequented mainly by the lower class

Colonial American taverns were all of the following except

frequented mainly by the lower class.

As a result of the Revolution's emphasis on equality, all of the following were achieved except

full equality between women and men.

As slavery spread in the South

gaps in the social structure widened

The headright system, which made some people very wealthy, consisted of

giving the right to acquire fifty acres of land to the person paying the passage of a laborer to America.

Seventeenth-century colonial tobacco growers usually responded to depressed prices for their crop by

growing more tobacco to increase their volume to production.

In contrast to the seventeenth century, by 1775, colonial Americans

had become more stratified into social classes and had less social mobility.

General William Howe did not pursue and defeat George Washington's army after the Battle of Long Island for all of the following reasons except

he lacked sufficient naval support

When Lord De La Warr took control of Jamestown in 1610, he

imposed a harsh military regime on the colony.

In colonial America, education was most zealously promoted

in New England

The major purpose of England's mercantilist policy was to

increase England's prosperity

Motives of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia include all of the following except

increase individual freedom

Motives of the delegates to the 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia include all of the following except to

increase individual freedom.

English yeomen who agreed to exchange their labor temporarily in return for payment of their passage to an American colony were called

indentured servants

Most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies in the seventeenth century came as

indentured servants.

When America became a republic and political power no longer rested with an all-powerful king,

individuals needed to sacrifice their own self-interest to the public good.

All of the following were achievements of Benjamin Franklin except

influential poetry

When the British Parliament passed the Molasses Act in 1733, it intended the act to

inhibit colonial trade with the French West Indies.

The basic strategy of the British in 1777 was to try to

isolate New England.

Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial home rule was rejected by the individual colonies because

it did not seem to give enough independence to the colonies.

All of the following were main principles of the Navigation Acts EXCEPT

it prohibited the colonies from issuing their own paper currencies, greatly limiting their trading capabilities.

France came to America's aid in the Revolution because

it wanted revenge against the British

France had to give up its vision of a North American New France when

it was defeated by the British in 1713 and 1763.

The Iroquois Confederacy was able to menace its Native American and European neighbors because of

its military alliances, sustained by political and organizational skills

The local committees of correspondence organized by Samuel Adams

kept opposition to the British alive, through exchange of propaganda.

Despite the benefits of the mercantile system, the American colonists disliked it because it

kept them in a state of perpetual economic adolescence.

All of the following contributed to the lack of development of art and artists in early colonial America except

lack of talent among the Americans.

Most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South were

landowning small farmers

The Sugar Act of 1764 represented a major shift in British policy toward the colonies in that, for the first time, the British

levied taxes aimed at raising revenue rather than regulating trade

When colonists shouted "No taxation without representation," they were rejecting Parliament's power to

levy revenue-raising taxes on the colonies.

The spirit of the English on the eve of the colonization included all of the following except

limited patriotism

The spirit of the English on the eve of colonization included all of the following except

limited patriotism.

The reason France needed to control the Ohio Valley was to

link its Canadian holdings with those of the lower Mississippi Valley.

A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they

made it too difficult for the government to raise money through taxes and duties

By their actions, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention manifested their common beliefs in all of the following except

manhood-suffrage democracy.

As the War for Independence began, the colonies had the advantage of

many outstanding civilian and military leaders.

A peace settlement ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War in 1614 by the

marriage of Pocahontas to the colonist John Rolfe.

Examples of colonial experience with self-governance, which prepared Americans for a republic, included all of the following except

militia service.

Most of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention could best be labeled


The population growth of the American colonies by 1775 is attributed mostly to

natural fertility of All Americans

Benjamin Franklin published in his Pennsylvania Gazette his most famous cartoon of the colonial era, a disjointed snake, which

promoted the idea that America, if they did not accept the Albany Plan, would be cut apart and die.

By the time the Constitution was adopted in 1789

prosperity was beginning to return

Spain began to fortify and settle its North American border lands in order to

protect its domains from encroachments by England and France.

The principal motivation for drafting the Bill of Rights was the desire to

protect rights not specified in the Constitution

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention were concerned mainly with

protecting America from its weaknesses abroad and its excesses at home.

The British Parliament passed the Stamp Act to

raise money to support new military forces needed for colonial defense

The Patriot militia played a crucial role in the Revolution in all of he following ways except

raising funds to support the war effort.

The debate between the supporters and critics of the Articles of Confederation centered on how to

reconcile states' rights with strong national government.

Even though the wording of the Declaration of Independence says "All men are created equal," most states __________ property-holding requirements for voting.


Colonial schools and colleges placed their main emphasis on


When it came to the Revolution, it could be said that the American colonists were

reluctant revolutionaries

By the mid-1700s, the number of poor people in the American colonies

remained tiny compared with the number in England

As a means of ensuring that legislators stay in touch with the mood of the people, state constitutions

required the annual election of legislators

The Constitutional Convention was called to

revise the Articles of Confederation

The population of the Chesapeake colonies, throughout the first half of the seventeenth century, was notable for its

scarcity of women.

Perhaps the most important single action of the Second Continental Congress was to

select George Washington to head the army

One political principle that colonial Americans came to cherish above most others was

self-taxation through representation

As part of the egalitarian movement of the American Revolution

several northern state abolished slavery.

The colonial army eventually lost the Battle of Bunker Hill because its troops were

short of gunpowder

Thomas Paine argued that all government officials

should derive their authority from popular consent.

At the bottom of the social class in the South were the


All of the following were weaknesses of the British military during the War of Independence except

soldiers who were incapable of fighting effectively

On the eve of the American Revolution, social and economic mobility decreased , partly because

some merchants made huge profits as military suppliers

The radical Whigs feared

the arbitrary power of the monarchy

The radical whigs feared

the arbitrary power of the monarchy

When the English gained control over New Netherland

the autocratic spirit survived.

The idea that all tax measures should start in the House was made to appease

the big states with the most people

With the American invasion of Canada in 1775

the colonials' claim that they were merely fighting defensively for a redress of grievances was contradicted.

In 1775, once fighting between the colonies and Great Britain began

the colonists affirmed their loyalty to the King.

The new Constitution established the idea that the only legitimate government was one based on

the consent of the governed

Many Americans remained loyalists during the Revolution for all of the following reasons except

the fear of retribution

The guarantee that English settlers in the New World would retain the "rights of Englishmen" proved to be

the foundation for American liberties.

For those Africans who were sold into slavery, the middle passage can be best described as

the gruesome ocean voyage to America

As the seventeenth century wore on, regional differences continued to crystalize, most notably

the importance of the slave labor in the south

The purpose of the periodic "mourning wars" was

the large-scale adoption of captives and refugees.

The section of the American colonies where there was the greatest internal conflict was

the middle colonies

The most honored profession in early colonial society was

the ministry.

By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located in

the people

The most notable achievement of the United States under the Articles of Confederation was

the provision for land sales in the Northwest that would benefit the entire nation

Among the Puritans, it was understood that

the purpose of government was to enforce God's laws.

The First Great Awakening led to all of the following EXCEPT

the renewed persecution of witches

In colonial elections

the right to vote was reserved for property holders

In the period 1688 to 1763, which of the following was a consequence of Europe's wars for empire?

Armed struggles spread to North America

During the colonial era, all of the following peoples created new societies out of diverse ethnic groups in America except


All of the following were direct benefits reaped by the Americans from the mercantile system of Britain except

British allowed the Americans to freely trade with other countries and compete on the open market

The British Parliament enacted currency legislation that was intended primarily to benefit

British merchants.

During the Seven Years' War

British officials were disturbed by the lukewarm support of many colonials

During the Revolutionary War, the revolutionary cause was bolstered by all of the following EXCEPT

the strength of colonial currency

During the Revolutionary War, the revolutionary cause was bolstered by ll of the following EXCEPT?

the strength of colonial currency

The most memorable of the responses to the Intolerable Acts was

the summoning of the First Continental Congress in 1774.

The ultimate guarantor of liberty and justice was

the virtue of the people.

Unlike the English colonies in America, in New France

there were no popularly elected assemblies.

All of the following were true of the Spanish except

they practiced the same treatment as the English would toward the Indians by isolating and shunning them.

In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonist because

they stifled economic initiative

In some ways, the Navigation Laws were a burden to certain colonists because

they stifled economic initiative.

The colonist took the Townshed Acts less seriously than the Stamp Act because

they were light and indirect

The Constitutional Convention addressed the North-South controversy over slavery through the

three-fiths compromise

As a result of the Revolution, many state capitals were relocated westward

to get them away from the haughty eastern seaports.

American colonists society sought trade with countries in Great Britain

to make money to buy what they wanted in Britain

The founding of the American colonies by the British was

undertaken in a haphazard manner.

On the eve of its colonizing adventure, England possessed a

unified national state sense of nationalism popular monarch measure of religious unity

The English treatment of the Irish, under the reign of Elizabeth I, can best be described as

violent and unjust.

All of the following were manifestations of mercantilist theory EXCEPT

virtual representation

The slave culture that developed in America

was a uniquely New World creation

In his first military command in the French and Indian War, George Washington

was defeated at Fort Necessity but was allowed to retreat.

Culture in colonial America

was generally ignored and unappreciated.

The Second Continental Congress of Revolutionary days

was little more than a conference of ambassadors with very limited power.

Urban development in the colonial South

was slow to emerge.

The summoning of Virginia's House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because it

was the first of many miniature parliaments to flourish in America.

The British Crown's royal veto of colonial legislation

was used sparingly by the British Parliament.

The English justified taking land from the native inhabitants on the grounds that the Indians

wasted the earth

The majority of African slaves coming to the New World

were delivered to South America and the West Indies.

The most important outcome of the Revolution for white women was that they

were elevated as special keepers of the nation's conscience.

Some Africans became especially valuable as slaves in the Carolinas because they

were experienced in rice cultivation.

The riches created by the growing slave population in the American South

were not distributed evenly among whites.

Before 1763, the Navigation Laws

were only loosely enforced in the American colonies

Many of the slaves who reached North America

were originally captured by African coastal tribes

Continental army officers attempting to form the Society of the Cincinnati

were ridiculed for their lordly presentations

The basic principles in the Model Treaty

were self-denying restrictions to the Americans

The basic principles of the Model Treaty

were self-denying restrictions to the Americans

Britain gave America generous terms in the Treaty of Paris because British leaders

were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with France.

The major issue that delayed ratification of the Articles of Confederation concerned

western lands.

The Proclamation of 1763 was designed mainly to

work out a fair settlement of the Indian problem

The North American colonies took advantage of Great Britain's policy of salutary neglect to

work out trade arrangements to acquire needed products from other countries

The busiest seaport in the Southern colonies was


Most Americans considered which of the following to be fundamental for any successful republican government?

Civic Virtue

Which of the following statements about the Stamp Act is NOT true?

Colonial legislatures sent letters of protest to Parliament threatening secession from England if the Stamp Act was not repealed.

Which pf the following statements about the Stamp Act is NOT true?

Colonial legislatures sent letters of protest to parliament threatening secession from England if the Stamp Act was not repealed

In 1775, the ____ churches were the only 2 established (tax-supported) churches in colonial America

Congregational and Anglican

All of the following statements are true regarding Washington's selection to head up the continental army

Congress strongly perceived the qualities of leadership

Which of the following is a compromise in the Constitution?

Continuation of the foreign slave trade

Which of the following is a compromise of the Constitution?

Continuation of the foreign slave trade

Under the Constitution, the president of the United States was to be elected by a majority vote of the

Electoral college

The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was the most consequential for the future United States was the

English at Jamestown in 1607.

In 1787-1789, which of the following groups was most likely to oppose ratification of the Constitution?

Farmers in isolated areas

"Your sentiments, that our affairs are drawing rapidly to a crisis, accord with my own. What the event will be, is also beyond the reach of my foresight. We have errors to correct. We have probably had too good an opinion of human nature in forming our confederation. Experience has taught us, that men will not adopt and carry into execution measures best calculated for their own good, without the intervention of a coercive power. I do not conceive that we can exist long as a nation without having lodged some where a power, which will pervade the whole Union in as energetic a manner as the authority of the State governments extends over the several States." Which of the following best describes the author of this passage?


America's first entangling alliance was with


The Seven Years' War was also known in American as

French and Indian War

Shortly after French troops arrived in America, the resulting improvement in morale staggered when

General Benedict Arnold turned traitor.

A new relationship between Britain and its American colonies was initiated in 1763 when ____________________ assumed charge of colonial policy.

George Greenville

Not one of the original thirteen colonies except __________ was formally planted by the British government.


Which of the following beliefs was central to eighteenth-century Deism?

God created a universe governed by natural law.

Republicans looked to the models of the _______________ for examples of a just society.

Greeks and Romans

Which of the following does NOT represent the views of Prime Minister Grenville after the Seven Years' War?

He wanted to reward the colonies through his extension of "salutary neglect"

The one branch of the government elected directly by the people is the

House of Representatives

By the end of the War for Independence

.a few thousand American regular troops were finally whipped into shape

The average age of the American colonist in 1775 was


Of the four hundred settlers who managed to make it to Virginia, only sixty survived the "starving time" winter of


The Continental Congress in _____ called for the complete abolition of the slave trade, a summons to which most of the states responded positively.


The Founders failed to eliminate slavery because

a fight over slavery might destroy national unity

The economic theory of mercantilism would be consistent with which of the following statements?

A government should seek to direct the economy so as to maximize exports.

Which individual privately advocated equality for women?

Abigail Adams

In 1775, the Second Continental Congress

Adopted the olive branch petition declaring colonial loyalty to the crown

By 1775, the ___ were the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America.


Which of the following states the principle of "virtual representation," as it was argued during the eighteenth century?

All English subjects, including those who are not allowed to vote, are represented in Parliament.

Regarding the provisions of the 1783 Treaty of Paris, which formally ended the Revolution

America Broke the assurances regarding treatment of the Loyalists

In the wake of the Proclamation of 1763

American colonists moved west, defying the Proclamation

The Stamp Act crisis was important in the coming of the American Revolution for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

American patriots realized that British inflexibility made revolution virtually inevitable.

Which of the following best describes the Great Awakening?

An eighteenth-century revival that was characterized by "fire and brimstone" sermons

The Olive Branch Petition

professed American loyalty to the crown

By 1775, which of the following communities could not be considered a city in colonial America?


Although manufacturing in the colonies was of only secondary importance, they did produce which of the following?

Beaver hats Iron Lumber Rum

Who was the American diplomat that negotiated the Model Treaty with France?

Benjamin Franklin

The most drastic measure of the intolerable acts was the

Boston Port Act.

Arrange these battles in chronological order: (A) Trenton, (B) Saratoga, (C) Long Island, and (D) Charleston.

C, A, B, D

Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) clash at Lexington and Concord, (B) meeting of the First Continental Congress, (C) Quebec Act, and (D) Boston Tea Party.

D, C, B, A

Which word best describes England's efforts in the 1500s to compete with the Spanish Empire?


Which of the following was true of the first Great Awakening?

It resulted in divisions within both the Congregational and the Presbyterian churches.

Which of the following was true of the Continental Congress in its drafting of the Articles of Confederation?

It was cautious about giving the new government powers it had just denied Parliament.

Which Enlightenment philosopher advocated the overthrow of any government that abused the rights of its subjects?

John Locke

Georgia grew very slowly for all of the following reasons except

John Oglethorpe's leadership.

The Great Awakening was associated with

Jonathan Edwards

Anti federalists believe that the sovereignty of the people resided in which branch of the central government?


The Sugar Act of 1764 represented a major shift in British policy toward the colonies in that for the first time the British

Levied taxes aimed at raising revenue rather than regulating trade

Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Paris Peace Treaty ending the American Revolution?

Louisiana was returned to French control.

Americans who opposed independence for the colonies were labeled __________ or _______________, and the independence-seeking Patriots were also known as _______________.

Loyalists, Tories, Whigs

___ reaped the greatest benefits from the land policies of headright system

Merchant planters

All of the following were original territories of North American Indian populations within the current borders of the United States except


In North Carolina, spearheaded by the Scotch-Irish, a small insurrection against eastern domination of the colony's affair was known as

Regulator Movement.

The first English attempt at colonization in 1585 was in

Roanoke Island

The commander of French troops in America was


In 1760, colonial legislatures were so concerned about the dangers present in a heavy concentration of resentful slaves that they tried passing legislation that would halt the further importation of slaves to their colony. However, this measure was blocked by the British authorities, who sought to continue to provide the cheap labor. Which of the following colonial legislatures sought this measure?

South Carolina

The physical and social conditions of slavery were harvested in

South Carolina

Unlike the _______________ Act, the _______________ Act and the _______________ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.

Stamp, Sugar, Townshend

The delegates at the Constitutional Convention stipulated that the new Constitution be ratified by

State conventions

The first law ever passed by Parliament for raising tax revenues in the colonies for the crown was the

Sugar Act

Emmanuel Leutze's 1851 painting Washington Crossing the Delaware celebrates what event?

Surprise attack of the Hessians in New Jersey

Emanuel Leutze's 1851 painting Washington Crossing the Delaware celebrates what event?

Surprise attack on the Hessians in New Jersey

By the 1700s, which of the following issues helped bring about a crisis of imperial authority?

Taxation, self rule, and trade restriction

Which of the following was a result of the Albany Congress?

The Iroquois remained neutral and the colonist rejected Franklin's plan for unity.

What political document, created in early colonial history, included the Enlightenment ideals of shared decision making and the consent of the governed?

The Mayflower Compact

Which of the following events that took place in the years preceding the Revolutionary War represented the most significant action on the part of the colonists against British authority?

The Stamp Act Congress

Which of the following acts of the British government in the period preceding the Revolutionary War provoked the most outrage among the colonists?

The passage of the Boston Port Act

Which of the following statements concerning the Federalist Papers is true?

They were written as propaganda to support the ratification of the Constitution.

Which of the following Revolutionary leaders was not present at the Constitutional Convention?

Thomas Jefferson

Which of the following is NOT true of English colonial families in mid-eighteenth century America?

Women, while subservient to their husbands, set the moral standards by which children were raised and decided how the children would be educated and trained.

_______________ and _______________ revealed "Old Fox" Washington at his military best.

Trenton and Princeton

___ and ___ revealed "Old Fox" Washington at his military best

Trenton, Princeton

Which of the following most appropriately characterizes the violence exhibited in such episodes as Bacon's Rebellion, the Boston Tea Party, Shays' Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion?

Violence was directed at "outsiders" or representatives of distant authority.

In 1773, __________ led the way by creating the first intercolonial committee of correspondence.


The struggle for divorce between religion and government, in the post-revolutionary period, proved fiercest in


As the Head of Dominion of New England, Sir Edmund Andros was all of the following except

a Puritan.

The basic principles of the Model Treaty and the new philosophy behind American international affairs contained all of the following except

no economic connection

The Boston Tea Party of 1713 was

not the only such protest to occur.

The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT

nullification of all private debts to the states

Recently, historians have increasingly viewed the colonial period as one

of contact and adaptation between native populations.

The Declaration of Independence did all of the following except

offer the British one last chance at reconciliation.

Regarding American independence

only a select minority supported independence with selfless devotion

. The ideals that the colonists cherished as synonymous with American life included reverence for all of the following except

opposition to slavery

The ideals that the colonists cherished as synonymous with American life included reverence for all of the following except

opposition to slavery.

The slave society that developed in North America was one of the few slave societies in history to

perpetuate itself by its own natural reproduction

Among other views, The Federalist, written during the ratification debate, argued that it was

possible to extend a republican form of government over a large territory.

A major strength of the Articles of Confederation was its

presentation of the ideal of a united nation.

The expansion of New England society

proceeded in an orderly fashion

The antifederalist camp included all of the following groups except

supporters of a strong central authority.

Men in the more settled agricultural groups in North America performed all of the following tasks except

tending crops

King George III officially declared the colonies in rebellion just after

the Battle of Bunker Hill.

In the 17th cen due to high death rates, families were both few and fragile in

the Chesapeake colonies

In the seventeenth century, due to a high death rates, families were both few and fragile in

the Chesapeake colonies

As a result of England's Glorious Revolution

the Dominion of the New World collapsed

The "First Great Awakening" can be seen as a direct response to which of the following?

the Enlightenment

The clash between Britain and France for control of the North American continent sprang from their rivalry for control of

the Ohio River Valley

The stage was set for a cataclysmic shift in the course of history when

the Portuguese demonstrated the feasibility of long-range ocean navigation. the Renaissance nurtured a spirit of optimism and adventure. Europeans clamored for more and cheaper products from Asia. Africa was established as a source of slave labor.

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