apush: unit one

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The efforts of Spanish colonists to convert Native Americans to Christianity were most directly influenced by which of the following simultaneous developments? A) The effect of the Columbian Exchange on the population of Europe B) The extraction of gold and other wealth from the land in the Americas C) The arrival of English colonists seeking religious freedom in the Americas D) The success of the French and the Dutch in their interactions with Native Americans


Which of the following was the most important reason that Native American relations with English settlers differed from Native American relations with other groups of European settlers in the 1600s? A) Larger numbers of English colonists settled on land taken from Native Americans. B) English settlers were technologically more advanced than other European settlers. C) Native Americans understood the English language better than other European languages. D) English colonization along the Eastern Seaboard provided fewer opportunities for conflict between the two sides than did colonization in the interior.


In which of the following ways did the Spanish impose racial hierarchies in the regions of the Americas that they controlled during the 1500s and 1600s? A) The Spanish promoted the status of Native American peoples who supported them to a level in the hierarchy equivalent to the Spanish colonizers. B) The Spanish created a caste system that incorporated people of European, Native American, and African descent. C) The Spanish avoided using enslaved African laborers and tried to bar them from Spanish colonies. D) The Spanish banned interracial marriages and sought to maintain a racially distinct Spanish population as a colonial elite.


How were European economic systems in the American colonies in the 1500s and 1600s different from existing economic systems in Europe? A) Most European colonies were based on agriculture. B) French colonists engaged in commercial activities such as the fur trade. C) Spanish colonists used enslaved Africans to work on plantations. D) Most colonial economies were tightly regulated by the imperial and colonial governments.


English colonists in North America in the 1600s and 1700s most typically sought which of the following? A) Chances to spread Christianity to Native Americans B) Jobs working in factories C) Political independence from England D) Opportunities to improve their living conditions


What was a major difference between the Spanish encomienda system and the Spanish caste system in the Americas? A) The encomienda system privileged people of Spanish descent, while in the caste system people of indigenous descent had political power. B) The encomienda system relied on the support of the Catholic Church, while the caste system was opposed by the Catholic Church. C) The encomienda system required inequality, while the caste system assumed social equality. D) The encomienda system was based on using Native Americans for forced labor, while the caste system was based on a diverse and racially mixed population.


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