APUSH: Unit Two

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Washington's presidency

members of the first Congress unanimously elected Washington in 1788. Began April 30, 1789 in New York City the temporary capital. supreme. court is top court

Change after the seven years war

no more salutary neglect. the four wars were very costly and Britain needed to maintain British forces to guard the colonies. taxes to pay for wars but not to British but the colonist decided by King George the third and the Whigs of parliament

Intolerable acts

series of laws passed in 1774 to punish Boston for the Tea Party. Lord North Mad. Coercive acts

effect of the kentucky and virginia resolutions

set forth argument used in notification controversy in 1830s. federalist lost majority in 1800 and the Democratic Republicans repealed the laws. the Supreme Court with John Marshall asserted power in deciding if laws were constitutional

peace Efforts of the second continental Congress

since many wanted Britain's protection and valued heritage in July 1775 they sent the olive branch petition to King George the third. They pledged loyalty and asked him to secure peace and protection of colonial rights. he dismissed it and agreed to prohibitory act in August 1775, which declared their rebellion. parliament forbade trade and shipping with colonies

Presidency at the constitutional convention

some said a life term but they limited it to four years with no limit on the number of terms. instead of a direct vote each state gets electors based on representatives and senators, Made out of fear of mob rule. They debated the powers of the president and decided considerable powers like power to veto acts of Congress

Key issues of the constitutional convention

some wanted to revise the articles others like Madison and Hamilton wanted a new document these nationalist took control. reckons feared abuse of power so Madison emphasized checks and balances

State Governments

'77= 10 colonies wrote constitutions, most written by state leg, in Maryland, Penn, and NC it was voted on by people. conservatives valued law and order. liberals valued protecting rights and preventing tryanny

The US foreign problems under the articles of confederation

(1781-1787). They failed to adhere to Treaty of Paris and restore property and debts to loyalists. The U.S. gov to weak to stop Britain's military outposts on western frontier, causing trade restriction.

Washington & foreign affairs

(89-97) 1.) The French revolution 2.) proclamation of neutrality 3.) citizen Genet 4.) The Jay Treaty 5.) The Pickney treaty

Bunker Hill

(June 17, 1775) Site of a battle early in the Revolutionary War. This battle contested control of two hills (Bunker Hill and Breed's Hill) overlooking Boston Harbor. The British captured the hills after the Americans ran-out of ammunition. Americans killed thousand, proud of damage

federalists (more detail)

- John Adams and Alexander Hamilton - interpret constitution loosely, create strong central gov - forgeign policy: pro british - military: develop peacetime army and navy - economic: help business, create national bank, high tariffs - chief supporters: north business owners and south large landowners

Democratic-Republicans (more)

- Thomas Jefferson andJames Madison - Strictly interpret the Constitution and create weak central government - Pro French foreign relations - Military small peacetime army and navy - economic: Favorite agriculture oppose national bankOppose tariffs - supporters: skilled workers, small farmers, plantation owners

social change after revolution

- abolition of artistocritic titles: no legistature can grant titles of nobility or recognize primogeniture (1st born male gets land). what was there ened with taking of loyalist estates - sep of church and state: anglican church support ened in south. new hamp, connec, mass had state support until 1830s -women: depened on, cooked and took care of injured soldiers. fought like Molly Picther or dressed as man like Deborah Sampson. maintained economy, ran farms and buisnneses, provided food and clothing for soldiers -slaery: contradicts revolution. abololished omportation of slaves, north ended slavery, some south let them go. more andmore slave owners saw it as essential to economy and justified

Arguments against the bill of rights

1)Since members of Congress would be elected by the people, they did not need protection against themselves/ their own judgement. 2)It was better to assume that all rights were protected than to create a limited list of rights, since unscrupulous officials could then assert that unlisted rights could be violated at will.

common features of state governments

1. List of rights: bill/ declaration of basic rights and freedoms. trial by jury, freedom of religion that cannot be taken away 2. Separation of powers: 3 branches. 1. 2 house legislature, 2. executive to elected governor, 3. judicial to courts... safeguard against tyranny esp of executive 3. voting: white land owning males based on assumption property owners have larger stake in gov 4. Office-holding: ppl seeking office held to higher property qualification that voters

Actions of the First Continental Congress

1. enforced suffolk resolves (Mass) that called for repeal of intolerable acts and for colonies to resist them by making military prep and boycotting british goods 2. passed the declaration and resolves backed by moderates. urged king to restore colonial rights and make right colonial issues. recognized parliaments authority to regulate commerce 3. made continental association = a network of committes to enforce economic sanctions of Suffick resolves 4. declared colonial rights not recognized= delegates meet again may 1775

Coercive acts

1. port act closed the port of boston until the tea was paid for. 2. MA Gov't act reduced the power of the MA legislature while increasing the power of the royal governor. 3. Allowed royal officials accused of crimes to be tried in England instead of the colonies. 4. expanded the quartering act to enable british troops to be quartered in private homes--applied to all colonies.

Three rules that raised colonial suspicion

1. sugar act 2. Quartering act 3. stamp act

Tea act

1773 act which eliminated import tariffs on tea entering England and allowed the British East India Company to sell directly to consumers rather than through merchants. Led to the Boston Tea Party. made british tea cheaper than dutch

Accomplishments of the Articles of Confederation

1. winning war: could get credit for negotiating peace 2. land ordinance of 85: policy for surveying and selling western land. 1 section of land for public education 3. northwest ordinance of 1787: for territory between great lakes and ohio river, set rules for creating new states. granted limited self gov to territory and prohibited slavery

What happened during John Adams presidency

1.) The XYZ affair 2.) The alien and sedition acts 3.) The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions

Washington's presidency and domestic concerns

1.) natives 2.) whiskey rebellion 3.) western lands

King George's War

1744- 1748 under attack of Spain and France. New England got Louisbourg (French fort that controlled the St. Lawrence River). in Georgia James Oglethorpe lead colonial army that stopped France in peace treaty they gave back the land in exchange for control in India. New Englanders very mad because they wanted the river

Pontiac's Rebellion

1763 - An Indian uprising after the French and Indian War, led by an Ottowa chief named Pontiac. They opposed British expansion into the western Ohio Valley and began destroying British forts in the area. The attacks ended when Pontiac was killed. Refused to gift like French, west frontiers.

Sugar act

1764. placed duties on foreign sugar and luxuries to raise money for the crown companion law provided stricter enforcement of navigation acts to stop smuggling those who did were tried an admirally courts with judges chosen by the crown without juries

Quartering act

1765 - Required the colonials to provide food, lodging, and supplies for the British troops in the colonies.

Stamp Act

1765; law that taxed printed goods, including: playing cards, documents, newspapers, etc. Made by lord Grenville to support military. The first direct tax paid by colonist unlike imported goods which were paid by merchants. Virginia lawyer Patrick Henry demanded house of burgesses must respect rights and no taxation without representation. in Massachusetts James Otis called for cooperation to rebel against the act. representatives from nine colonies during the stamp act Congress in 1765 and determined only elected representatives can approve taxes. sons and daughters of liberty was a secret society to intimidate tax agents they destroyed revenue stamps. boycotts were the most effective from 1765 to 1766 it was trendy not to buy British goods. London merchants wanted parliament repealed the act

Initial American losses and hardships

1775 to 77 went bad for Washington's poorly trained and equipped troops. by the end of 77 the British occupied NY and Philly. after loss of Philly Washington's discouraged troops struggled to live through the winter from 77 to 78 at Valley Forge. economic trouble due to British occupied ports causing 95% decline it in trade from 75 to 77. scarce goods and inflation. paper money called continentals was basically worthless

Revolutionary war

1775-1783 first shot on Lexington Green to the peace treaty in 1783. 40% of Americans fought and called them selves patriots 20 to 30% loyalists


1781; last battle of the revolution; shores of chesapeak bay. supported by French naval and military forces. Benedict Arnold, Cornwallis and Washington; colonists won because British were surrounded and they surrended

Anapolis Convention

1786, only five states showed up, discussed ways to improve commercial relations between the states and then just decided to meet again in Philadelphia to revise the Articles. Madison and Hamilton encouraged revision of articles

Proclamation of neutrality

1793 declaration that the US would not engage itself in French-British conflicts. cause Jefferson to resign from the cabinet. This resisted popular opinion

The Jay treaty

1794. Was made up by John Jay. It said that Britain was to pay for Americans ships that were seized in 1793. It said that Americans had to pay British merchants debts owed from before the revolution and Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley. didn't stop the seizures of ships, Removed troops. Unpopular and angered supporters of France

Pickney treaty

1795 - Treaty between the U.S. and Spain which gave the U.S. the right to transport goods on the Mississippi river and to store goods in the Spanish port of New Orleans. Thomas Pickney US minister of Spain. Moved Florida is northern border

Naturalization Act

1798. Act that increased the time to become a US citizen from 5 to 14 years because many immigrants voted for democratic republicans

John Adams presidency

2nd President (after Washington) who was a Federalist and hated Hamilton. He inherited a violent quarrel with France (who were furious about Jay's Treaty because it was in violation of Franco-American alliance). won by three votes, with jefferson as VP

Boston tea party

A 1773 protest against British taxes in which Boston colonists disguised as Mohawks dumped valuable tea into Boston Harbor. Did not want to pay for British tea because it meant theybwould acknowledge the taxes. Tea act. some saw it as too radical.

XYZ Affair

A 1797 incident in which French officials (XYZ) demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats. Americans were mad and wanted war. Hamilton in federalist wanted the war to get French in Spanish land. Adams knew they were not strong enough and sent new ministers

Sixth amendment

A constitutional amendment designed to protect individuals accused of crimes. It includes the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses, and the right to a speedy and public trial.

Fifth amendment

A constitutional amendment designed to protect the rights of persons accused of crimes, including protection against double jeopardy, self-incrimination, and punishment without due process of law.

Crispus Attucks

A free black man who was the first person killed in the Revolution at the Boston Massacre.

Proclamation of 1763

A proclamation from the British government which forbade British colonists from settling west of the Appalacian Mountains, and which required any settlers already living west of the mountains to move back east. To prevent conflict with natives like Pontiac's rebellion. defiant and angry, felt like needed award for work in seven years war.

Townshend acts

A tax that the British Parliament passed in 1767 that was placed on leads, glass, paint and tea to pay for British officials in colonies. only need a writ of assistance to search a home for smuggled goods and not a judge warrant. they suspended the New York assembly for defying the quartering act. at first the colonists didn't care as it was an indirect tax. In 1767 John Dickinson wrote letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania saying that Parliament can regulate commerce but duties cannot be developed without representation. in 1768 James Otis and Samuel Adams made the Massachusetts circular letter and sent copies to colonial legislature, the urged the colonies to petition Parliament to repeal the acts. Brits in Boston retracted the letter and threaten to dissolve the legislature and increased the number of troops. The colonists boycotted and merchants increase smuggling

Declaratory Act

Act passed in 1766 after the repeal of the stamp act; stated that Parliament had authority over the the colonies and the right to tax and pass legislation "in all cases whatsoever." colonists happy but led to conflict later

nonimportation agreements

Agreements not to import goods from Great Britain. They were designed to put pressure on the British economy and force the repeal of unpopular parliamentary acts.

Federalist Leaders

Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin

Arguments for the bill of rights

America had fought war to escape tyranny of Britain, adding bill would protect government from tyranically ruling

Thomas Paine

American Revolutionary leader and pamphleteer (born in England) who supported the American colonist's fight for independence and supported the French Revolution (1737-1809). wrote common sense where he argued for colonies independence and said that it is contrary to common sense for a large continent to be ruled by small far away island and for people to pledge allegiance to a king with a corrupt government.


American colonists who were determined to fight the British until American independence was won. new england and virginia. served in local militia worked on farms and then went back to militia. Washington never had more than 20,000 troops under his command at once. Short of supplies poorly equipped and rarely paid

The United States and the French revolution

Americans supported the French aspiration of republic but feared the mob hysteria and mass executions. The US was allied with the French monarchy and not with the revolutionary republic. Jefferson and supporters are you that they should support France as Britain was seizing merchant ships going to France

Lexington and Concord

April 8, 1775: Thomas Gage leads 700 soldiers to confiscate colonial weapons and arrest Adam, and Hancock. William Dawes and Paul Revere warned them in Lexington. April 19, 1775: 70 armed militia face British at Lexington (shot heard around the world); 8 killed. British retreat to Boston, suffer nearly 300 casualties along the way (concord) and humiliated rest

Anti-Federalist argument

Basis in Republican ideas so there was distrust of large government Concern over liberties that could be infringed on by government. Some paranoia based on how Continental congress leaders were breaking their initial constitution in the making of a new one. Feared that big governments would not put consideration into states with smaller representation

main reason for discontent

Change in Britain's power assertion tax collecting in trade law inforcemnt

Committees of correspondence

Committees of Correspondence, organized by patriot leader Samuel Adams, was a system of communication between patriot leaders in New England and throughout the colonies. They provided the organization necessary to unite the colonies in opposition to Parliament. The committees sent delegates to the First Continental Congress. 1772

First amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Federal court system

Congress was given the power to create federal courts and to determine the number in the supreme court. The Judiciary act of 1789 established The supreme court with one chief justice in five associate justices. they would rule on constitutionality of state court decisions. Made 13 district courts and three circuit courts of appeals

Second Continental Congress

Convened in May 1775, the Congress opposed the drastic move toward complete independence from Britain. In an effort to reach a reconciliation, the Congress offered peace under the conditions that there be a cease-fire in Boston, that the Coercive Acts be repealed, and that negotiations begin immediately. King George III rejected the petition. new englanders want independence middle comilones want negotiating

First Continental Congress

Delagates from all colonies except georgia met to discuss problems with britain, philly sep 1774. no desire for independence. wanted to protest parliamentary infringement of rights and restore relation to the crown pre-seven years war

Why did federalists lose popularity

During Adams presidency they complained about federal war taxation Used to build up a navy

Immediate affects of the French and Indian war

English supremacy in North America, becoming a dominant naval power, no longer faced threat of attack, change in how British and colonists viewed each other

Eighth amendment

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Quebec act

Extended boundaries of Quebec and granted equal rights to Catholics and recognized legality Catholic Church in the territory; colonists feared this meant that a pope would soon oversee the colonies. Took away Land from colonists near Ohio River. Got rid of representative assembly in Canada and protestants resented the Catholic recognition

"citizen" genet

French minister Edmonton Genet appealed to Americans to support the French. Jefferson approved Washington's request the French government remove him

Treaty of Greenville

Gave America all of Ohio after General Mad Anthony Wayne battled and defeated the Indians at the Battle of Fallen Timbers. 1795 Allowed Americans to explore the area with peace of mind that the land belonged to America and added size and very fertile land to America.

anti-federalist leaders

George Mason and Patrick Henry, James Winthrop and John Hancock, George Clinton

National bank

Hamilton's big idea; fiercely opposed by Jefferson and Democratic-Rep. The bank would regulate money and draw investors; showed that the constitution could be construed in many a way. Washington supported Hamilton and the bank was voted into law. It was privately owned with chartered so they can print money and use deposits to stimulate business

Whiskey rebellion

In 1794, farmers in Pennsylvania rebelled against Hamilton's excise tax on whiskey, and several federal officers were killed in the riots caused by their attempts to serve arrest warrants on the offenders. In October, 1794, the army, led by Washington, put down the rebellion. The incident showed that the new government under the Constitution could react swiftly and effectively to such a problem, in contrast to the inability of the government under the Articles of Confederation to deal with Shay's Rebellion. Westerners and Jefferson saw it as unnecessary force

what caused the first continental congress

Intolerable Acts

Revolution of 1800

Jefferson's election changed the direction of the government from Federalist to Democratic- Republican, so it was called a "revolution."

The election of 1800

Jefferson and Burr each received 73 votes in the Electoral College, so the House of Representatives had to decide the outcome. The House chose Jefferson as President and Burr as Vice President. Democratic republicans took over

Jefferson and Hamilton's agreement

Jefferson and his supporters agreed with the war deck plan in exchange for the supports Hamilton put the capital south along the Potomac River (DC)

Articles of Confederation

John Dickinson first constitution draft (philly 76). congress modified to protect powers of states. adopted by congress in 77

First three wars

King Williams war from 1689 to 1677 Queen Anns's war from 1702 to 1713 King George's war from 1744 to 1748

Fighting begins for American Revolution

King ignored the petitions and declared Mass in state of rebellion and sent troops to put it down. Lexington and Concord

Sedition Acts

Limited the freedom of Press and Speech of the citizens. If a citizen "bad mouthed" the government they were imprisoned and fined

British view of colonist after French and Indian war

Low opinion of colonial military, poorly trained and disorderly. some colonies refused to send troops or money to support the war. colonies are unable and unwilling

Third amendment

No quartering of soldiers

trade at the constitutional convention

North wanted the central government to regulate interstate commerce and foreign trade. South feared that export taxes would be put on tobacco and rice. The commercial compromise made it that Congress regulate interstate in foreign commerce like tariffs on imports but banned taxes on exports.

Fourth amendment

Protects against unreasonable search and seizure

Shay's Rebellion

Rebellion led by Daniel Shays of farmers in western Massachusetts in 1786-1787, protesting mortgage foreclosures. It highlighted the need for a strong national government just as the call for the Constitutional Convention went out. against hight state texes abd prison for debt and lack of paper money. attempted to seixe weapons and stopped it

Seventh amendment

Right to a trial by jury in civil cases

Second amendment

Right to keep and bear arms

Alien and Sedition Acts

Series of four laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of democratic republicans. federalists the majority in congress due to anger at france. naturalization act Alien acts sedition acts

Slavery at the Constitutional Convention

Slavery would continue for 20 more years and then be banned. 3/5 compromise each slave counts as 3/5 of a person to determine states taxation and representation.

Pickney Treaty: Cause

Spanish fear English-American alliance, had strong influence in the west due to Catholic missions worried about their influence in the south east.

Albany plan of union

The British government need to colonial defense coordination, called for Congress in Albany New York in 1754. delegates from seven colonies adopted the Albany plan of union made by Ben Franklin that planned government system for recruiting troops and collecting taxes for colonial defense. each colony was too jealous of tax powers to accept. set precedent for revolutionary Congress in 1770s

Differences between federalists and Democratic Republicans

The Federalist Party differed from the Democratic-Republican Party for the Federalists believed in a strong national government, mercantilism, and looked up to England, aswell as being popular with the "elite" folk, while the Democratic-Republican party opposed a strong national government, and believed that the source of power should be in state governments. The Democratic-Republicans looked up to France, and believed in Laissez-Faire and little taxation. demos = south and western frontier federalists = northeast

Battle of Fallen Timbers

The U.S. Army defeated the Native Americans under Shawnee Chief Blue Jacket and ended Native American hopes of keeping their land that lay north of the Ohio River

The Gaspee

The british ship that crashed offshore in Rhode Island and was burned by colonists dressed as natives, whom no one would testify against in a trial. The ship that caught smugglers

First sign of political parties

The federalist versus the anti-federalist

Boston massacre

The first bloodshed of the American Revolution (1770), as British guards at the Boston Customs House opened fire on a crowd killing five Americans. Resented quarter troops who protected customs officials from the sons of liberty they harassed the guards and they killed five including Crispus Atticus an African-American. Defended by John Adams his radical cousin Samuel Adams calling it a massacre

10th amendment

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Hamilton's financial program

Three main actions 1.) Pay off national debt at face value, Federal government pays state debts 2.) protect young industries and collect money by imposing tariffs on imported goods 3.) make national bank for government funds and printing money

Alien Acts

Unconstitutional act that gave the President the power to expel or imprison immigrants

Washington's Farewell Address

Warned Americans not to get involved in European affairs, not to make permanent alliances, not to form political parties and to avoid sectionalism. listened to no permanent alliances but not political parties

Virginia and the federalists

Well George Mason and Patrick Henry viewed the constitution is a threat to liberty Washington Madison and John Marshall convince Virginians to support after promising a bill of rights

the kentucky and virginia resolutions

Written anonymously by Jefferson and Madison in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts, they declared that states could nullify federal laws that the states considered unconstitutional. Kentucky is Jefferson, Va is Madison.

military actions of second continental congress

adopt declaration of the causes and necessities for taking up arms and called on colonies provide troops. Made George Washington the commander-in-chief of the new army and sent them to Boston to lead a Massachusetts militia. authorize force under Benedict Arnold raid quebec to draw Canada away from the colonies. Navy and Marine Corps attacked british ships

Advantages and disadvantage is of anti-federalist

advantages: Appealed to distrust of government due to colonial experiences disadvantages: poorly trained, Slow to respond to federalist challenge

Advantages and disadvantages of federalists

advantages: Strong leaders well organized disadvantages: Constitution new and untried, no bill of rights

final states to ratify the constitution

after Virginia's vote and with inspiration from Hamilton New York voted for the constitution. North Carolina in November 1789 in Rhode Island in May 1790 Reverse their opposition and became the last two states to ratify the constitution

Delegates to the Constitutional Convention

all 55 were white and male. Most were college educated and in their early 40s. wealthier than average and educated on law and politics. many were lawyers. kept Meetings secret. washington chairperson ben franklin eldest statesman (calming and unifying) james madison (father), hamilton, gouverneur morris, john dickinson all wrote articles goal to strengthen nation rhode island nkt there

Executive departments

as chief executive Washington needed to make departments approved by the Senate. Jefferson was Secretary of State. Hamilton was secretary of treasury. knox was secretary of war. Edmund Randolph was Attorney General. They formed a cabinet of advisers

Origin of political parties

at first they were temporary groups for or against certain laws. later they became the Federalist and anti-federalist mostly in the 1790s. Hamilton's program was supported by federalist. The other party was a democratic republican party led by Jefferson. The French revolution cause another divide

Washington's two terms

because he retired after two terms presidents we were tired after two terms to though there was nothing in the constitution. first was in 1940 with the FDR. The 22nd amendment was added in 1951 that added the two term limit

King William's War and Queen Anne's War

both had efforts to get Quebec with France and Indian allies who burn down the settlements Queen Anne's war they got Nova Scotia and trading rights in Spanish America

victory in revolutionary war

britian consolidated in NY. campaign (78-79) led by george rogers. clark captured forts in illonois to gain control of Ohio. 1780 Brits in Va and carolinas with active loyalists

Structure of Government

central gov= congress with one house. each state = one vote, need 9/13 to pass laws. ammending articles need unanimous vote. commitee of states and one rep from each made minor decisions.

Treaty of Paris

cornwallis's defeat was a heavy blow to Tories in Parliament. Brits unhappy with war due to heavy strain on economy and finances. Lord North and Tories of Parliament and were replaced by Whigs who wanted the war over. Britian sees colonies as independent American fishing rights off Canada coast Americans pay debts to British merchants and honor loyalist claims of land confiscated during war

Representation in constitution

debate about representation. and Madison propose the Virginia plan which favored big states countered by the New Jersey plan which favored small states. Roger Sherman made the Connecticut plan (the great compromise). made it to house Congress Senate with equal representation for states and House of Representatives based on population

Ratification of the Articles of Confederation

delayed over dispute over Native lands west of Alleghenies. Rhode Island and Maryland insisted that it should be under the control of the central government. Va and NY agreed to ceed claims ratified in march 81

The US economic weakness under the articles of confederation

depression due to reduced foreign trade and limited credit due to state debt. No national taxes and had worthless paper money. States competed with one another and placed tariffs on interstate trade, boundary issues increasing suspicion and rivalry.

Enlightenment ideas

during mid 18th century when American leaders grew up. Deists = God made natural laws but there is no divine intervention. rationalism reason. John Locke in Jean-Jacques Rousseau influence the educated. Questioned the tradition of loyalty to the crown in the government

Outcome of federalists vs anti-federalists

federalist one New Jersey Pennsylvania and Delaware they promised add bill of rights addressing anti-federalist main point. With New Hampshire in 88 they got the nine and they needed to ratify the constitution. The largest states Virginia in New York has not acted in without them the states could not unite and strengthen

How was the seven years war different from the first three wars

first three mostly in europe using colonial army, colonies discovered to be very important. shipped european troops over

Beginning of French and Indian war

from the British POV the French provoked the war by putting forts in the Ohio River Valley. The French did it to stop England's growth west. The governor of Virginia let them militia with Cornel George Washington to stop the fort duquesne. Washington surrendered July 3, 1754. went bad for the British. in 1755 the Virginia general Edward Braddock and 2000 troops were defeated by the French near the fort. Algonquin allies ravaged West Pennsylvania to North Carolina. Repulsed British invasion of Canada in 1756

Repeal of the Townshend acts

in 1770 lord Frederick north the Prime Minister urged them to repeal the acts as the damage trade and generated little revenue. Parliament retain small tax on tea as a symbol of right to tax the colonies. Three-year period of economic prosperity

First 10 amendments

in 1789 drafted by James Madison adopted in 1791 in providing protection against abuse of central government

Washington and Western lands

in the 1790s with the Jay treaty in the battle of Fallentimber's they gained more land. made the land out in 1796 which is that procedures for dividing and selling land at reasonable prices. 1791 Vermont, 1792 Kentucky, 1769 Tennessee

african americans in the revolutionary war

initially rejected but, Britts offered freedom to any African-American who joined so Washington made the same offer. 5000 fall on their side most of them were free in from the north and find mixed race forces. Peter Salem recognized for bravery

Reactions to proclamation of 1763

it was the first thing that angered the colonists.

Writs of Assistance

legal document that enabled officers to search homes and warehouses for goods that might be smuggled

Intercolonial committee in 1773

made by house of burgesses

Reaction to Hamilton's financial program

many northern merchants supported it. anti-federalist feared states would lose power. Jefferson lead Southerners who saw it as benefiting the rich at the expense of the poor farmers. Congress adopted with not as high Teriffs

British victory in seven years war

prime Minister William Pitt concentrated military on conquering Canada. Louisbourg retaken in 1758, Surrender of Quebec to general James Wolfe in 1759, taking of Montreal in 1760. The peace treaty of Paris in 1763: England gets Canada and Florida, France gave Spain Louisiana and claims west of the Mississippi for loss of Florida. French power over

Colonial view of seven years war

proud of their record and got confidence for own defense. not impressed with British troops and leaders whose ideas were not suited for densely wooded terrain

Delegates of the First Continental Congress

radicals and conservatives. radicals demanded most change (Patrick Henry VA) Samuel and John Adams (mass). moderates = George Washington (VA)and John Dickinson (Penn) conservatives want mild protest John Jay (NY) Joseph calloway (Penn). loyal colonists unrepresened

ratification of the constitution

required 9 out of 13 states to ratify (approve) it to become law. On September 17, 1787, after 17 weeks of debate submitted a draft to the states for ratification. Popularly elected conventions to debate and vote on it

Ninth amendment

states that people's rights are not limited to just those listed in the Constitution.

Federalist Arguments

stronger central government was needed to maintain order and preserve the Union emphasized the weakness of the articles of confederation. showed opponents as negative

New regulations and revenues

there were two years of peace. then George the third and Prime Minister Lord George Grenville pushed three rules that raised colonial suspicion that British wanted to get rid of liberties

Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist

they debated from September 87 to June 88. federalist supported the constitution they were common in coasts and big cities. Anti-federalist common in small farmers on the frontier

Washington and the natives

to stop settlers the north west confederacy was made. consisted of the Shawnee Delaware and Iroquois, under Miami little turtle war chief. The BRITs armed natives on the frontier and encouraged attack. in 1790 foreign army led by General Anthony Wayne defeated the confederacy. . Battle of Fallen timber's. Treaty of Greenville


tories named after the majority party in parliament. almost 60,000 American Tories fought and supplied food and raided and pillaged with the BRITs. New York New Jersey and Georgia had the majority of Tories. 80,000 loyalist immigrated to Canada and Britain to escape the patriots after the war. they were wealthy, conservative, government officials, and anglican clergy

Alliance with France was caused by what

victory in Saratoga New York October 77. General John Burgoyne march from Canada to cut off New England from colonies using troops from west and south. attacked by troops lead by Horatio gates and Benedict Arnold causing the BRITs to surrender Louis XVI wanted to weaken foe Great Britian. gave france money and supplies in 75 in 78 openly allied. (Spain and Holland too). french helped widen war and forced brits to move resources away from colonies

Powers of the central government under the Articles of Confederation

wage war, make treaties, send diplomatic reps, borrow money. could not regulate commerce or collect taxes. had to rely on taxes voted on by states. couldn't enforce laws

Problems with the Articles of Confederation

weak central government 1. financial: unpaid war debts, individual states with worthless money. congress doesn't have taxing power and had to request states to donate 2. foreign: europe had little respect as they couldn't pay debt or take united actiion. Spain and Britian interested in wetern lands= threat 3. domestic: Shays rebellion

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