apush units 1 & 2

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The ideas in this passage most clearly reflect which of the following?

Advanced understandings among Native Americans of agriculture during the period

Which of the following contributed most to the issues de Vaca describes in the passage?

Cultural misunderstandings between Native Americans and Europeans during the age of encounter

Spanish expansion described in the excerpt contributed most directly to which of the following trends?

Debates over how "civilized" native populations were

The ideas expressed by de las Casas were the result of which of the following?

European exploitation of native populations and resources

The events described by Richter most directly illustrate which of the following developments of the sixteenth century?

European nations competed for new sources of wealth in the Atlantic world.

De las Casas would have agreed with which of the following interpretations?

European treatment of natives was the result of cultural and linguistic misunderstandings.

Which of the following cultural and economic shifts was NOT a result of the events described in the passage?

Europeans increasingly isolated themselves and tried to maintain cultural and political autonomy.

The events described in the excerpt most directly foreshadowed which of the following developments?

French and British conflict over territory in the American northeast

Which of the following occurred as a result of the kind of encounter seen in the passage?

Increased intermixing of culture in the Americas

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best support Richter's argument in the excerpt?

Narrative examples of other Spanish attempts at empire-building in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries

All of the following statements are true of the period in which the legislation was enacted except:

Native American sovereignty was respected by the colonial governments and by the British government.

The passage by Countryman challenges which of the following ideas?

Native Americans passively accepted conquest of Europeans during the colonial period.

Which of the following resulted directly from events described in the excerpt?

New crops harvested from the Americas led to increases in European populations.

The legislation excerpted above reflects which of the following historical trends?

Religious toleration existed in some, but not all, of the British colonies.

European conquest of the Americas flourished in this period for all of the following reasons except?

Sophisticated and advanced cultures in pre-contact America which had adapted to diverse environments

As seen in the passage, which of the following was a similarity between Spanish and British colonizers?

Spain and Britain often resorted to violence to control native populations.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would best explain de Vaca's ideas of native culture seen in this passage?

Testimonies and records of other European explorers of this period

Which of the following historical events preceded the events described by de las Casas?

The Spanish and Portuguese conquest of the Americas

The passage supports which of the following historical trends?

The Spanish were forced by the Pueblo Revolt to accommodate some aspects of native culture.

Which of the following was a result of trends like those seen in the excerpt?

The development of colonies with distinct religious and ethnic differences

Which of the following was most likely a causal factor in the development of the kind of legislation seen in the excerpt?

The emergence of a trans-Atlantic print culture

Which of the following had the most significant impact on developing the economy (as described in the passage), which would evolve between 1491 and 1607?

The introduction of slave labor and the encomienda system

The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 was a reaction to which of the following?

The introduction of the encomienda and repartimiento systems

This passage by de Vaca reflects which of the following?

The spread of maize culture in North America, which had occurred prior to the Encounter

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