ARCH 127 Exam 3

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McKim, Mead & White's design of the Boston Public Library was most directly influenced by which architect's library design?

Henri Labrouste

Who first introduced the idea of an all glass skyscraper? This occurred during a competition.

Mies van der Rohe

The modern movement was influenced by the architect who wrote: "On the outside, the building must remain dumb and reveal its richness only on the inside". Identify the architect.

Adolf Loos

What modernist architect, was viewed as less beholden to rationalism and functionalism because of his use of curved lines, contrasting materials, and a penchant for picturesque massing?

Alvar Aalto

Which group delivered visions of technologically advanced cities, a living, flowing, pulsing, flexible organism that challenged the grid established by Le Corbusier?


What is not true about the Reliance Building in Chicago?

it has a heavy cornice

Wanting to introduce concrete into domestic architecture, who designed and built an apartment building using concrete as the main part of the structure?

Auguste Perret

Where would you find the Plaza of the Three Powers?


The French phrase for exposed concrete, named this style of architecture which expresses 'honesty' in materials.


Whose key concept was called synergetics?

Buckminister Fuller

From the early 20th century onward, which group had the most important impact on architectural thinking?


Which project has a roof that looks like the scales of a dragon?

Casa Batlló

Who was part of John Entenza's case study group, constructing prototype housing in Los Angeles?

Charles Eames

Which Expressionist group was most enamored with technology, speed and machinery?


This architect was intrigued by the interaction between humans and the technical, or 'served and service' spaces.He clearly separated them into almost sculptural elements in the program.


Urbanization as an organic system was called


Who had the commission to design the first truly modern college campus in history, and initiated a new type of space ( large, vacuous spaces defined by a simple symmetry) that became central to his aesthetics?

Mies van der Rohe

Whose private residence was famously influenced by the Farnsworth House?

Phillip Johnson

What historical precedent influenced the design of Pennsylvania Station, New York City?

Roman Bath

What is not true about the Weissenhof Siedlung project?

Stuttgart was chosen as the site because of the conservative politics of its regional government

Which project designed by the firm Piano & Rogers, was about "legibility"?

The Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

From the early 20th century onward, this group had the most important impact on architectural thinking:

The Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne

Frank Lloyd Wright developed his own version of the pattern-book house that was a long tradition in the United States. What did he called the houses?


Which person is most identified as an Art Nouveau architect?

Victor Horta

This exhibition was a turning point in the history of modernism. It showed that the movement had a common mission.

Weissenhof Siedlung

Which best describes Rockefeller Center, according to our textbook?

a city within a city

Which was the least problematic aspect of building a skyscraper in the 1890's?

design of the steel frame

What does the pilotis, the free plan, the free façade, the strip window and the roof terrace have in common?

ideas of Frank Lloyd Wright

Charles Moore felt architecture needed to integrate sensitivity to the landscape with an aesthetic determined by psychology and memory. This was called


Which of these is a characteristic of the Beaux-Arts?

symmetry, hierarchy, open and closed spaces, axiality

Which group sought to engender a new unified pedagogy and vision that unified the arts and crafts, in collaboration with industry?

the Bauhaus

What is not true about Germany's success in industrial production?

they achieved this through their colonial conquests

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