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Subliminal advertisement has been found to be an effective way of embedding images and messages into an advertisement that influences the unconscious minds of people.


The underlying role and purpose of advertising and promotion has changed drastically and will continue to change.


The usefulness of creativity in advertising ends once the ad has captured consumer attention.


Using events, product placement, and branded entertainment in an IBP strategy makes the benchmarks for its success easy to measure


When evaluating the use of Groupon as an effective and cost-efficient marketing tool, one should only compare the cost and benefits (revenue) of a one time use of the Groupon


One of the objectives of a creative advertising strategy discussed in lecture was promoting brand recall. (14 points) a)What is the idea of promoting brand recall in advertising? Explain why brand recall is particularly relevant to the advertising of "low- involvement" goods. (4 points) b)Describe the primary method of promoting brand recall, ways to support it, and give one example used in class.(6 points) c)Research suggests that advertisers should exert caution when attempting to use certain methods of advertising to promote brand recall. List at one of those methods and briefly describe what research has found. (4 points)

a)The basic idea here is that brands that are recalled (e.g. are in the top of mind or evoked set for a product category) ae often the once purchased. (2 points) This is especially true for low involvement goods, which are most Consumer Packaged Goods (CPGs)—such items as soap, laundry detergent, cereal, canned soup, chewing gum, etc. In the case of low-involvement goods, the first brand remembered is often the most likely brand to be purchased and just the recall of a name can drive the purchase decision as consumers engage in limited search and buy by habit (2 points). b)The primary methods used to promote easy brand recall is repetition of the brand. (2 points). Repetition ads play off the notion that things said more often will be remembered more easily than things said less frequently, and so the brand name is mentioned over and over again (1 point). This can also be supported through the use of slogans and jingles, images and logos. These rely on linguistic devices to enhance brand name retrieval, such as metaphors, rhyme, and (in the case of jingles) music, or easily memorable shapes and associations in the case of images and logos (2 points). One of the example here was the Yellow People (Folgers) ad (1 point). This can also be done by creating a unique selling proposition and linking a key attribute to the brand. We used the M&M and Haribo ad as an example here. c)We talked about three methods in a bit more detail here: Humor ads: The goal of humor is to create a pleasant and memorable association with the product for the consumer. However, research shows that humorous messages may affect comprehension and can potentially interfere with memory of the brand: the consumer remembers the punchline, but doesn't remember what brand it was for. In addition, humor can attract attention without increasing the effectiveness or persuasive impact of the advertisement.Fear-appeal ads: Research also indicates that fear appeals should be used with caution as the can short-circuit persuasion and result in a negative attitude toward the advertised product. Whether or not a fear appeal is successful may also come down to how believable the fear is, and how clearly an escape from this fear is identified and explained.Comparison ads: Finally, we have discussed comparison ads (e.g. Apple vs Microsoft, and Pepsi vs Coca Cola). Among the research findings reported here is the fact that these ads sometimes increase toe attention on the high share brand (e.g. Coca Cola). Direct comparison is more effective if members of the target audience have not demonstrated clear brand preference in their product choices. Also, these ads are almost always used by the underdog brand, the brand that wishes to be seen in the company of the market leader, rarely by the leader themselves.

A(n) ________ is a gathering of 6 to 10 people carefully selected by researchers and brought together to discuss various topics of interest at length. a) target group b) pilot group c) focus group d) customer base


An advantage offered by secondary data from government sources is that the information is: a)less biased than that from other sources. b)always up-to-date. c)available even to small businesses with no research budget. d)gathered directly from consumers.


Beginning in 1938, the U.S Congress began to pass real advertising reform, including a law banning "deceptive acts of commerce." This meant that advertisers were now a)expected to promote family values .b)banned from advertising cigarettes and alcohol. c)held liable for making false claims .d)banned from using inappropriate sexual content.


Brands that meet consumers' initial buying criteria are called the ________ set. a) total b) awareness c) consideration d) choice


Brands that meet consumers' initial buying criteria are called the ________ set. a)total b)awareness c)consideration d)choice


During tough economic times, many companies rel y on the memories of "the good old days" to help advertise their products. Looking for a bit of a jump-start itself, PepsiCo turned to nostalgia-heavy advertisements latein 2009, which were then carried into 2010. The company introduced "throwback" versions of a number of its soft drinks, and created an ad campaign that included new logos and a series of commercials intended to generate feelings of happiness from prior decades. The company had hoped that any warm, fuzzy feelings about the past would make people feel better about the company's present and future. 29)Emotional appeals in advertising are most effective when time is an insignificant element in achieving an objective. As opposed to this, which method is most appropriate when the goal involves creating a sense of urgency to purchase? a)Slice-of-life b)Fear appeal c)Hard-sell d)Anxiety


In the context of advertising, which of the following is true concerning teams? a)They squash individuality and creativity all too often. b)They try to blend diverse skills but are rarely successful c)They have become the primary means for getting things done. d)They were popular in the 80s and 90s but are now considered a passing fad.


In the model of mass-mediated communication, the: a)producer of the message controls the reception of the content. b)producer of the message controls the interpretation of the content. c)consumer interprets ads in a way that makes sense to him/her individually and serves his/her needs. d)consumer is always right.


Leadership over creative teams involves at least three main tasks, one of which is: a)excusing shortfalls in team performance when communicating with the client. b)emphasizing individual performances over mutual accountability for team performance. c)contributing ideas without dominating the group d)suggesting a list of advertising objectives.


Of the three entities regulating the advertising landscape, which one is the most effective? a) Governmental bodies b) Organizations c) Consumers d) Neither can regulate the advertising landscape


PRIZM, which operates on the assumption that consumers in a particular ZI P code are more alike than different regarding their consumer practices, is a type of research technique. a)story construction b)embedded fieldwork c)geographic clustering d)copy research


For an item to be defined as an advertising specialty, it must: a) be a reward for meeting a goal or sales quota b) contain no promotional message c) be construed as a way of buying business d) contain the sponsor's brand name or slogan.


Headquartered in Boston, the Gillette Company is the world leader in male grooming, a category that includes blades, razors, and shaving preparations. Several years ago, Gillette announced the launch of two new high- performance women's razors, broadening the portfolio of the top-selling Venus brand, the world's most successful franchise in female shaving. The two new razors were Venus Vibrance the first power wet shaving system for women, and Venus Disposable, a premium-performing disposable razor. Both razors incorporated technological and design enhancements to better address the specific shaving needs of women, and will build on current market segments. More recently the company has launched Venus Embrace, the first five-blade women's razor, with the tagline, "Reveal the Goddess in You." According to its website, nearly 40 million women now use Venus products. 13)The original plan to sell new products to the female market a)cannot be considered an STP effort because Gillette is targeting multiple segments b)may or may not have been an STP effort, depending on whether Gillette has created sub-segments 5 of these large segments. c)may or may not have been an STP effort, depending on whether all possible segments are being targeted by Gillette. d)fit all the criteria of an STP effort by Gillette.


In theory, of the major options for advertising objectives, ________asks the least of consumers and _______demands the most. a)trial usage; brand awareness b)purchase intent; trial usage c)trial usage; repeat purchase d)brand awareness; brand switching


Stacey is making her weekly trip to the grocery store. She takes with her a National brand coffee coupon worth 50 cents. While shopping she was asked if she would like to try a slice of pizza from a sales person. After tasting it, the sales personal directs her to where the brand is available. When Stacey arrives at her favorite brand of toothpaste, she is delighted to find that she would receive a toothbrush along with the toothpaste attached to the box for no charge. She then runs into a cardboard cutout of an actor from a medical drama that she watches on TV, with a box full of pain relievers built into it. At her last stop, the cereal aisle, she notices that a brand offers a chance to buy a T-shirt with a picture of the brand's cartoon character. The store gives Stacey a loyalty card for the toothpaste which she must produce the next time she visits the store to purchase the product. This is an example of a: a)push strategy b)rebate c)gift card d)frequency program


The research that allows to directly identify a causal relationship is ________ research. a)observational b)focus group c)questionnaire d)experimental


The research that allows to directly identify a causal relationship is ________ research. a) observational b) focus group c) questionnaire d) experimental


Which of the following best describes primary demand? a) It is the demand for an entire range of various products. b) It is the demand for a specific brand. c) It is the demand for a specific product. d) It is the demand for an entire product category.


Which of the following is used to assess people's knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and satisfaction and to measure these magnitudes in the general population? a) observational research b) causal research c) quantitative research d) questionnaire research


Which of the following types of advertisements evolved during the 1920s? a) Demonstration b) Research-based c) Endorsement d) Slice-of-life


You are a marketing associate at a promotional firm that specializes in innovative brand promotion. You will be meeting with several clients next week and you need to review their files and get updated on their latest promotional efforts. One client was initially willing to pay a hefty fee for its fruit snack bar to appear in a summer action movie full of spies and car chases, but the fit just didn't seem right. You convinced the client to go instead with a teen romance that also released in the summer. It appears to have done very well, building popularity with kids who bought it at the concessions stand, and went on to buy it at their local retailer. Which of the following concepts did you rely on?a)Exclusive sponsorship b)Advergaming c)Leveraging d)Authenticity


Advertising was highly regulated during the industrial era, which limited the scope for advertisers to come up with creative and sometimes deceiving ads.


CPM is a measure of the dollar cost of reaching a million audience members with a particular medium.


In reality, it is very easy for firms to estimate their demand and cost functions.


In the context of social media advertising, earned media are brand assets or objects created within social networks by organizations.


In the world of advertising, science is never allowed to judge art.


One way to obtain market and consumer segment information is to purchase data from commercial services such as Current Population Survey.


Social media presence and blogging means advertisers have more control over content.


Events are an example of measured media.


When a product is more distinctive, it leads to less price sensitivity.


Which of the following is true of branded entertainment?a)It would not exist without the marketer's support. b)The entertainment property in it should not be created by the marketers themselves. c)Its popularity as a brand-building tool is decreasing. d)It entails placing products unobtrusively int o movies and TV shows.


When a company is preparing to set its price, it first has to select its pricing objectives. (11 points) a)The five major objectives available to a company are? (Please name all five here) (5 points) b)Briefly describe at least three of these objectives. (6 points)

1.Survival — Companies pursue survival as their major objective if they are plagued with intense competition, or overcapacity. Prices will be low but have to at least cover variable costs. 2.Maximum current profit — Companies who try to maximize their current profit, estimate the demand and costs associated with alternative prices and choose the price that produces maximum current profit. 3.Maximum market share — Companies that want to maximize their market share might reduce prices in order to achieve higher sales volumes and potentially higher prices in the future. This is a market-penetration pricing strategy. 4.Maximum market skimming — Companies introducing a new product might favor setting high prices in the beginning to extract more of the willingness to pay from consumers with a high evaluation 5.Product-quality leadership — Companies that aim to be product quality leaders want their products and services to be characterized by high levels of perceived quality, taste, and status, They will set a price that is high, but not above consumer's maximum willingness to pay.

A soft drink brand sponsors a baseball match that is broadcast to large audiences on the television and radio, reported on in newspapers, and shared on social media. The company measures a large number of media impressions. However, this does not result in a significant increase in sales of the soft drink. Which of the following is most likely a reason for the lack of sales? a)The brand failed to connect with the audience. b)They did not correctly estimate the number of media impressions. c)They created too much direct contact with potential customers leading to resistance to purchase of the brand d)The brand allowed for the delivery of the ad message in a traditional way.


Event sponsorship is more likely to be effective when there is a significant overlap between the: a)event's participants and the marketer's target audience. b)primary sponsor and the secondary sponsor. c)brand preferences of stars in the event and brand preferences of viewers. d)international sponsors and the local sponsors.


Headquartered in Boston, the Gillette Company is the world leader in male grooming, a category that includes blades, razors, and shaving preparations. Several years ago, Gillette announced the launch of two new high- performance women's razors, broadening the portfolio of the top-selling Venus brand, the world's most successful franchise in female shaving. The two new razors were Venus Vibrance the first power wet shaving system for women, and Venus Disposable, a premium-performing disposable razor. Both razors incorporated technological and design enhancements to better address the specific shaving needs of women, and will build on current market segments. More recently the company has launched Venus Embrace, the first five-blade women's razor, with the tagline, "Reveal the Goddess in You." According to its website, nearly 40 million women now use Venus products. It appears that the management at Gillette has performed the fundamental task behind effective segmentation. Gillettehas matched what members of different segments want with a)the company's ability to provide it. b)a single appeal. c)a heavy-user-focused campaign. d)a distinct geographic profile.______________


New ideas and breakthrough solutions result when there is just enough tension and just the right clash of ideas called: a)creative abrasion. b)interpersonal abrasion. c)interpersonal conflict. d)cognitive dissonance.


Sparkles Inc. has launched an advertisement on a local television channel. The ad promotes the new set of Acrylic paints and informs customers that the first five people who call in receive a free sample. This is an example of . a) direct response advertising b) experimental research c) delayed response advertising d) descriptive research


Stacey is making her weekly trip to the grocery store. She takes with her a National brand coffee coupon worth 50 cents. While shopping she was asked if she would like to try a slice of pizza from a sales person. After tasting it, the sales personal directs her to where the brand is available. When Stacey arrives at her favorite brand of toothpaste, she is delighted to find that she would receive a toothbrush along with the toothpaste attached to the box for no charge. She then runs into a cardboard cutout of an actor from a medical drama that she watches on TV, with a box full of pain relievers built into it. At her last stop, the cereal aisle, she notices that a brand offers a chance to buy a T-shirt with a picture of the brand's cartoon character. Stacey is surprised to see that there was a toothbrush attached to the box of her favorite toothpaste. This is an example of a(n): a)on-package sampling. b)self-liquidating premium. c)mobile sampling. d)price-off deal.


The team at MyMVPs decides to look into sponsorship as a way of building the brand. At first, they wonder about the cost. Eventually, they come to the conclusion that they would ultimately gain the most—but would also have to spend the most—if the business decided to: a) be an exclusive sponsor of an event. b) calculate media impressions from an event. c) get involved in social networking for an event. d) be a co-sponsor of an event with another business


The team at MyMVPs decides to make sponsorship one of their top priorities. Not only can they build community relationships, but they can get the MyMVP's name out with signs and banners. The team also prints hundreds of business cards and stationery to distribute, and sets up a number of tents that will feature the company logo. In a small-scale and local way, this is the same thing large corporations do when they make an effort to: a) leverage the event as much as they can. b) make good use of product placement. c) fight the chaos scenario. d) speak to consumers in a single voice.


Which of the following forms the lowest order of needs in Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory? a)Physiological needs b)Needs for affiliation c)Self-actualization needs d)Intrinsic needs


Which of the following is a difference between brand loyalty and a habit? a)Habit involves low involvement, whereas brand loyalty involves high involvement. b)Brand loyalty is not based on emotional connections, whereas habit is based on emotional connections. c)Brand loyalty can be easily disrupted with skillful advertisement, whereas habit cannot be disrupted with advertisements .d)Unlike brand loyalty, habit is based on a conscious commitment to find the brand each time the consumer purchases from the category.


A client agrees to launch a new line of flavored mouthwashes by running heavy advertising for two weeks, followed by no advertising at all for a while, and then again having a two-week period of heavy advertising. What kind of a media schedule is this?a)Seasonal b)Flighting c)Continuous d)Pulsing


A soft drink advertiser decides to run banner ads to attract teenagers to its interactive home page. Its agency places these ads on websites related to teen magazines, action gaming, and extreme sports to: a)link the banner with the home page. b)target specific market niches. c)offer high-volume traffic rather than low-volume traffic for the same price. d)boost web visits and gain more likes.


Although the courts and the FTC have been quite specific about defining many other practices, the definition of has always been relatively vague. a)copyright infringement in advertising b)unfair advertising c)false labeling and packaging d)phishing in online advertising


During tough economic times, many companies rel y on the memories of "the good old days" to help advertise their products. Looking for a bit of a jump-start itself, PepsiCo turned to nostalgia-heavy advertisements latein 2009, which were then carried into 2010. The company introduced "throwback" versions of a number of its soft drinks, and created an ad campaign that included new logos and a series of commercials intended to generate feelings of happiness from prior decades. The company had hoped that any warm, fuzzy feelings about the past would make people feel better about the company's present and future. If PepsiCo wanted to depict an ideal usage situation for its brand, what would be the best choice of advertising for the company to use? a)Reason-why ads b)Slice-of-lif e ads c)Testimonials d)Social anxiety ads


During tough economic times, many companies rel y on the memories of "the good old days" to help advertise their products. Looking for a bit of a jump-start itself, PepsiCo turned to nostalgia-heavy advertisements latein 2009, which were then carried into 2010. The company introduced "throwback" versions of a number of its soft drinks, and created an ad campaign that included new logos and a series of commercials intended to generate feelings of happiness from prior decades. The company had hoped that any warm, fuzzy feelings about the past would make people feel better about the company's present and future. Which type of ads do PepsiCo's throwback commercials represent? a)Demonstration ads b)Feel-good ads c)Reason-why ads d)Comparison ads


During which of the following eras did consumer culture become the new normal, a permanent central feature of society? a) The Depression (1929 to 1941) b) World War II and the 1950s (1942 to 1960) c) The Preindustrialization Era (Pre-1800) d) The Era of Industrialization (1800 to 1875)


Headquartered in Boston, the Gillette Company is the world leader in male grooming, a category that includes blades, razors, and shaving preparations. Several years ago, Gillette announced the launch of two new high- performance women's razors, broadening the portfolio of the top-selling Venus brand, the world's most successful franchise in female shaving. The two new razors were Venus Vibrance the first power wet shaving system for women, and Venus Disposable, a premium-performing disposable razor. Both razors incorporated technological and design enhancements to better address the specific shaving needs of women, and will build on current market segments. More recently the company has launched Venus Embrace, the first five-blade women's razor, with the tagline, "Reveal the Goddess in You." According to its website, nearly 40 million women now use Venus products According to the information provided here, Gillette has identified market segments along _______ lines. a)benefit b)demographic c)geographic d)usage pattern


Nearly everyone in advertising understands the powerful role emotions can play in advertising, but in addition, emotions can: a)be the only tool available when the objective is to persuade the consumer. b)become a product attribute linked to the brand c)be an excellent tool for use in repetition, slogans and jingles. d)never become part of the product.


Of the three entities regulating the advertising landscape, which one is the most effective? a)Governmental bodies b)Consumers c)Organizations d)Neither can regulate the advertising landscape.


A company wants to measure the impact of increases in advertising expenditure on sales and sales revenue. This is an example of ________ research. a) descriptive b) secondary c) causal d) qualitative


Stacey is making her weekly trip to the grocery store. She takes with her a National brand coffee coupon worth 50 cents. While shopping she was asked if she would like to try a slice of pizza from a sales person. After tasting it, the sales personal directs her to where the brand is available. When Stacey arrives at her favorite brand of toothpaste, she is delighted to find that she would receive a toothbrush along with the toothpaste attached to the box for no charge. She then runs into a cardboard cutout of an actor from a medical drama that she watches on TV, with a box full of pain relievers built into it. At her last stop, the cereal aisle, she notices that a brand offers a chance to buy a T-shirt with a picture of the brand's cartoon character. Which of the following promotional concepts was demonstrated by the company that hired a sales person to hand out slices of pizza? a)Sale offer b)In-store sampling c)Premium d)Advertising specialty


The reality of today's marketing, despite rapid change, centers around a strong emphasis on the a)media.b)brand.c)communication.d)corporation.


The selection of key themes or concepts that the organization will feature when communicating with customers about their brand is known as a) market segmentation. b) positioning strategy. c) marketing mix. d) STP marketing.


The selection of key themes or concepts that the organization will feature when communicating with customers about their brand is known as a)market segmentation. b)positioning strategy .c)marketing mix .d)STP marketing.


The type of advertising research undertaken before ads are made is known as_______. a)copy research b)developmental research c)results-oriented research d)single-source research


The type of advertising research undertaken before ads are made is known as_______. a) copy research b) developmental research c) results-oriented research d) single-source research


Though it is almost impossible to define, creativityis essentially the ability to: a)see the world in a structured way. b)hold together seemingly inconsistent elements. c)think in terms of "the way things have to be." d)be conventional and hardworking.


To be most effective, brands should leverage social media as a digital advertising opportunity that can target by a)Demographics b)consumer lifestyle c)geographic locations d)consumer age


What is a downside to adopting a heavy-user-focused segmentation plan? a)Heavy users usually form less than one percent of users by volume. b)Heavy users may differ significantly from average or infrequent users in terms of their motivations to consume, their approach to the brand, or their image of the brand. c)Heavy users are a costly target segment and much can be spent in getting their business merely to have it disappear just as quickly as it was won. d)Heavy users have little knowledge of the brand and negligible social influence.


When consumers examine products, they often compare an observed price to an internal price they remember. This is known as a(n) ________ price. a)markup b)reference c)market-skimming d)target


Which of the following is a reason for brand builders to participate in various forms of event sponsorships? a)They want to experiment whether event sponsorship will help in brand building. b)They are looking for benefits through unique associations with something new and smart. c)They are trying to disengage advertising from entertainment in order to reinforce brand. d)They found that quirky or edgy branded entertainment builds a negative attitude in customers


Which of the following is true of paid media? a) It leverages a call to action to like brands on social media sites. b) They are advertisements that can be purchased on a social network or other digital platforms. c) It is the incremental exposure that a brand earns through viral engagement and interactions with the brand. d) They are brand assets or objects created within social networks by an organization.


Which of the following is true of paid media? a)It leverages a call to action to like brands on social media sites. b)They are advertisements that can be purchased on a social network or other digital platforms. c)It is the incremental exposure that a brand earns through viral engagement and interactions with the brand. d)They are brand assets or objects created within social networks by an organization.


Which of the following measures media weight based on both reach and frequency? a)Media mix b)Gross rating points c)Share of voice d)Cost per thousand


You are a marketing associate at a promotional firm that specializes in innovative brand promotion. You will be meeting with several clients next week and you need to review their files and get updated on their latest promotional efforts. In your initial review, you realize that all clients are currently paying a fee to have their brands exposed or displayed within some entertainment format. This means that they are all utilizing . a)event sponsorship b)product placement c)branded entertainment d)co-branding


You are a marketing associate at a promotional firm that specializes in innovative brand promotion. You will be meeting with several clients next week and you need to review their files and get updated on their latest promotional efforts. You recall that the owner of one fir m had said in the past that you'd done a good job in convincing him that he needed to focus on creating synergy in all advertising efforts. At the time, he wanted you to clarify what you meant by synergy. You replied that synergy refers to: a)planning ahead for the use of new media as they emerge. b)making sure all media efforts reinforce each other for maximum effect. c)sharing communication goals among clients and suppliers. d)using all the interactive capabilities of any given media.


A company decided to conduct a market survey for its new MP3 player that the company had priced at $150. In the survey, 95 percent of participants said that the maximum they would pay for the MP3 player is $100. This is an example of which of the following possible consumer reference prices? a)historical competitor price b)usual discounted price c)upper-bound price d) last price paid


Stacey is making her weekly trip to the grocery store. She takes with her a National brand coffee coupon worth 50 cents. While shopping she was asked if she would like to try a slice of pizza from a sales person. After tasting it, the sales personal directs her to where the brand is available. When Stacey arrives at her favorite brand of toothpaste, she is delighted to find that she would receive a toothbrush along with the toothpaste attached to the box for no charge. She then runs into a cardboard cutout of an actor from a medical drama that she watches on TV, with a box full of pain relievers built into it. At her last stop, the cereal aisle, she notices that a brand offers a chance to buy a T-shirt with a picture of the brand's cartoon character. Which of the objectives of promotion did all these activities have in common? a)Highlighting a particular product attribute b)Building an image for a product c)Eliciting immediate purchase of a product d)Creating loyalty toward a product


The greatest advantage of television as an advertising medium is its ability to: a) make an advertising message have a long-lasting effect. b) be inexpensive in terms of absolute cost. c) send a message through sight and sound. d) select small, selective audiences by geographic location


The model of advertising discussed assumes that with an increase in advertising expenditure, the demand function ________. a) continues to rise at an increasing rate b) initially increases and then declines c) increases first at an increasing rate, then at a decreasing rate d) decreases first and then spikes


The model of advertising discussed assumes that with an increase in advertising expenditure, the demand function ________. a)continues to rise at an increasing rate b)initially increases and then declines c)increases first at an increasing rate, then at a decreasing rate d)decreases first and then spikes


The team at MyMVPs decides to look into sponsorship as a way of building the brand. At first, they wonder about the cost. MyMVPs arranges to sponsor a few high schools, and begins to think of ways to leverage the sponsorship. In this context, leverage can be described as: a) the practice of judging sponsorship through media impressions. b) the practice of placing any branded product into the content and execution of an established entertainment vehicle. c) any collateral communication or activity reinforcing the link between a brand and an event. d) development and support of any entertainment property.


What concept/idea is not contributed by research in behavioral economics to the field of advertising? a)Partial adoption. b)Time-inconsistent preferences. c)Opportunity costs of time .d)Framing and anchoring.


When comparing the cost of radio and television advertising, which of the following is true? a) Radio has a greater risk of unexpected production costs. b) Television provides a much lower cost-per-contact than radio. c) Radio offers a low absolute cost that television can't match. d) Both have very high cost-per-contact compared to other media.


Which of the following is true about ethics? a)It is applicable to business alone. b)It is strongly looked down upon in society. c)It is based on personal judgement. d)It is the basic structure of business.


Which of the following is true of the media environment today? a) It is settled into a predictable structure. b) Traditional media no longer commands the majority of ad dollars. c) Digital media must synergize with traditional media to work effectively. d) Traditional media companies must avoid getting into new media.


Which of the following is true of the media environment today? a)It is settled into a predictable structure. b)Traditional media no longer commands the majority of ad dollars. c)Digital media must synergize with traditional media to work effectively. d)Traditional media companies must avoid getting int o new media.


Which type of advertising is the most sophisticated, and though difficult to pull off, can powerfully weave ad images with real-life experiences? a) Social/cultural movement b) Image c) Transformational d) Product placement


Both advertising and promotion are used to build brands. For which of the two is it easier to measure effects that estimate contribution to sales, and why? a) Advertising, because memory of ad imagery is simple to measure b) Promotion, because statistical models can isolate the effect of the promotion c) Advertising, because consumer recall of taglines is unusually high d) Promotion, because responses can be specifically identified and tracked


Both advertising and promotion are used to build brands. For which of the two is it easier to measure effects that estimate contribution to sales, and why? a)Advertising, because memory of ad imagery is simple to measure b)Promotion, because statistical models can isolate the effect of the promotion c)Advertising, because consumer recall of taglines is unusually high d)Promotion, because responses can be specifically identified and tracked


Consumers are less price sensitive ________. a)when they frequently change their buying habits b) when there are more substitutes c)when there are more competitors d)when they do not readily notice higher prices


For advertising to achieve communications and sales objectives, the media placement should a) use primarily print media b) focus on mass advertising c) focus on digital communications d) not miss the target audience


You are hired in your first marketing job, and are required to develop a media plan. As you are working for a local company that is primarily targeting baby boomers, you decide to suggest radio ads. You are asked to explain why you chose radio over television. Briefly explain the advantages radio would offer that television advertising cannot match in this context? (6 points)

The radio provides several advantages that th e television does not: •Radio advertising offers a low absolute cost in reaching potential customers. •It offers better geographic selectivity than television can. The narrow transmission of local radio stations gives advertisers the best opportunity to reach well-defined geographic audiences. •It reaches customers at home, at work, in the car, i n the backyard, in retail outlets and malls, and in other public places. The wireless and portable features of radio provide an opportunity to reach consumers that exceeds all other media. •It is a more flexible medium than television because it has short closing periods for submitting an ad

A communication test simply explores whether the people "get" the ad—whether they understand the main point, get the joke, or see the connection.


Although consumers may have fairly good knowledge of the range of prices involved, very few can accurately recall specific prices of products.


Businesses like to promote their products with rebates. A positive side effect of these sales promotion tools is that they often do not get cashed in due to procrastination


Gross rating points is the best-known measure of TV audience, and it is the basis for the rates TV stations charge for advertising on different programs.


In the mid-1800s, mass-circulation magazines began to make national advertising possible, and national advertising began to make national brands possible.


Pay for results, a payment scheme emerging in the advertising industry emphases the need for marketing research.


The Dorfman-Steiner condition states that perfectly competitive firms do not advertise because their demand is perfectly elastic.


The concept of message strategy refers to both objectives and methods—what you want to do, and how you want to plan it.


The only method that places the advertising, the product, and the consumer together in the same place at the same time is Point-of-Purchase advertising.


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