Arguments For and Against Capital Punishment

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Pro Capital Punishment Explanation #1

Execution is less expensive than putting someone behind bars for the rest of their life. However, because of the appeals process, death penalty cases can cost more than life in prison.

Anti-Capital Punishment Explanation #3

Executions actually cause homicides rather than deter them

Pro Capital Punishment Explanation #5

Other people will not want to commit murder because of the fear of the death penalty. Based on rational choice, not proven

Pro Capital Punishment Explanation #3

A vast majority of Americans favor the death penalty for murder

Anti-Capital Punishment Explanation #1

Always Possible an innocent person put to death. Between 1970-1995 68 people removed from death row, wrongly convicted

Anti-Capital Punishment Explanation #2

Based on the notion that the odds are stacked heavily against those less capable of defending themselves

Arguments Against #3

Brutalization Argument

Arguments Against #4

Cruel & Unusual Punishment

Arguments Against #2

Discrimination Argument

Arguments For #1

Economic Argument

Arguments For #5

General Deterrance

Arguments Against #1

Irreversibility Argument

Pro Capital Punishment Explanation #4

Prevents offender from committing additional crimes

Arguments Against #5

Public Message Argument

Arguments For #3

Public Opinion

Arguments For #2

Retribution Argument

Anti-Capital Punishment Explanation #5

Send message that life is cheap and violence is an appropriate response to violence.

Arguments For #4

Specific Deterrance

Anti-Capital Punishment Explanation #4

Violation of 8th amendment right, Electric chairs & lethal injection caused painful deaths

Pro Capital Punishment Explanation #2

Violent individuals deserve to die, "an eye for an eye"

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