ART 102 Final Exam Review

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James Abbott McNeill Whistler, painter of The Falling Rocket, pursued which of the following perspectives of art:

"Art for art's sake"

____________ is art that is executed on a flat (or nearly flat) surface. These include, but are not limited to, paintings, drawings, and prints.

2 - Dimensional Art

_____________ is art that is executed with length, width, and height. These include, but are not limited to, sculpture, architecture, ceramics, glass, textiles, assembly, and installation.

3 - Dimensional Art

_______________ is art that is executed in, and depends upon, both space and time.

4 - Dimensional Art

_______ art has the property of representing selected essential features of a particular subject instead of relying on objective appearance alone.


Based in New York City in the middle of the Twentieth Century, ___________ focused on the physical properties of the media used as opposed to pictorial narrative. Artists include Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Clyfford Still, among others.

Abstract Expressionism

Greek temples incorporated the belief that gods were on high, in the celestial realm, so they were often located in a/an ______, or sacred city high on a hill.


___________ is the condition in which texture is created, not represented.

Actual Texture

Which term describes pleasure in the beauty and appreciation of art?


_________ is the study of the principles and appreciation of beauty.


The following are grave goods, such as personal possessions of the buried individual:

All of the above

Artists of the Romantic period exemplified __________________ as opposed to accepting traditional or popular mass opinion.

All of the answers

Chris Ofili's The Holy Virgin Mary was shocking because it:

All of the answers

Which of the following messages were shared in the Ara Pacis:

All of these Answers

Which is of the following is an aspect of identity that can be examined in works of art?

All of these answers

Which of the following subjects are featured in cave paintings:

All of these answers (animals, hands, and bows)

The site of the Dome of the Rock is said to be:

All of these answers.

The following are possible audiences the artist may be considering for a work of art:

All of these are correct (Artist, individual or group, and people the artists know)

__________ is a mixture of metals


An ________, found in religious settings and structures to this day, is a piece of religious ritual furniture possessing ancient symbolism - primarily as the site of sacrifice, most often in the offering of animals ritually slain for the deity.


_______ : the table or other surface where religious rituals are carried out.


Which conflict provided an early venue for photographers to use the new medium in recording exactly what they were seeing, but often depicted groups of dead bodies and battlefields laid waste after the event?

American Civil War

____ are round or oval buildings with a central space for events.


_________ is a tall, two-handled jar with a narrow neck from Ancient Greece.

An amphora

Early Buddhist art was, according to some, ________ or characterized by the avoidance of figurative imagery that represented Sakyamuni Buddha, its fifth-century BCE founder.


In _________ cultures, the forces of nature, objects, and animals are all thought to have spirits or essences.


In the Merode Altarpiece, Robert Campin depicts a Christian story of the _________ to the Virgin Mary by the Angel Gabriel that she will become the Mother of Christ, the son of God.


_________ means taking existing objects or images and, with little or no change to them, using them in or as one's own artwork.


____________ is a wire or wood substructure used to support a clay sculpture while it is being worked.


While adopting the style of Henri Rousseau, many _______ artists moved away from traditional methods and ideas taught in art schools at the time.

Avant Garde

The ______, or physical form of Vishnu features the head of a boar.


__________ is the property of equality in visual weight.


Which US president was represented in a poster designed by Shepard Fairey? The poster was later controversial due to its appropriation of an image taken by an AP photographer.

Barack Obama

Often dramatic, _________ is a style of architecture and art that originated in Italy in the early seventeenth century.


The Roman ________ included a long and broad open center space, a nave, flanked by aisles that fluidly expanded the area. It was a place for law courts, business, and public gatherings.


Certain symbols can have a complex set of meanings depending on the context. For example, the swastika is used to represent both the Nazi Party, and good fortune in a _______ context.


In one of Damien Hirst's 1991 artworks, live _______ were incorporated. They were intended to die over the course of the five-week display.


In the eighth and ninth centuries CE, the _________ mounted an assault on all religious images based on a biblical prohibition. The defenders of imagery argued that these images could be used as positive aids to spiritual inspiration.

Byzantine Christian Church

_________ is a sculptural process in which material is removed to reveal the final artwork.


________ is a sculptural process in which material is substituted to form the final artwork.


The earliest types of shelters were likely:


_______ is the suppression of art and other forms of communication considered to be objectionable or harmful for moral, political, religious reasons.


The Terra-cotta Army of Qin Shi Huang was found in the mausoleum of the emperor who unified


The Lindau Book Gospels were created to illustration the holy Scriptures of the _____ religion.


Romanesque art of the eleventh and twelfth centuries expressed a preoccupation among _______ about the ends of their lives and the end of time.


Define Ceramic:

Clay hardened by heat

In 2006, freelance photographer Adnan Hajj made changes to a photograph through the use of _______, with indicates a digital effect that has been repeatedly duplicated.


Madonna in a Garland of Flowers was painted by Peter Paul Rubens and Jan Brueghel the Elder. It is a good example of:


Describes an approach to defining art as a transfer of feeling from artist to spectator.

Communication Theory of Art

______ view is a view in which portions of the body are shown in profile and others in a frontal view. Seen in Near Eastern art.


One of the most important contributions to the history of architecture was the Roman development of ______ for use as building material. Its greater strength, flexibility, and potential for adaptation made it far superior to previous materials.


According to your textbook, artists such as Jackson Pollock resisted the Greek view of art by making artwork that __________.

Consciously avoided resembling recognizable objects

_____________ decreed Christians could practice their faith without persecution. Considered himself a Christian but did not abandon Roman gods.


An Ancient Greek technique, __________ refers to the asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with and balances the line of the hips and legs.


Stating that art should instruct the faithful to "order their own lives and manners in imitation of the saints, and may be excited to adore and love God; and to cultivate piety." Michelangelo's second work in the Sistine Chapel seemed to present an unclear message in relation to this statement from the _________.

Council of Trent

Catholic Churches usually have a large and prominent ______ above the main altar where the Mass/Eucharist is celebrated.


The Potala Palace in Lhasa Tibet was established by the fifth _______, as a Buddhist monastery.

Dalai Lama

Some accounts in works of art are ________, meaning that they are based on factual records.


A feature of Stonehenge, the ______ is a large upright stone or marker with a flat stone place on top.


___________ : Objects made from clay


On the Palette of Narmer, the ________ King Narmer is depicted larger than the other figures, showing his power.


________ promoted his political agenda through such public monuments as the Ara Pacis, dedicated to the goddess of peace.

Emperor Augustus

_____________ is powdered glass fused to a surface with heat.


_______ in art is often used to define the idea of foregoing a measure of naturalism in favor of the emotional content, emphasizing how the culture and the artist felt about the subject matter.


Digital Manipulation: When photographs are manipulated with the aim of altering ______, an ethical line has been crossed.

Factual information

_____ allows for brief excerpts of copyright material to be used without permission of payment from the copyright holder under certain conditions: commentary and criticism, or parody.

Fair use

_________ was built by the architect Frank Lloyd Wright in what is called the Prairie Style.


The Figure 5 in Gold, a painting by Charles Demuth, illustrates a poem written by his friend. The poem is about a _______.

Fire truck

In a series of eighty-two etchings, Francisco de Goya y Lucientes expressed the atrocities committed by ______ during the invasion of Spain.


_________ is the process of painting on plaster. It includes two types of painting: one on wet plaster and one on dry plaster


As seen in this image, a ___________ is a horizontal row of relief sculpture or painting on a building.


The ancient Romans called its guiding creative spirit the ______, from the Latin verb meaning "to bring into being or create."


_______ is a subject category featuring scenes or subjects from everyday life.


Romanticizing his subject, Emanuel Leutze painted this iconic symbol of the American Revolutionary:

George Washington

Considering it a contribution to the decay of German culture, Hitler objected to Avant-Garde art, which is deemed experimental and innovative. Which of these kinds of art are considered Avant-Garde?

German Expressionism

A ______ is a stone or wooden slab, generally taller than it is wide, erected usually in Greek cemeteries as a funerary or commemorative monument.

Grave stele

Andrea Palladio, A Venetian Renaissance architect, deeply studied ancient ___________ architecture and architectural theory and developed new designs based on those but better fit to the means, methods, and needs of his day.

Greek and Roman

A _______ is a ritual scepter, held by a ruler during ceremonies as a symbol of rank and power.


_________________ : clay objects shaped by hand, often by wrapping or smoothing coils of clay into the desired form.


Homer's piece, The Veteran in a New Field, called for _______ of the Union.


A _________ is a Hawaiian temple composed of a Polynesian raised earthen or stone temple platform in an enclosed area that might also contain stone markers and cult images.


In___________, figures are scaled based on their importance.

Hierarchical Proportion

________ is where the ranking of people or objects is represented by their different sizes, according to their relative importance.

Hierarchical arrangement

The ___________ context can be studied by looking at the major events of the time period.


The Sutton Hoo Ship discovery featured a __________, or collection of objects, buried in a wooden ship. Various ornate and lavish ornaments were discovered in the remains of the ship's hull.


___________ was a French printmaker, painter and sculptor whose work showed the plight of the poor, struggle for justice, and biting satire of political figures.

Honoré Daumier

Artists of the Italian Renaissance sought ways to express themselves through their art, based on the philosophical belief of __________.


A ________ is an underground prehistoric burial site.


_______ is the study and interpretation of subject matter and pictorial themes in a work of art.


The term _______ refers to an image that is represented as being perfected.


_______________ is the use of gold or silver for lettering of illustrative touches in a manuscript. Sometimes used to describe manuscripts that have images added to them.


An ________ is a Muslim prayer leader, charged with climbing the summit of the minaret and making the call to prayer five times a day.


__________ emphasizes the potential of man and self development. This quality was especially emphasized during the Renaissance.


___________ is when one material is cut and fit into another in complex patterns.


Proposed by philosophers George Dickie and Authur Danto, __________ describes a theory of art in which what is or is not art is defined by persons within the artworld. Your textbook defines this being a political issue, not an aesthetic one.

Institutional theory

In ___________ cultures the human figures and forms based on direct observation are not used in religious art and architecture, as only God has the ability to create living things. Instead, elaborate ornamentation based on the written word and human, animal, and plant forms is used to decorate surfaces with intricate motifs, or patterns.


Sherrie Levine's series After Walker Evans was controversial because:

It was created by photographing Walker Evans photographs exactly

The Sculpture, Femme Piquée par un Serpent, by French sculptor Auguste Clésinger was scandalous because:

It was deemed to be too real

_______ Is a controversial material, as it is desirable for carving but illegal to trade due to its source now being an endangered species.


Using silk and cotton, the Ashanti people of Ghana, West Africa, weave a textile known as ________

Kente cloth

_________ built the Apadana at Persepolis, in current Iran, as both persuasion and propaganda.

King Darius I

The Greek ______ chair features a then popular curved-leg style.


The Palace of _______ was built as the residence for rulers of the Minoan civilization. The palace was not fortified because it was built on an island, not requiring protection.


This artwork is found on the floor of the nave of Chartres Cathedral in France. What kind of artwork is it?


_________ is resin from trees that hardens into a natural plastic.


Michelangelo's __________ came under sharp criticism following the Protestant Reformation due to its lack of clarity of message.

Last Judgement

The French group called ________ believed their task was to revive ideals of painting, to prophesy modern modes, and to affirm spiritual goals by envisioning nature's roles in life and creating a new symbolism.

Les Nabis

The Holy Trinity by Masaccio is the first painting in which __________ was systematically employed. This allowed for a sense of believable space.

Linear Perspective

_______ is a geometric system for representing the illusion of receding space.

Linear Perspective

Qian Xuan, painter of artwork, Pear Blossoms, was a Chinese artist who originally obtained a position as scholar-official. After he discovered the bureaucracy involved, he switched his position to a group of artists know as scholar-painters, or _________. His work united painting and poetry.


________ means relating to worship.


Sand _______ are constructed by Tibetan Buddhists monks to diagram the Buddhist concept of the universe.


Landscape painters, such as Albert Bierstadt, connected with the nineteenth-century philosophy of _____ which promoted the idea that the assimilation of land and the use of the natural resources of the western parts of the United States were God-given rights and duties for the people who had settled there.

Manifest Destiny

__________ is the hand-written presentation of words and images. Produced before the printing press.


Royal _______ were intended to foster allegiances and cement alliances.


Often glorified in art, a ______ is an individual who died for their faith.


The Yoruba Egungun, or __________, involve masks and costumes that connect the spirits of ancestors who return to the community to advise and to punish wrongdoing. Once completely concealed, the wearer is possessed by and assumes the power of the ancestor through dance.


________ is the quality of possessing three dimensions.


__________ are buildings containing tombs.


Literally, "large stone," these stones are a feature of Stonehenge and other large stone structures.


A ________ is a figure of speech in which one thing symbolically stands for another, perhaps unrelated thing or idea. These are used in works of visual art as well as speech.


The ideas of patron saints or dedicated intercessors like the Virgin Mary were popular in the West, especially during the _______, an era when great riches were often lavished on images of veneration for these spiritually accomplished models of sanctity.

Middle Ages

_______ is the imitation of the real world.


The naturally reddish-brown wood ___________ was discovered as a marketable wood by European explorers and traders in the Caribbean islands, Central America, and South America by the seventeenth century. It was frequently used in England and Scotland to create fine furniture.


______________ : of or using a single color.


________ is a sculpture or other structure meant to commemorate a famous person or event.


In 1943, Allied forces created an organization known as Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives. These _______, as they became known, worked to prevent damage to historically and culturally significant monuments.

Monuments Men

Though the original painting no longer exists, this ______ depicting a battle between Alexander the Great and the Persian King Darius III was found in the Roman city of Pompeii, Italy.


_______ are images or designs created on a wall or floor made up of small pieces of stone, tile, or glass.


Snake Goddess was discovered at the Palace of Knossos on the Island of Crete, and is believed to be a fertility symbol known as:

Mother Goddess

The invention of ________ by Johannes Gutenberg allowed both written and pictorial forms to be replicated and dispersed widely.

Movable type

The ancient Greeks believed the creativity artists possessed came to them from a _______, a personification of knowledge and the arts that inspired them to write, sculpt, and compose.


What kind of institution did Fred Wilson "mine," displaying objects in unexpected ways to share a point of view?


Jacques-Louis David painted _______ in the Neoclassical Style, which was in stark contrast to the frivolous, sentimental subjects and delicate, pastel hues of the prevailing Rococo style.


The Gothic era of art brought a focus back to _______, based on the observation of physical facts. It was a time of bringing back Greek and Roman ideas about art.


The term _________ pertains to the appearance of nature, without idealization.


By the time of World War I, technology permitted the reproduction of photographs in ________, which meant that the average citizen had far greater access to visual news of the war than in earlier conflicts.


________ is art that does not attempt to present an aspect of the recognizable world. Meaning is often communicated through shapes, colors, and textures.

Non-representatonal Art

Winslow Homer's freelance work for Harper's Weekly documented life during the Civil War, attempting to maintain a semblance of _____ during a time of war.


The Kingdom of Benin, located in the southern region of modern Nigeria and home to the Edo people, was ruled by a succession of _______, or divine kings.


If a sculpture has been polychromed, it has been __________


________ is sheepskin, prepared for use in manuscripts. It is less refined than other materials used for manuscripts.


____________ is an approach to art in which the object is an action by participants.

Performance Art

___________ context relates to the inspirations, investigations and other drives that are unique to the artist. This context has to do with the interests of the artist.

Personal or creative narrative

_______ in art is a system that portrays three dimensions on a flat surface.


________ is the attempt to influence, convince or entice someone to make a choice (often a purchase).


___________ set out to modernize all aspects of Russia , implementing government reforms and using France as the model for sweeping changes in court life, fashion, literature, music, art, architecture and language.

Peter the Great

Eadweard Muybridge, a __________, studied the movement of animals, fusing both investigations of science and art.


Changes towards realism in art during the nineteenth century were dramatically affected by the introduction of ___________.


_______ in art, is the substance that gives color to a medium.


__________ context refers to the governing power structures within a society that can have an affect on the creation of a work of art.


The woven cloth of the Ashanti people was originally intended for _____

Political leaders

______________ is highly refined ceramic ware, initially produced in China, with select materials like petuntse and kaolin, to create semi-translucent material, with elegant shapes, and glass-like, intricately decorated surfaces, and high-temp fired for hardened finishes.


____________ is a rich purple marble stone used only by royalty in Ancient Rome and Byzantium.


The most basic method of building is the _______ design in which two upright beams support a horizontal one to create a rectangular opening.


__________ is the process of producing multiple identical or nearly identical images from a single print matrix or set of matrices


The word _______ mainly refers to promoting information - often biased or misleading, sometimes hidden - in order to influence views, beliefs, or behaviors.


The ________ is a site of preaching, reading scriptures, and other addresses to congregations, and is, sometimes, very elaborately adorned.


Indicating her class status as _______, Francisco de Goya's painting of Maria Luisa is deemed unflattering yet indicative of her social role.

Queen consort

Works of ________ may be naturalistic in appearance, but they go beyond this and provide social commentary. An example of an artist in this style of art is Gustave Courbet.


When John Trumbull painted the American President George Washington it was __________ by those who commissioned the artwork. Trumbull had painted the figure before a great battle, instead of being shown in a time of peace.


___________ is an object thought to have belonged to or been part of a holy person's body.


The image above is of funerary _________.


In addition to symbolizing fertility, the snakes held by Snake Goddess are also associated with _______.

Renewal of life

According to the ancient Greeks, art's power resides in its ability to _________ nature.


Which of the following is not one of the four aspects of a formal analysis?


________ is art that visually references the experiential world.

Representational Art

_______ in art, is a pattern formed by repeated objects.


With watchtowers and fortified gateways, Emperor Diocletian's palace resembled a ________ military encampment.

Roman military encampment

During the ____________ period of the late eighteenth century until around 1850, artists, writers, and composers were associated with individualism and with working alone.


Originally from Florence, the Baroque sculptor Carlo Bartolomeo Rastrelli moved to ________ and became part the country's "new" culture.


In Japan, the fourteenth-century Himeji Castle, build as a fort by the ______ Akamatsu Norimura, was called the "white heron."


_______ is the size of an object.


_________ context refers to the investigation of topics like anatomy, botany, mathematics, and other quantifiable subjects within a work of art.


Many Chinese artists, scholars and collectors who owned a work of art would sign their names in red using a ________.


___________ means lacking in religious or spiritual content, not bound by religious rule.


Artists sometimes explore their own identity through ___________ . These artworks reflect something about the artist who created them, whether their mental, emotional, or physical backgrounds.


The earliest buildings were likely designed to:

Shelter a family or small group that lived together

__________ is an ancient religion native to Japan, whose main focus is the veneration of deeds and images of ancestors in home shrines.


___________ context examines the structures within a society that may led to a work of art. These structures lead individuals to interact with others in unique ways, which may be evident in the work of art.


Ancient Egyptian temples were often lined with ________, imaginative hybrid creatures.


__________ is bounty taken from its original context during war. Often, items were re-used in later works to imply the conquest (and superiority) of the new owner over the original.


The chalice of Doña Urraca, from Spain, exemplifies ________, the re-use of precious objects and materials from the past.


A ___________ is a church tower or spire.


A ____ is a grave marker.


A ______ is an arrangement of objects both made by humans and found in nature, such as flowers, fruit, insects, sea creatures, and animals from the hunt.

Still Life

_________ in Wiltshire, England was an early ritual location arranged in relationship to the sunrise at the summer solstice.


__________are dome-shaped shrines build to house Buddhist relics.


__________ can refer to the general appearance of a work or a group of works that were created in accordance with a specific set of principles about form or appearance.


Art is _____: it will be received or interpreted by different people in various ways.


Utilized by artists in the Romantic movement, the _______ has to do with intellectual and imaginative sensations that defy measurement or explanation.


______ is the surface on which a flat artwork is created.


_________ is the use of images to represent ideas or qualities.


_________ refers to the use of specific figurative or naturalistic images, or abstracted graphic signs that hold shared meaning within a group.


French Academic artist William-Adolphe Bouguereau was interested in _______ in Blind Homer with Guide:

Symbolism behind history

A ________ is a staged scene, as of a group of people.


This twentieth century school of architecture in Germany, was led by the architect Walter Gropius:

The Bauhaus

_______ was built in the Art Deco style in New York City. At 1, 046 feet, it was the tallest building in the world for eleven months before it was surpassed by the Empire State Building

The Chrysler Building

The image above shows an example of a ritual object used for _____ in the Christian religion.

The Eucharist

__________ is a relationship of parts used in art and architecture to provide the most harmonious and visually pleasing proportions. It is achieved when the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part.

The Golden Ratio

When Charlemagne selected his main palace in Aachen, Germany, its location was chosen because of its centralized location within his growing empire and _________.

The healing waters of the natural spa there

What was the effect of Honoré Daumier's lithograph, Rue Transnonain?

The lithographic stones he used were confiscated and all copies of the prints destroyed

Built by the early American figure _________, Monticello was built in Virginia based on the ideas of the Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio.

Thomas Jefferson

A ________ is a three-part format of image making, as pictured in Roger van der Weyden's Seven Sacraments Altarpiece.


__________ is art so realistic that it "fools the eye."

Trompe l'oeil

It is expected that in a work of art an artist's own beliefs, values, and ideology may contrast with societal values.


A ________ is a type of mound tomb made of tufa, a relatively soft mineral/rock substance that is easy to cut and carve.


__________ refers to views about art that are held in common, the "norm."


__________ in visual art, is the characteristic of lightness or darkness of a color, ranging from near-white to black.


__________ is calfskin, prepared for use in luxury manuscripts, more highly prized than the rougher, less expensive material used to create manuscripts.


_________ was well known for his self-portraits, creating more than thirty in three years (1886-1889).

Vincent Van Gogh

____________ was a Dutch artist who is well know for his individualistic style (unlike many of his peers) of bold colors and brush strokes. As his work was not famous when he was alive, much of what we know about his life is gleaned from letters to his brother Theo.

Vincent van Gogh

_________ is a water soluble painting medium that uses gum arabic as binder.


_______ is a building technique in which branches are intertwined with twigs and straw, then coated with a substance such as plaster or clay to create a wall.


______________ is a type of pottery made by using a device to turn the clay on a rotating platform for a more uniform shape.


Why was the ethicality of this photograph by Kevin Carter questioned?

Why did the photographer not help the child?

John Singer Sargent painted Gassed in response to which conflict?

World War I

Built in the Mesopotamian Valley, the _______ was conceived as a man-made mountain that served as a base for the temple, raising it closer to the celestial regions where the deities were.


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