ART-110-160 Chapter Fifteen

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What was Duccio primarily concerned with while working on "Christ Entering Jerusalem", which is a detail of Maesta Altar?

Creating a believable space in an outdoor setting.


Length-wise with perpendicular extension.

The __________ __________ encompass the period from about 476 to 1400.

Middle Ages


A curved end section.

The Romanesque Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy was one of the earliest churches modified to include aisles that line the transept and a(n) __________ to help visitors circulate freely.



An open central space.

Constantinople was formerly known by what name?


Which type of church architecture was favored in the Christian east?


The later Byzantine convention of portraying Christ as "Panotokrator" was meant to remind viewers of which of the following?

Christ's majesty and his awe-inspiring divinity.


Delineations of space to accommodate worshipers.

Symbolized as the Queen of Heaven in the rose window at Chartres Cathedral, Mary radiates which items?

Doves and angels, Biblical kings, prophets, and French royalty.

In northern Europe, artists continued to work in the Gothic style until which century?

Early 16th century.

The scene depicting Christ's followers mourning his death is known as the __________.


How does the mid-3rd century mosaic "Christ as the Sun" typify early Christian artists borrowing from preexisting iconography?

Leaf pattern surrounding the figure were borrowed from the Roman Bacchus imagery, the artists subtly modified familiar images, infusing them with new Christian meanings, and the rays radiating from the Christ's head were based on images of the Greek sun god Helios.

The Roman emperor Constantine issued an edict in the year 313 that __________.

Proclaimed tolerance for all religions

What are the images of the emperor Justinian and the empress Theodora that appear in San Vitale meant to convey?

Reinforce the presence of the distant rulers.

The Gothic-style carved figures that decorate Chartres Cathedral differ from their earlier counterparts because __________.

The bodies are more rounded and less-column-like

The mismatched towers and spires of Chartres Cathedral help illustrate __________.

The evolution of Gothic style


The fount entry porch.

In the year __________ the Roman Emperor Constantine issued an edict of tolerance for all religions.


By what year had rough approximations of modern European political boundaries been established?



An upward extension pierced with windows.

Why is the Bayeux Tapestry called an embroidery?

Because colored yarns were sewn onto a woven background.

Some of the best-preserved, earliest-surviving, Christian art has been found in underground __________.

Burial chambers

The drawing of Old St. Peter's serves as a good example of how a __________ was employed, which contained windows to let in additional light.


Byzantine rulers considered themselves to be the legitimate continuation of the ancient Roman Empire; they were known by what title?

Emperor of all the Romans.

In the context of Byzantine art, a(n) __________ is an image that represents a sacred person.


The purse cover features animal-style images and __________, which are intricately woven bands.


A central-plan church __________.

Is most often a square with a central dome, does not follow the western standard cross plan, and is primarily oriented on a vertical axis.

__________, the first period of art and architecture of the high Middle Ages, is based on the style of Ancient Rome.


What did Charlemagne use as a model for his royal chapel at Aachen?

San Vitale.

What architectural characteristics did abbot Suger employ at Saint-Dennis that came to define Gothic style?

Stained glass windows, pointed arches, and ribbed vaults.

The most valuable and treasured possessions of medieval times were the large woven __________, which often told a story and were hung on walls in grand homes and castles.


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