Art 305

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"quality of dealing with ideas rather than events" -example of modernism

Jeff Koons

"the most written-about artist in the world" - has life size photo paintings of him having sex with his wife. porn star -handsome stockbroker -loves media and its power to make things famous


"the sense of returning to an absolute beginning is the choice of "dada" (1916) -rebells against academic art -non academic, but modern, and exhibits art contributions such as: - 1) freak out/ happening - 2) randomness of chance - 3) art as environment -a page of randomly selected words and photographic snippets, with an overlay of graffiti

Rudyard Kipling

(Jungle Book) and wrote Plain Tales from the Hills (1888) -(1888) van G painting starry painting and Jack the ripper murdering prostitutes. -wrote about the BISARA OF POOREE, if stolen it is a powerful love charm. If it isn't stolen it turns against its owner within three years and brings ruin and death.

Pablo Picasso

- when arriving in Paris (1901) he began to absorb the lessons of the Post Impressionists. * Science and Charity (1st famous artwork that shoes he mastered Academic realism @15yr old) * The Tragedy (2nd painting abandoned linear perspective, rejected naturalistic color) *Family of Saltimbanques (lighter tone 3rd) *Gertrude Stein (influenced Picasso and he did a portrait of her) *Les Demoiselles d' Avignon (most unusual work, took him 6 months, friends thought it was ugly and horrible, they were naked whores.) -*Les Demoiselles and crystallized in the spanish landscapes, his avant-garde movement became known as cubism

Paul Cezanne

-1st to do proto cubist -it was his basket of apples he tried to make the apples tangible by showing all sides of the apples -Picasso loved Cezanne, started march towards cubism - opened art to possibilities of non-mimetic representation -opened artists eyes to other visual languages aside from naturalism -


-oil on canvas -the surface had to be smooth, brush strokes weren't supposed to be visible - only one main form of painting "History Painting" - from that history painting two form -Biblical painting or Greco Roman times


-sought a way out of the entire cultural pattern that had produced the blind alley of the WW1 - unlike futurists, surrealists place no faith in the machine or in any technology - they believed cultural revolution had to begin in the consciousness of individuals -Surrealism grew right out of Dada - their model was based on psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud -Linked the human person to the cosmos through the inner biological structure of consciousness itself -accessing dreams -Salvador Dali he painted his dreams

D.W Griffith "Birth Of A Nation"

1st silent epic -black face -extremely racist -banned but admired

Jackson Pollock

Abstract expressionism - put his feelings down on canvas -not academic -he was an alcoholic, took therapy, and from therapy to art

Laura Mulvey

British feminist -wrote Visual and other pleasures -she was focused on the male gaze and what they look at and find pleasure in woman and ads that are being produced -SCOPOPHILIA (deriving pleasure from looking)


French word for to glue - picasso used collage first - "Still Life with Chair Caning was first collage had table with meal cup glass place and paper

Italian Futurism

Futurists movement began before Cubism was born, with the writing, funding, and recruiting efforts of the wealthy italian writer Filippo Marinetti who wanted unwire Italy from what he considered to be its stifling preoccupation with its glorious past -Futurism sought an art that would actively embrace artist, spectator, and art object in an acceptance of emerging machine-dominated society. -wanted people to be machines

Judy Chicago

Illinois born - founded first Feminist Art Program in 1971 at California Institute for the Arts -most famous art piece was Dinner Party it imitated the last supper -post modern

Yasumasa Morimura

Japanese appropriation artist - did computer/photography edits -would take famous art and replace the man/womans face with his own. - like Duchamp because of gender bending both can play - he would put his face on a naked lady or play a woman like marylyn monroe. -made post modernism fun

Rene Magritte

La Belle Captive (a novel written in dialogue with 77 paintings -non-linear narrative -Dead woman lying nude on her bed narrative structures


Major generalization of groups of people

Robert Mapplethorpe

Photographer, pissed off Senator Jesse due to issue of censorship -would photograph males and females nude and still- life images of flowers

Kasimir Malevich

Russian -visited Paris of ra month and returned to Russia as a Cubist -"white on White" was his statement of absolute artistic purity -died in poverty and forgotten -most of work destoyed -with white on white art he practices REDUCTION

Eadwerd Muybridge

Scottish born photographer, -hired by Governor Leland Stanford of California to create 1st photographs of moving animals -animals in motion -Wrote Animal Locomotion -1st to take Sequential photographs


a Western art movement that borrows visual forms from non- Western or prehistoric peoples (paintings, masks, ect. ) - primal primitive truth -only way to get back to whats important


another form of modernism -reductive art -restricted color and shapes

Jean Kilbourne

argues that the purpose of the mass media is to deliver and audience to advertisers -did a show called "Killing us softly" - she was a model herself and she talks about what the media looks for and how you need to look a certain way

Jean-Michel Basquiat

began his career as a graffitist in NYC -celebrated cultural contributions of African Americans -created images that address political inequities of racist society/ stereotypes -bell hooks says his work serves notice on the white public and calling them out on racial superiority -post modernist -collaberated with Andy Warhol

Alfred Hitchcock

created psycho and the birds -psycho-sexual thrillers

Betye Saar

deals with feminist issues of gender and identity -1972 The Liberation of Aunt Jemima is an ASSEMBLAGE -3 dimensional collage -made by many different objects -deeply embedded the Civil Rights Movement of 1960s -symbolic

Pastiche (past)

deliberately making it look like the past or something from the past

Keith Haring

died of AIDS -did provocative images of the artist and his male models in homoerotic poses -also grafitti influenced


focuses on New -white male -oil on canvas - the art/work is new and has never been done before

pop art

focuses on color, Andy Warhol mainly used this form -use of popular artists -collaboration of pop culture

Kathe Kollwitz

from Spain - scared of Hitler -son died during WW -makes prints of mothers crying over dead babies and sad war scenes -used her expressive realism to effect social criticism and protest political atrocities -banned from exhibiting by the Nazis

Auguste and Louis Lumiere

held their first private screening of projected motion pictures in 1895 - 1st projected film

Andy Warhol

his art reflects his interest in the processes of the mass media as well as its imagery -born lower middle class -successful commercial artist in NY 1950s -

J.M Jacquard

invented a loom to weave fabrics with complex designs


isi an art movement that focused on basic geometric forms, such as circles, squares, lines, and rectangles -painted in a limited range of colors -Kazimir Malevich did a lot of these (white on white)

Wassily Kandinsky

leader of Der Blaue Reiter (group of early modern expressionists) -Russian born -Abstract movement -painted horses -basis of color was non representational all connected to emotion/feeling - his lyrical abstract forms had something of the freedom and spontaneity of music -also did musical movements and would have the art express music or the feelings he got from it

Georges Melies

masterpiece: A Trip to the moon (1902) -didn't really happen -had special effects

Henri Matisse

painting with wild beast hand (had bright colors) - Fauves (pronounced phobism) -collected African art and incorporate AFricanesque images into his paintings -primitive art (had a kind of primal truth) -madame mattise (green, red, yellow portrait)

Post Modernism

referencing the past to make a statement -values minorities -build on modernism

Ferdinand De Sausurre

semiotics -study of signified and signifier -painting that first brings up semiotics is "Ceci N'est est pas une pipe" -ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments both language and

Marcel Duchamp

started dada movement by exhibiting a urinal as a piece of sculpture and signing it -combined the futurist machine with cubist faceting in dynamic echo of early photographic records of people in motion - "Found objects" selected from stores at random and called it art (aka Bottle Dryer)


taking something for your own use that someone else already created -its like the lazy version of taking someone else work but putting a spin to it and calling it art and becoming famous from it

what was the most powerful new mass media art form?

the movies

TV manipulation

they are manipulating us through the ads they put on during the shows we watch -for young boys and girls they have only barbies or girls and cars for boys they are molding the child without them knowing it

TV ethical concerns on ads

they promote sexism, gender stereotyping, and manipulate

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