Art: A Brief History - Chapter 3: Art of Ancient Egypt

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funeral stele

Of a Middle Kingdom family, it presents a more confident and unified front. - shows a family united after death, being greeted with food offerings - conventional portrayal of gender by skin color shows women in yellow ochre and men in dark red-brown


1332-1322 BCE - New Kingdom Akhenaten's son, whose royal lineage was doubed until recent DNA testing confirmed both his lineage, malaria, and his infected leg killed him. - Suffered form birth defects from inbreeding - His undisturbed tomb was found in 1922, which contained great treasures such as a spectacular god mask and nested coffins.


"City of the dead," or a place where tombs were all placed or grouped together in Mastabas.


- Old Kingdom Egypt (ca 3100 - 2180 BCE) - King Djoser (Third Dynasty King) commissioned a monumental stepped pyramid made from finely cut stone. - Very similar to Ziggurats from Mesopotamia - It was named and designed after Imhotep. - one of the two earliest extensive necropolises. It was established in this place.

Palette of Narmer

2950 BCE - Old Kingdom Shows a hierarchic scale of a king who prepares to strike down against his kneeling enemy with a mace while the god of Horus represented as a falcon is holding a rope that's tied to someone's head that is attached to a block sprouting papyrus, representing lower Egypt. While having control of upper Egypt, the carving shows he has domination over lower Egypt aswell.


After Alexander the Great died in 323 BCE and his generals divided his empire, who took over Egypt and became king in 305 BCE?

The Direction the Nile Flows

Around 3000 BCE, Egypt became a consolidated state along the banks of the River Nile. The country has evolved into Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt. Why did they name them Upper and Lower?

Romance of Archaeology

British Archaeologist Howard Carter's dramatic discovery of the king's (King Tutankhamun) tomb in 1922 established what idea in the public mind.

Stability and Continuity

During the Early Dynastic and Old Kingdom Egypt (2950-2150 BCE), what Artistic Conventions valued more than innovation and change?


During the Late Egyptian art period, The Fayum mummy wrapping included a stylized mask, a roman style portrait painted in ______? - Example: Mummy wrapping of a young boy

Books of the Dead

During the New Kingdom age, family members commissioned papyrus scrolls or ___________ that contained magical spells or texts to help the dead survive the tests for funerary practices. Example - Judgement of Hunefer before Osiris illustration.

A question from a delegation of deities that ask the dead about their behavior in life, and then their hearts are weighed on a scale against an ostrich feather.

During the New Kingdom age, the dead were thought to undergo a last judgment consisting of two tests presided over Anubis and Osiris. What were the two tests?

Composite pose

During the Old Kingdom, many figures that were typically royal, were shown in what kind of pose where their heads are in profile, but their eyes, shoulders, and torsos displayed frontally?

Ammit or "The Eater of the Dead"

From the funerary practices of the New Kingdom age, Whom waited beside the scale to devour those who tipped the balance.


Middle Kingdom What kings reestablished royal power and reunited Egypt after several centuries of disorganization?

hardship and frailty of human existence

Middle Kingdom While not all Royal Portraits exhibited the self-confident formality, some subjects appeared to betray an unexpected awareness of the ___________. - Ex: Head of Senusret III - reflects this new sensibility

Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu

Name the three great pyramids of Giza. The most famous architectural forms of Egypt.

The Tomb of Ramose

New Kingdom - After Amenhotep IV changed his name and relocated his court to his city, he (named after the tomb) abandoned his tomb. - The tomb has various stages of completion existing with painted walls and relief carvings, which are considered the most sophisticated in art history presents warmth and refinement.

Bust of Nefertiti

New Kingdom A famous portrait of her shows refined and idealized features, such as an elongated neck and lidded eyes. Rich hues decorate the headdress

Armana Style

New Kingdom A figure style in the colossal figure of Akhenaten and pictorial relief sculptures exhibit this kind of style. - Aten, represented by the sun, has rays ending with ankhs offered to the Royals.

Funerary Temple of Hatshephut

New Kingdom Constructed on three levels connected by ramps and fronted by colonnades. A hypostyle hall fills the upper level and contains chapels dedicated to her, Tutmose I, and the gods Amun and Ra Horakhty.

The Great Temple of Amun

New Kingdom Temples dedicated to the Theban gods ____ (the temples name), Mut, and Khons became a focus of royal patronage. - fronted by massive pylon gateways - only kings and priests could enter.

Symbolizes his power as a provider and protector to his people, which associated him with the god Osiris

New Kingdom The Coffin of Tutankhamen was found in 1922 with an innermost mask that was constricted with over 240 pounds of gold decorated with enamel. It's displays the king holding a crook and a flail which symbolizes what?


New Kingdom The capital city well north of Thebes that was built by Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaten. Name means "Horizon of the Aten." Was where Akhenaten relocated the court of the city.

Created a new capital city called Akhenaten and founded a religion honoring a single god named Aten.

New Kingdom What two prominent things did Amenhotep IV do that radically transformed Egyptian life?

Seated Scribe

Old Kingdom A Stature of a less prominent person, such as this one, are rendered in a more relaxed style. - Shows a flabby nature along with skin-colored paint is applied to his statue to make him more life-like. - Crystal inlay reproduces a reflective quality to his eyes as if it's in motion.


Old Kingdom A flat-topped, one-story structure with slanted walls built over an ancient Egyptian underground tomb. The most common type of tomb structure in Egypt during the Early Dynastic Period.


Old Kingdom A prime administrator and royal adviser who named and was also the designer of funerary complex, Saqqara.

Tomb of Ti - Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Old Kingdom A scene with the Mastaba government official in a hierarchic scale supervising a hippo hunt with hunters.


Old Kingdom Flat stones with a circular depression carved on one side that were used to grind and prepare makeup that was applied around the eyes to reduce the glare from the sun.

White Crown of Upper Egypt, Red Crown of Lower Egypt, and Double Crown of Unified Egypt

Old Kingdom List the 3 crowns that symbolize kingship along with what part of Egypt they represent?


Old Kingdom One of the three pyramids that is the oldest and largest in Giza.


Old Kingdom Ruled from 2520-2494 - Out of the three pyramids, this one remained to be the best preserved. - Contains a life-sized stature of a person (who is the same name as the pyramid) from the valley temple represents the ruler protected by Horus (falcon head). - His statue conveys a strong sense of dignity, calm, and permanence while his body projects a sense of unwavering power in an athletic body caught in the peak of perfection. - Close-by is a statue of a sphinx that features a large portrait of his face while his head is on a lion's body.

Menakure and a Queen

Old Kingdom Statue that displays formal and expressive features characterize a double portrait of Khafre's son and (probably his wife). - King has one foot extended with a balanced pose while the wife takes a similar step forward but her arms connect with the king.


Old Kingdom The belief that the spirit of ______ lived on after every human died would require a body to inhabit. To fulfill the requirements of the spirit, The Egyptians built statues as substitute bodies and tombs with furnishings.

Tutmose III

One of the first rulers in the New Kingdom age to be called a pharaoh. Help extend Egypt's influence along the Mediterranean Coast.


One of the gods who was involved with the funerary practices during the New Kingdom age. - Represented with a jackal's head - He oversaw funerals and cemeteries

Scarab Beetle

Symbolizes creation, resurrection, and the rising sun.


Symbolizes eternal life


Symbolizes the eye of Horus, who represents a Falcon.

Greco-Roman and Egyptian arts.

The Late Egyptian art period combine what two conventions?


The god that was revolved around when it came to Funerary practices during the New Kingdom. A fertility and vegetation god who presided over the dead and the underworld. He was used because of his resurrection and a belief in the continuity of life after death for the righteous.

Cleopatra VII died and Egypt became part of the Roman-Empire

What two things happened when the Ptolemaic Dynasty ended during the Late Egyptian Art Period?


While Egypt flourished politically and economically in the New Kingdom age, the tradition of rulers being called ______ started.

Alexander the Great

Who led the Macedonian Greeks when they conquered the Egyptians in 332 BCE?


Wife of Tutmose II, ruled after Her husband's death alongside her son Tutmose III during the New Kingdom. - A statue of her represents her as a male king complete with a false beard, showing that Egyptian convention was more important than the individual. - She was not of royal blood and used her image to validate her reign.

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