Art Appreciation
Why are images of humans traditionally banned in islamic art?
Depicting human is thought to be competing with the creator.
Abstract art reduces the world to its_____________qualities.
Ways of valuing art
Monetary and Intristic
Armory Show held in
New York
When works of art like Kasimir Malevichs supremist painting, BLACK RECTANGLE, BLUE TRIANGLE, show no reference to concrete world, it is usually called
Explosion in a shingle factory
Nude Descending staircase
Treason of Images asks to consider
That the images and words refer to things that we see, but are not the things themselves.
Subject Matter
The literal and visable image in a work of art.
In a work of art "content" refers to
What the work expresses or means
The terms naturalistic or realistic art are sometimes used to describe.
representational art
Naturalism is a brand of representation in which the artist
retains realistic elements but presents the world from a personal or subjective point of view
Iconography in Chasrtres Cathedral
system of symbols which is easily understood by christians
Causes controversy western world
Christian God
Vietnam Memorial
Controversal because of nontraditional style
The use of symbols is called
David under attack because
Political symbolism
Artist of The Treason of Images
Rene Margritte
Sculptor whos work was destroyed
Richard Sierra
Art in a public place was
to expose the general public to contemporary
Edouard Manet rejected because
too modern