Art Appreciation B Study Questions

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In Islamic architecture, in particular Mosques, what is a minaret?

a high narrow tower with stairs that led to a balcony from which prayer was called five times a day.

What was the key marker of synthetic cubism?

a return to bright colors

Initially the term Baroque was

an insult

How was Christ, the infant, usually represented in the proto renaissance period by painters such as Cimabue?

as having the proportions and gestures of a man

Why was the Benin culture known about (by Europeans) since the 15th century?

because the Portuguese, the Dutch, and then the British began trading with them in the 15th century

Why did Byzantine iconography follow strict guidelines?

because they were considered holy objects

One hugely important art form for Muslims is


Which was believed to be the best shape for church architecture?


What type of art is Picasso's "Man with a Hat"?


What Iife art is used during royal burials and was probably worn as a death mask?

copper mask

Which art style were Pablo Picasso and George Braque known for?


What is one distinct feature of Rococo Architecture?

curved lines

What was the most distinctive feature of Byzantine architecture?

domed ceilings

What subject is characteristic of Paul Klee's artworks?


What was one focus of Giotto, a proto renaissance artist?

figurative realism

Which one of the following features were NOT typical of Mannerist painting?

figures represented as realistically and naturally as possible

What period is known as The Great Age of Chinese Landscape?

from the Five Dynasties period to the Northern Song period (907-1127)

Which is a key element of the style and technique of Braque's Violin and Pitcher?

geometric exploration of abstracting the three-dimensional space

What did Chuck Close use in order to convert a photograph into a painting?

grid system

Which art movement built on the trends from realism?


In Hindu sculpture, what symbolizes purity, beauty, prosperity, fertility, and transcendence?

lotus flower

What is the common visual device in Buddhist art?


While Neoclassicism was a return to the classic art of Greek and Rome, Romanticism was a return to ....

medieval art

Gong-bi means __________________.


Which best describes cubist artwork?

objects are analyzed, broken apart, and reassembled in an abstract form

Which one of the following is not a feature of Neoclassical art?

pastel colors

The predominant style of Rococo art was

playful and light-hearted

What is an apse?

semicircular recess in a church, with an arched or domed roof and usually containing the altar.

Which of the following represents the oldest forms of Art?

the art of Mesopotamia

What is the nave of a church?

the central part of the church intended for the worshipers and usually rectangular in shape

The historical movement that had the most impact on the development of Neoclassical art was ....

the enlightenment

Two major features of renaissance art that were common to all regions were

the interest in human nature and behavior and linear perspective

In Baroque art, the artists depict

the most dramatic moment in the story.

A distinct feature of a Gothic church is

the ribbed vault

Which key element of the "Century of Philosophy" also affected art?

the separation of church and state

One of the factors that enabled the shift from the Medieval Art to the Renaissance through the proto-Renaissance was

the social and political change at the time.

What is chiaroscuro?

the treatment of light and shade over 3 dimensional objects

Islam has a similar restriction in art as Judaism and to some extent Christianity. What is that restriction?

the use of images to represent God or that may be worshiped as idols.

Rococo art is easy to recognize because of

the use of pastel colors and the frivolous nature of the subject matter.

What does the term tenebrism mean?

the use of sharply contrasting the light and dark

The mosque in Cordoba was ornately decorated. However, due to the restrictions of the religion all decoration and art was accomplished by

tile work, calligraphy, and architectural forms

What was the main purpose of Expressionism?

to portray the world from a subjective perspective

What was the main aim of Romanesque art?

to spread religion and spirituality and bring people closer to God

Which of the following best describes the development of the early Christian art period?

A focus on Christian symbols and themes created by Emperor Constantine's declaration that Christianity was the state religion

Who created works that monumentalized commercial American icons like Coca-Cola cans, Brillo, and Heinz?

Andy Warhol

Where can you find the most famous stupas in Sri Lanka?


Gothic Art began with which art form?


Which was a result of the schism between the Eastern and Western Roman empires?

Artists in the Eastern empire had more freedom to express their views on Christianity because they were no longer held to the beliefs of the church

In Romanticism, how was nature usually depicted?

As a fierce, all powerful force

Which of the following best describes Realism as a movement?

It was a reaction to social and political events and changes.

Which statement about the dome of Florence Cathedral is FALSE?

It was completed in the high renaissance period

Why was much of the Byzantine art destroyed by iconoclasts?

It was perceived as idolatry.

What is the typical trait expressionism?

Its typical trait is to present the world solely from a subjective perspective, distorting it radically for an emotional effect to evoke moods or ideas.

The Hagia Sophia in present day Istanbul was commissioned by which Emperor?


Romanesque churches were often planned in what form?

Latin cross plan

Which of the following was not true of mannerism?

Mannerism focused on the realistic portrayal of the human body.

Why was the use of sculpture, painting, and tapestry so important in Romanesque churches?

Most Christians were illiterate and the Christian message could be transmitted using images and symbols.

What does the term proto renaissance refer to?

The period before the renaissance.

What is the primary theme in Géricault's "The Raft of the Medusa"?

a commitment to social justice

Which artwork is an example of figurative expressionism?

Portrait of Isabel Rawsthorne Standing in a Street in Soho

What is the predominantly French art movement that developed roughly between 1886 and 1905 from the last Impressionist exhibition to the birth of Fauvism?


When did the art in the city of Ife start?

12th and 13th centuries

When did the impressionist style evolve in Paris?

1860s and continued into the early 20th century

When did leading European artists begin to take notice of African works of art in museums and in shops?


What artwork juxtaposes a monochrome pair of images with a colored pair, creating the impression of photographic repetition?

Elvis I and II

The Byzantine churches also followed the structure of the Roman Temple. The layout of a typical Byzantine church was known as...

Greek-cross plan

Which depicts the figure up close to the picture plane and reveals Manet's adoption of impressionist color, light, and brushwork?

A Bar at the Folies-Bergere

Historically, what art movement brought European painting and sculpture forward toward Modern Art?


What modern art style uses the visual language of shape, form, color, and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world?


Which of the following statements is true about African art?

African artists did not conceive of their objects as set in a time and space in the way that Western artists had.

Which style was the following painting created in?


What was the purpose of "good shepherd" art?

Because the early Christians were persecuted by the Roman government, they marked their places of worship with symbols such as the "good shepherd" that clandestinely alluded to their fellowship

Which sculptor exemplifies the Baroque period?


Which German expressionist group was drawn to non-figurative abstraction?

Blue Rider

Who is credited with the invention of linear perspective?


What is the greatest contrast between Byzantine and Christian art?

Byzantine artists were not afraid of persecution and used many religious icons in their art

What was most significant about Giotto's style?

He relied on his own observations of the world around him rather than older forms and patterns

Who was Vassily Kandinsky?

He was a Russian artist and was among the first artists to eliminate recognizable subjects from his work.

What religion was primarily responsible for the Baroque movement?


The Roman catacombs existed because...

Christians had to bury their dead in secret

Who painted the artwork Self Portrait?

Chuck Close

Who made the sculpture named Clothespin that has an anthropomorphic quality, resembling a tall man standing with his legs apart, striding forward?

Claes Oldenburg

What is the art style of the 21st century?

Contemporary Art

Pop art utilizes found objects and images. What modern art style is it closely similar?


Which of the following refers to an international artistic literary movement that began during World War I?


Which of the following was NOT a feature of Rococo art?

Dark light and color

Which of the following is true of Baroque art?

Deep, vivid, warm colors were used

Who is depicted in this painting?

Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo

Why were the Christians able to move their burials above ground?

Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity in 313

What are the essential qualities of Chinese art?

Essential qualities include a love of nature, a belief in the moral and educative capacity of art, simplicity, brushwork, an interest in viewing the subject from various perspectives, and a loyalty to much-used motifs and designs from lotus leaves to dragons.

Which of the following statements is true about expressionists?

Expressionists sought to express the meaning of the emotional experience rather than physical reality.

What is this a picture of?

Flying buttress

What was the most outrageous Ready-Made artwork of Marcel Duchamp?


Symbolism was a late nineteenth-century art movement particularly in _________________.

France and Belgium

Where and when did Realism begin?

France in the 1850s.

The early Christian art that appeared in the catacombs of Rome was in the form of...


Who shared both Marxist sentiments and Surrealist art style?

Frida Kahlo

Where did expressionism originate?


Which statement is true of the Gothic period of art?

Gothic art was much more detailed and vertical than Romanesque art.

Which best describes linear perspective in painting?

It allows smaller objects to appear further away and edges to grow shorter in order to create depth and size.

Which was true of Islamic art?

It included heavy use of geometric patterns

What was most unique about Brunelleschi's first major architectural project -- giant dome on top of Florence's cathedral?

It included many elements from the Gothic period

What is this figure? What is its significance?

It is a Sri Lankan stupa, which are among the largest brick structures to have been built before the modern era.

What does the image depict and what is its significance in Buddhist Art?

It is a mandala, which represents the ideal universe.

Which best describes symbolism in painting?

It is a revival of some mystical tendencies in the Romantic tradition and was close to the self-consciously morbid and private decadent movement.

What is considered to be significant about the sculpture:

It is intended to portray a story rather that just a figure.

Jacques-Louis David had a famous patron. Who was he?

Napleon Bonaparte

Realism is also referred to as what?


The most prevalent form of sculptor during the Neoclassical period was

Neoclassical busts

Neoclassicism went hand in hand with the political and social change of the time. Which one of the following statements is not TRUE?

Neoclassicists wanted to express and enhance the absolute power of the church and state.

Where did Peggy Guggenheim open the Art of this Century Gallery in 1942?

New York

The artwork has a photograph of a human eye attached to the pendulum, combining the moving piece with the eye that watches it move. The viewer is being looked at while they are looking at the artwork. What artwork is described in the premise?

Object to Be Destroyed

The Hagia Sophia is a great example of Byzantine architecture because

Of the soaring vault and the ornate decoration

Who pioneered cubism?

Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque

What was a huge feature of Romanticism?


Who is the father of Post-impressionism?

Paul Cézanne

Who was the surrealist that made many drawings that revealed his attraction to linear and childlike imagery?

Paul Klee

What art form increased or extended the popularity of Realism?


Which of the following was NOT a typical Rococo theme, subject or style?


The two central themes of Byzantine Art were

Religion and the ruling class

Which style was the following painting create in?


Why was sculpture considered problematic for Christians?

Sculpted figures were considered idolotrous and were in conflict with Christian beliefs

Which one of the following words would NOT be associated with Baroque Art?


Which of the following is an artwork of Paul Cézanne?

Still Life with Apples

What modern art movement is known for its visual artworks and writings?


What was the basis for surrealism?

Surrealism celebrated the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions.

Where did Dada begin?


What do we learn about early Christians with their use of Cupid and Psyche in early mosaics?

That Christians adopted many pagan themes in their art.

Great changes occurred in the 1500s. Which one of the following was NOT an event that had an impact on the art of the time?

The Black Death

Piero della Francesca is known for his work with linear perspective. What is the name of his well-known painting that demonstrates his skill?

The Flagellation of Christ

Which describes the primary difference between Roman and Christian mosaics?

The Romans used natural stones and Christians used colored glass.

The Rococo movement focused on pleasure and frivolity. Who were the main patrons of Rococo Art?

The aristocracy

What was one major shift of the Enlightenment that was clearly reflected in the art of the day?

The move away from religion as the sole subject of art.

The Oba is represented on the armlet with mudfish legs and his hands raised to the sky, thus linking him with the great god Olokun, ruler of the sea. What is the symbolic significance of the mudfish?

The mudfish has symbolic significance among the Edo people as it can live on land and sea.

In figurative abstraction, what is said about the technique and the object?

The object is the technique and the technique is the object.

Which primary influence led to Cubism?

The representation of three-dimensional form in the late works of Paul Cézanne

What is Impressionism?

The style is characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open compositions, an emphasis on the accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, ordinary subject matter, the inclusion of movement, and unusual visual angles.

Which is used by symbolist painters?

The symbolist painters used mythological and dream imagery.

Mannerism was more likely to have patrons from where?

The wealthy courts of Europe

Which of the following was true of Giotto's characters?

They are live, emotional, and full of life.

How did Christo and Jean-Claude show viewers another approach to environmental art?

They created a sense of mystery by "wrapping up" buildings or sections of a landscape, paradoxically hiding something from view while accentuating its external contour.

How did Muslim artists avoid idolatry in art?

They created non-figurative forms.

Which of the following is an example of Dada principles in the works of Duchamp?

To Be Looked At (from the Other Side of the Glass) with One Eye, Close to, for Almost an Hour

When did the center of the art world move from France to New York?

When Paris fell to the Nazis by 1940

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