Art Appreciation Comprehensive Final

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"Low relief" means a sculpture/form projects slightly form the background, "high relief"f means the sculpture/form projects boldly from the background, and "in the round" means the sculpture/form is freestanding. Is this statement true or false?

any given time period

Artwork from _________ is often defined and categorized by similar themes found during that time

Similar themes

Artwork from any given time period is often defined and categorized by ___________ found during that time

Max Beckmann

Otto Dix, George Grosz and ________ were members of Neue Sachlichkeit.

all of these: its place in art history, and how and why it was made.

The appreciation of a work of art can be enhanced greatly by knowing


The architect Leon Battista used what principle of design to create the monumental faced of the church of Sant' Andrea?


The basis of crafts has to be the original intention of

specific message

The goal of the Graphic Designer is, the communication of a ________ to a specific group of people.


The personal, social, cultural, and historical setting in which a work is created, received and interpreted.

1. To record the borders of form 2.To convey direction and motion

The primary functions of a line in art:

1. To record the borders of form 2. To convey direction and motion

The primary functions of line in art:

silica or sand

The principle ingredient for glass is usually _______________.

Pop Art

__________, derived imagery from popular, mass- produced culture. Pop artists sought to draw art closer to life, but life as it had already been transformed for them by advertising and the media

Pope Julius II

___________ commissioned Raphael to complete the work at the Vatican Palace.


____________ was redeveloped during the 19th century after Roman-Egyptian portraits were discovered.

Art Museums

____________ were a development of the 19th century and the first one was opened during the height of the French Revolution.


or counter balance sets the body in a gentle "S" curve through a play of opposites


(the story including symbols or references, people, events, etc.) requires knowledge of a specific time, beliefs or culture

an inert white pigment

Gouache is a watercolor medium into which ________ has been added.

brutality and darkness

In Picasso's Guernica, the artist indicated the bull represented ________.

Encaustic Fresco Tempera Oil Watercolor Gouache Acrylic

Painting Techniques and Mediums

installation & mosaics & tapestry

Painting can also encompass non-traditional media & techniques such as painting within a defined area or ________

Old Stone Age

Paleolithic simply means


Paper was invented in

19th century

The Arts & Crafts movements at the beginning of the ________ blurred the distinction between "fine arts" and "crafts."

Art Deco

The Chrysler Building, New York, is a masterpiece of ________.


The branch of philosophy that deals with natural and artistic beauty is

New York City

The center of the art world in 1945

1. Primary colors 2. Secondary colors 3. Tertiary Colors

The color wheel is made up of:


This ceramicist uses the traditional coil technique to build non-representational forms in stoneware.

Italian Renaissance

We consider the frescoes of the _________________ to be the some of the greatest works in all of Western art.

Bierstadt, The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak, 1863

What is this piece?

Bourgeois, Maman, 1999 cast 2001

What is this piece?

Christo & Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, 1979 - 2005

What is this piece?

Da Vinci, Mona Lisa, c. 1503-05

What is this piece?

Keith Haring, Untitled, 1982 Line

What is this piece? Example of?

Sarah Sze, Hidden Relief, 2001 Line

What is this piece? Example of?

Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights Invention and Fantasy

What is this piece? Theme?

Robert Smithson, Spiral Jetty The natural world

What is this piece? Theme?


______ media include: Graphite MetalPoint Charcoal Crayon Pastel Chalk


to make visual, the written word, ideas or products used in books, magazines, posters, and newspapers-used also to record when the camera isn't permitted


Immigrating from England, this artist became one of the pioneers American Landscape painting.

New York School

Pollock was part of the ________, while not a true movement, it was a group of artists working closely together with similar thoughts and styles...

the huge amount of mass-produced images and objects of America's popular culture.

Pop Art was a movement that focused on

in the round.

Sculpture that is freestanding and completely finished on all sides is called

Claes Oldenburg

The sculptor ________ is known for re-creating ordinary objects on an heroic scale.


This artist considered himself a "machine", to be devoid of emotion or feeling, just a machine that produced a product.


This great sculptor used the wood medium to carve commissions as the court sculptor for the King of Ise.

height, width, and depth negative and positive space

Three dimensional space has ______. In it, there exists both __________

Picasso, First Communion, 1896

What is this piece?

Picasso, Guernica, 1937

What is this piece?

Picasso, Le Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907

What is this piece?

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907

What is this piece?

Picasso, Seated Woman Holding a Fan, 1908

What is this piece?

Raphael, The School of Athens, 1509 - 11

What is this piece?

Romare Bearden, Mysteries, 1964

What is this piece?

Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931

What is this piece?

Theodore Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818 - 1819

What is this piece?

Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night from 1889?

What is this piece?

Warhol, Thirty Are Better than One, 1963

What is this piece?

Maharana Amar Singh II, Prince Sangram Singh...c. 1705-08 Implied space

What is this piece? Example of?

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907 Cubanism

What is this piece? The first glimpse the world had into ________

FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT, Kaufmann House (Fallingwater), Bear Run, Pennsylvania, 1936-1939.

What piece is this?

Georges Braque, Still Life on Table: Gillete, 1914

What piece is this?

Guernica, Pablo Picasso, 1937

What piece is this?

Gustav Klimt, Death and Life, before 1911 finished 1915

What piece is this?

India, The Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, 12th Century

What piece is this?

Jan van Eyck, Man in a Red Turban (Self Portrait?), 1433

What piece is this?

Jeff Koons, Michael Jackson & Bubbles, 1988

What piece is this?

Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495 - 97

What piece is this?


Which ancient Roman's writings on architecture related the human body to geometric shapes?


Which medium involves drawing with a fine wire onto a coated surface?


______ These convey information or ideas for all languages.


______ media include: Pen and ink Brush and ink


_______ work was of the Impressionist style (Impressionism)

Andy Warhol

____________was Pop Art...he embodied the movement.

Ancient wood pieces

are few, as this material is not very durable (cold, heat, water, and insects are some of the factors which cause its decay).


Expert work done by hand, not machine.


In traditional African sculpture, the human figure most often represents

Seine River.

Monet painted the work above from a small rowboat in the middle of the_______ Impressionism


_________ created the first type set was "Blackletter" that was replaced by "Roman Type" created by Jenson in the 15th century.

Two dimensional

_________ space has only height and width. There exists the picture plane and the illusion of a negative (ground) and positive (figure) space.


used solely as the artist's method of expression, the end result


ushers in a return to imagery, introduces the use of words, and embraces pluralistic approaches, including abstraction.

*Egypt, Chair of Hetepheres, 2575-2551 B.C.E

what piece is this?

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face), 1981

what piece is this?

Plato & Aristotle

*Raphael, The School of Athens, 1510-11 Featuring Greek philosophers __________, the work is a testament to the two philosophers individual "schools" of thought. Plato's abstract and metaphysical school and Aristotle's earthly & physical school.


A French word for pasting or gluing; _________, refers to the practice of attaching actual objects to the surface.


A quintessential Abstract Expressionist, ___________________ worked in the "action painting" technique which records the act of the creation.


A theme is not the same as the _______ of a work. For example, the subject of the movies Star Wars is a battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, whereas the themes might be moral ambiguity or the conflict between technology and nature.


A theme is not the same as the________ of a work. For example, the subject of the movie Star Wars is a battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance, whereas the themes might be moral ambiguity or the conflict between technology and nature.

graphite and metal point

According to our notes the Dry Media include: 1. Pastel 2. Crayon 3. Charcoal 4. Chalk 5. ___________ & 6. ___________

Plato is holding his book the Timaeus

According to the Raphael, School of Athens article in the modules area; the two great philosophers Plato & Aristotle are at the center... we can tell Plato from Aristotle, but how?

Germany and Italy

According to the Youtube video on Guernica in the modules section; what two allies of General Franco attacked Guernica?

Ludovico Sforza

According to the article on Leonardo & His Drawings in the modules section; while working in Milan he created a number of sheet drawings and designs on instruments of war. Who employed him while he created these drawings?


According to the linked video on Stonehenge in our modules; what is the name of the nearby settlement that was the starting point for human burial to Stonehenge?

South of England

According to the linked video on Stonehenge in our modules; where is Stonehenge located?

3,000 BC, unknown

According to the linked video on Stonehenge in our modules; work began on Stonehenge around what time? Also, according to the video, what was it's purpose?

Early Classical Period

According to the linked video on contrapposto; only one of the sculptures exhibit contrapposto...from what period is this sculpture from?

Frankenthaler & Rothko

According to the text these two artists downplayed the forceful gestures of Action Painting and instead focused on broad areas or "fields" of color.

Stories and Histories

According to the text, Alter to the Chases High School by Boltanski is part of what theme of art?

Here and Now

According to the text, Edward Hopper's, Gas depicts what theme of art?

National Gallery

According to the video on Van Eyck in the modules section; what institution, which is the most authoritative and widely accepted view on the subject, states that the van Eyck Arnolfini Double Portrait painting is not of a wedding ceremony but a simple double portrait of a couple already married?

The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature, beauty and meaning of art, and our response to it. Our sensory experiences aroused by what we see, hear, taste or touch or smell.


Kaprow & Happenings

After a suggestion by John Cage that art look to theatre for more lively art, this artist _______________________ began to remove the art object and stage spontaneous events called __________________.


Art made from natural materials from and for a specific place


Art made from natural materials from and for a specific place

To Give Tangible Form to Feeling Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889.

Artists Role of Van Gogh's Starry Night is What is the information on this piece?

charcoal drawings

Artists use charred wood in order to produce

3rd millennium B.C.E.

Casting - The lost-wax process dates back to the

"field" or area of color Mark Rothko

Color Field painting is imagery reduced to a large ______________. One of it's main contributors was _________.

Sir Isaac Newton's 1666

Color wheel: made up of the colors refracted by ___________________ prism in ________

Clay Glass Metal Wood Fiber Ivory, jade, and lacquer

Craft includes:

melting away

Dali's art suggest that time may be _______, and nothing survives but the frenetic activity of the insects, who may outlive man. Surrealism

geometric elements

De Stijl artists reduced their artistic vocabulary to simple ________.


Diana Cooper's, The Site is an example of what color harmony?


Dots of pure color that tend to mix in our eyes to produce the illusion of color mixtures

Perspective Visual

During the Renaissance, ________ became a vehicle for _______ just like any other visual element

time and motion

During the twentieth century, ________ were added to the visual elements used by artists.

primitive time

Earthwork art has been documented since ________ in all cultures, as is the case with Serpent Mound in Ohio Its purpose is unknown to us, as are the original creators......but scientists think it may have been done in reference to Haley's Comet.

He committed suicide

How did Vincent van Gogh die?

Frank Lloyd Wright

In America, architect _________ had a great impact on the architecture of the twentieth century.

Frank Lloyd Wright

In America, architect ______________ had a great impact on the architecture of the twentieth century, especially in the house called Fallingwater.


In China ____________ was believed to have magical properties and was prized and carved for six thousand years.

American Midwest farmer

In Grant Wood's American Gothic 1930, the artist has sought to embody in the portrait the strength of the _________

chocolate and lard

In Janine Antoni's Gnaw, two 600-pound cubes of which materials were gnawed on by the artist?

posed with the weight of the body shifted onto one foot.

In sculpture, the term contrapposto means that the figure is

history, classical mythology, and Biblical scenes.

Ingres felt that the greatest subject matters of all were _________ Neoclassicism

photography and the camera

It developed from the search for arts essence in the wave of the challenge presented by _______

additive, subtractive, casting and assembling processes.

It is also the act or practice of shaping figures or designs "in the round" or in "relief", by using the four basic methods for making sculpture that include


Makes paintings from posters and papers found in their neighborhood and travels.

1. modern life. 2. eternal subjects

Manet seems to have wanted to accomplish 2 goals with his work. 1. The first was to join Courbet and other artists in painting ________ 2.The other was to prove that modern life could produce ________worthy of the great masters of the museums.

coil method

Martinez created her works by using the ____________, and they are almost geometrically perfect.*

containing large stones, but generally encompass anything built of stones and large-graves, tombs Stonehenge, c. 2000-1500B.C.E., Salisbury Plain, England

Megalith What is the information on this piece?

Abstract Expressionism: Action Painting Abstract Expressionism: Color Field Painting Into the Sixties: Assemblages Art of the Sixties and Seventies: Pop Art Art of the Eighties and Nineties: Postmodernism

Modern to Post-Modern: Movements in order

light as well as modern life.

Monet's work was of the Impressionist style (Impressionism) and now that painting had moved outdoors because of the miraculous invention of portable tube paint, their aim was to capture the transient effect of Impressionism

portable tube paint

Monet's work was of the Impressionist style (Impressionism) and now that painting had moved outdoors because of the miraculous invention of_________, their aim was to capture the transient effect of light as well as modern life.

Constructivism Fauvism Harlem Renaissance Romanticism Bauhaus

Movements in the Modern World


Moving into the mid 1950s, with _________ artists looked to the European influences from Dada concepts, as Marcel Duchamp now lived in New York..

political statement

Picasso has memorialized this event and has created an effective _________ on the Spanish Civil War


Postmodernism - The term was first used to describe _________


Postmodernism ushers in a return to imagery, introduces the use of words, and embraces pluralistic approaches, including abstraction. The term was first used to describe ____________.


Roman Copy of Apoxyomenos, c. 320 B.C.E....the practice of Contrapposto was invented by the


Romare Bearden carried on the _______________ technique, and worked with bits of photographic magazine illustrations to evoke his life as an African American growing up in rural North Carolina.

Themes of art

Sacred Realism Politics and the Social Order Stories and Histories Looking Outward: The Here and Now Looking Inward: The Human Experience Invention and Fantasy The Natural World Art for Art

the art establishment's unequal treatment of women and minority artists.

Since 1985 the activities of the Guerilla Girls have focused on


Symbolizing enlightenment, the form on top of the head of the sculpture of Amida Nyorai is called a ___________.


The (wild beasts) gained their name through the use of wild, subjective colors and were part of this movement.

1. Primary Colors 2. Secondary Colors 3. Tertiary Colors

The Color Wheel is made up of:


The Industrial Revolution was praised for helping the small workshops create objects on a mass scale and defined the Westerns idea that more objects should be made by machines and not skilled hands to increase economic revenue.

Visual & Conceptual

The Principle of Design Unity has two Unifying Concepts, they are ____________ & ____________.*

1. Unity and Variety 2. Balance 3. Emphasis/Subordination 4. Proportion/Scale 5. Rhythm

The Principles of Design

Line Shape and Mass Light Color Texture and Pattern Space TIme and Motion

The Visual Elements


The ________ used methods such as automatism to provoke reactions closely related to subconscious experience.


The design principle that is based on repetition is called

sub-conscious dreams

The intuitive and __________, the world of fantasy, of ________, of the psyche, these are the environments the Surrealists investigated and painted.


The most celebrated frescoes of the 20th century were from


The most common modeling material in most parts of the world is?

egg yolk

The most famous vehicle for the tempera medium is ____________.

30,000 B.C.E.

The oldest cave paintings known today were made around


The substance in which the paint is suspended without dissolving them is the ____________.

how well that message is conveyed

The success of a design is measured by

fool of the eye

The term "trompe l'oeil" is French for

hue, value, and intensity

The three physical properties of color are

1. Modeling form through value 2. Linear perspective 3. Atmospheric perspective

The three techniques Renaissance painters developed to depict the naturalism of the world:

dry and liquid media.

The two broad categories into which traditional drawing materials are typically divided are

1. Overlapping 2. Position

The two ways we imply space on a 2D surface

Naturalistic and Stylized

The two ways we look at art in nature:


The work Thirty Are Better Than One was created by which Pop artist?

the Golden Age of the Renaissance

The work represents Raphael's vision of __________and connects it with the Gold Age of Greece two thousand years earlier.


The works in this chapter by Valdés and Flack are examples of ________ paintings.


The_______movement expressed itself by using the inner reality; it was all experience.


This artist stated about their work, "We continually remake this surrounding just as we do when we perceive the world. To see the installation as a coherent unit is an illusion"


This artist suffers from hallucinations that become their work stating.."I translate the hallucinations and obsessional images that plague me into sculptures and paintings..."


This artist writes computer codes that become the basis for his "paintings"...they state,"...takes my subjectivity out of the equation and tells me what to do - including the mistakes".


This earthwork artist makes work that may only last a few minutes or hours out of materials such as ice, leaves or branches.


This movement, embodied by Marcel Duchamp, originated in Zurich, Switzerland in the early 20th century.


This object is used for ritualistic hand washing and was used by Roman Catholic priests before celebrating Mass.

Cubism Movement

This painting is the first glimpse of the


This term defines a two dimensional shape.


This type of sculpture is meant to be viewed frontally, as in how we would view a painting.

academic art

This viewpoint and its style became known as _________ and was encouraged by institutions and schools of the 19th century. Neoclassicism

Dinner Party

This work by Judy Chicago was executed with the help of hundreds of men and women and is one of the foremost works of the Feminist movement.


This work is part of a developing movement Wood described as ________, which focused on American subjects and stood in reaction against the modernist abstraction of Europe and New York.

-Printing press -Industrial Revolution -Travel, communication, & technology

Three historical changes created the high demand for this industry:


Three Dimensional Space has height, width, and depth. In it, there exists both negative and positive space.*

Preliminary study Illustration Expression

Three Purposes for Drawing


Titian's work "Venus with a Mirror" and Picasso's work "Girl Before a Mirror" call upon the classic tradition of ____________ paintings.


True or False: Part of the "to give tangible form to feelings & ideas" role of the artist, van Gogh used his view of death as inspiration for this night landscape. Van Gogh said, "Just as we take the train to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to Reach a star"


True or False: The French artist Le Corbusier related the golden figure to human proportions in a tool he called the Modulor.


True or False: We have an understanding of what Greek paintings looked like because they drew on their pottery.


Unity based in ideas, themes and theory


Unity based in the elements of shape, line, color, mass, etc.

"Vanity", generic term for numerous works done during the 17th century the passage of time, & the meaning of life and death.

Vanitas are Latin for______ Both messages speak to _______


Warhol is inviting commentary on the _________ as celebrity itself

warp and weft.

Weaving is created with two interlaced sets of fibers that form a grid-like pattern called

the devastation of a Spanish city by Nazi bombers

What event prompted Pablo Picasso to create the painting Guernica?

Defined....mans creative response to his hopes, dreams, fears and anxieties.

What is ART?

Audrey Flack, Wheel of Fortune (Vanitas), 1977-78

What is the information on this piece?

Juan de Valdés Leal, Vanitas, 1660

What is the information on this piece?

Warhol and Pop Art

What is this artist and movement?

Andy Warhol, Gold Marilyn Monroe, 1962

What is this piece?

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (Your Gaze Hits the Side of My Face), 1981

What is this piece?

Delauney, Electric Prisms, 1913

What is this piece?

Jackson Pollock, Number 1, 1949. 1949

What is this piece?

Jackson Pollock, Number 1,1949. 1949

What is this piece?

Jan Van Eyck, Arnolfini Double Portrait, 1434

What is this piece?

Jan van Eyck's, The Arnolfini Double Portrait, 1443

What is this piece?

Jasper Johns, Target with Four Faces, 1955

What is this piece?

Jeff Koons, Michael Jackson & Bubbles, 1988

What is this piece?

Kandinsky, Composition VIII 1923

What is this piece?

Leonardo Da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495 - 97

What is this piece?

Leonardo da Vinci, "The proportions of the human body according to Vitruvius", 1490

What is this piece?

Leonardo da Vinci, Mona Lisa, 1503 - 1505

What is this piece?

Leonardo da Vinci, The Last Supper, 1495-97

What is this piece?

Leonardo da Vinci, The Study of Human Proportions According to Vetruvius, c. 1485-90

What is this piece?

Maria & Julian Martinez, Jar, 1939

What is this piece?

Mark Rothko, Orange and Yellow, 1956

What is this piece?

Pablo Picasso, Guernica, 1937

What is this piece?

Thomas Cole, The Oxbow The natural world

What is this piece? Theme?

Wang Juan, White Clouds over Xiao and Xiang The natural world?

What is this piece? Theme?

Edouard Manet, Le Dejeuner sur l' herbe or Luncheon on the Grass, 1863

What is this place?

Paleolithic Period Chauvet cave, Lion Panel, C.30,000 B.C.E

What period are these cave paintings from? What is the information on this piece?

*María and Julian Martínez, Jar, c. 1939.

What piece is this?

Christo & Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, 1979 - 2005

What piece is this?

Cornell, Hotel Eden, 1945

What piece is this?

Leonardo da Vinci, "The proportions of the human body according to Vitruvius", 1490

What piece is this?

Louise Bourgeois, Maman, 1999

What piece is this?

Maria & Julian Martinez, Jar, 1939

What piece is this?

Ohio, Serpent Mound, c. 1000 C.E

What piece is this?

Petrus Christus, A Goldsmith in His Shop, 1449

What piece is this?

Picasso, Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907

What piece is this?

Pollock, Shimmering Substances, 1946

What piece is this?

Renzo Piano and Richard Rodgers, Georges Pompidou National Center of Art and Culture, Paris, 1977

What piece is this?

Roman Copy of Apoxyomenos, c. 320 B.C.E

What piece is this?

Romare Bearden, Mysteries, 1964

What piece is this?

Theodore Gericault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1818 - 1819

What piece is this?

Giacometti, The Nose, 1947 Space

What piece is this? Example of?

Keith Haring, Untitled, 1982 Line

What piece is this? Example of?

Sarah Sze, Hidden Relief, 2001 Line

What piece is this? Example of?

Seurat, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, 1884-86 Optical Color Mixture and Pointillism

What piece is this? Example of?

Seurat, Evening, Honfleur, 1886 Optical Color Mixture and Pointillism

What piece is this? Example of?

Manet, Le Dejeuner sur I' herbe or Luncheon on the Grass, 1863

What piece is this? Impressionism

Monet, Autumn Effect at Argenteuil 1873

What piece is this? Impressionism

*Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Jupiter and Thetis, 1811

What piece is this? Neoclassicism

Salavador Dali, The Persistence of Memory, 1931

What piece is this? Surrealism

Kiki Smith

Which artist said "I chose the body as a subject...because it is the one form that we all share"?

No Title (Not a single...) by Petition

Which of the following works of art was created with a liquid drawing medium?

Art of Humanity

Which one of these in not a theme of art? Natural World Invention and Fantasy Art of Humanity Art for Art

Texture & Pattern

Which one of these is not a Principle of Design*


Who created Six Colorful Inside Jobs?

(sculptor)said," All art is either Paleolithic or Neolithic: either the urge to smear soot or grease on cave walls or pile stone on stone."

Who is Anthony Caro?

on the grounds it was not a color in the natural world

Why did some painters stop using the "black" in their paintings?


Works such as Rauschenberg's Winter Pool and Johns' Target with Four Faces are considered _________________________.


______ was used to drape over statues of deities and as payment for taxes in the Incan culture.


_______ - a composition consisting of three panels side by side, generally hinged in such a way that the two outer panels can close like shutters over the central one.

Logos and trademarks:

_______ Symbols that represent the company or its product gain meaning through effective advertising.

Guernica by Pablo Picasso April 26, 1937 Spanish Civil War

_______ depicts the Nazi German bombing of Guernica, Spain, by twenty four bombers, on _______ during the ______, in which a number of people estimated between 250 and 1,600 were killed and many more were injured. Theme: Politics and the Social Order


_______ in art are often messages about life, society or human nature, and are usually implied rather than explicitly stated.


_______, a Roman architect related the perfected male form to the perfect geometry of the square and the circle


________ rocked the art world with this shockingly geometric version of nudes. Cubism


________ A blueprint for work in print to hold the viewer's attention

Graphic Design

________ is the visual presentation of information.

Paris, France

________ was the center of the art world in the early 19th century.


_________ are enlightened beings who have deferred their ultimate goal of nirvana to help others attain that goal.


_________ the arrangement and appearance of letters

Ancient Greeks and Romans

__________ and _______ believed that numerical relationships held the key to beauty, and that perfect human proportions reflected a divine order


__________ art is rooted in the real world but is exaggerated.


_____________ is a new art form that has space and is presented as a work of art to be explored and experienced.


_____________ is considered a pioneer of nonrepresentational art


______________ focuses on the formal elements of a work, especially its style.

Jasper Johns

______________ utilized a 3-dimensional, mixed-media technique referred to as "assemblage."

Abstract Expressionism Jackson Pollock

_______________, was inspired by the Surrealism movement and one of the movements main contributors was _________________

The Arts and Craft Movement

________________ heightened awareness of the value of handmade objects in the face of industrialization.


________appreciated the logic of dreams and the superiority of the unconscious.

Dorothea Lange Great Depression

________used her eye to make political and social statements; she created a memorable image, a photograph, documenting the misery of the ________in the West in her work Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley 1936.

In the Kaufmann House (Fallingwater) 1936-39,

_______the house fits into the environment and does not conflict with the countryside; Wright has even used the water to act as a complement to the structure and the landscape.


as defined, is art that encompasses height, width and depth. It is also the act or practice of shaping figures or designs "in the round" or in "relief" earthworks and installation.


begins with an additive model from which a mold is made. A subtractive method then leaves space for multiple images to be made in an indirect process

Romare Bearden

carried on this technique, but worked with bits of photographic magazine illustrations to evoke his life as an African American growing up in rural North Carolina.

The Egyptians

considered the duration of this sculpture paramount to immortality.

oil painting

consists of a pigment combined with oil, usually linseed.


created a powerful work, Guernica 1937 that presents a graphic and forceful mural detailing the destruction of the Basque city of Guernica.

Maria Martinez

created these works by using the coil method, and they are almost geometrically perfect. She constructed the pieces, while her husband did the glazing. They are known for their Black on Black Ware pottery.


defined as a path of a moving point.

Guernica by Pablo Picasso

depicts the Nazi German bombing of Guernica, Spain by twenty-four bombers, on April 26, 1937 during the Spanish Civil War, in which a number of people estimated between 250 and 1,600 were killed and many more were injured.


does not contain any reference to the real world and is entirely focused on the visual elements and principles of design


in art are often messages about life, society or human nature, and are usually implied rather than explicitly stated.


is easy to work, renewable, and widely available, and even though heat could destroy it, it is still the most widely used medium across all cultures throughout history.

Atmospheric Perspective

optical effect caused by the atmosphere that interposes itself between us and the objects we perceive


refers to a distinctive, recognizable ensemble of recurring characteristics


rooted in the real world but exaggerated


rooted in the real world, but presented in such a way that we recognize a likeness

Preliminary study

to plan or to study to think through an idea and explore


true or false: The 3 purposes for drawing include Preliminary Study, Illustration and Expression.

Asymmetrical balance

two sides that do not correspond to one another in size, shape, and placement emphasizes the opposition between life and death

Bourgeois, Maman, 1999 cast 2001

what piece is this?

DOROTHEA LANGE, Migrant Mother, Nipomo Valley, 1935. Gelatin silver print. 1' 1" x 9". Oakland Museum of California, Oakland (gift of Paul S.Taylor)

what piece is this?

GRANT WOOD, American Gothic, 1930. Oil on beaverboard, 2' 5 7/8" x 2' 7/8". Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago (Friends of American Art Collection). Art © Estate of Grant Wood/Licensed by VAGA, New York

what piece is this?

PABLO PICASSO, Guernica, 1937. Oil on canvas, 11' 5 1/2" x 25' 5 3/4". Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid.

what piece is this?

SALVADOR DALÍ, The Persistence of Memory, 1931. Oil on canvas, 9 1/2" x 1' 1". Museum of Modern Art, New York.

what piece is this?

Optical Color Mixture

when small patches of color are close together, the eye will blend them to produce a new color

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