Art Appreciation Questions

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Paul Cézanne

"Father of modern art", used forms of geometry most commonly found in nature & frequently applied to still-lives of fruit w/ abstract technique.

The Wave

A famous woodblock print by Hokusai


A painting method in which the pigments are painted directly on wet plaster, thereby becoming a permanent part of the wall or ceiling.

Whistler's Mother

Actually named Arrangement in Grey and Black No.1, this famous work of the artist's mother is more commonly called what?


An extremely lifelike sculpture of a young man who is about to slay Goliath. Considered to be Michelangelo's best piece of work.

M.C. Escher

Artist who used optical illusions in many of his graphic art designs, and created intricate tessellations.

The Raft of Medusa

Depicted on a monumental scale, Géricault portrayed a horrifying scene of a shipwreck based on a contemporary event in which the captain had deserted his crew and passengers, leaving them to die in this painting, _______________________________.

Shepard Fairey

Famous for his Obey picture of Andre the Giant and his 2008 HOPE poster.


French word meaning "wild beasts" which referred to the artists and their attitudes

The Scream

It has been suggested that in this painting, ________________________, the proximity of both a slaughterhouse and a lunatic asylum to the site depicted in the painting may have offered some inspiration for this painting. It is also suggested that the strange creature in the foreground of the painting was inspired by a Peruvian mummy, which this arist probably saw at an exhibition in Paris.


Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.

Lascaux Cave. France

Nicknamed "the prehistoric Sistine Chapel" where can these famous drawings be found?

The Fountain

One of Duchamp's most famous works and is widely seen as an icon of twentieth-century art. The original, which is lost, consisted of a standard urinal, usually presented on its back for exhibition purposes rather than upright, and was signed and dated 'R. Mutt 1917'


Russian-born artist, one of the first creators of pure abstraction in modern painting.

Edvard Munch

That painting was sold at the price of $119 million in 2012 breaking a new record at the time. Who created it?


The David by Michelangelo is sculpted from what material?

Mona Lisa

The identity of the woman in this painting, _____________________, is still a mystery, but the most popular belief is that the woman was Lisa Gherardini. Another interesting fact about the painting is that the woman in the painting has no eyebrows. It is believed they were originally painted, but accidentally removed during a cleaning.

Venus of Willendorf

This Paleolithic limestone sculpture of a woman is probably a fertility image, having some ritual or spiritual value. What is it's name?

Paul Klee

This Swiss-German painter is famous for his whimsical, colorful images; works include The Castle and the Sun & Cat and Bird.


This artist was a Surrealist. He painted an apple floating in front of a man wearing a bowler hat in his famous painting, Son of Man.

Henri Matisse

This artist was an extreme abstract expressionist, leader of "the beasts," and focused heavily on arrangement of color, line and form. His later works were mostly cut paper collages.

Georgia O' Keeffe

This artist was well know for her detailed paintings of flowers and of the Southwest

Vincent van Gogh

This artist, ________________________, practiced the used of vivid colors, distinctive brush strokes, thick application of paint. He is most known for cutting off part of his left ear with a razor blade and presented it to a woman named Rachel as a "present".

Liberty Leading the People

This painting by Delacroix is a mix of history and allegory, personification of Liberty leading French revolution.

The Death of Marat

This painting by Jacques-Louis David depicts a murdered French revolutionary leader, radical journalist, lying dead in his bath on 13 July 1793 after his murder by Charlotte Corday.

The Swing

This painting is considered to be one of the masterpieces of the Rococo Era; one of Fragonard's best known work.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

This painting portrays a visionary world of grotesque, fantastical creatures mingling with human figures in three parts: The Garden of Eden, Paradise, and Hell. What is it called?

Claude Monet

This painting was (oh-so-creatively) named Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies. Who was the French artist that created this Impressionist work?

Salvador Dali

What Spanish painter was best known for the striking and bizarre images in his Surrealist work? His most famous painting was The Persistence of Memory.

Leonardo da Vinci

What artist painted this painting, taking 10 years to paint her lips?


What does the dog represent in this painting?


What is an art form that contains tangles of patterns and textures dispersed in separate, divided areas


What is the name given to art consisting of a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on three panels (usually hinged together)?

The Starry Night

What is the name is this famous painting, which you may recognize from the wall in the BHS Art Room?

The Two Fridas

What is the name of Kahlo's double self-portrait?


What is the name of the artistic movement that displayed vivid dream worlds and fantastic unreal images?

The Tower of Babel

What is the name of this artwork that depicts the Biblical story of The Tower of Babel? The story highlights humanity's pride in trying to erect a multistoried temple-tower called a ziggurat to reach the heavens. God then confuses their language so that they will not understand each other.

Dürer's Rhinoceros

What is the name of this artwork?

Arnolfini Portrait

What is the name of this oil painting on an oak panel by an Early Netherlandish painter? The Painting is believed to be a portrait of an Italian merchant and his wife (whom after the painting was named), presumably in their home. It is considered one of the most original and complex paintings in Western art history.

Girl with a Pearl Earring

What is the name of this painting by Johannes Vermeer that is sometimes referred to as the Dutch Mona Lisa?

Death of a Virgin

What is the name of this painting that the artist used a prostitute to portray Mary in?


What is the name of this painting, a powerful political statement, painted as an immediate reaction to the Nazi's devastating casual bombing practice on an innocent civilian town during the Spanish Civil War?

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

What is the name of this painting?

The Birth of Venus

What is the name of this painting?

The Last Supper

What is the name of this painting?

The Night Watch

What is the name of this painting?


What is the name of this world-famous work of Renaissance sculpture by Michelangelo, housed in St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City?

School of Athens

What is the title of this High Renaissance work by Raphael that depicts Plato and Aristotle surrounded by philosophers from past and present, who were admired by humanists?

The Creation of Adam; Sistine Chapel; Vatican City

What is the title of this scene and where is it located?

American Gothic

What painting shows a gaunt farmer and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse; the man holds a pitchfork, and both wear severe expressions?

The Blue Period

What period in the artist's career was this painted in?


What style does this artwork show?


What style does this artwork show?


What technique is used in this painting?

Pablo Picasso

When this artist was baptized, he was given a full name that has 23 words. He seemed destined to be an artist, as his first word was "piz," short of lápiz the Spanish word for 'pencil.' His father, an artist and art professor, gave him a formal education in art starting from the age of 7. By 13, his father vowed to give up painting as he felt that his son had surpassed him.

An asylum

Where was this artist when he painted such a serene, beautiful scene?

Georges-Pierre Seurat

Who created this painting?


Who created this painting?

Sandro Botticelli

Who created this painting?

Pablo Picasso

Who painted the The Old Guitarist?


Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?

Pieter Bruegel the Elder

Who painted this artwork?


Who painted this painting?

Grant Wood

Who painted this painting?

Leonardo da Vinci

Who painted this painting?

Keith Haring

Who was the 1980's graffiti artist that developed distinctive cartoon figures? He was politically creative, made 1000s of chalk drawings "in transit", and was often arrested for vandalism.

Piet Mondrian

Who was the Dutch painter whose work (intersecting lines at right angles and planes in primary colors) influenced the development of abstract art?

Hieronymus Bosch

Who was the Flemish painter who created fantasy and nightmarish men and monsters in this painting?

Jan Van Eyck

Who was the Flemish painter who perfected the newly developed technique of oil painting? His naturalistic panel paintings, mostly portraits and religious subjects.Secular art in great detail

Andy Warhol

Who was the artist born in Pittsburgh, PA perhaps most famous for his Campbell's soup paintings? He was the founder of the pop-art movement, which like all other art movements in history reflected something back on the present society.

Jackson Pollock

Who was the twentieth-century American painter, famous for creating large abstract paintings by dripping or pouring paint on a canvas in complex swirls and spatters?

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