Art: Final Exam

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Medici Family

Owned banks in Florence. Most powerful family. They funded the builder of the dome, Brunelleschi. Sponsored an Academy where humanist scholars and artists met to discuss Classical culture and its relationship to Christianity. They commissioned artwork.


Greek culture parallels Egypt and Mesopotamia, situated between Greek peninsula and the continent of Asia Minor?

Eiffel Tower

Gustavo Eiffel proposed to build in the center of Paris a skeleton iron tower to act as a centerpiece for the Paris world's fair of 1889. Made completely of iron during the industrial revolution?

Neolithic Period

New Stone Age. New type of stone tools that were developed. Learned to cultivate fruits and grains. Farming was born. Learned to domesticate animals. Technology of pottery. Architecture of stone and wood. Most notorious monument is Stonehenge?


Present day Iraq. Fertile soil makes this place very desirable. The first cities arose in the southernmost area, a region called Sumer. By about 3400 B.C.E., some dozen Sumerian city-states- cities that ruled over thier surrounding territories- had emerged?

Ancient Egypt

The principle message is continuity-- a seamless span of time reaching back into history and forward into the future. Paintings revealed the same clear visual design and illustrative skill as the works in stone. Images have many layers of meaning?


dedicated to the goddess of Athena?


philosopher that said Egyptian art did not change for ten thousand years?

Julius Shuman

photographer who acted as key influence for modern architect, namely Frank Lloyd Wright?

Emperor Augustus

Christian tradition that Jesus was born in Bethlehem?


A collection of independent, often warring kingdoms united by a common religious culture. One of numerous religions in the late Roman Empire, became one of the most popular and well organized. This faith was often tolerated because an increasing number of wealthy and influential people came to Rome. Other times they were persecuted officially or by mobs. Emphasized congregational worship.

Frank Lloyd Wright

American architect who does domestic architecture. He built Fallingwater, a wooded site beside a stream with a little waterfall. The house is built of stone quarried from the surrounding area, it has an "organic flow"?

R. Buckminster Fuller

American architectural engineer. He patented the geodesic dome in 1947. The dome is 250 feet in diameter and being sheathed in translucent material, lighted up the sky at night like a giant spaceship set down on earth?


Among the first generation artist of the Renaissance, he is the finest sculptor by far. His statue of Saint Mark shows characteristics of this new era. He thought methodically in the new way: the body provides the framework on which the fabric drapes and therefore it must be considered first.

Renaissance Art

Artists became newly interested in observing the natural world, and worked to reproduce it as accurately as possible. Studying the effects of light, they developed the technique of chiaroscuro; noting that distant objects appeared smaller than near ones, they developed the system of linear perspective; seeing how detail and color blurred with distance, they developed the principles of atmospheric perspective.


Believed in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. They held that humankind was not worthless in the eyes of God, rather humankind was God's finest and most perfect creation.

Similarities Between Apollo and Christ

Both born from Gods. Both famous gods known world wide. Both births are famous.


Built dome


Christ as the sun in Saint Peters resembles?

Greece and Ancient Rome

Classica refers to what two cultures?

High Middle Ages

Contains two periods: the Romanesque, based on southern styles from the old Roman Empire, and the Gothic, which has more of a northern flavor.

Women and Cattle rock painting

Depicts real life scenes. Happened during the neolithic period?


Donatello's teacher who was an artist and established reputation in 1401 by winning a competition to design a set of bronze relief sculptures for the doors of the baptistery of the cathedral in his native born town Florence.


Dutch Renaissance humanist. Classical scholar who wrote purely in Latin.

Great Sphinx

Egyptian monument that represents a pharaoh and gets their authority from the sun god?

Escher Perspective

Escher made wider angle perspective drawings that have several vanishing points. The vertical lines would gradually curve from parallel into converging. House of Stairs and a preliminary study for House of Stairs

Evolved during middle ages.

How did cathedrals evolve?

Post and Lintel

In architecture, a structural system based on two or more uprights (posts) supporting a horizontal crosspiece (beam)?

Stone Age Art

Is fragmentary and isolated. Ancient cave paintings, a small statue of a women, a circular stone monument, paintings on rock walls in the desert?

Florence's Role

Italy had been the first areas to recover economically from the chaos of the middle ages. Powerful city-states engaged in extensive trade and banking had developed. Wealthy, independent, and fiercely competitive, the city-states would vie with one another to engage the finest artists. The Church was centered in Italy and humanism arose here.

tensile strength

amount of stretching/stress a material can withstand before it bends or breaks?

Stacking and Piling

Load bearing construction?

Hagia Sophia

Masterpiece of Byzantine, has main focus at center where a large dome rises. A square with a central dome?


Means "re-birth". An intellectual climate. Michelangelo lived and worked during this period. Covers from 1400 to 1600 and brought vast changes to the world of art. Refers to the revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that is one of the key characteristics.


Roman emperor that moved the empire to the east. He turned Byzantine into Constantinople?

Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy

Romanesque pilgrimage church that is still standing?

refusing to worship pagan gods

Saint Foy was supposed to have been put to death as a young girl because?

Venus of Willendorf

Sculptural constructed limestone, represents fertility and success in childbirth?


Sumerian piece called Ram in Thicket depicts what animal?

human-headed winged lion

Sumerian sculpture with horned cap?

Byzantine Art

The art marries the luxurious splendor of a powerful earthly kingdom- its gold and silver and jewels- with images that focus on an eternal, heavenly one?


The first to leave behind words, the wedge-shaped marks that they pressed into damp clay to keep track of inventories and accounts developed over time into a writing system capable of recording language, called cuneiform, served as writing system. History marked by continual warfare and conquest, and a major goal of architecture was the erection of mighty citadels to ensure the safety of temples and palaces.

Middle Ages

The period in Europe between the defeat of the last western Roman emperor in 476 and the beginnings of the Renaissance in the 15th century. A dark period of ignorance and decline, an embarrassing "middle" time between one impressive civilization and another. A complex and fascinating period worthy of study in its own right. During these centuries, Europe was formed and a distinctive Christian culture flowered within it. Far from ignorant, it was a time of immense achievement.

Christianity Structures

They had multipurpose meeting hall called basilica. At one or both ends is an apse. To admit light they used nave which was the open center space. They had an upward extension called clerestory, and it was pierced with windows?

Sumerian Art

They lacked stone, built their cities of sun-dried brick. Largest city was ziggurat, a temple or shrine. Refined and luxurious aspect of the art is evident in a small figure of a goat standing with its forelegs propped on a flowering tree, crafted over a wooden core of gold, silver and a precious stone called lapis lazuli?


They were persecuted because they refused to worship gods of the roman religions?

Sandro Botticelli

Third generation of Renaissance artists. He had great fortune to enjoy the patronage of the Medici family. Had unusual linear style and shallow modeling. The birth of Venus.

The Golden Ratio

Uses "Phi" from Greece. Uses mathematics to calculate the distance between objects in order to find shapes. The number is 1.6.

Gothic Architecture

Uses pointed arcs that cause the weight to be channeled down to the ground at a steeper angle, making arch taller. They don't need heavy masses of material throughout the curve of the vault as long as reinforcements are used called ribs?


Was Christian. Christianity is the official state religion. Church and state were intertwined. The art marries the luxurious splendor of a powerful earthly kingdom- its gold and silver and jewels- with images that focus on an eternal, heavenly one?

Ancient Art

Western tradition, Islam and Africa, India, China, and Japan, and of Oceania, Australia and early Americas. They lead us to other ways of thinking about art, other roles that art can play in society and other formal directions that art can take.

Private homes

Where did people worship initially?

Germany Scandinavia

ethnicity of migratory tribes in early middle ages were of what descent?


infamous Egyptian creation for funeral burying's?


long halls in cathedrals, built off of Roman and Greek temples?


work is of nude female figures, Aegean culture centered on group of small islands?

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