Art Final Review

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Sketchy quality

A critic of Claude Monet's Impression: Sunrise coined the term "Impressionism" as a derogatory remark about the painting's __________.


A revival of the form and subject matter of Greek and Roman art is called __________.

An earthwork

A sculptural form made from earth, rocks, or sometimes plants and located in a remote location is called __________.

A controversial 2000 art auction

Ai Weiwei's Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads was created in response to __________.

Conceptual art

An artform that emphasizes the artist's originating idea rather than the tangible product is characteristic of __________.

An installation

An artwork that alters the entire space it occupies is called __________.


An artwork that uses loose and open brushwork to define form is described as __________.

Rational Aesthetics

An artwork whose form depends on the presence or interaction of the viewer is an example of __________.

d. form

Another term for mass is __________. a. shape b. figure c. space d. form


Art that emphasizes inner feelings and emotions rather than the objective depictions of subject matter is called __________.


Artists of which movement stressed that viewers should see their paintings?

a. suggest visual connections

Artists use implied lines to __________. a. suggest visual connections b. imply actual motion c. express emotions d. depict flat surfaces

The storm god

At the Temple of the Feathered Serpent, each relief with goggle eyes and a scaly face portrays

Growing plants

Barbara Hepworth's Forms in Echelon evokes __________.

Lack of central focus

Color field paintings are characterized by the __________.

Auguste Rodin

Constantin Brancusi's early work was influenced by the art of __________.


Cooperative events in which viewers became active participants in partly planned performances are called __________.

Asymmetry of Japanese prints

Edgar Degas' paintings, such as The Ballet Class, reveal his interest in the candidness of street photography and the __________.

Light and shadow to organize the composition

Edward Hopper's Nighthawks is different from an Impressionist painting because Hopper used __________.


Fernand Léger's rounded and tubular forms expanded on the style of __________.

Asymmetrically interconnected spaces

Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House significantly impacted the look and feel of modern homes through its use of __________.

Analytical Cubism

Georges Braque's The Portuguese demonstrates the reconstruction of a subject from various abstract, geometric views that characterizes __________.

Aerial subject

Georgia O'Keeffe's Evening Star No. VI and Alfred Stieglitz's Equivalents are similar in their __________.

Depiction of ordinary workers

Gustave Courbet's The Stone Breakers exemplifies Realism in its __________.

Using shaped instead of rectangular canvases

In Agbatana III, Frank Stella emphasized the concept of the painting as an object rather than a picture by __________.

Aztec human sacrifice

In Frida Kahlo's The Two Fridas, the two hearts reference __________.


In General Toussaint l'Ouverture Defeats the English at Saline, Jacob Lawrence uses his study of African art to reinterpret __________.

Paul Gauguin

In Henri Matisse's Le Bonheur de vivre (The Joy of Life), the expressive use of color demonstrates the influence of Post-Impressionist paintings by __________.

African sculpture

In Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (Young Ladies of Avignon), Picasso's abstract forms were influenced by __________.

d. a focal point

In Magritte's The Banquet, the interactions of the orange circle in the trees create __________. a. a subordinate area b. a scale c. a pattern d. a focal point

Combine painting

In Monogram, Robert Rauschenberg combined everyday objects with the techniques of collage and painting to create what he called __________.


In René Magritte's The Lovers, the illogical realism and mind-teasing mystery is characteristic of __________.

Serve an expressive purpose

In Self-Portrait with an Amber Necklace, Paula Modersohn-Becker demonstrates the influence of Cézanne and Gauguin by using color to __________.


In his paintings, such as The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh used color to convey __________.

Organic abstraction

In the 1930s, artists rejected the nationalism of Fascist regimes with __________.

Life forms

In the 1930s, many abstract artists used organic shapes that resembled __________.

News coverage

In the 1950s and 1960s, artists began to create living or moving art events, a concept inspired by __________.

a. circular

In the Aztec Calendar Stone, the central image of the sun god encircled by four previous versions of the world represents the idea that time is __________. a. circular b. linear c. kinetic d. achromatic

Early modern art

In the United States, the Armory Show of 1913 was crucial for the development of __________.

Protective spirit that watches out for shoals and reefs

In the protective prow figure from a war canoe, the bird functions as a __________.


Jacques-Louis David's The Oath of the Horatii exemplifies the style of __________.

Emphasized emotions rather than facts

Joseph Mallord William Turner's The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons demonstrates the Romantic tendency to __________.


Judy Chicago and Nancy Spero both share an interest in __________.


Kuba cut-pile embroidery is an example of art from _____________.

In the 1920s during World War I

Latin American Modernism first developed __________.

Cast concrete forms

Le Corbusier's Assembly Building in Chandigarh, India, demonstrates the style of Brutalism in its use of __________.


Marcel Duchamp was known for enhancing the Cubist style with __________.


Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. exemplifies the rebellious attitude of __________.


Niki de Saint Phalle's artworks, which she "killed" with nails, dirt, darts, and other objects, demonstrate the continuing influence of __________.


Photography influenced the stylistic development of __________.

The straight lines and primary colors convey the order of nature

Piet Mondrian's Tableau 3, with Orange-Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, and Gray exemplifies De Stijl because __________.

Influence the viewer

Postmodernist photographs embraced the ways that photographs can be composed and manipulated to __________.


Postmodernists believed that Industrial Style architecture lacked a sense of local meaning because it was __________.

b. linear perspective

Raphael's The School of Athens creates the illusion of three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface through the use of __________. a. analogous color schemes b. linear perspective c. closed forms d. negative shapes


Romantic artists emphasized __________.

Personal expression

Some Post-Impressionists believed that Impressionism did not leave enough room for __________.

Create a world of universal harmony

The De Stijl (The Style) movement strived to __________.


The Futurist movement was inspired by __________.

Burial site

The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio is an elaborate example of a Hopewell __________.

Alain Locke's book The New Negro

The Harlem Renaissance was greatly influenced by __________.

Landscape paintings

The Hudson River School created what subject matter in painting?

Integration with the natural environment

The International Style of architecture is known for its __________.

Fernand Leger's Cubism

The Latin American Modernist style of Tarsila do Amaral's Abaporu demonstrates the influence of __________.

An annual exhibition of academic art

The Salon was __________.


The artistic movement characterized by areas of bright, contrasting color and simplified shapes is called __________.


The artistic movement characterized by nonrepresentational forms and modern materials, such as plastic and electroplated material, is called __________.


The artistic movement that emphasized the importance of the unconscious mind, dreams, and hallucinations is called __________.


The artistic movement that revived expressive, personal styles in response to Conceptual art and Minimalism is called __________.


The civilization that developed between the decline of the Maya and the rise of the Aztecs was the __________.


The departure from architectural modernism in the 1970s was called __________.

Alfred Stieglitz

The development of modern art in America is largely contributed to the exhibitions of __________.


The male figure from the Nok culture was created by using the technique of __________.

Maya Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The most recognized example of American public art is __________.


The nineteenth-century artistic movement that focused on the experiences of ordinary people rather than idealized or exotic subject matter is called __________.

Plains Indians

The robe showing Mato Tope's exploits is an example of a painting on buffalo hide, which is a traditional artform for the __________.


The scope of meanings that viewers attach to a shape or a figure is an interest of contemporary __________.


The style of painting that portrays the light and mood of a particular moment and the transitory effects of light and color is called __________.

Synthetic Cubism

The technique of papier collé, or collage, is most closely associated with __________.

Raw concrete

The term Brutalism is derived from the French phrase for __________.

Portico topped with a dome

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello demonstrates the typical features of Neoclassical architecture in the __________.

c. Botero creates a horse whose bulging form does not interact with the surrounding space

What distinguishes Botero's The Horse from Giacometti's Man Pointing? a. Botero uses negative shapes to imply the volume and texture of the figure. b. Botero suggests the physical bulk of the horse through vertical placement. c. Botero creates a horse whose bulging form does not interact with the surrounding space. d. Botero produces a dynamic visual impact by using a monochromatic color scheme.

The Inca

Which South American culture is known for their masonry of carefully shaped and fitted stones?

Kazimir Malevich

Which artist began the Suprematist movement?

Artie Vierkant

Which artist incorporates images downloaded from the Internet into their artwork?

Edouard Manet

Which artist is considered an important predecessor of Impressionism in French art because of his commonplace subjects, open brushstrokes, and flattened forms?

American Regionalism

Which artistic movement concentrated on using subject matter to convey local and national identity?

Abstract expressionism

Which artistic movement is associated with the New York School?


Which artistic movement is considered a precursor to performance art?


Which artistic movements developed between the two world wars as a way to easily communicate with the public about contemporary issues?


Which artistic style concentrated on formal structure?

Art Nouveau

Which artistic style is characterized by organic and curving shapes abstracted from nature?

Cindy Sherman's Untitled Film Still #48

Which artwork by Cindy Sherman demonstrates the influence of Pop Art, performance art, and Feminism on postmodernism?


Which culture believes in Dreamtime, the period during which creative beings established a close relationship with nature?

Artists in Residence

Which group protested the exclusion of women from art galleries?


Which media was preferred by Neo-Expressionists for its variety of surface textures?


Which of the following cultures believes that ancestors are intermediaries between people and the gods and can influence future events?

b. an irregular outline

Which of the following is a characteristic of organic shapes? a. a precise contour b. an irregular outline c. a positive space d. a natural mass

d. pattern

Which of the following is not an element of art? a. shape b. color c. mass d. pattern

Pop art

Which type of art used real objects or mass-produced techniques to comment on contemporary culture?

Eugene Delacroix

Which was one of the first artists to recognize the benefits of photography for art?

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