Art History 11,12,13

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Groin vaults in the tribune galleries as well as in the ground-floor aisles absorbed the pressure of the nave's barrel vault along the entire length of the nave. The groin vaults served as buttresses for the barrel vault and transferred the main thrust to the thick outer walls.

How did groin vaults change the weight shift in structures?

The cult of the Virgin shifted the focus from the severity of the Romanesque to a gentler and more compassionate theme. Worshippers believed the Virgin stood between the sinner and Christ interceding on behalf of the sinner. Great cathedrals were dedicated to her. The tone of society had changed.

How did the cult of the Virgin impact Gothic society?

Books of Hours

In the later Middle Ages religious books were created for the private devotions of the laity. They were based on readers used by the monks. These books contained prayers to be read at specific times during the day, they were popularly known as ____. a. Books of Devotions b. Books of Sacramentaries c. Books of Hours d. Books of Benedictionals

It was a guidebook, which provided information about saints and shrines, and also practical information regarding roads, accommodations, food, and drink. This particular guidebook described the four roads leading to the church and because of the fierce competition for relics; the guidebook also included comments on authenticity.

What did the Pilgrim's Guide to Santiago de Compostela detail?


Which of the following is considered a masterpiece of the Rayonnant style? a. Reims Cathedral b. Ste-Chapelle c. St-Denis d. Amiens Cathedral

Thierry of Chartres

Who may have conceived the complicated iconographical portal program for Chartres Cathedral? a. Abbot Suger b. Thierry of Chartres c. St. Bernard of Clairvaux d. St. Thomas Aquinas

Giorgio Vasari

Who of the following coined the term "Gothic"? a. Giorgio Vasari b. Lorenzo Ghiberti c. Abbot Suger d. Louis IX

Saint-Pierre, Moissac

____ possesses the most extensive preserved ensemble of early Romanesque sculpture. a. San Giovanni b. Durham Cathedral c. San Miniato al Monte d. Saint-Pierre, Moissac

Trajan's Column

____ was a possible model for Bernward's column because the narrative reads from top to bottom. a. Marcus Aurelius's Column b. Justinian's Column c. Trajan's Column d. Constantine's Column

Bernard's Gelduinus

____ was the artist of one of the earliest sets of Romanesque reliefs at Saint-Sernin a. Corbie b. Master Hugo c. Bernardus Gelduinus d. Abbot Suger

thanksgiving experience at the peaceful conclusion of the first millennium

One of the factors that contributed to the enormous surge in church building during the Romanesque period was the ____. a. influx of artists from Byzantium b. inexpensive cost of stone c. thanksgiving experienced at the peaceful conclusion of the first millennium d. conversion of the Vikings to Christianity

it had radiating chapels attached to the transept ambulatory

St.-Sernin at Toulouse has been called a "pilgrimage type" church. Which of the following accounts for this designation? a. It added perimeter buildings to house pilgrims. b. It attached the ambulatory to the nave. c. It had radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory. d. It narrowed the main aisle to create a dignified progress for viewing the relics.

images of the world's heathens

Reflecting Christ's mission to the Apostles, depicted in the lintel and tympanum compartments at Vézelay are ____. a. female martyr saints b. Roman soldiers c. images of the world's heathens d. twenty-four elders of the Apocalypse


Saint Faith at Conques, Saint James at Santiago de Compostela and Saint-Sernin at Toulouse are all examples of ____ churches. a. Tuscan b. transept c. central plan d. pilgrimage

the aisles are approximately the same heigh as the nave

Saint-Savin is a hall church with paintings on the continuous vault of the nave. Which of the following allows for this? a. It has low aisles and tribune galleries b. The aisles are approximately the same height as the nave c. It has a series of windows in the apse d. It has low aisles but no tribune galleries

Sutton Hoo

The ____ burial epitomizes the early medieval tradition of burying great lords with rich furnishings. a. Sutton Hoo b. Lindisfarne c. Centula d. Suffolk


The ____ is the semi-circular are above the lintel of a Romanesque portal. a. trumeau b. buttress c. jamb d. tympanum


The ____ were the Christian campaigns to reclaim the Holy Land from the Muslims. a. Battle of Hastings b. relics c. crusades d. Cluniacs

Basilica Ulpia

The abbey church at Hildesheim has a double-transept plan that creates eastern and western centers of gravity. The lateral entrances on the north and south aisles further disrupt the traditional basilican plan. What model might have been used for this church? a. Basilica of Constantine b. Basilica Ulpia c. Aula Palatina Basilica d. Basilica Trajan

Codex Colberitnus

Scholars believe that the ____ manuscript was produced in the scriptorium at Moissac. a. Bury Bible b. Eadwine Bible c. Codex Colbertinus d. Bayeux Tapestry


Speyer Cathedral was considered the burial church of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. Which of the following churches was the burial church for the kings of France? a. Notre-Dame, Paris b. Notre-Dame, Reims c. St-Denis d. Ste-Chapelle

to house the overflow crowds and to buttress the weight of the vaults

The purpose of tribunes such as those found at Saint James at Santiago de Compostela and Saint- Sernin in Toulouse was ____. a. to house the overflow crowds and to buttress the weight of the vaults b. for the Pope to greet the crowds c. to stage plays d. to hold trials

Battle of Hastings

a. Battle of Hastings b. Battle of Poitiers c. Battle of Verdun d. Battle of Jerusalem (bottom half of image)

Gero Cross

a. Bernward Cross b. Charlemagne Cross c. Gero Cross d. Otto III Cross

Lindisfarne Gospels

a. Book of Durrow b. Lindisfarne Gospels c. Book of Kells d. Ebbo Gospels

Book of Kells

a. Book of Kells b. Book of Durrow c. Lindisfarne Gospels d. Gospel Book of Otto III


a. Carcasonne b. Paris c. London d. Cologne


a. Chartres b. Paris c. Amiens d. Reims

Chartres Cathedral

a. Chartres Cathedral b. Notre Dame, Paris c. Amiens Cathedral d. Milan Cathedral

Ascension of Christ and the Mission of the Apostles

a. Christ with the Elders of Apocalypse b. Moses Expounding the Law c. Ascension of Christ and the Mission of the Apostles d. The Last Judgment


a. Early Christian b. Byzantine c. Carolingian d. Ottonian

Early Gothic

a. Early Gothic b. High Gothic c. Flamboyant Gothic d. Perpendicular Gothic


a. French b. English c. German d. Italian


a. German b. French c. Italian d. English


a. Hiberno-Saxon b. Carolingian c. Anglo-Saxon d. Ottonian

House of Jacques Coeur

a. House of Jacques Coeur b. Palace of the Popes c. House of Louis XIV d. Palace of Orvieto

the survival of ancient Roman ruins

The revival of monumental sculpture in the Romanesque was partially influenced by ____. a. feudalism b. the invasion of Germanic tribes c. the survival of ancient Roman ruins d. the ease of stone carving

the episodes from the life of Christ are carved on the capitals

The sculptural program of the west façade of Chartres Cathedral proclaims the power and majesty of Jesus Christ. Which of the following elements unites all three doorways of the west portal (Portal Royal) of Chartres Cathedral? a. The episodes from the life of the Virgin are carved on the capitals. b. The episodes from the Old Testament are carved on the capitals. c. The episodes from the Passion are carved on the capitals. d. The episodes from the life of Christ are carved on the capitals.

Ebbo Gospels

The swirling drapery and heaving landscape of St. Matthew from the _________ represents the expressionistic mode of Carolingian art. a. Lindisfarne Gospels b. Ebbo Gospels c. Bayeaux Tapestry d. ceiling of St. Savin-sur-Gartempe

wedding the abstraction of Early Medieval adornment and Early Christian pictorial imagery

The symbol of Matthew from the Book of Durrow shows frontal head, profile feet, and a cloak and frame that resemble contemporaneous cloisonné metalwork. Which of the following statements explains this work? a. wedding the abstraction of Late Roman adornment and Early Christian pictorial imagery b. wedding the abstraction of Early Medieval adornment and Early Christian pictorial imagery c. wedding the abstraction of Early Christian adornment and Late Roman pictorial imagery d. wedding the abstraction of Byzantine adornment and Early Christian pictorial imager

groin and barrel vaults

The term Roman-like was adopted to describe the architecture of the Romanesque period, because it relied on elements of Roman architecture such as ____. a. groin and barrel vaults b. ionic capitals c. pumpkin domes d. timber ceilings

Byzantine Theotokos

The tympanum from the right portal of Chartres depicts the Virgin and Child that hearkens back to the Romanesque portrayals of this theme as the Throne of Wisdom. Which of the following is the source for this depiction? a. Byzantine Theotokos b. Early Christina Madonna and Child c. Carolingian Virgin and Child d. Hiberno-Saxon Madonna and Child


The tympanum of the Romanesque portal of La Madeleine at Vézelay depicts ____. a. Christ's Ascension b. Pentecost c. the Assumption of the Virgin d. Mary's visit to Christ's tomb

patterned marble incrustation

The use of ____ characterizes Tuscan Romanesque monuments such as San Miniato al Monte and San Giovanni. a. historiated capitals b. animal interlace c. enamel d. patterned marble incrustation

Cologne Cathedral was begun in 1248 under the direction of Gerhard of Cologne. Work came be to a halt in the mid-14th century. The 14th-century plans were unexpectedly found in the 19th century and completed according to the original plans. Gothic revival architects added the nave, towers, and façade to the east end that had stood alone for so long.

What Gothic cathedral was finished in the nineteenth century according to the original thirteenth- century plans?

The kings and queens of the Old Testament and the royal ancestors of Christ, they support the New Testament figures, which appear above the doorways.

What are the statues on the jambs of the Royal Portal at Chartres thought to represent?

San Vitale

What church plan was used as the model for the palace chapel at Aachen? a. Old St. Peter's b. Santa Sabina c. Hagia Sophia d. San Vitale

Lindisfarne Gospels

a. Lindisfarne Gospels b. Utrecht Psalter c. Coronation Gospels of Charlemagne d. Lectionary of Henry II

Amiens Cathedral

a. Notre Dame, Paris b. Amiens Cathedral c. Laon Cathedral d. Reims Cathedral


a. Notre Dame, Paris b. Ste-Chapelle c. Cologne Cathedral d. Orvieto Cathedral

Cluny III

a. Pisa Cathedral b. Cluny III c. Speyer Cathedral d. St.-Sernin


a. Rainer of Huy b. Giselbertus c. Wiligelmo d. Antelami

Durham Cathedral

a. Sant'Ambrogio, Milan b. Durham Cathedral c. San Miniato, Florence d. St.-Étienne, Caen

Saint Michael, Hildesheim

a. St. Gall b. Saint Michael, Hildesheim c. Palatine Chapel, Aachen d. St-Riquier

Palatine Chapel, Aachen

a. St. Pantaleon, Cologne b. San Vitale, Ravenna c. Palatine Chapel, Aachen d. Saint Michael's, Hildesheim

St. Theodore

a. St. Theodore b. St. George c. St. Peter d. Jeremiah


a. St.-Maclou b. Amiens Cathedral c. Notre-Dame, Paris d. Reims Cathedral

Annunciation and Visitation

a. Uta and Blanche b. Röttgen Pietà c. Annunciation and Visitation d. Blanche and Jeanne d'Eveurx

Vision of Hildegarde

a. Vision of Hildegarde b. Vision of Bridget c. Vision of Margaret d. Vision of Scholastica


a. Vézelay b. Autun c. Moissac d. Toulouse

groined vault

a. barrel vault b. ribbed vault c. groined vault d. oval vault


a. chest b. casket c. reliquary d. wedding chest

moralized Bible

a. moralized Bible b. Psalter of St. Louis c. Breviary of Philippe le Bel d. Belleville Breviary

are the whirling drapery patterns and animated figures

Among the stylistic hallmarks of the artist of the Pentecost and Mission of the Apostles at La Madeleine, Vézelay artist ____. a. are the whirling drapery patterns and animated figures b. is a sense of repose c. is the creation of a sense of spatial recession d. is the simplicity of the figures and their garments

cross-legged figures with zigzag and dovetail drapery folds

Among the stylistic hallmarks of the artist of the South Portal of Saint-Pierre at Moissac are ____. a. squat and short figures b. naturalistic figures inspired by Greek art c. cross-legged figures with zigzag and dovetail drapery folds d. vast landscapes uninhabited by humans

crossing square

At Saint-Sernin, the ____ served as the module for the proportions of the entire church. a. buttresses b. nave c. crossing square d. tribune

the carefully selected scenes each present to the view the idea of Original Sin or sin and redemption and salvation. For example, the panels illustrating Eve nursing Cain and the Vrigin with the Christ Child on her lap, juxtaposed sin and the coming reception and salvation

Briefly describe and explain the juxtaposition of Old and New Testament scenes of the Bernward Doors from St. Michael at Hildesheim

Perpendicular Gothic style emphasized strong verticality of its decorative details and often with elaborate vaults. This was the last English Gothic style.

Briefly describe the Perpendicular Gothic style. In what country was it most popular?

Flame-like curvilinear decorative forms that occurred in the 14th century. It reached full maturity nearly a century later. This style permitted the viewer to see the rose windows and the flying buttresses, even though they are set well back on the facade. This style produces a complexity of views.

Briefly describe the characteristics of the Flamboyant style.

emblems of prestige

Elaborately decorated Merovingian fibulae have been excavated from graves. Based on this it can be said these small objects are ____. a. emblems of prestige b. simple jewelry c. strictly utilitarian d. holy objects

It signifies his Christianity. this title was meant to imply that the holder was the Christian Emperor of Rome, the faith's "capital" in the medieval world

what is the significance of the term "holy" when applied to Roman Emperor


A(n) ____ church is one in which the aisles are approximately the same height as the nave. a. hall b. Cluniac c. abbey d. Tuscan


Abbot Suger is credited with creating which of the following churches? a. St.-Sernin b. St.-Denis c. St.-Chapelle d. Notre-Dame, Paris


Among the saved in Gislebertus's Last Judgment are people carrying bags adorned with a shell and a cross. These figures represent ____. a. the inhabitants of India b. monks and nuns c. handworkers d. pilgrims

They were a desire to provide a suitably majestic environment for the display of relics as well as competing for pilgrims and their donations. Stone masonry also enhanced the acoustics and created a more spiritual and magnificent atmosphere for the liturgy and the accompanying music.

Briefly describe the factors that contributed to the widespread adoption of stone architecture in the Romanesque period.

These routes provided increased funding via the pilgrims to the monasteries and churches that held the venerated relics of saints. This increased funding also sparked an enormous investment in ecclesiastical buildings and furnishings in order to reflect "glory of God." It also reflected the competition among the monasteries to provide the most magnificent settings for the displays of the relics.

Briefly describe the impact pilgrimage routes had on Romanesque Europe.

West façade, Laon Cathedral (Figure 13-8) and West façade, Reims Cathedral (Figure 13-23). Laon Cathedral exterior is more compact and squared. It is completely attuned to its Early Gothic heritage with modestly pointed arches. The façade of Reims is completely constructed in the High Gothic style. Every element is stretched to attain maximum elegance. The figures are taller and their frames are more ornate

Contrast these exteriors. How are they different?

Interior of St. Elizabeth, Marburg (Figure 13-53), and interior of Laon Cathedral (Figure 13-9). The aisle vaults of St. Elizabeth are the same height as those of the nave. There is no gallery, triforium or clerestory. More focus is placed on the pulpit and preaching aspect of this hall church. Laon Cathedral nave has a triforium that breaks up the continuous wall surface. It also has a gallery and clerestory moving away from compartmentalized interior space seen in the Romanesque church interior.

Describe the differences in the aisles of these two Gothic churches.

Shrine of the Three Kings Nicholas of Verdun (Figure 13-45). This is a reliquary or container for relics (holy objects) fashioned as a basilica. The reliquary was placed in Cologne Cathedral and possession of the relics allowed the bishops of Cologne the right to crown the German kings.

Describe the function of this object.

the tympanum

During the Romanesque period the vision of Christ's Second Coming was often depicted on which of the following? a. jambs b. the tribune c. the tympanum d. the trumeau

Bernward was a patron of the arts who oversaw the building of the abbey church at Hildesheim with its alternate support system. he also commissioned the great bronze doors for the abby church as a bronze column, the first since antiquity, drawing influences for the doors and column from his trip to Rome. he incorporated classical and Early Christian motifs to create monumental art in addition to creating visually appealing teaching instruments

Evaluate the importance of Bishop Bernward of Hildesheim to the development of Ottonian art

Vezelay was closely associated with the Crusades. Urban II had intended to preach the launch of the First Crusade at Vezelay. Bernard of Clairvaux called for the Second Crusade from Vezelay, and the Third Crusade was started at Vezelay. The iconographic implications of the tympanum, itself could read as a mission of the "apostles" in the guise of the crusaders who would bring Christianity to the Infidel.

Explain the relationship between the Crusades and the Mission of the Apostles from the Vezelay tympanum.

Late Gothic England

Fan vaulting was most common in which of the following? a. Thirteenth-century Germany b. Early Gothic France c. High Gothic France d. Late Gothic England

They were not meant to just introduce color and iconography into the interiors. In the cathedral interior stained glass windows did not conceal walls as frescoes or mosaics did, stained glass windows replaced walls. Light passes through them and is transmitted by them, filtering and transforming interiors. Stained glass windows became one with the architecture and the liturgy.

How do stained glass windows function within the context of a cathedral?

They both express essentially Gothic styles. In the Strasbourg tympanum the sculptor has created an emotional tableau emphasizing the very human emotion of grief. On the other hand the Naumburg figures are portrayed with a solemnity and quiet exactitude that is also a Gothic element. The individualized features of the margrave and his wife point to the shifting changes in Gothic sculpture from standardized representations to real people even though they lived well before the sculptor.

How do the Strasbourg tympanum and statues of Ekkehard and Uta from Naumburg Cathedral differ yet still reflect the Gothic style?

The Porch of the Confessors is located on the south transept. This portal projects more forcefully from the church's façade unlike the earlier portals. The statues have evolved with more independence from the architecture but the figures are still attached to columns. The figures communicate more fully with the viewer and also each other, almost as if they were engaged in a dialog. Now the slight movements of the figures' positions have softened the rigid verticality of the Early Gothic style.

How do the sculptures on the south transept portal of Chartres Cathedral reflect the High Gothic style?

Aerial view, St.-Sernin, Toulouse (Figure 12-5) Aerial view, Sant'Ambrogio, Milan (Figure 12-21). St.-Sernin shows the long nave and apsidal area, with the double side aisles and the transept with ambulatory and radiating chapels. It shows an organized, coherent unity, which is a characteristic of the "pilgrimage" type church and the region. Sant'Ambrogio is characteristic of the Italian regional style of favoring the Early Christian basilica: low and broad proportions. Sant'Ambrogio does not have the verticality of St.-Sernin rather the stress is on the broad and low.

How do these churches reflect the regional character of Romanesque architecture?

Interior, St.-Étienne, Caen (figure 12-31) and Interior, Durham Cathedral, England (Figure 12-33). St.- Étienne shows the alternating rhythm of compound piers with simple engaged half columns and piers with half-columns attached to pilasters and groined vaults that allowed enough room to insert a clerestory for windows. These large windows reduce the interior wall surface and create a light and airy interior, which will later be maximized by Gothic architecture. Durham Cathedral, also a Norman church, has groined vaults as well. It was conceived with this vault style at the very beginning of its construction. Included in the architecture of this church are quadrant arches, which are the ancestor of the Gothic flying buttress.

How do these two churches prefigure Gothic architecture?

Cloister, St.-Pierre, Moissac (Figure 12-10) and Initial R from Moralia in Job (Figure 12-16). Both images are the antithesis of the rule Bernard of Clairvaux set. He felt these decorated cloisters with images of fantastic animals, as well as biblical scenes or scenes from the lives of the saints distracted the monks from their prayers and meditations. The manuscript was completed before the rule had been set at the primary Cistercian monastery of Cîteaux. Both the Cistercians and Bernard would have rejected manuscript as too luxurious and distracting.

How does each of these images fail to meet the reforming spirit of the Cistercian Order and St. Bernard of Clairvaux in particular?

One of the most influential religious figures of the period was the Virgin. In fact, many of the cathedrals were named in her honor (Notre-Dame). She represented the compassionate and gentle mother. This role had now transformed her into mediator; she stood between the Judge and the sinner. This can is reflected in portal sculptural programs. The Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux reflected the change in sculptural presentation as well. The gentle sway of the figure was more humanizing and the flow of the drapery was also more natural. The sculptor was attempting to indicate the corporeality of the body beneath the cloth. All these elements converged into this one figure and made it ideal for representing this period.

How does the statue of Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux symbolize the Gothic period in subject and style?

Interior, Amiens Cathedral (Figure 13-20). This interior utilizes the High Gothic vocabulary completely and effectively. The rectangular bay system, the four-part rib vault, a buttressing system which allows the massive walls to almost dissolve and create a self-sustaining skeletal architecture is fully realized in this structure. The proportions are elegant. The interior is suffused with light and color.

How does this interior reflect the High Gothic style?

It proclaimed the pilgrim's faith in the power of saints and the hope for their special favor. The pilgrim braved grim roads and conditions as well as perilous routes. Often the pilgrimage became an act of repentance. The greater the distance and the hardships endured became measures of the devotion and sincerity of the pilgrim.

How was a pilgrimage a conspicuous feature of public devotion?

Old Testament Prophet (Jeremiah or Isaiah?) from trumeau of St.-Pierre, Moissac (Figure 12-13) and Reliquary of St. Alexander, Stavelot Abbey, Belgium (Figure 12-25). The trumeau figure expressed the emotionalism of the period. The figure is also confined to its frame. The flowing lines of the figure's drapery show its origins in manuscript illumination. The flowing, moving locks of the figure's hair frame the image of a mystic. The placement of the figure beneath the Christ figure also echoes the tradition of pairing Old and New Testament themes. The prophet is foretelling salvation and salvation itself as represented by Christ. The reliquary illustrates the rich diversity of style and the multiple sources the artist had to work with and from, the head of the figure is reminiscent of youthful portraits of Roman emperors. The dragons harkened to the fantastic animals of the Early Medieval period and also show the influence of the cloister. The enamels indicate a Byzantine connection as well. This work illustrates, visually, the diversity, sources, and intercommunication that existed during this period.

In what way do these figures embody Romanesque sculptural style?

the Fall and the Crucifixion

It has been said that Bernward's doors are instruments that detail Original Sin and Redemption by juxtaposing these two concepts side by side. Which juxtaposed panels from the doors would support this? a. The Great Flood and the Crucifixion b. The Sacrifice of Isaac and the Nativity c. The Prodigal Son and the Baptism of Christ d. The Fall and the Crucifixion

the figure is seated as a philosopher or poet reading or writing

It has been said that the author-portrait of St, Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels shows classical influences. What supports this statement? a. The figure is seated as an imperial emperor. b. The figure is seated as an adjudicating senator. c. The figure is seated as a philosopher or poet reading or writing. d. The figure is seated as an imperial judge.

the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame)

Many Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to which of the following? a. the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame) b. the Holy Spirit c. The Trinity d. Christ the Judge

Belleville Breviary

Jean Pucelle illuminated which of the following? a. Breviary of Philippe le Bel b. Blanche of Castile Bible c. Belleville Breviary d. Psalter of St. Louis

Queen of Heaven

Jeanne d'Evreux, wife to Charles IV, donated a statue of the Virgin and Child to the Abbey of St.- Denis. What is the common name of this statue? a. Queen of Heaven b. Virgin of Sorrows c. Throne of Wisdom d. Theotokos

sexpartite rib vaults

Laon Cathedral retains many of its Romanesque features. Which of the following is one such feature? a. pointed arches b. sexpartite rib vaults c. triforium d. flying buttress

distracted the viewer from reading and prayer

One of the primary reasons that Bernard of Clairvaux criticized the profusion of sculptural decoration in the Romanesque cloister was because it ____. a. distracted the viewer from reading and prayer. b. encouraged people to sin c. was too modern d. was gilded using gold leaf

it was a center for fine book production

Paris claimed to be the intellectual center of Gothic Europe. Its university faculty and the reputations of its masons supported this claim. Which of the following also provided support for this claim? a. It was a center for fine book production. b. It established the first printing press. c. It was a center for classical study. d. It was the principal center of commerce for Europe.


Perpendicular style was popular in which of the following countries. a. England b. Spain c. France d. Italy


Pilgrims often journeyed to churches to view ____, which were the material remains of holy figures. a. censors b. relics c. chants d. stained glass

it has often been likened to the panels from the Arch of Titus

The Bayeux Tapestry is the conqueror's version of history. It is a narrative that includes the battle sequences as well as the preparations for war. It is said that this is the most Roman of all Romanesque art works. Which of the following supports this contention? a. It has often been likened to the Column of Trajan. b. It has often been likened to the frieze from the Arch of Constantine. c. It has often been likened to the panels from the Arch of Titus. d. It has often been likened to the Column of Marcus Aurelius.

it depicted an actual event in full detail shortly after it occurred

The Bayeux Tapestry is unique in Romanesque art. Which of the following supports this claim? a. It depicted an actual event in full detail shortly after it occurred. b. It depicted a tale from the First Crusade. c. It depicted the Mission of the Apostles in full detail. d. It depicted the clash between the Knights Templar and the Saracens.

The Book of Durrow is among the earliest Hiberno-Sacon manuscripts. the Book of Durrow illustrates its indolence from the classical tradition of papal Rome. this type of decoration, pure embellishment, has no precedent in classical art

The Book of Durrow has pages devoted to pure embellishment with neither text nor illustration. why is this significant?

translated a classical prototype

The Ebbo Gospels represent a new Carolingian vernacular. Which of the following describes the new Carolingian style? a. translated a classical prototype b. translated a Byzantine prototype c. translated a Hiberno-Saxon prototype d. translated a Merovingian prototype


The Gothic style is said to have first appeared in which of the following areas? a. Lombardy b. Ile de France c. Milan d. Burgundy

The work highlights the Early Christian tradition and Utrecht Psalter style

The Lindau Gospels book cover displays an amalgamation of tradition and style. Which of the following describes that combination? a. The work highlights the Byzantine tradition and Utrecht Psalter style. b. The work highlights the Early Christian tradition and Utrecht Psalter style. c. The work highlights the Early Christian tradition and Coronation Gospels style. d. The work highlights the Byzantine tradition and Ebbo Gospels style.

Bishop Odo

The Norman defeat of the Anglo-Saxons at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 united all of England and most of France under one rule. The battle leading to this momentous occasion was the topic for the Bayeux Tapestry. Who commissioned this work? a. Duke William of Normandy b. Bishop Odo c. Harold, Earl of Wessex d. Mathilda of Normandy

The figures have greater freedom from the architectural lines

The Reims portal sculpture of the Visitation has been described as two women conversing. This is in sharp contrast to earlier Gothic portal sculpture. How is the Visitation unique? a. The figures are attached to the architectural background. b. The figures have greater freedom from the architectural lines. c. The figures are isolated in their frames. d. This is the first time women appear on portal sculpture.

San Miniato, Florence

The Romanesque church that had a wooden ceiling like those found in Early Christian basilicas was which of the following? a. San Miniato, Florence b. St.-Pierre, Moissac c. Durham Cathedral d. Sant'Ambrogio, Milan

There is no doubt that Rome itself provided the inspiration for such a revival from the abundant remains found throughout Europe itself. These Roman sculptures provided powerful inspiration and observable examples of the art of stone carving. This revival added significantly to church sculptural programs, and they also contributed as a "teaching" tool for the faithful by providing visible pictures for instruction.

The Romanesque period has been credited with the revival of stone carving. Briefly explain the reasons for such a revival.


The Sutton Hoo purse has two groupings each of a man standing between two lions. This can also be found in what earlier culture? a. Sumer b. Classical Greece c. Etruscans d. Late Roman Empire

Ebbo Gospels

The Utrecht Psalter is most closely related to which of the following? a. Book of Lindisfarne b. Ebbo Gospels c. Gospel Book of Otto III d. Bishop Bernward Gospels


The alternate support system is first found in the architecture of which period? a. Merovingian b. Early Christian c. Carolingian d. Ottonian

Carolingian or Ottonian metalwork and/or ivories

The composition and style of of Bernardus Gelduinus's Christ in Majesty at Saint-Sernin was influenced by ____. a. Carolingian or Ottonian metalwork and/or ivories b. classicism c. Anglo-Saxon manuscripts d. catacomb painting

the court of Louis IX

The development of the Rayonnant style is connected with which of the following? a. the court of Louis IX b. Abbot Suger of St.-Denis c. Order of Bernard of Clairvaux d. the Second Crusade

absence of a gallery

The elevation of Laon Cathedral differs from that of Chartres in what important respect? a. absence of a triforium b. absence of a gallery c. absence of rose windows d. absence of nave arcade

the impression of capturing the likeness of specific individuals

The fourteenth-century German sculptures of Ekkehard and Uta at Naumburg are particularly significant because these sculptures conveyed ____. a. the S-shaped curve b. the damp-fold style of drapery c. the impression of capturing the likeness of specific individuals d. the Virtues

stained glass

The intense color and elegance of the Psalter of Saint Louis expresses the courtly style. Which of the following influences can also be associated with this manuscript? a. stained glass b. Byzantine mosaics c. Italian fresco d. Early Christian manuscripts

tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

The most venerated pilgrimage shrine in the West, outside Rome or Jerusalem, was the ____. a. tomb of Lazarus at Autun b. tomb of Saint Foy at Conques c. tomb of St. Martin at Tours d. tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

cut-stone barrel vault

The nave of pilgrimage churches, such as Saint-Sernin at Toulouse and Saint James, were covered by a a. series of saucer domes b. cut-stone barrel vault c. diaphragm arch d. transept

barrel-vaults exerted great outward thrust making a clerestory difficult to construct

The one important requirement often missing from Romanesque church interiors is light. Which of the following did not allow for interior lighting? a. Barrel-vaults exerted great outward thrust making a clerestory difficult to construct b. Light not considered an important spiritual ingredient for church services c. The massive walls would not support a tribune and clerestory d. It was considered too expensive to fund the construction of a clerestory

Monastery Church, St. Gall

The plan of St.-Sernin is extremely regular and geometrically precise. It is based on a module seen in earlier church architecture. Which of the following churches is the prototype for this refined and rational structural approach? a. St. Michael, Hildesheim b. Monastery Church, St. Gall c. Sta. Maria Maggiore, Rome d. St. Cyriakus, Gernode

the prominence of Mary in the portal program

The portal sculptural program for Chartres Cathedral is distinctly different from its Romanesque counterparts. Which of the following accounts for this distinction? a. the exclusion of scenes from the Passion b. the inclusion of the Old Testament Kings c. the prominence of Mary in the portal program d. the inclusion of scenes from the life of Christ

to seek salvation or a cute

The primary motivation for undertaking a pilgrimage, which was extremely dangerous and could often last a year, was ____. a. to seek salvation or a cure b. to visit family members c. to listen to their favorite preacher d. to become a member of religious order

Saint-Sernin (Figures 12-5, 12-6, 12-7). It is an example of a "pilgrimage church," which features radiating chapels in the apse and transept for the display of the relics. The church also had an extended nave and double aisles to accommodate large numbers of pilgrims. It has a barrel-vaulted nave, buttressed in part by groin vaults in the aisles and quadrant vaults in the tribune gallery, as at Santiago de Compostela. Benedetto Antelami King David from Fidenza Cathedral (Figure 12-29) and Rainer of Huy Baptismal font from Notre-Dame-des-Fonts, Liege, Belgium (Figure 12-24) Both works are by identified artists, indicating a slow and gradual movement towards recognizing the artist or craftsman creating the work. However the work is still of primary importance as it is a gift offered to God. Both works favor the classical, the King David figure is still confined by the frame, yet the artist has done much to free the figure. The tilted head and the arm still close to the body suggest movement. The relief from the font is strictly two-dimensional. The artist has softened and rounded the figures echoing the classical past. He has also idealized the bodies and the faces. The figure of Christ is depicted naked in the water.

What distinguishes this church from others of the mid-11th to early 12th centuries?

It means "Romanlike" and was first applied in the early nineteenth century to describe the elements of European architecture of the eleventh and twelfth centuries that resembled Roman architecture.

What does the term Romanesque mean and why was it first applied to this art historical period?

The pilgrimage church increased the length of the nave and doubled the side aisles. The pilgrimage church added transept, ambulatory, and radiating chapels in order to accommodate the increased numbers of pilgrims following the route in order to view the relics.

What features must a church possess to be considered a "pilgrimage type" church?

Literally translated from the Latin as new light, it refers to the church interiors. The innovative ribbed vaults resting on pointed arches allowed the masons to eliminate some interior walls and replace them with windows, stained glass windows. These windows brought natural light and diffused it throughout the interiors transforming these interiors into a perceptually charged atmosphere. It literally transformed the interiors from darkness into light.

What is lux nova?

Visitation and Annunciation, Reims Cathedral (Figure 13-24). The jamb statues appear independent of the facade. Classical elements appear in the heads of the Virgin and St. Elizabeth (possibly Roman statuary used as models), both figures have incorporated contrapposto and gestures to create a sense of conversation. In contrast to the Early Gothic period sculpture the jamb statues are no longer isolated. The figures are now actors participating the biblical narrative.

What is the significance of this work, and how does it relate to sculpture in the Gothic period?

Book of Kells

What manuscript is commonly considered the greatest achievement in Hiberno-Saxon art? a. Book of Durrow b. Book of Lindisfarne c. Book of Alciun d. Book of Kells

S-shaped curve

What pose developed by the "court" style had a strong influence on Late Gothic sculpture? a. contrapposto b. rigidly frontal c. equestrian form d. S-shaped curve

it displayed the saint to whom the church was dedicated

What purpose did Gislebertus's image of the Last Judgment on the portal of Saint-Lazare serve? a. It encouraged viewer's to go on a pilgrimage b. It displayed the saint to whom the church was dedicated c. It was meant to instill fear in sinners and call them into the church d. It reinforced the virginity of Mary

The tribune buttressed the continuous semicircular cut-stone barrel vaults.

What role did the tribune play in church architecture?

Their work existed not for its own sake but for God's. The artists, recognized or unknown declared if their work had value, it would be an acceptable gift to offer to God. They were not yet aware of the concepts of fine art and fine artists.

What was the essential core value of the work of Romanesque artists, whether they were anonymous or recognized?

Unlike the Romans who had concrete, the Romanesque masons encountered difficulties when building groin vaults of cut stone and heavy rubble. These vaults had very little cohesive quality, and because of this they were limited to covering small areas such as individual bays of the aisles. However, the 11th century masons began using ashlar blocks joined by mortar and they were then able to build groin vaults on a monumental scale.

What were the technical problems encountered by the Romanesque masons when constructing cut stone groin vaults? How did they solve the problems?

Death of the Virgin from Strasbourg Cathedral (Figure 13-46). The carving of Death of the Virgin was done in the thirteenth century during the Gothic period. It was placed in the tympanum over the portal. The treatment of the drapery and the fuller bodies represent Classical influences.

When was this work done, where was it placed and what is represented? Which features of the work reflect a classicizing influence, and which features do not?


Which of the architectural elements below was used for the exterior supports on Romanesque buildings? a. pendentives b. flying buttresses c. buttresses d. diaphragm buttresses

rose window

Which of the following became a standard feature of French Gothic facades? a. fan vaulting b. Perpendicular style c. rose window d. rounded arches

Cluny III

Which of the following churches was the largest in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constructed in the 17th century? a. Cluny III b. St.-Sernin, Toulouse c. Speyer Cathedral d. Sant'Ambrogio, Milan

Röttgen Pietà

Which of the following figures provides the most direct contrast with the Naumburg figures? a. Röttgen Pietà b. Bamberg Rider c. Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux d. Death of the Virgin from Strasbourg Cathedral

it is a design, which involves the entire page in zoomorphic forms intermingling with clusters and knots producing rhythm and energy yet help in check by the regularity of the design and dominating cross motif. it also shows the marriage of Christian imagery and animal-interlay style of the North

briefly describe a cross-inscribed carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels. what does it show?

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