Art History II: Pt. 2

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What formal choices did many Realist painters make to emphasize the dismal nature of manual labor?

A palette of browns and grays

What best characterizes the Protestant opinion about religious art?

Art should be a tool for understanding the bible

Who was the most renowned female painter of the 17th century?

Artemisia Gentileschi

Who among the following artists liked to paint images of the Romantic sublime landscape?


Which artists disdained Realism as a trivial art movement?


An extreme focus on subjective experience and emotional expression is characteristic of which of the following movements?


German Expressionist artists such as Ernst-Ludwig Kirchner sought to create paintings that communicated what?

the expressive power of color and composition

Muybridge used a _________________ to project his sequence of images onto a screen.


Gustave Klimt's The Kiss has ties to which design and architectural movement?

Art Nouveau

How does Italian Baroque art and architecture differ from the styles of the High Renaissance?

An emphasis on drama, dynamic movement, and ornamentation.

Informed by Surrealism, the paintings of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo are an admixture of traditional folk painting and what?


Bruegal's Netherlandish Proverbs is Reminiscent of the unconventional scenes by what artist?


What Northern European city became a central hub of economic and cultural activity during the 17th century?


The first known self-portrait produced by a woman is what?

Caterina van Hemessen

Constable's Haywain avoids the _________, which was a characteristic of the agrarian working class of the 19th century.

Civil unrest

Rembrandt deviated from typical group portraits in his Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp by portraying members of the guild in what way?

Clustered together in the act of observation

Jacques-Louis David painted what encouraging and inspiring painting for the revolution?

Death of Marat

In what ways is Munch's The Scream characteristic of late-19th century Symbolizm?

Emphasis in simplification of form and abstraction, emotional response, and expressive brushstrokes.

In contrast to the values of the French Academy, the Impressionists sought to do what?

Enphasize the fleeting nature of modern life

Julia Margaret Cameron used a short focal length lens that allowed only a small area of sharp focus, producing what effect?

Ethereal and subjective

Aaron Douglas's Aspects of Negro Life

Europeaon Modernism, The Harlem Renaissance, and Government Sponsored Art Programs

What is the name of the early Twentieth century art movement that takes its name from the French term for "wild beast" and included Henri Matisse?


Antoine Watteau's depiction of the amusements and entertainments of the French upper classes is called what?

Fete galante

In Money-Changer and His Wife by Quentin Massays, what is the artist warning is a distraction from religion?

Financial transactions

Which countries made up the territory known as the Netherlands in the 16th century?

Luxembourg, Holland, and Belgium

Which artists liked to paint images of the romantic sublime landscape?


What theme became popular in the Protestant art in the North in the 16th century?

Genre scenes, landscapes, and portraiture

Velasquez elevates his status in Las Meninas in what way?

He depicts himself painting in the presence of the King and Queen of Spain

How do the paintings of Goya reflect the interests of Romanticists?

He expressively depicts nightmarish and violent scenes

In what ways was the artist Durer similar to Leonardo da Vinci?

He maintained that empirical observation was key to successful art

How did Louis XVI use art as a tool of the monarchy?

He spared no expense in commissioning art and architecture that glorified his absolute power

Which French artist depicted many common subjects of the impressionists, but exaggerated his compositions into a more graphic style?

Henri Toulouse-Lautrec

Who was one of the first Romantic artists to depict the dark terrain of the subconscious?

Henry Fusili

______________ was one of the first Romantic artists to depict the dark terrain of the subconscious.

Henry Fusili

The Pointillism of Georges Seurat was influenced by what?

His painstaking research of optics and color theory

Constructivists were a post revolutionary group of artists in Russia who did what?

Identified as cultural workers, worked collectively for the state and Soviet people, and sought to move away from individual artistic expression

Bernini's statue of David differs from his predecessors by showing David in what way?

In the moment of combat.

What historical circumstances gave rise to the values of the French Moderm artists of the mid-to-late 19th century?

Industrialization, urbanization, and secularization

How did Walter Gropius's design for the bauhaus building reflect his attitudes towards art in the modern era?

It had open workshops and factory-like design, to encourage collaboration in artistic production

How does Synthetic Cubism reference the real world?

It incorporates real world objects into the composition

How did Braque and Picasso's use of fragmentation contribute to the development of Analytical Cubist painting?

It mimicked percemption by providing multiple veiwpoints of an object

The who is the artist whose work best embodies the values of the French Revolution?

Jacques-Louis David

Mary Cassatt's work is exemplary of the influence of what on late-19th century painting?

Japanese prints

The 19th century enthusiasm for what influenced French artists seeking new approaches to composition?


Who was the French philosopher that believed the human capacity for feeling, sensibility, and emotions came before reason?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

One of the first modern art historians celebrated the perfection of Greek art, which influenced a generation of Neoclassicists. Who was he?

Johann Winckelmann

Who is credited with the invention of photography in the late 1830s?

Louis Daguerre

Who was the German artist who was dubbed with the title "painter of the reformation"?

Lucas Cranach the Elder

What was the style that appealed to the French king, Francis I?


Who wanted Futurist artists to lead Italy to break free from the traditions of its past?


British artist William Hogarth and french artist Jean-Baptiste Greuze both depicted which kinds of narratives in their art?


The Mexican what was intended to address Mexico's need for a national and revolutionary art style

Mural movement

American Realist painter Thomas Eakins may have modeled his painting The Gross Clinic after what?

Rembrandt's Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp

the painter Claude Monet was interested primarily in what effects of light?

Optical effects

Which artist is known for fracturing into distinct fragments the unified and illusionistic picture plane?

Paul Cezanne

What was the group of philosophers that believed that the ills of humanity could be remedied by applying reason and common sense to problems?


What refers to the appropriation of non-western art forms by European Modernists in the late 19th and 20th centuries?


French artist Poussin chose to emulate which artist, along with the Classical past?


Bernini's Ecstasy of Saint Teresa is exemplary of the Italian Baroque, but what is one thing that wasn't involved?

Reference to the values of High Classical Greeks

American Realist painter Thomas Eakins may have modeled his painting The Gross Clinic after:

Rembrandt's 'Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp'

At the turn of the 18th century, the French Academy was divided sharply between two doctrines. Which doctrine taught that color was the most important element in painting?


During the early half of the 18th century, the French upper classes would regularly meet where to socialize?


What were the public exhibitions held by the French Royal Academy and sponsored by the French government, against which many of the progressive and avant-garde artists of the 19th century rebelled?


How did Gentileschi adapt the conventions of the artist's self-portrait in her Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting?

She depicted herself in action with messy hair, a gold chain, and palette.

Why did Judith Leyster appear as elegantly attired, rather than in an artist's smock as Rembrandt did in her own self-portrait?

She wanted to indicate her social prominence

In light of the 1848 revolution, Salon Jurors considered Courbet's depiction of the rural poor in The Stone Breakers as what?


Influential throughout Europe in the 17th century, which technique defined Caravaggio's use of intense light and shadow?


The Roman Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation was formulated at what council?

The Council of Trent

What exposed the french to the art of Italy, and played a role in the rise of Neoclassicism?

The Grand Tour

What was the event in which Calvinists destroyed works of classic art?

The Great Iconoclasm

Which of the following was a significant group of U.S. landscape painters in the 19th century that provided a specifically American take on the landscape tradition?

The Hudson River School

Which of the following was a significant group of U.S. landscape painters in the 19th century, whose work provided a specifically American take on the landscape tradition?

The Hudson River School

Winslow Homer's Veteran in a New Field is a commentary on the aftermath of what?

The U.S. Civil War

Garicault's Raft of the Medusa depicted dramatically what contemporary event?

The aftermath of a French shipwreck

In what ways does Manet's Bar at the Folies-Bergere exemplify the interests of French Impressionists?

The artist depicts an everyday scene of contemporary urban entertainment and labor

In his Self-Portrait, Durer's hand position may be a reference to what?

The artist's hand as a creative instrument

In Durer's Melacholia I, what is an optimistic detail to suggest that the artist can create despite depressive episodes?

The burst of light on the horizon?

In which ways does Benjamin West's Death of General Wolfe depict a successful history painting?

The depiction of the General as a patriotic martyr, the monumental scale, and an emphasis on bravery, heroism, and self-sacrifice

A major intellectual, political, and economic force of change in the 18th century was what?

The enlightenment

The painting The Burial at Ornans by Gustave Courbet reflect the typical Realist subject matter of:

The everyday life of common people

Timothy O'Sullivan's photographs of the U.S. Civi War emphasized:

The human cost of war

Timothy O'Sullivan's photographs of the U.S. Civil War emphasized what?

The human cost of war

In the 16th century, Spain supported what?

The interests of the Catholic Church

The French Public was scandalized by Manet's painting Olympia because of what?

The model looked directly at the veiwer

What is one belief not held by Protestant reformers?

The pope is the ultimate authority over God's word

Why did Millet's The Gleaners get a negative response from the Parisian art world of the 19th century?

The recent legal disputes regarding peasants' gleaning rights, the dignity Millet gave to the act of gleaning, and the noble monumentality given to the rural poor

What do Renoir's Dance at the Moulin de la Galette, and Caillebotte's Rainy Day have in common?

They focus on comtemporary urban subjects

Why did the U.S. Government hire Dorothea Lange and other photographers during the Great Depression

They hoped to build public support for Federal assistance for rural America, It was part of a program that provided jobs to unemployed artists, and they wanted artwork what reflected the national American Identity.

How did Dada artists seek to respond to the horrors of WWI?

They provided social critique through dark satire, they introduced forms of art based in absurdity, chance, and nonsense, and they mocked established cultural traditions

IN what ways did Vincent van Gogh pioneer new approaches to western painting?

Thick, expressive brushstrokes, non-naturalistic color, and disregarding chiaroscuro and illusionistic modeling of form

Who was the American leader that embraced Neoclassicism because of its associations with important virtues such as morality, idealism, rationality, and patriotism?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the aim of Italian Baroque art?

To restore predominance of Catholicism

What was the purpose of the 1933 "Degenerate Art" exhibitation?

To ridicule and denounce modern art

the aftermath of a French shipwreck

US Civil War

Meret Oppenheim's 'Luncheon in Fur' (1936) transposes ordinary objects into an artwork that is what?

Uncanny, disturbing, and desirous.

The surrealists were inspired by Freud's theory that the human mind is a battleground between the ______ and ______ facets of human experience.

Unconscious and Conscious

Believed by some of his contemporaries to be 'the anti-christ of painting', Caravaggio's artistic style is known for what?

Unflinching Naturalism

Which painter held the title of first painter for the King of Spain?


Who was the Dutch artist known for his depictions of tidy middle-class households and domestic themes?


Which artist believed that non-naturalistic color had the capacity to communicate a deeper human experience than strict realism?

Vincent van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, and Paul Gauguin

The leading thinker of the French Enlightenment was who?


Muybridge used what to project his sequence of images onto a screen?


Modernism in the visual arts since the 19th century is NOT characterized by what?

a renewed interest in Classical themes and naturalism

What anamorphic symbol appears in Holbein's The French Ambassodors?

a skull

In what ways did certain early uses of photography in the 19th century correspond to the tenents of Realism?

an emphasis on scientific objectivity, empiricism, and positivism

In what ways did certain early uses of photography in the 19th century correspond to the tenets of Realism?

an emphasis on scientific objectivity, empiricism, and positivism

Led by painter Wassily Kandinsky, the Blue Rider Group was interested in what?

art's ability to communicate on a spiritual level

Surrealists developed many techniques for liberating the unconcious, including what?


Art historians believe that Vermeer used tools such as what to aid in his virtuosic depiction of light?

camera obscura

Constable's Haywain avoids what, which is a characteristic of the agrarian working class of the 19th century?

civil unrest

What is a term from Synthetic Cubism, that comes from the French for "to glue"?


Julia Margaret Cameron used a short focal length lens that allowed only a small area of sharp focus, producing a(n)_______________ effect.

etherial and subjective

What was a popular subject matter among 17th century Northern European merchants?

genre scenes, landscape, portraiture

In what ways is Paul Gauguin's Where do we come from? What Are We? Where Are We Going? exemplary of Symbolism in the late 19th century?

his use on non-naturalistic color, his focus on the European idea of 'exotic, primative culture, and his references to spiritual, psychological, and existential questioning

What formal choices did many Realist painters make to emphasize the dismal nature of manual labor?

rough textured surface?

In light of the 1848 revolution, Salon jurors considered Courbet's depiction of the rural poor in The STone Breakers as:


The Rococo style is best characterized by what?

soft colors, decorative compositions, and fanciful subject matter.

What are three things that impacted the politics, economics, and culture of the 17th century?

the Trans-atlantic slave trade, colonial expansion, and increased secularism and religious freedom

Gericault's Raft of the Medusa depicted dramatically which then-contemporary event?

the aftermath of a French shipwreck

The painting The Burial at Ornans by Gustave Courbet reflects the typical realist subject matter...?

the everyday life of the common person

The French public was scandalized by Manet's painting Olympia because:

the model looked directly at the viewer

Why did Millet's The Gleaners get a negative response from the Parisian art world of the 19th century?

the recent legal disputes regarding peasants' gleaning rights

What do Delacroix's painting Death of Sardanapalus and Ingres' painting Grande Odalisque have in common?

they both use a Romantic idiom to depict the erotic exoticism of the 'Orient'

What do Delacroix's painting Death of Sardanapalus and Ingres' painting Grande Odalisque have in common?

they both use a romantic idiom to depict the erotic exoticism of the "orient"

How are Fauve paintings similar to those made by artists interested in Cubism?

they call attention to the flat and 2D surface of the canvas?

Eakins believed that ________ and scientific knowledge were prerequisites for his art?

visual observation

Eakins believed that what, in addition to scientific knowlege, were prerequisites to art?

visual observation

Although Berthe Morisot's paintings were aligned with the Impressionist style and its common focus of leisure activities, she focused primarily on what subject matter?

women and children

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