Art History Section 5 Test (HS, Romanesque,

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decorative metalwork technique employing cloisons

The intersection of two barrel vaults creates which of the following?

groin vault

Early Medieval art frequently includes ____.

interlace patterns and abstracted zoomorphic forms

Which of the following encouraged the growth of Romanesque towns and cities?

the pilgrimage routes

The abbey church at Hildesheim has a double-transept plan that creates eastern and western centers of gravity. The lateral entrances on the north and south aisles further disrupt the traditional basilican plan. What model might have been used for this church?

Basilica Ulpia

What manuscript is an example of Hiberno-Saxon art?

Book of Kells

What manuscript is commonly considered the greatest achievement in Hiberno-Saxon art?

Book of Kells

In the later Middle Ages religious books were created for the private devotions of the laity. They were based on readers used by the monks. These books contained prayers to be read at specific times during the day, they were popularly known as ____.

Books of Hours

A more complex and efficient type of vaulting was needed that would admit light and at the same time be aesthetically pleasing. Which of the following systems would allow this adoption?

By covering the nave with groin vaults

The style of the Gospel Book of Otto III can best be described as ____.

Byzantine Formalism

The tympanum from the right portal of Chartres depicts the Virgin and Child that hearkens back to the Romanesque portrayals of this theme as the Throne of Wisdom. Which of the following is the source for this depiction?

Byzantine Theotokos

____, in northern Spain, boasts more Romanesque murals than anywhere else in Europe.


Similar to the subject matter of Romanesque portals the ____ fresco from Santa Maria de Mur represents Christ surrounded by the Four Evangelists.

Christ in Majesty

Which of the following churches was the largest in Europe until the new St. Peter's in Rome was constructed in the 17th century?

Cluny III

Scholars believe that the ____ manuscript was produced in the scriptorium at Moissac.

Codex Colbertinus

Early 11th Century England was briefly part of what empire?


The Royal Portal of Chartres was carved in which style?

Early Gothic

The swirling drapery and heaving landscape of St. Matthew from the ____ represent s the expressionistic mode of Carolingian art.

Ebbo Gospels

Who of the following coined the term "Gothic"?

Giorgio Vasari

Which of the following supports Eadwine's claim to self-importance?

He likened his image to the Abbot of a monastery.

What area of Western Europe was never colonized by Rome?


What accommodation did Saint-Sernin at Toulouse and other pilgrimage churches make for the visitor?

It added radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory

The Bayeux Tapestry is unique in Romanesque art. Which of the following supports this claim?

It depicted an actual event in full detail shortly after it occurred.

St.-Sernin at Toulouse has been called a "pilgrimage type" church. Which of the following accounts for this designation?

It had radiating chapels attached to the transept and ambulatory.

The Bayeux Tapestry is the conqueror's version of history. It is a narrative that includes the battle sequences as well as the preparations for war. It is said that this is the most Roman of all Romanesque art works. Which of the following supports this contention?

It has often been likened to the Column of Trajan.

Which of the following describes the Stavelot reliquary of St. Alexander?

It is a combination of multiple sources as well as stylistic diversity.

Paris claimed to be the intellectual center of Gothic Europe. Its university faculty and the reputations of its masons supported this claim. Which of the following also provided support for this claim?

It was a center for fine book production.

What purpose did Gislebertus's image of the Last Judgment on the portal of Saint-Lazare serve?

It was meant to instill fear in sinners and call them into the church

Which of the following best describes Gothic architecture?

Its interior is permeated with light

Equestrian statues were reminders of Rome's glory. Charlemagne returned Rome after his coronation with an equestrian statue of Theodoric. Which statue served as the ultimate model for such equestrian portraits?

Marcus Aurelius

The plan of St.-Sernin is extremely regular and geometrically precise. It is based on a module seen in earlier church architecture. Which of the following churches is the prototype for this refined and rational structural approach?

Monastery Church, St. Gall

___ was the economic system that was gradually replaced by the growth of towns and cities during the Romanesque period.


Who was a major force in the revival of the Classical style in early medieval times?

Otto III

The tympanum of the Romanesque portal of La Madeleine at Vézelay depicts ____.


Sainte-Chapelle, with its walls of stained glass and delicate ornamentation, is the most representative church of the ____ style.


What pose developed by the "court" style had a strong influence on Late Gothic sculpture?

S-shaped curve

Early Medieval burial traditions were recorded in the ____.

Saga of Beowulf

What church plan was used as the model for the palace chapel at Aachen?

San Vitale

Abbot Suger is credited with creating which of the following churches?


Which of the following is considered a masterpiece of the Rayonnant style?


The Sutton Hoo purse has two groupings each of a man standing between two lions. This can also be found in what earlier culture?


The ____ burial epitomizes the early medieval tradition of burying great lords with rich furnishings.

Sutton Hoo

It has been said that Bernward's doors are instruments that detail Original Sin and Redemption by juxtaposing these two concepts side by side. Which juxtaposed panels from the doors would support this?

The Fall and the Crucifixion

Which of the following may have contributed to Italy's renewed interest in humanist values during the 14th century?

The Italian peninsula was filled with classical monuments

The sculptural program of the west façade of Chartres Cathedral proclaims the power and majesty of Jesus Christ. Which of the following elements unites all three doorways of the west portal (Portal Royal) of Chartres Cathedral?

The episodes from the life of Christ are carved on the capitals.

It has been said that the author-portrait of St, Matthew from the Lindisfarne Gospels shows classical influences. What supports this statement?

The figure is seated as a philosopher or poet reading or writing.

The Reims portal sculpture of the Visitation has been described as two women conversing. This is in sharp contrast to earlier Gothic portal sculpture. How is the Visitation unique?

The figures have greater freedom from the architectural lines.

The Lindau Gospels book cover displays an amalgamation of tradition and style. Which of the following describes that combination?

The work highlights the Early Christian tradition and Utrecht Psalter style.

____ was a possible model for Bernward's column because the narrative reads from top to bottom.

Trajan's Column


a bishop's church. the word derives from cathedra.

Pilgrimage church

a church along a pilgrimage route

Irish or Celtic stone crosses are identifiable by which of the following?

a circle intersecting the cross arms


a collection of illustrations of real and imaginary animals


a container for holding relics


a monastery courtyard, usually with covered walks or ambulatories along its sides

Barrel vault

a vault forming a half cylinder


a vaulted space under part of a building, wholly or partly underground


an art style that flourished in the monasteries of the British isles in the early Middle Ages


bands or portions of other motifs are looped, braided, and knotted in complex geometric patterns, often to fill a space


body parts, clothing, or objects associated with a holy figure

Which of the architectural elements below was used for the exterior supports on Romanesque buildings?


Historiated capitals

carved figural ornament

The ____ is the covered courtyard in a monastery where monks and nuns prayed and meditated in quiet seclusion.


At Saint-Sernin, the ____ served as the module for the proportions of the entire church.

crossing square

The nave of pilgrimage churches, such as Saint-Sernin at Toulouse and Saint James, were covered by a

cut-stone barrel vault

One of the primary reasons that Bernard of Clairvaux criticized the profusion of sculptural decoration in the Romanesque cloister was because it ____.

distracted the viewer from reading and prayer.

Images of Old Testament kings and queens were frequently represented on French portals, such as Saint-Denis and Chartres, because they ____.

emphasized Christ's royal ancestry and the French monarchy

Introduced in French Gothic architecture, ____, are arm-like extensions that helped support the weight of the nave vaults on the outside of the building.

flying buttresses


formed in relief by beating a metal plate from the back, leaving the impression on the face

In Chartres cathedral each bay of the nave is covered by a single

four-part (quadripartite) ribbed vault

The term Roman-like was adopted to describe the architecture of the Romanesque period, because it relied on elements of Roman architecture such as ____.

groin and barrel vaults


in church architecture, the pillar or center post supporting the lintel in the middle of the doorway

carpet page

in early medieval manuscripts, a decorative page resembling

Radiating Chapels

in medieval churches, chapels used for displaying of relics opened directly onto the ambulatory and the transept

Rib vaulting

intersection of two to three barrel vaults, edged with an armature of piped masonry


medieval political, social, and economic system held together by the relationship between landholding liege lords and the vassals who were granted tenure of a portion of their land and in turn swore allegiance to the liege lord

Carolingian Renaissance

pertaining to the empire of Charlemagne and his successors

Among the saved in Gislebertus's Last Judgment are people carrying bags adorned with a shell and a cross. These figures represent ____.


Insular Gospel book

pocket gospel book inevitably much less decorated, but in several cases with Evangelist portraits and other decoration

Groin vault

produced by the intersection at right angles of two barrel vaults

Pilgrims often journeyed to churches to view ____, which were the material remains of holy figures.


Flying buttresses

slanting from a separate pier, typically forming an arch with the wall it supports

One of the factors that contributed to the enormous surge in church building during the Romanesque period was the ____.

thanksgiving experienced at the peaceful conclusion of the first millennium

The Gothic style is said to have first appeared in ____.

the Ile de France

The Carolingian architectural plan that demonstrated the beginnings of the modular system was found in ____.

the Monastery of St. Gall

Many Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to ____.

the Virgin Mary

Many Gothic cathedrals were dedicated to which of the following?

the Virgin Mary (Notre-Dame)

Giotto's Enthroned Madonna appears naturalistic because ____.

the Virgin is solid and has mass


the back side of a manuscript folio

In the Romanesque period church interiors became impressive acoustical settings for church services. Which of the following architectural elements allowed for the excellent acoustics?

the continuous barrel-vaulted naves

It has been said that Charlemagne was a man of great energy and learning, a strong patron of the arts, and a sincere admirer of classical culture. Which of the following do later generations owe to Charlemagne's patronage?

the copying of important classical texts


the facade and towers at the western end of a medieval church, principally in Germany


the front side of a manuscript


the part of a church with an axis that crosses the nave at the right angle

The portal sculptural program for Chartres Cathedral is distinctly different from its Romanesque counterparts. Which of the following accounts for this distinction?

the prominence of Mary in the portal program


the space enclosed by a lintel and an arch over a doorway

The revival of monumental sculpture in the Romanesque was partially influenced by ____.

the survival of ancient Roman ruins

During the Romanesque period the vision of Christ's Second Coming was often depicted on which of the following?

the tympanum


the writing studio of a monastery

The primary motivation for undertaking a pilgrimage, which was extremely dangerous and could often last a year, was ____.

to seek salvation or a cure

The most venerated pilgrimage shrine in the West, outside Rome or Jerusalem, was the ____.

tomb of the Apostle James at Santiago de Compostela

The Ebbo Gospels represent a new Carolingian vernacular. Which of the following describes the new Carolingian style?

translated a classical prototype

The ____ is the semi-circular are above the lintel of a Romanesque portal.


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