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"Venus" refers to the Roman goddess of beauty, and is also used to refer to prehistoric fertility figures such as the Venus of Willendorf. A. T B. F

Piet Mondrian

A. Aaron Douglas B. Piet Mondrian C. Marcel Duchamp D. Frida Kahlo


A. Augustus of Primaporta B.David C. Doryphoros D. Venus of Willendorf


A. Austria B. France C. Rome D. Greece E. England


A. Austria B. France C. Rome D. Greece E. England


A. Austria B. France C. Rome D. Greece E. England


A. Austria B. France C. Rome D. Greece E. England


A. Austria B. France C. Rome D. Greece E. England

Constantin Brancusi

A. Constantin Brancusi B. Gustave Courbet C. Edouard Manet D. Salvador Dali

Edouard Manet

A. Constantin Brancusi B. Gustave Courbet C. Salvador Dali D. Edouard Manet

Claude Monet

A. Donatello B. Polykleitos C. Claude Monet D. Leonardo da Vinci


A. Donatello B. Polykleitos C. Claude Monet D. Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci

A. Donatello B. Polykleitos C. Claude Monet D. Leonardo da Vinci


A. Donatello B. Polykleitos C. Claude Monet D. Leonardo da Vinci

Augustus of Primaporta

A. Doryphoros B.David C. Augustus of Primaporta D.Venus of Willendorf

Salvador Dali

A. Edouard Manet B. Salvador Dali C. Constantin Brancusi D. Gustave Courbet

Frida Kahlo

A. Frida Kahlo B. Aaron Douglas C. Marcel Duchamp D. Piet Mondrian

Marcel Duchamp

A. Frida Kahlo B. Piet Mondrian C. Aaron Douglas D. Marcel Duchamp

Gustave Courbet

A. Gustave Courbet B. Edouard Manet c. Salvador Dali D. Constantin Brancusi

Harlem Renaissance

A. Harlem Renaissance B. Impressionism C. Nonobjective art D. Surrealism


A. Harlem Renaissance B. Impressionism C. Nonobjective art D. Surrealism

Nonobjective art

A. Harlem Renaissance B. Impressionism C. Nonobjective art D. Surrealism


A. Harlem Renaissance B. Impressionism C. Nonobjective art D. Surrealism

Aaron Douglas

A. Piet Mondrian B. Aaron Douglas C. Marcel Duchamp D. Frida Kahlo


A. Venus of Willendorf B.David C. Doryphoros D. Augustus of Primaporta

Venus of Willendorf

A.David B. Doryphoros C.Augustus of Primaporta D. Venus of Willendorf

Classical art

A.Paleolithic art B. Classical art C. Renaissance art D. Neolithic art

Neolithic art

A.Paleolithic art B. Classical art C. Renaissance art D. Neolithic art

Paleolithic art

A.Paleolithic art B. Classical art C. Renaissance art D. Neolithic art

Renaissance art

A.Paleolithic art B. Classical art C. Renaissance art D. Neolithic art

Greece was conquered and absorbed by Rome, but the ancient Romans did not appreciate the Greek artistic aesthetic and completely rejected the Classical style.

All of the following statements are true of Classical art - especially that of the ancient Greeks - except which one? A. Ancient Greek culture has had a far-reaching, lasting influence on Western art and civilization, and can be seen reflected in the revival of Greek art and culture during the Renaissance of the 15th century, the Neoclassical period of the 1700s, and even today in the U.S. through Greek Revival architectural styles. B.The most significant development in Early Classical art was the introduction of implied movement in figurative sculptures. C.Greece was conquered and absorbed by Rome, but the ancient Romans did not appreciate the Greek artistic aesthetic and completely rejected the Classical style. D.The key elements of Greek art and architecture are humanism, rationalism, naturalism, and idealism. E. Many Classical Greek sculptures, such as The Three Goddesses from the pediment of the Parthenon, include not only realistic bodies, poses, and gestures, but also realistic draping and folding of fabric that followed the contours of the flesh.

To depict David, Donatello highly idealized the form to present a strong, heroic looking Classical Greek youth figure.

All of the following statements are true of Donatello's David (pictured below), except which one? A.Donatello's David is the first life-sized nude statue since Classical times. B.To depict David, Donatello highly idealized the form to present a strong, heroic looking Classical Greek youth figure. C.The title David refers to David from the Biblical story of the young boy who slew the Philistine giant Goliath, and was destined to be the second king of Israel. D.In David, Donatello combined Classicism with realism by presenting a very real image of an Italian peasant boy in the guise of a Classical nude figure.


Even though it is not a piece of modern art, the Venus of Willendorf (pictured below) is an example of abstract art. A. T B.F


In his painting Noah's Ark (pictured below), Aaron Douglas translated a biblical story into an artwork that speaks to African American sensibilities by rendering the figures as African men, creating a work that takes possession of and personalizes the biblical event for Douglas' race and culture. A. T B. F

A. The manner in which Academic art was rendered did not reflect reality as observed by the naked eye. C. Academic art's subject matter did not represent real life.

The "modern" painters of the 19th century objected to Academic art for two reasons - select those two reasons from the choices below: A.The manner in which Academic art was rendered did not reflect reality as observed by the naked eye. B. Academic art's subject matter was too common and coarse. C.Academic art's subject matter did not represent real life. D.The style of painting in Academic art appeared unfinished, with short, choppy brush-strokes and rough textures.


Though the ancient Romans derived much of their art styles from that of ancient Greece, their portrait sculpture was uniquely Italian in its realism, such as the Head of a Roman portrait bust which is not idealized. A.T B.F


Which of the following terms refers to a 20th-century art style with imagery from unconscious, irrational sources taking on fantastic forms, but often rendered with extraordinary realism? A.Surrealism B.Academic Art C.Nonobjective Art D.Impressionism

Academic Art

Which of the following terms refers to a neoclassical, nonexperimental style of art promoted by the Royal French Academy during the 18th and 19th centuries, and was the most popular type of painting in its day? A.Impressionism B.Academic Art C.Surrealism D.Nonobjective Art


Which of the following terms refers to a style of artistic representation in which artists attempted to duplicate the dramatic, fleeting effects of light and atmosphere with short brush strokes, pure and varied color? A.Idealism B.Expressionism C.Impressionism D.Naturalism

Nonobjective Art

Which of the following terms refers to art that is nonrepresentational, or art that does not portray figures or objects from the visible world? A.Nonobjective Art B.Impressionism C.Idealism D. Abstract Art


Which of the following terms refers to artistic replication of objects and people as they are seen by the eye or as they are really thought to be, without distortion or perfection based on standards of beauty? A.Idealism B.Impressionism C.Realism D.Naturalism


Which of the following terms refers to artistic representation of forms according to a concept of perfection and an accepted standard of beauty? A.Impressionism B.Idealism C.Naturalism D.Realism


Which of the following terms refers to artistic representation that strives to imitate nature rather than to express intellectual theory? A.Expressionism B. Naturalism C.Idealism D.Realism

Abstract Art

Which of the following terms refers to artworks which seek to reduce objects to basic shapes and descriptive colors, focusing more on the elements and design than on the objects themselves? A.Nonobjective Art B. Abstract Art C.Modern Art D.Classical Art


Which of the following terms refers to the "what" of a work of art: the objects, people, events, places, and ideas that are depicted and can be described? A.Style B.Medium C.Subject D.Content

Gustave Courbet's painting technique strove for photographic realism.

Which of the following terms refers to the "why" of a work of art: the intangible aspects, or the underlying meaning or themes, of a work of art - the symbolic, intellectual, emotional, and psychological elements that are communicated? A. Gustave Courbet was moved to paint The Stone-Breakers after seeing an old man and a young boy breaking stones on a roadside. B. Gustave Courbet's painting technique strove for photographic realism. C. 19th-century art critics criticized paintings such as The Stone-Breakers for its common subject, as they favored mythological or idealistic subjects. D. Gustave Courbet is considered to be the "father" of the 19th-century Realist movement.


Which of the following terms refers to the distinctive characteristics of an artist's work and those of a culture or era, or the way in which an artist handles the materials and the elements of art? A.Content B.Iconography C.Style D.Medium


Which of the following terms refers to the leaders in new, unconventional artistic movements? A. Avant-Garde B. Nonobjective Art C. Contrapposto D. Idealism


Which of the following terms refers to the study of themes and symbols, or images that are deciphered to reveal the underlying meaning of a work of art? A. Content B.Medium C.Iconography D.Style


Which of the following terms refers to what an artwork is made out of - the materials and tools used to create a work of art? A.Subject B.Medium C.Content D.Style

Edouard Manet considered himself to be an Impressionist, and often exhibited his work alongside them.

All of the following statements are true of Edouard Manet and his painting Luncheon on the Grass (pictured below), except which one? A.Edouard Manet considered himself to be an Impressionist, and often exhibited his work alongside them. B.Edouard Manet was perhaps the most important influence on the French Impressionist painters. C Luncheon on the Grass was one of Edouard Manet's most shocking paintings, mostly because there is no explanation for the behavior of the picnickers. D.Edouard Manet and other artists rebelled vehemently to being rejected by the 1863 Paris Salon that Napoleon III allowed them to exhibit their work in a separate exhibition called the "Salon of the Rejected Painters." E. According to some art historians, Edouard Manet is the artist most responsible for changing the course of the history of painting

The Impressionist artists all worked in the exact same visual style.

All of the following statements are true of Impressionism, except which one? A.The Impressionist artists all worked in the exact same visual style. B.The name of the Impressionist movement was coined by a hostile art critic, and was intended to malign the work of these artists. C.The Impressionists advocated painting outdoors and chose to render subjects found in nature. D.The Impressionists all reacted against the constraints of the Academic style and subject matter. E.The Impressionists studied the dramatic effects of atmosphere and light on people and objects, and attempted to duplicate these effects on canvas. F. The Impressionists duplicated the glimmering effect of light bouncing off the surface of an object by applying paint in short, choppy brush stroke.

The medium for Leonardo's The Last Supper is the same as all of his other paintings: oil paint on a wooden panel.

All of the following statements are true of Leonardo da Vinci and his artwork, except which one? A.Leonardo created some of the most memorable Renaissance paintings, including The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa. B.Leonardo's The Last Supper displays the Renaissance ideals of Classicism, humanism, and technical perfection coming to full fruition. C. Leonardo was not only an artist, but also known for his capabilities in engineering, the natural sciences, and music, and even designed prototypes for airplanes and submarines. D.The medium for Leonardo's The Last Supper is the same as all of his other paintings: oil paint on a wooden panel. E.Leonardo's Mona Lisa altered the nature of portrait painting by replacing the standard profile view of the sitter to one in which a visual dialogue could be established between the subject and the observer.

Artwork such as the cave paintings at the Lascaux caves and Venus figurines, such as the Venus of Willendorf, were created during the Neolithic period.

All of the following statements are true of Neolithic art and the Neolithic period, except which one? A. The Neolithic period is when agriculture began, as people domesticated plants and animals and began producing their food instead of relying solely on hunting. B. The Neolithic period is the "New Stone Age," during which stone was still a primary material for art, tools, and weapons, but clay pottery and metal tools and weapons also began to arise. C. Life became more stable and predictable during the Neolithic period, as settled communities began to be formed and thus significant architectural monuments (such as Stonehenge) began to appear. D. Artwork such as the cave paintings at the Lascaux caves and Venus figurines, such as the Venus of Willendorf, were created during the Neolithic period.

During the Paleolithic period, people domesticated plants and animals, and agriculture began.

All of the following statements are true of Paleolithic art and the Paleolithic period, except which one? A. The Paleolithic period refers to the "Old Stone Age," referring to tools and weapons that were created from stone during this time. B. Peoples of the Paleolithic period were hunters, and hunting provided the main food source. C.Examples of Paleolithic artworks are cave paintings, such as those found at the Lascaux caves, and Venus figurines, such as the Venus of Willendorf. D.During the Paleolithic period, people domesticated plants and animals, and agriculture began.

This sculpture is a statue of an athlete that was directly copied from life and based on a famous athlete from ancient Greece.

All of the following statements are true of Polykleitos' Doryphoros (Spear-Bearer) sculpture (pictured below), except which one? A. Polykleitos idealized the athletic figure in this sculpture by imposing on it a set of laws relating each of the parts to one another, such as the how the entire body is exactly equal in height to eight heads. B. Using the weight-shift principle, or contrapposto, Polykleitos harmoniously balanced the opposing parts of this sculpture with vertical lines of stability and diagonal lines of movement. C. This sculpture reflects the ancient Greek ideal of beauty through order, harmony, and perfection, and is based on precise mathematical formulas for representing the ideal human form. D. This sculpture is a statue of an athlete that was directly copied from life and based on a famous athlete from ancient Greece.

While Flanders readily introduced elements of Greek and Roman art into its art and architecture, Italy was still steeped in medieval traditions and thus was very reluctant towards reintroducing Classical traditions.

All of the following statements are true of Renaissance art and the Renaissance period, except which one? A.Renaissance is a French word meaning "rebirth." B. The Renaissance, which spans roughly the 14th through the 16th centuries, is seen by some as the beginning of modern history. C.The Renaissance witnessed a revival of Classical traditions, which in the visual arts included a return to the realistic depiction of nature based on keen observation. D.While Flanders readily introduced elements of Greek and Roman art into its art and architecture, Italy was still steeped in medieval traditions and thus was very reluctant towards reintroducing Classical traditions.

Augustus' head and face are highly idealized, and he is not even recognizable as the emperor as there are no unique facial features like those seen on empire coins of the time

All of the following statements are true of the ancient Roman sculpture, the Augustus of Primaporta (pictured below), except which one? A.Augustus' pose in this sculpture is reminiscent of the ancient Greek sculpture Doryphoros B.Augustus' head and face are highly idealized, and he is not even recognizable as the emperor as there are no unique facial features like those seen on empire coins of the time C.This sculpture reflects a joining of the pure realism of Roman portrait busts with the Greek concept of idealism. D. Augustus is dressed in military parade armor, proclaiming a diplomatic victory with a strong and authoritative pose.

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