Art101 Ch. 14

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circular window, bundled columns, upward pointing triangular forms, deep, elaborately ornamented porticos (entrances), sharply pointed pinnacles and tall towers, figural sculpture attached to the architecture

As an example of Late Medieval Italian church architecture, Siena Cathedral incorporates a number of Gothic architectural elements. What are some of these Gothic elements?

the lack of tall, flanking towers (though there are references to them), rounded arches, lack of figural sculpture on the door jambs, the use of colored marble in decorative patterns, the continuation of the earlier Roman Christian basilica behind the facade

As an example of Late Medieval Italian church architecture, Siena Cathedral incorporates a number of architectural elements that are NOT Gothic. What are some of these elements?

the rounded arches, the lack of sculpture on the door jambs, the lack of tall, flanking towers (though there are references to them), the use of colored marble in decorative patterns, the continuation of the earlier Roman Christian basilica behind the facade

As an example of Late Medieval church architecture, what is NOT Gothic in Orvieto Cathedral?

C, A, B

Choose the correct order for these paintings, showing the earliest in style first, and the most "innovative" last - Duccio is A, Giotto is B, Cimabue is C.

post and lintel structure

Classical Greek and Roman architecture is based upon a ________________________.

commissioned by the city of Siena to replace a smaller altarpiece for the main altar of Siena Cathedral

Duccio's altarpiece was ______________________.

placing the action in a setting, creating more humanly believable figures through modeling and proportion, organizing the composition to focus on the individual figures' responses and on the main action

Giotto gives greater focus to the human drama of Christ's Passion by

modeling in light and shadow

Giotto gives more sculptural effect to his figures by _______________ .

French Gothic

Giovanni's marble panel depicts the same subject as his father's but is inspired by a different tradition. What was that tradition?

Duccio's is much grander in scale, ornament, with a greater sense of occasion and ceremony.

How does Duccio's painting compare with Giotto's of about the same time?

He places the figures in a shallow space, up front, close to the viewer, The figures gestures, body language, and poses suggest theatrical performance

How does Giotto create images that parallel the religious dramas that were used for teaching during his day?

Giotto creates a greater sense of spatial depth.

How does Giotto's altarpiece differ in its treatment of the space from his teacher's (Cimabue)?

the stigmata

In Berlinghieri's painting of Saint Francis, what physical feature in the image is meant to lead viewers to closely associate the saint with Christ?

deep, elaborately ornamented porticos (entrances), sharply pointed pinnacles and tall towers, bundled columns, circular window and tall, triangular forms

Orvieto Cathedral is an example of Late Medieval Italian church architecture, and incorporates a number of Gothic architectural elements. What are some of these Gothic elements?

a community of monks committed to a simple devotional life dedicated to helping the poor, sick, and dying

St. Francis was founder of a "mendicant" order of monks. What was a "mendicant order"?

are characteristic of Byzantine art

The abstract style, use of gold, and strong hierarchical arrangement

emphasizes the divine and otherworldly power of St. Francis

The abstract style, use of gold, and strong hierarchical arrangement

Classical Greek and Roman, French Gothic and Byzantine

The art of 13th and 14th century Italy is a confluence or mixture of different earlier traditions. What are they?

intended for grand, important devotional occasions

The elaborate ornament, narrative images, icons, large scale, colored marble tell us that Nicola Pisano's pulpit was


The frontality, stiff poses, and lack of modeling in Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece reveal his training in which tradition?

divine figures enthroned in Heaven

The hierarchical scale, general lack of naturalism, and the use of gold suggests that the Madonna and Child are


The horizontal element supported by the capitals and columns is called the

an otherworldly figure who, through devotion, shared the miraculous healing power of Christ

The stark abstract style and scenes of miracles promoted St. Francis as


The triangular area supported above the entablature is called the _______________________. Group of answer choices


The vertical grooves carved into these columns is called __________________.


These are examples of _____________________ capitals and columns.


These are examples of classical _______ capitals and columns

French Gothic art

This an example of

triglyph, metopes

This architectural form (outlined in red) in Greek Classical architecture is called _______, and it alternates with _______

Byzantine Art

This is an example of

Byzantine art

This is an example of

Classical architecture

This is an example of

Classical traditions

This is an example of

French Gothic architecture

This is an example of

classical traditions

This is an example of

the classical tradition

This is an example of

greater three-dimensionality of the drapery folds of the robes, some sense of three-dimensional space for the setting and throne

This painting gives evidence that Cimabue might have been the first artist to begin breaking away from the maniera greca. What evidence in the painting suggests this?


True or False: Nicola Pisano had to satisfy the demands of a contract to fulfill this commission


True or False: Though Giotto gives new focus on the human experience of the story of Christ's passion, the shallow stage-like space, the posed gesturing of the figures, and the carefully planned and ordered composition creates the sense of a drama that is about something timeless, and beyond the human.

his father

Typically, for this time, Giovanni Pisano learned sculpture from

columns resting atop sculpted lions, trefoils, figural sculpture attached to columns

What French Gothic elements appear on his pulpit design?

the symmetrical, ritualistic alignment of the figures, the central focus of the image, the hierarchy of scale, the rich use of gold

What are some of the Byzantine elements in Giotto's image?

the architectural style of the throne, the hierarchy of scale, the rich use of gold

What are some of the Gothic style elements in Giotto's painting?

rounded arches, post and lintel structure, Corinthian capitals

What classical elements appear in Nicola Pisano pulpit?

hierarchy of scale: smaller accompanying angels and saints, the Virgin and Child are placed high in the center on a throne, the blue color of the virgin's robe, the rich use of gold in the background, and in the halos

What elements of Giotto's altarpiece follow convention for this subject?

the creation of a sense of three-dimensional volume in the figures

What in Duccio's altarpiece shows the then current trend away from Medieval traditions? Group of answer choices

the generally flat, patterned composition, the use of lots of gold and the hiearchically arranged composition and focus on the center

What in the painting still reflects the maniera greca?

the Annunciation, Nativity, Adoration of the Shepherds

What is the subject matter of this panel?

The Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints

What is the subject of this image?

Duccio's painting was a grand civic commission for Siena Cathedral.

What might account for the grand scale, richness of ornament and color, and the large number of figures in Duccio's painting?

classical Roman models, such as carved on Roman stone coffins

What models inspired his approach to the sculpted panels?


What technical term do art historians apply to Giotto's treatment of the angels in this fresco The Lamentation?

the cathedral of the cathedral complex at Pisa

What was the setting for Giovanni's pulpit?

the baptistery of the cathedral complex at Pisa

What was the setting for Pisano's pulpit?

formality and symmetry

Which characteristic of Duccio's figures in the Maestà (Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints) originates in Byzantine art?

statuesque figures that are modeled in light and shadow

Which element of Giotto's new style appears in the Madonna Enthroned?


Which element of the following was NOT typical of devotional icons of the 13th - 14th centuries?

the focus on the human drama, the placement of the story in a setting, the sculptural modeling of the figures

Which of Giotto's innovations represents a departure from the Italo-Byzantine style?


Which order of Classical architecture (Greek in this case) is this?

He had made his fortune through the practice of usury.

Why did Enrico Scrovegni commission Giotto to paint the frescoes of his private chapel?

The Virgin was seen as a human intercessor between the faithful and Christ

Why was the subject of the Virgin and Child popular?

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