Artificial Intelligence

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What are the Isaac Asimov's three rules of robotics?

1) a robot shall never harm a human being 2) a robot shall obey a human being (if not contradictory with law 1) 3) a robot shall protect itself (if not contradictory with law 1 or 2)

3 current applications

1) learning software 2) robotics 3) agents like SIRI 4) AI in games-when games think too much people do not like it

2 problems of recognition software

1) privacy questions-what are acceptable intrusions of privacy by such software? 2) false hits?

What is the second stage of man vs. machine?

Deep blue defest Gary Kasparov in a chess match

Joseph Weizenbaum created what?

ELIZA which is a chatterbox

What is Rabbi Loew's contribution?

Golem which is an artificial man made out of clay

Who coined the phrase "artificial intelligence"?

John McCarthy

What are they using plants for?

Make paints that would generate energy, high jacking the photosynthesis of plants

Who invented the first mechanical calculator?


Wolfgang von Kempelen "invented" what?

The Turk, fake chess playing machine

2 defintions of AI

a robot which acts, feels, and functions like a human being a software which has human-like (although "cold") intelligence

What will replace steel?

carbon nanotubes

3 discipline that contribute to the goal of creating intelligent entities

computer science psychology (human reasoning) human biology (how brain works)

Gregor Mendel

father of inheritance, traits are inherited

3 types of recognition software

fingerprint, voice, iris-bio metric devices and most used in casinos

Louise Brown

first test tube baby

Karel Kapek is responsible for what?

he coned the word robot

What did Herb Simon do?

he won the Nobel Prize for the theory of bounded rationality and it brought legitimacy to the field

What are metamaterials used to make?

invisibility cloak

What is ALVINN

it is an autonomous land vehicle in a neural network and it is pre google car

What is the Turing Test? Who made it?

made by Allen Turing and is a test to see if you can distinguish between a machine and human, first stage of man vs. machine

What was the first application identified in the video for metamaterials?

military application

What is a cyborg?

mix between a man and machine

New kind of energy research?

nuclear fusion

What are 2 diseases that nanobots can cure?

obesity and cancer

(blank) things are the hardest to make


Ray Zurweil and Singularity

trans humanist and believes life expectancy should double, he is the father of the term singularity which is when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence

What is the grey goo scenario?

when nanobots reproduce at a mass scale and consume all energy leaving behind grey goo

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