AS 121 - Unit 6

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(Refer to Figure 20, Figure 28.) The VOR is tuned to Elizabeth City VOR/DME (area 3 in Figure 20), and the aircraft is positioned over Shawboro, a small town 3 NM west of Currituck County Regional (ONX). Which VOR indication is correct?

36°24'N - 76°01'W.

(Refer to Figure 20.) (Refer to area 3.) Determine the approximate latitude and longitude of Currituck County Airport.

Unmarked balloon on cable to 3,008 feet MSL.

(Refer to Figure 20.) (Refer to area 5.) The CAUTION box denotes what hazard to aircraft?


(Refer to Figure 20.) Determine the magnetic course from First Flight Airport (area 5) to Hampton Roads Airport (area 2).

18 nautical miles from Norfolk VORTAC.

(Refer to Figure 20.) What is your approximate position on low altitude airway Victor 1, southwest of Norfolk (area 1), if the VOR receiver indicates you are on the 340° radial of Elizabeth City VOR (area 3)?

IFR training flights above 1,500 feet AGL at speeds in excess of 250 knots.

(Refer to Figure 21.) (Refer to area 3.) What type military flight operations should a pilot expect along IR 644?


(Refer to Figure 21.) (Refer to area 3.) Which airport is located at approximately 47°21'N latitude and 101°01'W longitude?

122.8 MHz

(Refer to Figure 22, Figure 31.) (Refer to area 2 in Figure 22.) At Coeur D'Alene, which frequency should be used as a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to self-announce position and intentions?

3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.

(Refer to Figure 22.) (Refer to area 1.) The visibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during daylight hours over Sandpoint Airport at 1,200 feet AGL are


(Refer to Figure 22.) What is the magnetic heading for a flight from Priest River Airport (area 1) to Shoshone County Airport (area 3)? The wind is from 030° at 12 knots and the true airspeed is 95 knots.

Town of Springfield.

(Refer to Figure 23.) What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 340° radial of Savannah VORTAC (area 3) and the 184° radial of Allendale VOR (area 1)?


(Refer to Figure 24, Figure 28.) The VOR is tuned to Bonham VORTAC (area 3 in Figure 24) and the aircraft is positioned over the town of Sulphur Springs (area 5 in Figure 24). Which VOR indication is correct?


(Refer to Figure 24.) Determine the magnetic course from Airpark East Airport (area 1) to Winnsboro Airport (area 2). Magnetic variation is 6°30'E.

Glenmar Airport.

(Refer to Figure 24.) What is the approximate position of the aircraft if the VOR receivers indicate the 245° radial of Sulphur Springs VOR-DME (area 5) and the 140° radial of Bonham VORTAC (area 3)?


(Refer to Figure 25.) (Refer to area 5.) The VOR is tuned to the Dallas/Fort Worth VOR. The omnibearing selector (OBS) is set on 253°, with a TO indication, and a right course deviation indicator (CDI) deflection. What is the aircraft's position from the VOR?


(Refer to Figure 25.) What is the base of Class B airspace at Lakeview (30F) Airport (area 2)?


(Refer to Figure 26, Figure 28.) The VOR is tuned to Jamestown VOR (area 4 in Figure 26), and the aircraft is positioned over Cooperstown Airport (area 2 in Figure 26). Which VOR indication is correct?


(Refer to Figure 26, Figure 28.) The VOR is tuned to Jamestown VOR (area 4 in Figure 26), and the aircraft is positioned over Cooperstown Airport (area 2 in Figure 26.). Which VOR indication is correct?

Military training activities that necessitate acrobatic or abrupt flight maneuvers.

(Refer to Figure 26.) (Refer to area 2.) What hazards to aircraft may exist in areas such as Devils Lake East MOA?

Class G airspace from the surface to 700 feet AGL.

(Refer to Figure 26.) (Refer to east of area 5.) The airspace overlying and within 5 miles of Barnes County Airport is


(Refer to Figure 28.) (Refer to illustration 3.) The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft's position relative to the station?


(Refer to Figure 28.) (Refer to illustration 5.) The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What radial is the aircraft crossing?


(Refer to Figure 28.) (Refer to illustration 8.) The VOR receiver has the indications shown. What is the aircraft's position relative to the station?

Weight is reduced by 210 pounds and the CG is aft of limits.

(Refer to Figure 32, Figure 33.) What effect does a 35-gallon fuel burn (main tanks) have on the weight and balance if the airplane weighed 2,890 pounds and the MOM/100 was 2,452 at takeoff?

19 knots.

(Refer to Figure 36.) What is the crosswind component for a landing on Runway 18 if the tower reports the wind as 220° at 30 knots?

23 knots.

(Refer to Figure 36.) What is the headwind component for a landing on Runway 18 if the tower reports the wind as 220° at 30 knots?

956 feet.

(Refer to Figure 38.) Determine the total distance required to land over a 50-foot obstacle. Pressure altitude = 5,000 ft. Headwind = 8 kts. Temperature = 41°F. Runway = Hard surface


(Refer to Figure 59.) (Refer to area 3.) What is the airspace classification around Findlay (FDY) airport?

197 pounds under allowable gross weight; CG 83.6 inches aft of datum.

(Refer to Figure 67.) Determine the condition of the airplane:

(Refer to Figure 70.) When are two-way radio communications required on a flight from Gnoss Airport (DVO) (area 4) to Livermore Airport (LVK) (area 5) at an altitude of 3,500 ft. MSL? When entering

(Refer to Figure 70.) When are two-way radio communications required on a flight from Gnoss Airport (DVO) (area 4) to Livermore Airport (LVK) (area 5) at an altitude of 3,500 ft. MSL? When entering

both 2,100 feet and 3,000 feet MSL

(Refer to Figure 74.) (Refer to area 6.) The Class C airspace at Metropolitan Oakland International (OAK) which extends from the surface upward has a ceiling of


(Refer to Figure 75.) The airspace surrounding the Gila Bend AF AUX Airport (GXF) (area 6) is classified as Class

1 statute mile, clear of clouds.

(Refer to Figure 78.) What are the basic VFR weather minima required to takeoff from the Onawa, IA (K36) airport during the day?

118.7 MHz.

(Refer to Figure 79, Figure 78.) At Sioux Gateway/Col Day (N42°20.67' W96°19.42'), which frequency should be used as a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to self-announce position and intentions when the control tower is closed?

2,991 feet MSL.

(Refer to Figure 8.) Determine the pressure altitude with an indicated altitude of 1,380 feet MSL with an altimeter setting of 28.22 at standard temperature.


How many Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites are required to yield a threedimensional position (latitude, longitude, and altitude) and time solution?

the pilot has no assurance of the accuracy of the GPS position.

If Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) capability is lost in-flight,

higher than pressure altitude.

If the outside air temperature (OAT) at a given altitude is warmer than standard, the density altitude is

satellite based.

The Global Positioning System is

Exercise extreme caution when military activity is being conducted.

What action should a pilot take when operating under VFR in a Military Operations Area (MOA)?


What should the airborne accuracy of a VOR be?

add westerly variation and subtract left wind correction angle.

When converting from true course to magnetic heading, a pilot should

0° FROM or 180° TO, regardless of the pilot's position from the VOT.

When the course deviation indicator (CDI) needle is centered using a VOR test signal (VOT), the omnibearing selector (OBS) and the TO/FROM indicator should read

Chart Supplement.

Where can locations for VOR test facilities be found?

Navigating by GPS must be integrated with other forms of navigation.

Which of the following is a true statement concerning the Global Positioning System?

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