ASB102 Reading Checks

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How does the foraging mode of reproduction relate to the foraging mode of livelihood?

Birth rates in foraging societies are constrained by the effects of activity and diet on the women's fertility.

Who is considered the father of participant observation?

Bronislaw Malinowski

Why are Franz Boas's texts that recorded the myths, songs, and speeches of American Indians so important?

The cultures have since changed and much of that knowledge has been lost.

Which statement best describes a deductive approach to anthropological fieldwork?

The deductive approach starts with a hypothesis and then involves gathering relevant data.

How can the age of menarche affect a woman's fertility?

The earlier a girl experiences menarche, the more years she has to conceive children.

What was the reason the initial leadership of CO-MADRES was composed only of women?

The government had killed or imprisoned many of their husbands and sons.

Why did the Canadian government disapprove of potlatches?

The government thought potlatching was wasteful and out of line with its goals for the "economic progress" of the native groups.

Most Hui Muslims of Xi'an China follow the Qur'an, which forbids the consumption of certain foods and drinks. This rule is related to what belief?

The kinds of food one eats affect a person's essence and behavior.

What is a common attitude that helps pilgrims endure hardships on a journey?

They accumulate merit through undergoing hardships.

Which of the following statements about revitalization movements is correct?

They are religious movements that seek to renew the practices of threatened religions in a context of rapid cultural change.

Which of the following statements about nuclear households is true?

They are the second most common form of household worldwide.

Why do some people argue that parental care of children is not truly a pure gift?

They argue that parents have expectations that their children will make them proud and care for them in their old age.

How are kogals similar to bahasa gay speakers?

They both challenge local gender norms through language.

What is true about leaders of bands?

They have influence, but not power.

For what reason have many Tibetans settled in India?

They have sought sanctuary on the basis of persecution suffered in territorial China.

How has the Tiwi lifestyle changed since the second half of the twentieth century?

They now live in settled villages.

What was one possible explanation of the reluctance of the Hungarian government to take action after the Tisza River disaster?

It did not want to endanger the large Hungarian population in Romania.

What is the role of makeup in the Kathakali dance drama?

It indicates the moral status and hierarchy of the characters.

How is the concept of subjective well-being related to the definition of poverty?

It is a distinct measurement that does not rely on economic indicators.

Why is the American Indian "two-spirit" considered a third gender category?

It is a legitimate alternative to the binary gender categories of male and female.

What makes the concept of stigma presented in the text an issue suited for anthropological analysis?

It is detrimental to social status.

Why do small-scale societies use ostracism as a means of social control?

It is the most serious form of punishment because small-scale societies are based on principles of personal relatedness and interdependence.

Which of the following best characterizes the practice of infanticide?

It is widespread across cultures but generally uncommon within cultures.

What role does cognitive retrogression play in biomedical training?

It socializes medical students into a uniform pattern and elevates medical knowledge above everything else.

What do researchers think contributes to the effectiveness of community healing?

It supports mental and physical health through expressions of solidarity.

What is one way infertility affects men in some communities in the the Middle East, beyond the inability to have children?

It undermines their masculine identity.

How do structurists interpret the fact that some low-income youths join urban gangs?

They point to a connection between the desire to be successful and the inability to do so.

Which of the following ideas is supported by cross-cultural evidence?

Infants learn culture from the time of birth.

How did European colonial rule in Africa and Asia contribute to the decline of matrilineal kinship?

Land was registered in the names of assumed male heads of household.

What is one cause of the Kelabit's transition away from the communal longhouse and into single-family residences?

Many young people work industrial jobs elsewhere on the island.

What was one of the findings of the 2013-2014 study on biological anthropologists during fieldwork?

Many younger, female fieldworkers had experienced sexual harassment from colleagues.

How does the naming system of the people of Ha Tsuen, Hong Kong, reflect the power of males in that society?

Men accumulate more and better names than women.

Which statement best describes the division of labor among most pastoralist cultures?

Men are typically in charge of herding the animals while women are typically in charge of processing the herd's products.

Which of the following was a factor in why most of the victims of kuru among the Fore people were women?

Men received preferential access to the best sources of protein.

What was one finding from the Garbage Project?

Paper products, especially newspaper, caused the most serious problem in the landfill.

How is race different from ethnicity?

Race is a culturally constructed concept that groups people according to physical traits; ethnicity refers to people who share a sense of common cultural heritage.

Why is the family rice pot such a treasured heirloom in Gullah society?

Rice is the cornerstone of many Gullah meals.

How would an anthropologist apply the notion of critical cultural relativism to her work?

She would question cultural practices that harm people within the culture she is studying.

What is one finding from anthropological study of sibling relationships?

Sibling relationships often play an important part in the socialization process.

What occurred as a result of the division in anthropology that existed during the Vietnam War?

The American Anthropological Association established a code of ethics.

How does the "Yellowstone model" affect the traditional Hopi ceremony described in the text?

The Hopi are unable to hunt golden eagles in national parks, but can hunt a limited number in non-park land.

Which description fits the Mundurucu's relationship with the rubber industry for much of the twentieth century?

The Mundurucu maintained horticultural production while also working for the rubber industry.

Which of the following describes the situation of the San?

The San have ceased foraging and many now dwell in urban areas.

How does the Tjarada love-magic ritual create a sense of community and responsibility among women in northern Australia?

The accompanying narratives absorb elements connected to specific groups of women. These are passed to the next group when the Tjarada is transferred.

Which of the following is a characteristic of fine art but not folk art according to the textbook definition of the two categories?

The artist signs his or her name on the art.

Which situation best illustrates applied anthropology?

a biological anthropologist helping solve a murder by examining the victim's remains

What is "ethno-etiology"?

a culturally specific explanation of health problems

Anthropologists define a family as __________.

a group of people who consider themselves related through descent, marriage, or sharing

What is a logograph?

a symbol used in writing that resembles that to which it refers

Which of the following is the definition of language?

a systematic set of symbols and signs with learned and shared meanings

What is linguistic determinism?

a theory stating that language determines consciousness of the world and shapes behavior

What did researchers find was a driving factor in the increased use of ecstasy in the United States?

a wider global supply network

Which of the following factors related to wife abuse in rural Kentucky is classified as a form of social isolation, rather than geographical or institutional isolation?

attitudes among the local police that made them unlikely to respond to the situation

Why do men in Andalucia, Spain, have more "true friends" than women do?

because men have wider social networks

What is one of the greatest offenses among the highland horticulturalists of Sumba?

breaking a promise

How is the Russian Orthodox church, previously a suppressed religion, demonstrating its new resurgence in postsocialist Russia?

by demanding that museums return previously confiscated religious icons

In what way(s) has Turkey tried to suppress Kurdish identity?

by referring to them as "Mountain Turks" and restricting the use of the Kurdish language

How did the school program in Hamburg, offered mainly to children of Muslim immigrants, work to integrate the students into German society?

by teaching German values along with expressive forms of art

What new health problem do indigenous Amazonian groups now face as a result of adoption of Western foods?


Many anthropologists would prefer that artworks in a museum be __________.

displayed with substantial contextual information

Which of the following would clearly compromise the ethics of anthropological fieldwork?

doing undercover research

A discovery that the relative number of flu cases in urban settings was higher than that in rural areas would be consistent with which of the following approaches?


Class refers to one's position in society and is defined primarily in __________ terms.


A form of unbalanced exchange in which the buying and selling of commodities is controlled by the forces of supply and demand is called __________.

market exchange

Exogamy is __________.

marriage outside a defined social (ethnic) group

Deborah Tannen's analysis of discourse patterns among white Euro-Americans found that __________.

men and women use different styles of communication, which can lead to misunderstandings

What is the term for the concept that rewards go to those who deserve them?

meritocratic individualism

A mode of consumption characterized by few and finite consumer demands is known as __________.


Inhaling the smoke produced when a certain type of bark is burned is used to treat breathing problems in some parts of Ethiopia. What is this an example of?


Which of the following is an example of an activity in the informal work sector?

selling illegal drugs

The research conducted on susto in three villages found that __________.

socially marginalized individuals were more likely to suffer from it

The same type of research used to produce the idea for Go-Gurt could also be helpful with which of the following subjects?

the efficacy of aid in the aftermath of a natural disaster

What coincided with the first appearance of social stratification in human society?

the emergence of agriculture

The anthropological definition of religion is broader than __________.

the belief in one supreme deity

The transition to democracy is especially difficult when __________.

the change is from a highly authoritarian socialist regime

Vietnamese water puppetry was traditionally tied to __________.

the cycle of farm work

What example of a sport described in the text has a strong religious connection?

wrestling in India

An object featuring elaborate carvings and carefully etched writing is found at an archaeological site. What source would a cultural anthropologist draw on to determine the purpose of the object?

written firsthand accounts of the civilization associated with the site

What is a major factor in the later age of first marriage that is occurring at the present time?

higher aspirations for education

Substantial evidence indicates global morbidity rates are __________.

higher in groups with lower income

On what did Stuart Kirsch base his decision to act on behalf of the indigenous residents of Ok Tedi?

his belief that he should consider his research findings an item of exchange

The transfer of the psychological effects of colonialism from parents to children is known as __________.

historical trauma

Which mode of livelihood is based on cultivating domestic plants in gardens using hand tools?


Which term describes a model of cultural interaction related to globalization?


Why would a government seek to build civil society?

in order to further its own goals and agenda

A __________ is a way to show a person's earliest ancestors and work down to the present.


Which of the following describes the final phase of the South Baffin Island Place Name Project?


What is one explanation for the popularity of nonhuman blood sports such as cockfighting?

An owner's self-worth is boosted when his or her animal triumphs.

What characteristic distinguishes closed adoption from open adoption?

In closed adoption, the birth parent has no relationship with the child.

Evidence based on human mental and physical capacity, as well as indicators of cultural evolution, indicate language may have been developed about __________.

100,000 to 50,000 years ago

How do the basic requirements for becoming a priest and a shaman differ?

A priest is required to go through formal training within a religious hierarchy; a shaman needs to demonstrate shamanic abilities.

Why is the caste system particularly associated with Hinduism?

Ancient Hindu scriptures are the sources that define the major social categories in Indian society.

What belief of John Chernoff's is illustrated by the saying of one of his drumming teachers, "The heart sees before the eyes"?

Anthropologists can only truly learn about creativity by relinquishing a scientific approach.

Which statement is an accurate comparison of the fields of economic anthropology and economics?

Anthropologists consider economic systems besides modern capitalism.

What is one advantage to having an undergraduate degree in anthropology?

Anthropology teaches valuable cross-cultural communication skills.

Which of the following is an accurate statement about matrilineal societies?

As the number of horticultural economies in the world declines, there will be fewer matrilineal societies.

Robert Carneiro's low opinion of the United Nations is related to which of the following factors?

Because the UN rarely uses force, it is ineffective.

How does women's work outside the home in horticultural societies affect their children's personality development?

Children take on more household and caring responsibilities and are more likely to develop nurturant-responsible personalities.

How does clothing relate to human communication?

Clothing is a form of body language.

How are pidgins and creoles related?

Creoles develop from pidgins.

Which statement describes a difference between direct and indirect entitlements?

Direct entitlements are more secure than indirect entitlements.

What is the nature of the marriage crisis in China today?

Due to the one-child policy and a preference for sons, there are now not enough women for men to marry.

When did warfare first emerge in human society?

During the time when humans began to settle in communities.

How are the ideas of ethnocentrism and cultural relativism related?

Ethnocentrism and cultural relativism are opposing concepts.

When is it appropriate for people to begin having sexual intercourse?

Every culture has its own guidelines that may vary by gender, class, race, and ethnicity.

How does fieldwork differ from armchair anthropology and verandah anthropology?

Fieldwork involves firsthand observation of a culture.

What is the difference between gestures and sign language?

Gestures are not a complete communication system, whereas sign language is.

Which of the following would be the best way to set up a study measuring the impact of the meaning effect on a treatment?

Give half of the participants a placebo, half a proven treatment, and use only clinical data to assess efficacy.

In the example of Maskit stores, how did the Israeli government treat the merchandise and for what reason?

Giving visiting dignitaries gifts from Maskit suggested the work was a symbolic representative of Israeli culture.

Which of the following statements about global languages is accurate?

Global languages pick up words from local languages and change within the local context.

Which of the following has increasingly become a threat to the Trobriand Islander cultures?


Which of the following statements exhibits the African roots of African American English (AAE)?

He tired.

Which of following describes the Sherpa's use of selective pluralism?

Herbs and biomedical treatments are both used.

Which groups does the violence around contested sacred sites in India frequently involve?

Hindus and Muslims

What is a common effect of official recordkeeping on the reporting of household headship?

Household heads are presumed to be men, and it is more difficult for women to be officially recognized as one.

Which is a characteristic of Puerto Rico that makes it an example of the difficulty of applying the definition of a nation to a society with fluid populations?

Immigration creates a lack of cultural homogeneity in the local population, while emigration from the island disrupts the identification with a territory.

Which of these statements about mono-cropping is correct?

Mono-cropping leads to a decrease in biodiversity.

Which of the following describes the current state of indigenous cultures of the Andaman Islands?

Some have had little or no contact with outsiders.

Which situation best illustrates foraging as a mode of livelihood?

Some members of a society are gathering root vegetables and berries while others are hunting small animals.

How do cooperatives function as a social group?

Surpluses are shared among the members and each member has a vote in decision making.

Why do people in rural North India consider having a large family a sign of wealth?

Their agricultural mode of livelihood benefits from having many sons to work on the farm.

How does the language of the Pirahã people of the Brazilian rainforest challenge anthropological definitions of human language?

Their language includes little productivity and displacement.

What aspect of the culture of the Old Order Amish is the most likely motive for having many children?

Theirs is primarily an agricultural society.

What does the fact that women form about 19 percent of all the world's parliamentary members illustrate?

Women in most countries have limited access to political power.

__________ may yield insights about the militarization of civilian lives or the cultural dynamics of military personnel.

War zone anthropology

What is one reason that wealth inequality has persisted and worsened in the United States?

Wealth and property are transferred across generations, so the children of wealthy parents are more likely to be wealthy than the children of poor parents.

A sacred place of pilgrimage to Jews is the Kotel, otherwise known as the __________.

Western Wall

Which of the following is one reason the World Health Organization endorsed the integration of traditional healing practices in national health systems?

Western biomedicine was deficient in terms of addressing the psychosocial context of illness.

What two factors caused the spread of African religions in the Western Hemisphere?

Western colonialism and slavery

The belief that people should not question or change any behavior or idea in another culture because doing so is ethnocentric is known as __________.

absolute cultural relativism

What do social scientists mean by the term new social movements?

activist groups that use social capital and social media to improve the lives of people they represent

Which situation best illustrates the practice of cultural anthropology?

an American researcher objectively describing the cultural activity of getting a fast-food hamburger in her hometown

What is a social norm?

an accepted standard for how people should behave

What is the Slow Food Movement?

an alternative food movement that emphasizes local agricultural traditions

What is collaborative research?

an approach to learning about culture in which members of the culture of study are teammates in the study

Which of the following illustrates the idea of social capital?

calling on your neighbors for help with a community yard sale

William Labov showed that in New York City, accents were related to __________.


If an agricultural society in the Soviet Union underwent transitions similar to the Mongolian pastoralists, which of the following would describe its history under communism?

collectivized agriculture, then back to private agriculture

What aspect of the 2010 World Cup most challenged the leaders of South Africa?

commercial sponsorship by large American companies

What does political scientist Benedict Anderson mean by "imagined communities"?

communities in which state builders employ symbolic efforts to create a sense of belonging among diverse people

In Buddhism, a key virtue is __________.

compassion toward other living things

After her teenage son was killed in an accident while accompanying his father on anthropological fieldwork, Nancy Howell __________.

conducted a study examining the hazards that anthropologists face during their fieldwork

Which of the following is often a factor in cross-cultural miscommunication in a health-care setting?

conflicting explanatory models

The World Bank's first anthropologist, Michael Cernea, encouraged it to consider what as an aspect of development?

cultural heritage preservation

What form of unbalanced exchange have some Indian tribal groups in the United States used as a successful capitalist venture?


Mythologist Claude Lévi-Strauss felt that hearing or reading myths helped people to __________.

deal with deep existential questions, such as life and death

What overarching themes do initiation rites often include?

death and rebirth

A country that is shifting from an agricultural economy to one based on industry is likely to undergo the __________ transition.


A man gave an acquaintance an item and will receive an item of approximately equal value from the acquaintance within a set time frame. This exchange best illustrates __________.

expected reciprocity

A researcher living in a society in which people are unfamiliar with cultural anthropology is mistaken for a doctor because he carries aspirin and other nonprescription drugs. This situation illustrates the phenomenon of __________.

false role assignments

Karma, a basic Hindu concept, can be translated as __________.


While traveling in the United States, a Tibetan monk is injured in a car accident and admitted to the public hospital for treatment. Which of the following would be helpful in this situation?

finding a cultural broker to mediate communication between the monk and the medical staff

How many major forms of livelihood do cultural anthropologists identify?


The ability of people to obtain an adequate diet over time is known as __________.

food security

What core American value may present challenges for U.S. baseball players on Japanese teams?


Ethnocentrism involves __________.

judging other cultures by the standards of one's own culture

Using the method of __________, the 2014 book about post-apartheid South Africa showed new patterns of inequality within Black and White communities.

life histories

An anthropologist is conducting research among Tibetan pastoralists. Her primary question concerns how food production changes with the seasons. This project best illustrates research into a culture's __________.

mode of livelihood

Fieldwork conducted on a topic in more than one location is known as __________.

multisited research

West Germanic is a __________ of Dutch, which in turn is a __________ of English.

parent; sister

Members of a community in Australia typically make all of their own goods or receive their goods from someone they know. The consumption in this community illustrates __________.

personalized consumption

Which of the following has been a common effect of capitalist expansion into noncapitalist settings?

population displacement

The ability to bring about results with the potential use of force is known as __________.


What are the main factors affecting changing patterns of consumption and exchange today?

powerful market forces controlled by core industrial countries

A group that consists of people who interact with each other and know each other personally is a __________ group.


An anthropologist who studies the social behavior of gorillas in captivity is a(n) __________.


British colonialists in Papua New Guinea sought to replace tribal fighting with __________.


Male friendships in Guyana are reinforced through __________.


Surrogate motherhood is linked to what characteristic of the industrial/digital reproduction mode?

stratified reproduction

An anthropologist studying a culture in Eastern Europe determines that the choices of the people she is studying are completely constrained by economic, social, and political forces. This anthropologist's findings demonstrate which school of anthropological thought?


What is a frequent way that a state extracts resources from its citizens?


What was one of the local beliefs that challenged health workers providing vaccinations in Afghanistan?

that health workers were Western spies

Which of the following is an example of material cultural heritage?

the Taj Mahal

What is "productivity" with regard to language?

the ability to create an infinite range of expressions from a finite set of rules

An anthropologist finds that in the culture she is studying, none of the adults show grief at funeral ceremonies. This pattern can reasonably be assumed to be __________.

the expected behavior within the culture and not necessarily indicative of a lack of grief

Which issue concerns linguistic anthropologists?

the extinction of indigenous languages

What has led anthropologists to conclude that nuclear households are likely to increase worldwide?

the increase in industrialization

The formation of cargo cults in Melanesia was a response by indigenous people to __________.

the introduction of new Western goods

What are the two types of civil society institutions defined by social theorist Antonio Gramsci?

those that support the state and those that oppose state power

In some regions of the world, people practice sex-selective abortions because __________.

they value boys over girls for their contribution to agricultural work

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