astro final

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What about Galileo's observations?

- discovered 4 moons of Jupiter, showing that not everything revolved around the sun - observed the rings of Saturn (can get Saturn's mass from that)

if you apply the same force to two carts, the first cart is 100kg the second is 10 kg, the acceleration of the 100 cart would be ____ the acc of the 10.

10 x smaller.

if the temp of an object doubles, the total amount of its thermal radiation will be

16x as big

the earth's mass is about 80 x larger than the moons. What is the ratio of grav force the earth exerts on the moon to the grav force the moon exerts on earth?


If your weight on Earth is 100 lbs, what would your weight be on a planet with same radius, but 2X mass?

200 lbs

If a period is 125 years, what is the radius of a circular orbit?

25 AU

Which of Keper's laws explains why the Sun has slightly large apparent size in January than July?

2nd law

how many times more chemical energy must a biker expend to reach a speed of 40 kph compared to another biker of the same mass to reach a speed of 20 kph?


How old is the sun?

4.5 billion

If the moon were moved to a distance that is 1/4 of its current value, its angular size would be

4x as big

suppose a comet has an elliptical orbit that brings it twice as close to the sun at its closest approach as when it is largest separation. If its speed is 10 km/ second at its largest separation, what will its speed be at its closest?

5 km

The action/ reaction forces refer to Newton's 3rd law:

Acts upon 2 different objects

Why is Venus' surface hotter than Mercury's?

Carbon dioxide in Venus's atmosphere traps heat radiating from its surface making it hotter

What did Tycho Brache discover?

Comets moved outside the Earth's atmosphere AND could detect no parallax so still thought planets go around sun BUT sun goes around earth.

to date, what is the most successful for detecting exoplanets?

Doppler Shift method

What causes seasons?

Earths tilt (inclination) of the planet's rotational axis.

What did Copernicus say?

Heliocentric model (Sun is in center) Retrograde motion is a natural result of SUN BEING AT CENTER!!- planets can appear to change direction in the sky. This is an illusion.

Explain blue and red shifted:

If an object is emitting light and moving toward you, the light you see will be shifted to slightly shorter wavelengths; blue-shifted. If the object is moving away from you, it will be; red-shifted.

What law is this? Planets move in elliptical orbits with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse.


Why are daily temperature variation on Mars much larger than we experience on Earth

Mar's atmosphere is too thin to insulate the surface

which of the following planets can not be seen at midnight?


mercury's avg density is about 1.5 x greater than the moons even though they have similar radii. What does this suggest about M's composition?

Mercury's interior is much richer than the moons

Why don't we have eclipses every month?

Moon's orbit is tipped about 5 deg with respect to the Earth's orbit around the sun. Even if the Moon is new its shadow may pass above or below Earth.

How many forces need to be applied to a body in space to keep it at a constant velocity?


Newton's law of gravity, the constant G is dependent on?

NOTHING- it is indepentent

Kepler's third law relates to?

P^2= A^3

With Brache's data, what did Kepler discover?

Planets do not move in circles around the sun, they follow ellipses with the sun located at one of 2 foci.

During a lunar eclipse:

The Earth's shadow falls on the Moon.

The circular shape of the Earth's shadow on the Moon led by early astronomers concluded that:

The earth is a sphere.

Galileo's observations of the changing phases of Venus supported what view?

Venus orbits the Sun

What is Newton's third law?

When TWO bodies interact, they create equal and opposite forces on eachother.

If an object moves along a curved path at a constant speed, you can infer that?

a force is acting upon it

which of the following demonstrates the property of inertia

a hockey puck sliding across ice AND a whipping a table cloth

1. Which of the following situation will most closely exhibit the characteristics of a perfect blackbody, as defined by a physicist? a. A small hole in a hollow steel sphere b. The polished surface of a block of gold c. The surface of a piece of transparent glass d. A sheet of steel, painted black

a. A small hole in a hollow steel sphere

1. Neptune's predominantly blue appearance is caused by: a. Absorption of red end of the spectrum of sunlight by methane in its atmospheres b. Aurora emission caused by solar wind particles exciting the atoms and molecules in the atmosphere c. Preferential scattering of light of the solar spectrum by Neptune's atmosphere, similar to the process in the Earth atmosphere d. Reflection of light by water vapor clouds

a. Absorption of red end of the spectrum of sunlight by methane in its atmospheres

1. Which of the following spectrum is observed when white light is shined through a cool gas a. An absorption spectrum b. A continuous spectrum c. An emission spectrum d. None of the above

a. An absorption spectrum

1. How does angular resolution for a given diameter of telescope depend upon wavelength? a. Angular resolution worsens as the wavelength increases b. Angular resolution is independent on the wavelength c. Angular resolution improves as the wavelength increases d. None of the above

a. Angular resolution worsens as the wavelength increases

1. An asteroid failed to form a planet because of a. Gravitational interaction with Jupiter b. Ongoing collisions between asteroids c. An intense solar heating d. The sun magnetic field

a. Gravitational interaction with Jupiter

1. Auroral displays are more often seen a. In a circular region around the north and south geomagnetic poles b. Above areas where tectonic plates are colliding c. At the north and south geographical poles along the Earth's spin axis d. In winter time only

a. In a circular region around the north and south geomagnetic poles

1. The energy of the Sun is generated a. In its central core, by fusion of hydrogen nuclei b. On its surface, but fusion of hydrogen nuclei c. In its central core, by fusion of helium nuclei d. Only in the region of the sunspots

a. In its central core, by fusion of hydrogen nuclei

1. Who developed the first reflecting astronomical telescope? a. Isaac Newton b. Galileo c. Ptolemy d. Copernicus

a. Isaac Newton

1. In which country did Galileo make his astronomical discoveries? a. Italy b. Poland c. England d. USA

a. Italy

1. The cold structure of Venus can best be described as a. Perpetual thick cloud layer with a haze layer under it and clear air below this, down to the surface b. Perpetual thick cloud layer extending to ground level c. Isolated cloud systems constantly forming and dissipating with clear sky between them d. Mostly clear sky with occasional dust clouds

a. Perpetual thick cloud layer with a haze layer under it and clear air below this, down to the surface

1. The ionized gas tail of a comet is always aligned with a. The comet-sun line b. The line between the comet and the nearest planet c. The comet direction of motion d. The celestial equator

a. The comet-sun line

1. The temperature of the corona of the Sun a. Very hot, millions K b. Very cool, since it is the furthest from the heat source c. About 5800K d. 2.7K

a. Very hot, millions K

1. Water vapor in Venus atmosphere a. Was destroyed by the Sun's UV light b. Was never present in the planet's history c. Responsible for Venus covered in clouds d. Is strongly radioactive

a. Was destroyed by the Sun's UV light

1. Particles in Saturn's main ring are made of (or covered with) a. Water ice b. Carbon dioxide c. Metallic hydrogen d. Iron needles

a. Water ice

1. What causes Jupiter and Saturn to have substantially larger radii at their equator than at their poles? a. They spin fast b. High energy storms c. Intense magnetic fields d. Collisions with other planets

a. they spin fast

1. Water vapor in Venus atmosphere a. was destroyed by the Sun's UV light b. was never present in the planet's history c. responsible for Venus covered in clouds d. is strongly radioactive

a. was destroyed by the Sun's UV light

If 2 different objects of different mass are dropped from a window what will they have the same of?


the purpose of adaptive optics is to make telescopes

adjust for the distortions caused by earths atmosphere

why is it that on Earth a feather will fall at a slower rate than a rock?

air resistance reduces the net downward force on the feather

what kinds of info have been determined by observing planetary transits

all the above

which of the following features of the solar system does the solar nebula theory explain

all the above

looking down on the solar system from above the suns north pole, ________ planets orbit counterclockwise and _________ planets spin counterclockwise

all- most

our knowledge of composition of earth's core comes from

analysis of earthquake waves

A high mountain top such as Mauna Kea in Hawaii is a good site for an infrared observatory because it is a. Closer to the stratospheric ozone layer b. Above most of the moisture in Earth's atmosphere c. Far from city noise d. Further from city lights

b. Above most of the moisture in Earth's atmosphere

1. Solar flares arise from: a. Nuclear bursts in the photosphere of solar corona b. Annihilation reconnection of magnetic fields c. Comets hitting the sun d. Volcanic activity of the sun

b. Annihilation reconnection of magnetic fields

1. Why is it relatively difficult to observe Mercury from Earth? a. Because its surface is always glowing from the intense ultraviolet sunlight b. Because it is a small object and always appears close to the Sun in the sky c. Because its surface is completely covered by clouds d. Because its orbit is such that it is always on the opposite side of the Sun to the Earth

b. Because it is a small object and always appears close to the Sun in the sky

1. How was Neptune discovered? a. By accident, by an astronomer who was conducting a sky survey b. By a careful application of Newton's laws to the motion of other planets c. By a careful application of general relativity to the motion of other planets d. By a space mission

b. By a careful application of Newton's laws to the motion of other planets

1. The Roche limit is the a. Smallest mass a planet can have b. Distance a planet's tidal force equals a moon own gravity c. Largest stable orbit of a planet d. Depth astronomers can see into a planet's cloud

b. Distance a planet's tidal force equals a moon own gravity

1. Where in the solar system would you look for liquid hydrogen? a. Nowhere, because it is not cold enough anywhere in the solar system to liquefy hydrogen b. In the deep interiors of Jupiter and Saturn c. On the polar caps of Mars d. At the polar region of the Moon

b. In the deep interiors of Jupiter and Saturn

1. Which of the following are you least likely to find in an asteroid? a. Metallic inclusions b. Liquid water c. Rocky material d. Carbon-based material

b. Liquid water

1. How many forces need to be applied to a body in empty space to keep it moving with a constant velocity a. Two unequal forces b. None c. One force, in the direction of motion d. None of the above

b. None

1. The asteroid belt is believed by most astronomers to be composed of a. Icy fragments similar to the nuclei of comets b. Rocky debris left over from the formation of solar system c. Genuine leather d. The remnants of a gaseous planet, disrupted by an impact

b. Rocky debris left over from the formation of solar system

1. What will happen with the gravitational force between the Sun and the Earth, if the Sun collapses into 1 solar mass black hole? a. The force will increase enormously b. The force will stay the same c. The force will decrease by the ratio of the present solar radius to the radius of the black hole d. The force will increase by the ratio of the present solar radius to the radius of the black hole

b. The force will stay the same

1. Which planet has its spin axis tilted 98 degrees from the vertical? a. Mercury b. Uranus c. Mars d. Jupiter

b. Uranus

earth's average density is

between density of rock and iron

Some astronomers think Venus once has oceans. If that was true, where did the water go? The water

boiled, and the sunlight broke into hydrogen and oxygen

a satellite orbiting a planet in a circular path at a constant speed has what kind of energy

both kinetic and potential

astronauts inside the INTL space station appear weightless becasue

both space station and astronauts are orbiting earth therefore the astronauts appear weightless because both objects are falling together towards Earth

What evidence suggests that liquid water was once on the Martian surface?

branching channels in the shape of river beds

Over the course Mercurian year, the suns motion across the sky is

briefly travels W to E, but otherwise E to W

how do astonomers estimate the size of most asteroids

by measuring the amount of light they reflect

1. Jupiter is about 5 times farther from the Sun than the Earth is. About how long is Jupiter's year? (very approximately?) a. 3 Earth years b. 1100 Earth years c. 11 Earth years d. 30 Earth years

c. 11 Earth years

1. The early phases of planetary formation into proto-planets are characterized by a. Breaking apart of large objects into planets b. Condensation of hot gas clouds c. Accretion of small particles by gravitational attraction and collisions d. Violent collapse of matter under gravity

c. Accretion of small particles by gravitational attraction and collisions

1. The early phases of planetary formation into protoplanets are characterized by a. Breaking apart of large objects into planets b. Condensation of hot gas clouds c. Accretion of small particles by gravitational attraction and collisions d. Violent collapse of matter under gravity

c. Accretion of small particles by gravitational attraction and collisions

1. What does Uranus look like from space? a. Reddish belts and light cones parallel to equator b. Yellowish due to sulfur-rich clouds c. Blue-green and featureless d. Purple

c. Blue-green and featureless

1. In what way are the atmospheres of Mars and Venus similar to each other? a. Temperature b. Pressure c. Chemical composition d. Density

c. Chemical composition

1. The source of excess heat emitted by Jupiter, in addition to that absorbed as sunlight and reemitted, is thought to be a. Heat generated by magnetic fields b. Chemical reactions in methane and oxygen in the atmosphere c. Gravitational potential energy released as heat d. Heat caused by friction between winds at mid-latitudes

c. Gravitational potential energy released as heat

1. Much of the mass of our Galaxy appears to be in the form of "dark matter," which can be detected at present because a. It blocks out the light from the stars b. It emits a lot of visible light c. Its gravitational pull affects orbital motion in the Galaxy d. It repels stars

c. Its gravitational pull affects orbital motion in the Galaxy

What gives Neptune and Uranus their blue color? a. Objects at such low temperatures take on blue color b. Water molecules reflect blue light c. Methane gas absorbs the longer wavelength of visible light d. Interplanetary dust absorbs all red light

c. Methane gas absorbs the longer wavelength of visible light

1. Most of the mountains on Earth have been produced by a. Volcanic eruptions b. Asteroid impacts c. Tectonic plates colliding as they move d. Wrinkling of the crust as the Earth interior cools and contracts

c. Tectonic plates colliding as they move

1. Retrograde motion of a planet when viewed from Earth is caused by a. The planet's elliptical orbital path b. The relative motions of Sun and planet c. The relative motion of Earth and planet d. The inclination of the planet's orbit to the ecliptic plane

c. The relative motion of Earth and planet

1. Sunspots appear dark because: a. They have lower densities b. They have lower rotation rates c. They have lower temps d. They have high concentration of iron

c. They have lower temps

What is the main reason for placing astronomical telescopes and detectors on satellites? a. To get closer to the objects being viewed b. To avoid light pollution from cities and other built-up areas c. To get above the absorption, reflection and scattering in the Earth's atmosphere d. To avoid effects of gravity on CCD detectors

c. To get above the absorption, reflection and scattering in the Earth's atmosphere

1. Acceleration of a body is its rate of change a. Mass b. Weight c. Velocity d. Position

c. Velocity

A big problem for infrared observations is a. Car smog b. Global warming c. Water vapor d. Light pollution

c. Water vapor

1. Galileo's observations of the sky with his telescope included: a. the discovery of the aurora, or the northern lights b. the discovery of Pluto c. the fact that Venus showed phases, similar to those of the Moon d. the discovery of retrograde motion in planets

c. the fact that Venus showed phases, similar to those of the Moon

why is venus's surface hotter than mercurys

carbon dioxie in V atmosphere traps heat radiating from its surface, making it warmer

In what way are the atmospheres of Mars and Venus similar?

chemical compositions

Which of the following is a place where you would never expect to see one of the 5 bright planets?

close to the North Star

Kepler's second law states a planet moves faster when it is:

closest to the sun

1. How much longer can the Sun continue to generate energy by nuclear reactions in its core? a. About 5 billion years b. About 5 thousand years c. About 500 years d. About 500 billion years

d. About 500 billion years

1. Where in the universe would you look for Ganymede? a. Around Mars b. Around Jupiter c. In the asteroid belt d. Around Pluto

d. Around Pluto

The limit of the resolution of the biggest ground based telescope is due to a. Diffraction b. Reflection of light from the telescope mirror c. The focal length d. Atmospheric distortion of light propagation

d. Atmospheric distortion of light propagation

1. A satellite orbiting a planet in a circular path at a constant speed has what kind of energy a. Only potential energy b. Only kinetic energy c. No kinetic or potential energy d. Both kinetic and potential energies

d. Both kinetic and potential energies

1. The cores of Jupiter and Saturn are a. High density gas b. Balls of extremely cold liquefied gases c. Icy bodies d. Hot rock and iron of the Earth size

d. Hot rock and iron of the Earth size

1. Kepler's second law states that a planet moves fastest when it a. Passes through the minor axis b. Is farthest from the sun c. Is moving perpendicular to the plane of its orbit d. Is closet to the sun

d. Is closet to the sun

1. Detailed observation of Jupiter's rotation suggests that a. Its slowing down its noticeable at the present time b. It rotates as a solid body c. It rotates in two separate parts, equatorial regions in the direction opposite to polar regions d. It is not a rigid object, because equatorial regions rotate faster than polar regions

d. It is not a rigid object, because equatorial regions rotate faster than polar regions

1. The Earth has slightly higher average density than Mercury because a. The Earth has a larger iron core in proportion to its size than Mercury has b. The Earth has much denser atmosphere than Mercury c. Mercury's interior has expanded slightly because of radioactive heating, reducing its density d. The Earth is more massive than Mercury and therefore it is more gravitationally compressed

d. The Earth is more massive than Mercury and therefore it is more gravitationally compressed

1. Space-based telescopes have to be used to observe which type of electromagnetic radiation? a. Radio b. Infrared c. Visible d. X-rays

d. X-rays

1. If the radius of the sun were doubled, the gravitational force on Mars due to the sun would be: a. 4 times its present value b. 16 times its present value c. twice its present value d. stay the same

d. stay the same

Ancient greeks are not credited with?

detecting the parralax of stars

What did Ptolemy improve?

did Ptolemy improve? Ptolemy= geocentric model (Earth was in center) He included epicycles

Occam's razor is used to

discriminate between models based on their simplicity

why does mercury have so many craters and earth so few

erosion and plate tectonic activity have destroyed most of the craters on earth

why does mercury have so many creators and earth so few?

erosion and plate tectonic activity have destroyed most of the creators on earth

You see a spacecraft moving w/ constant velocity. What must be true about the forces acting upon the spacecraft?

forces may be acting on it- but net force must be 0

the scarps that cut across the surface of Mercury probably were

formed when the crust buckled as Mercury cooled

when the sunlight has is passed through a spectroscope an absorption spectrum is observed because the sun

has a hot interior that shines through cooler low density gas

the slow shifts of our planets are thought to arise from

heat from the interior causing convective motion which pushes on the crust

below the thick clouds of jupiter and saturn is a layer of liquid hydrogen hydrogen is in a liquid form due to

high pressures

atmospheric refraction makes the sun look

higher in the sky

the amount of infrared energy emitted by jupiter is about twice as great as the amount of sunlight the planet absorbs. which is significance ?

implies that there are significant energy sources with in jupiter

astronomers use interferometers to

improve the ability to see finer details in sources

Which of the following did the models of Copernicus and Kepler have in common?

inner planets move faster than outer planets


is the attraction between all objects that have mass

an astronomer finds that the visible spectrum of an object show bright emission lines, what can she conclude?

it contains hot, relatively tenuous gas

at the time it was proposed, what was most convincing about Coperiunes model of the solar system versus earlier models

it explained retrograde motion more simply and naturally

Mercury's core is unusual in that

it is relatively large compared to Mercury's size

why is pluto not considered a planet

it orbits inside the Kuiper belt

What feature of Venus best explains its lack of magnetic field?

its dense atmosphere

starting with the sun and moving outward, what is the first planet that formed beyond the point where water condenses


the Doppler shift method for detecting the presence of exoplanets is best able to detect

low mass planets far from the star

which of the planets probably has the coldest core


why are daily temp variations on mars much larger than we experience on earth

mars atmosphere is too thin to insulate the surface

Newton stated a force applied to object in space, the acceleration of that object depends on its what?


what physical quantity is used to determine the amount of inertia?


given the characteristics of exoplanets what are the most likely conclusions we might draw about how the solar nebula theory should be modified for the formation of other planetary systems>

massive planets usually arnt composed of light elements

other than earth which 3 planets are primary rock with iron cores?

mercury, Venus, mars

mercuy's avg density is about 1.5x grater than the moons even though they have similar radii. Suggests what?

mercuy's interior is much richer in iron than the moons

what gives neptune and uranus their blue color

methane gas absorbs longer wavelengths of visible light

the lunar maria have a composition most like the

moons mantel

what evidence indicates that part of earth's interior is liquid

no S-type waves are detectable at some locations after an earthquake

which of the following explains the advantage of the hubble space telescope compared with ground based telescopes?

not effected by atmospheric scintillation

Newton stated a constant continuous force applied to a body in space has?

only constant acceleration

low average density of saturn suggest that

saturn contains large quantities of light elements such as hydrogen and helium

a telescope resolution quantifies its ability to

see finer details in sources

Over the course of many night, a planet in retrograde motion will

shift east to west of the celestial sphere

The acceleration due to gravity on the moon is what compared to the Earth?

significantly smaller than the Earth

what feature of venus best explains lack of magnetic field

slow rotation rate

suppose a number of planets all have the same mass but different sizes and temperatures which planet is most likely to retain thick atmosphere

small and cool

compared to the lunar highlands, the lunar maria are

smoother and younger

terrestrial planets are characterized by what property

solid surfaces

star A has a wavelength of max emission at 500 nm while star B has a wavelength max emission at 600 nm. What can we conclude?

star A is hotter

if your are observing with a reflecting telescope which would increase the resolution

switch to a telescope that has a bigger mirror

The color of a star indicates?


the color of a star indicates:


a rocket blast propellent out of its thruster and "lifts off" heading into space. What provided the force to "lift" the rocket?

the action of the propellent accelerating down, giving a reaction force to the rocket

one explanation of why the planets near the sun are composed mainly of rock and iron is

the high temps in the inner part of the solar system prevented ices and gases from condensing near the sun

the mass of a 5 kg would be ______ if located in deep space, far away from any star or planet

the same

which of the following cases does not describe an acceleration?

the space shuttle being towed at a steady pace

what do astronomers need to know before they can estimate the relative amount of different elements in a stars atmosphere?

the strength of absorption from each elements lines and the temperature of the stars atmosphere

more than 99% of the mass of the solar system is contained in

the sun

Earth's distance from the sun varies as it orbits the Sun. Consequently,

the sun has a larger angular size when Earth is closer to the sun

Which of the following is not true of Tharsis Bulge?

the surface material is relatively older

What evidence is there that the surface of Venus was covered by giant flows of lava a hundred million years ago?

there are relatively few impact craters on Venus

what evidence is there that the surface of venus was covered by giant flows of lava hundreds of years ago

there are relatively few impact creators on venus

urans and neptune are sometimes ice giants not gas giants because of

they are composed of molecules that condense into icy planitesmals at their distance from the sun!

Galilao discovery of Jupiter's moons was surprising because

they did not orbit Earth

what is unusual about the magnetic fields of uranus and neptune

they point at a large angle to their rotation axis

the numerous crators we see on solid surfaces are evidence that

they were bombarded in their youth by many solid objects


vary largely in size

water vapor in venus atmosphere

was probably destroyed by suns UV light

Water vapor in Venus's atmosphere

was probably destroyed by the Sun's UV light

The force or gravity is responsible for what?


which type of electromagnetic radiation must be observed using a space-based telescope


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